> Fall of Equestria: Hearts & Hooves > by DocMadfox > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Hearts & Hooves Day Parade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hearts and Hooves Day had come again, and as always the Crystal Empire was a bustling hub of activity. Peddlers sold Hearts and Hooves Love Potions, guaranteed to make your mare do anything to please, and the citizens and slaves were all celebrating in their own ways. Meanwhile, the courtyard under the Crystal Palace was packed with various Crystal Ponies waiting in eager anticipation for the real festival to begin. It had been a yearly tradition for the Princess of Love to grace them with her presence on this day, even before the Caribou. But the tradition had only become grander afterward, at least for those who enjoyed the new Equestria, and stallions came from far and wide just to watch the parade they now held on this joyous holiday. The scene was the same across the city of course; the celebrated event would start at the farms to the north east, continue on to the stadium, circle the city’s inner ring once, then finally end as the Princess of Love’s float pulled into the castle’s courtyard. There the Crystal Cock would be returned to it’s holder until the next parade in the next year. That wasn’t what most of the stallions were here for though, far from it. At the farms, Cadance sat on a crate and watched with a smile as her Master and Lover Shining Armor prepared the floats, supervising his strong stallions and weak-willed mares to ensure everything was ready for his favorite pet’s big day. He even gave her clothes to wear, a bikini with hearts to go over her nipples and pussy. Well, they would cover those if it weren’t for the holes in the fabric, making the outfit little more than carefully designed string. Still, to Cadance, showing her off like this was proof her Master loved her. While she loved her Master dearly in return, she did have to admit he was usually a bit stingy with her, limiting her to only blowjobs for the stallions and caribou he dictated, but today was the one day she was allowed to go wild. A series of heart-shaped stockades were prepared for her atop the float, with the crystal cock mounted to a machine behind the center one. It was a wonderful device her master had commissioned for her, one that harnessed the power of the crystal’s magic to fuck her steadily during the parade. The more love and lust the ponies and caribou gathered to watch felt for her, the harder the machine would fuck her. And as the Crystal Cock radiated more magic, she and the mares surrounding her would become hornier and more sensitive to the touch. For the ones in the stocks around her it would be torture as even the softest breeze would eventually make them want to be touched. With that thought she turned and looked at the four mares lucky enough to join her. They were already locked in and ready to go, and she had to grin a bit when she saw who was in the first heart-shaped stall. It was Rarity, that little slut who her Master bought from those charming brothers. She was supposed to be Cadance’s maid, but the pink mare knew she had greater aspirations. From what Twilight had told her, if she took her eyes off of the white beauty she’d probably try to replace her in Shiny’s eyes. The purple-maned bitch looked nervous, and Cadance knew why: she had told the little whore that she’d be servicing Shiny while she was busy today. The lie got her a hard spanking from her Master, but the bimbo’s blue eyes going wide, followed by her pledging and punishment for questioning Shiny’s orders was worth it. She’d be serving any man who couldn’t wait for Cadance’s body, once more having to settle for whatever leftovers the pink Princess decided to give her. Vinyl Scratch, a DJ who had taken to the new world almost as well as Cadance herself had, was in the second set of stocks. The white unicorn mare grinned wildly as she watched the workers prepare the other floats, soaking in their muscular bodies between bouts of teasing her friend to the left of her’s slit with her tail. Cadance couldn’t help but smile at the eagerness the two shared. Of course that wasn’t all they shared, as more than once she cleaned the mare’s glasses of her dear Shiny’s cum after draining her Master Neon’s balls. Her tinted glasses were on today as well, and they were sure to be covered in white before the day was done. Octavia Melody on the other hand was an entirely different story. The mare tried her best to look dignified and poised, but Vinyl’s teasing was obviously getting on her nerves. Unlike her friend, a black collar was hidden out of sight in the fancily designed mechanism keeping her head and hands in place, and her attitude showed it. The two black collars were kept closer to her so the properties of the Cock would hit them harder, giving Cadance solace in the fact the uppity mare would be bouncing her gray furred ass back onto a man just for a drop of his cum. Sadly the bitch would only be temporarily like this, but maybe she’d learn her place afterward. The fourth set of stocks held Lyra Heartstrings. She already had a ring gag in her mouth after she dared to insult Cadance’s wonderful Master. Cadance had enjoyed Lyra’s harp playing before the Fall, and even asked her to attend her wedding to Shiny as a Mare of Honor, but after all the insults she hurled at her beloved Master she couldn’t wait to see the mint unicorn a panting, well-raped mess. Her mood lightened a bit when she saw the exotic form of Zecora. The zebra had periodically been a welcome guest at the palace ever since Cadance and Shining Armor discovered their love for the exotic. The gorgeous striped mare had as much skill pleasing her as she did serving Shiny, and she was somehow calm and collected despite an inner excitement to experience the coming fun. Finally was Fleur. A skinny little mare who was just now coming back into the limelight after her recent pregnancy. Cadance chuckled at that, she wouldn’t stay at the forefront for long. She had heard Fancy Pants tell Shining she’d been fed fertility herbs from the zebra lands that would guarantee he’d have a new filly in his household soon. She had to admit, she was a little jealous of the beautiful mare. More than once she wished Shining would breed her like an animal, and leave her wanting more. At the moment though, her face was contorted in a pleasured look. Shining was behind Fleur, filling the skinny slut with his thick cock as his heavy balls slapped hard against her. He was cheating a bit, but he was her Master and the Prince of the Crystal Empire; if he wanted to give himself an advantage to knock up Fancy’s little bitch, that was his choice. He groaned deeply and hilted himself inside of her womb, making Cadance wet at the sight of her dominant Master putting another man’s mare in her place. She couldn’t help but feel this would be an amazing day. Soon Shining pulled out of Fleur, forcing the mouthy little whore Lyra to clean his cock before he made his way over to her. Cadance quickly turned all of her attention to him, smiling wide that her Master was gracing her with his presence. He pulled the slutty mare into a passionate kiss, slipping a leash onto her collar as he did. When he finally broke the connection, she felt a hard tug on her collar, “It’s time, Pet.” The words sent shivers down Cadance’s spine as she made her way to the final float in the parade. Shining helped her up, his hand resting on her flank as he did. She giggled and smiled at him, even as he locked her up in her personal stockade, the velvety silk of the interior making for a far more comfortable time for her and the other Reds than the pair of Blacks now glaring at the Princess and her master. Ignoring the pair she smiled at Shiny as he walked behind her and toward the machine, “Thank you mast-ah!” Her speech was interrupted as the machine began hammering away at her. The only thing powering it was Shining’s love and yet it was still going fast enough to make concentrating hard for the poor, slutty mare. She couldn’t help but smile wide at the physical feeling of her dear Master’s love, hammering inside of her. The glares were even easier to ignore as the music started to blare and Shiny stepped off the stage. Two zebra mares stepped up to replace him. Cadance was excited to see the pair dance, their toned muscular bodies grinding and twisting against two poles set up on the pink, red, and white float decorated in hearts and balloons by her loving Master. Through her minor haze she heard the cheers as the first of the floats passed into the city. She couldn’t see past the back of the one in front of her, one dedicated to the Caribou and their conquest of Equestria, but she was sure the gathered masses were enjoying the various live shows on the floats. As she came into view of the first of her subjects the machine went into overdrive, the torrent of love and lust directed to her making it slam into her faster than most stallions could ever hope to. Cadance’s eyes widen and she let out a loud and sultry moan, Vinyl was the quickest to follow suit with a needy groan as her jiggly flank started bouncing in the air, desperate to have someone behind her to hammer away at it. Sadly for her, only Cadance would have the honor of relief for the entirety of the parade. Fleur meanwhile blushed, looking like she was basking in the warmth of the Crystal Cock’s power, a sentiment she shared with Zecora. Rarity looked nervous as all these common ponies stared at her, while Lyra let out garbled insults through the ring gag. Octavia was the only one to completely maintain her poise admist the debauchery. Cadance was able to crane her neck slightly thanks to the slight leeway provided by her private stockade. Already there were mares of all collars being bent over the security railings, being taken by their Masters from behind and the guards from the front. She was never sure if it was the Crystal Cock, the sight of her royal self, or just the horniness of her subjects that caused this type of scene to unfold during the parade, but she knew it wasn’t her place to question. Behind her the zebra dancers continued adding to the show, their black and white tits large enough to wrap around the pole as one mimed rubbing her breasts along a shaft. Shining sat on a throne at the back of the float watching their display; the zebra slaves were more for him than the crowd, but he didn’t mind letting them look at his toys. The parade soon turned north, continuing it’s route and showcasing of the Princess and her entourage. It didn’t take long before the Crystal Cock was fucking her non-stop, the look on the Princess of Love’s face one of pure bliss as she clenched her teeth, drool leaking down the side of her mouth and a flood of natural lubricant soaking her crotch and pooling at her feet. By this point she couldn’t look at the crowd, the pounding pleasure she was receiving seemed much louder than their adulation and cheers. By now Vinyl was groaning as she struggled against her binds, her flank looking for a stallion who wasn’t there to mount here. The once hot-tempered and fiery Lyra’s knees were buckling, and the mare whimpered as her juices pooled and mixed with those of Cadance. Octavia’s eyes were glazed over, the mare panting like she’d just gone into heat, and from Shining’s view he could tell she was wiggling her hips eagerly. Whether it was to try and ignore the building warmth in her nethers or to join her friend in showing off for an invisible stallion, he couldn’t say; all he knew was the view was to die for. Fleur and Zecora weren’t faring any better, gone were the poised and majestic beauties and in their place were a pair of exotic breeding sluts, the both of them panting and practically ready to beg for a stallion, any stallion, to take them as his own. Rarity’s beautiful blue eyes were squeezed shut as she tried to endure both the humiliation and the feeling of arousal growing within her. Whatever nerves had been plaguing her were gone now as she wished her Master would come down from his seat and fuck her senseless for all to see. Shining smirked from his throne, tempted to have another go at the lithe Fleur-de-Lis, or maybe make Zecora test just how potent any herbs she was using to stop herself from being impregnated were. He managed to resist the urge, occupying himself with the swinging hips of the two zebra dancers he’d bought specifically for this, a small Hearts and Hooves day present for himself. They’d make decent entertainment while his favorite pet had her fun. Before they even reached the halfway point, the machine fucking Cadance was a blur, the crystal cock reaming her and spreading waves of it’s magic further outward than before. By now even the dancers were being affected by it, their hands reaching to their folds to play with themselves while still giving the crowd and Prince a show. Cadance’s vision was spotted, the sheer pleasure overwhelming her senses as her tongue lolled from her mouth. The only thing she could do was moan in pleasure as the mares around her mewled and whimpered with need, even the black collars just wanting to get to the good part of the parade at this point. As the final float of the parade pulled into the courtyard the cheers were almost deafening. By now Cadance’s eyes were rolling back in pure pleasure as the Crystal Cock’s thrusts sent her juices flying everywhere. The mare had lost count of just how many time she’d cum by then. The others were barely any better, all of the assembled sluts barely standing, with even the most defiant black among them barely able to think about anything other than being filled. The effect would surely stick with them for at least a day, maybe more given the turnout this year, but Cadance was too far gone now to care. The dancers had meanwhile long since abandoned their poles, the two now sitting on either side of Shining Armor and servicing him in place of his wife and pet. He smirked down at the two, then watched as a red collared mare climbed onto the float, a loyal castle servant lucky enough to have been chosen to carry the Crystal Cock to it’s holder this year. He nodded to her, giving her permission to turn off the machine and perform her duty. He heard his dear pet give out a whimper as the machine’s movements ceased and the magnificent crystal was taken away from her. Shining stood and Cadance heard him yelling something to the crowd, though she couldn’t quite make it out through the fog of lust filling her mind. The point got across however as the guards began to let stallions and caribou bulls past the dividers. Cadance and the other mares shuddered in anticipation as they watched the veritable sea of shafts close in on them. Cadance was of course the first to find her holes plugged, a stallion shoving his thick cock right into her soaking snatch while a caribou shoved his massive shaft down her throat. The rhythmic thrusting soon sent her back into her dream like state, where the only thing that mattered was serving her people. While the other mares had considerably shorter lines behind them, none of them as unattainable as the guarded Princess Shining kept to himself every other day of the year, they were all soon tended to by the horny men of Equestria. Vinyl was happily bouncing her flank against a stallion who was pulling on her tail, refusing to let her get his length out of her even if she wanted to, all the while she eagerly lapped and sucked on the stallion throat-fucking her. Zecora seemed to be the most popular after Cadance however, the striped mare’s full ass bouncing with every hard thrust from an unknown stallion. He reached under her, groping and molesting her breasts as he hammered away at her, enjoying her snug pussy while her moans filled the air. Fleur meanwhile had her mouth free as well, the males seemingly focused on filling her womb with their seed in hopes the famous brood mare would be carrying their foal next, none of them realizing Shining Armor had likely beat them to it. Her slim body seemed to be filled to the breaking point, as her face contorted in pleasure not unlike her Princess and friend’s. Lyra had been freed of the ring gag, but she was no better off for it. The sadistic stallion behind her was teasing her folds, not deigning her worth it until she begged. With the state the mare was in thanks to the mind altering crystal, he didn’t have long to wait before she shouted, “Damn it just fuck me! Use me like a whore, rape me, knock me up, anything! Just shove it in for fuck’s sake!” She didn’t do much more other than moan like an animal being rutted after that, but the black collared bitch had enough presence of mind to hate herself for enjoying it as much as she was. Octavia did not, as the haughty mare lost herself to the pleasure of a cock lubed by her pussy before being shoved into her ass. The muffled moans escaping from around the ballsack in her mouth as she eagerly lapped away at it only providing encouragement to the stallion behind her. Rarity was in a similar situation to her fellow high society mare, but unlike her the stallion was fucking her unprepared throat causing her to gag around the horse cock while a caribou rammed her ass like she was a common plaything. Surprisingly to her, she didn’t mind at all. Above all of this Shining just watched with a smirk, one of his new Zebra playthings riding him while the other tended to his balls. He always loved this holiday. Hours had passed and the orgy continued, but at midnight the pink Princess of Love was dragged off the float by guards, much to the disappointment of the men who hadn’t had a chance with the sought-after mare just yet. She was limp, exhausted, and filled to the brim with the cum of her people. Weakly she lifted her head to look at her Master glaring down at her, “I hope you had your fun pet.” His glare turned into a smirk, “Because now it’s time to get cleaned up before you Master reclaims you.” She knew what that meant. Hours, if not days of rough sex with her husband and Master. He’d retake everyone of her holes only the only stallion she ever thought about again was him, and she’d be punished for having to do this ritual every year, and through it all she’d have only one thought in her tiny brainless head. “I love you, Master.”