• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 895 Views, 10 Comments

The Final Crusade - ImNoPony

A personal take on how the Cutie Mark Crusaders will get their mark. A test that not will only to determine their destinies, but also their fate as the crusaders

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Part 6- Cutie Mark Crusaders

The Final Crusade
Cutie Mark Crusaders

Previously On The Final Crusade
Apple Bloom revealed to her sister that Sir Mark is planning to send Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle to different schools all across Equestria. When Diamond Tiara overheard this fact, she had a change of heart and decided to help the Crusaders by running off to somewhere to do something. Applejack confront Sir Marks about this, but he quickly convince her however that this is what best for them. When Apple Bloom suggest the possibility to her friends, they were more then excited to see that happen. Amidst their excitement, Apple Bloom slip away and as they were looking for her, they learn from Babs Seed that Apple Bloom have got her cutie mark. As Apple Bloom wallow in her self pity and sink into a depression, she had a chance encounter with Silver Spoon who help her realize something important.
And Now, The Story


It was the next day and the town is having a carnival. Stalls filled toys, games and prizes covered the streets and a giant stage sat next to town hall for a special performance. Ponies were having fun before, but some are really having fun now as they are now sharing their joy with their children. Some games are sort of rigged, specifically one where you meant to hit a target and supposed to be knocked over. But one rainbow collared pony managed to knock it down as she was hanging with her friends.

"Rainbow! Will ya stop playing and listen for a moment" yelled a frustrated Applejack who thinks that her friend isn't listening.

"I'm Listening!" Rainbow Dash yelled back. "I just... ERRR! It's just so frustrating and I need to be doing something"

"Anyway, that's what he said yall" said Applejack who moved or attention away from Rainbow Dash and to the rest of her friends who was there. "If we're really want what's best for our little sister, he said we should let them go."

Once Applejack finish explaining, everyone's attention, including Rainbow Dash fall on Twilight and waiting for her response.
"Well Applejack, if it's what they really want, then we can't really stop them."

"I guess Twi'" replied Applejack who did not want that to be her answer. However, her wish was fulfilled a moment later when Twilight added:

"But I wouldn't want to say that's what really best for them."

"I see what your mean Twilight" commented Rarity who want to add her two cents in. "I would hate myself if I hear my Sweetie Belle passes an opportunity such as this just for my sake. But I also would not like to hear that if she does leave, she would miss me too much for her to bare."

"I also don't like that consoler" added Applejack who was now thinking about Sir Marks. "He always like to act like he's high an' mighty and thinks that he's knows Everything! Why, he even start telling ponies that the Little Cutie doesn't exist, saying that dumb ponies made her up because they couldn't understand a non-magic-like answer."

"WHAT!" reacted Twilight to the surprise. "But... Cutie Mark Consolers were supposed to be Inspired by "The Little Cutie"! Even if you don't believe the story, the message was that someone will always be there to help find your way. How could some pony be a Cutie Mark Consoler if they can't understand that message?"

As the ponies were developing a very low opinion on the guy, they were distracted by the sudden appearance of Pinkie Pie who grabbed their attention.

"Hey! Are you talking about Markey!?" Pinkie Pie care freely asked as she swung a hoof around Twilight.

"Markey?" Applejack said aloud and doesn't know what to think of the nickname

"Oh, he's a friend I made the other day. But he doesn't like my parties though, I guess he really the quiet type" explained Pinkie. Twilight just rolled her eyes and just hope it doesn't turn into another "Cranky Doodle Donkey" incident. "Oh! Hey, there he is right there" shouted Pinkie and pointed towards the large stage.


As everyone began spotting Sir Marks, he began spotting them. More specifically, Pinkie. As she calmly wave to him, he mistook it as she will come over and "attack" him and legged it back stage. This broke Pinkie's happy mood.
After Sir Marks calmed himself, he found Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo who was preparing for their performance. Well, I say that. They meant to be preparing, but they were lounging around and look like they aren't very motivated.

"GIRLS!" Sir Mark whispered loudly. "You are meant to go on at any minute now. Why are you not preparing?"

"Sorry Mr Marks" apologized Sweetie Belle. "We just..."

"SIR Marks" ruddily interrupted Sir Marks.

"Ok, Sorry!" replied Sweetie Belle, who felt annoyed. "Anyway, we feel like we can't go on until we find Apple Bloom"

"Y-Y-You can't go on un-until you find Apple Bloo..."muttered Sir Mark who felt so angered and frustrated, that it's scrambling his brain. "Stop Being Childish And Start Getting Ready!" he yelled in anger.

"Yeah, but it's not the same without Apple Bloom and we really need to talk to her" explained Scootaloo.

He felt like he was about to have another explosion, but he tried his best not to let his anger to get the best of him (despite a few sounds that slipped pass his mouth. After he tried really, REALLY hard to regain his composure, he breathed out his anger and calmly argued:
"Listen girls. A lot of ponies have come because they want to see your performance. I would even say that some of them REALLYwant to see your performance. So unless you want to let them down, get ready and show off your talents."

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and see that they didn't have rebuttal for his argument. Once he could see he won, Sir Marks quickly notify them: "Ok. OH! And Scootaloo, you are going first." Sir Marks left them and Sweetie and Scootaloo get off whatever it is they were leaning on and go together to get their stuff. However, both of them could tell that they won't be having fun as they make their performances.


A few minutes later, Sir Marks peak out from behind the curtain and look out to see the audience that have arrived. The audience's size was a bit larger then he expected, filled recognizable background ponies (Lyra and Bon Bon, Derpy, etc.) and family and friends of the Crusaders. But he didn't care about that, if anything else, it made his personal task even harder. All he cared about is if he can see the talent scouts that he requested had came and he grinned like an evil mastermind once he found them. One pony that looked like a skater. I.E: wearing a cap backwards, wearing pads he left on and t-shirt for Tom Hawk's Daredevil School. The other talent scout looked like Hoity Toity or it could be Hoity Toity himself. But regardless, since they arrived, Sir Marks felt that the show is ready to begin.

"Ladies and Gentle-Colts!" shouted Sir Marks as he burst out from behind the curtains. His burst was so dramatic and unexpected, it was less then surprising for a couple of ponies to be startled, some even drop what they were holding. "I am more commonly referred as SIRR Fine Mark..." Actually, you more referred as Mr Mark, but whatever. "... And I made it my goal to help to find the destinies of every little foals that I come across. I came to this town to help find the cutie marks of three special fillies and discovered that their Destinies is to be the Future Stars of Equestrian Society. And now, to present the next most popular daredevil pony... SCOOTALOO!"

Once he announces her name with a big, booming voice, the crowd began cheering out as the curtain raises and there stood Scootaloo ready on her scooter. As she see the crowd happy and excited to see her on stage, an addicting thrill rushes around Scootaloo's body that she could really get use to. But no matter how addicting it is, her worry for her friend protected her from being possessed by it. However, she is on stage and she don't have the luxury to appear worried. Sweetie Belle, on the other hand, can look worried as she watch just off stage.

Then suddenly, huge red rings appeared and began drift over the audience. As they had just spotted the rings, a ramp slide up in front of Scootaloo so she can jump off of. Then, the rings began to align, showing a path which Scootaloo must take. She have to jump off the ramp with enough speed and power to fly over the crowd, through the rings and land safe and sound on the other side on a platform on top of the stands. Don't worry about her or her scooter hitting the audience. There are unicorns by the side to cast a magic net to protect them.

Scootaloo backed up to give her more space. Once she was confident enough in how far back she is, she got on to her scooter and getting ready to start. Like a car getting ready for a street race, her "engine" that is her wings is flapping as strong as they can as Scootaloo foot is on the brake. Being in this scene makes her remember the Icarus Drop which she had to go down to get her mark. Rainbow Dash certainly remember it too and she hide her feared look away when Applejack look at her. However, Scootaloo had learned to live pass any limitation that she has and she blasted off without any fear on her head.
Once Scootaloo jumped off the stage with her scooter beneath her feet, she soar above the heads of the ponies. Going through the tunnel of rings with ease. The audience was so amazed by this, not a singe one of them had their mouth's shut. In fact, she could spit and it could probably land in one of their mouth's... which she didn't.

Once she gone through the last ring, all she have to do is to land on the platform. Scootaloo, for once, was enjoying herself as she felt like she was flying as the wind was brushing against her face. She was so relax and confident, she had her eyes closed as she let glide towards the landing spot.
But then, Scootaloo heard some sort of a grunting sound that made her woke up. She look down to see where it came from. I didn't came from the ponies beneath her as they was left star stuck. And then, as she moved her daze out away from the crowd, she saw the think that made the sound:

"Apple Bloom!!" yelled Scootaloo in surprised.

Just off from the open area for the crowd, Scootaloo could see Apple Bloom (still wearing her Crusader's cape) making her way towards the stage. And she was alone too. Apple Bloom was dragging a large cart with a tarp hiding what she was carrying. And the pony that was helping her pull the cart was Silver Spoon who was finding it not exactly easy pulling it.

Despite the confused sight she's seeing, Scootaloo realize that she had also make the landing. It almost looks that she wouldn't make a safe landing as the distraction made her appeared that she was wobbling. However, she stick the land but she stumble off her scooter.
Thinking of nothing else, Scootaloo left her scooter and rushes over to find Apple Bloom again. Once she got over to see the crowd, Apple Bloom had already got her cart to the audience and making her way through it. The audience members had no trouble and moved out of her way, despite not knowing what she was doing. It probably not need saying, but even the Mane 6 was as confused as the audience.

Sweetie Belle peeked out as she wonder why the audience stop making any noise. What she see, to her joyful surprise, was Apple Bloom who manage to get her cart on stage.

"Apple Bloom!" Sweetie Belle shout out as she rushes to her friend.

"Sweetie Belle!" shouted Apple Bloom in return and she actually look happy to see.

The two friends reunite as they embrace for a quick hug. Once they let go, Scootaloo yelled out Apple Bloom's name as she fly back towards the stage with her scooter. As the Crusaders was finally reunited and was about discus what was going on with Apple Bloom, Silver Spoon was left disgruntled as she was left to prepare Apple Bloom's stuff.

"Apple Bloom!... What are you doing?" asked Sweetie Belle with confusion but was also happy.

"I'm sorry guys..." Apple Bloom apologized to begin with. "I know how I've been acting wasn't cool and I'm really sorry for that. It just a lot had happen to me and us in the past week and I was just scared about what will happen to our friendship. But it's all better now because I now remember how important to have ya as my friends, remember how important the Crusaders mean to me".

Despite not knowing what she was on about, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo just felt so happy to hear Apple Bloom saying that. However, the moment was short lived however as Sir Mark bursts on stage and angrily making his way to Apple Bloom.

"Apple Bloom! What In the Blue Blazing You Think You're doing!" angrily demanded Sir Marks who you could see the fire in his eye.

"Sorry Mr Marks..." apologized Apple Bloom who unintentionally just made him even madder. "... I apologized for interrupting the show but I want to show everyone my talent. Can I... Please!" she said as she began to beg.

"But It's SIR Marks..." was the only thing he said as he was about to blow. I when I mean "blow", I mean this time that he was shaking and his horn had a red glow where it look like it was a lit fused. But however and fortunately, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo beg along with her and spotting an intrigued audience also helped.

Despite him want to correct her on the preferred pronunciation on his name, Sir Mark kept his cool and told Apple Bloom: "Fine... Go when your ready" but with a lot of irritation.

The girls were overjoyed with the approval and Apple Bloom rushes over to Silver Spoon to help her set up. Sweetie and Scootaloo moved to the very edge of the stage and apparently they needed it because what Apple Bloom brought was a bit... perplexing. Apple Bloom and Silver Spoon was moving large, white wooden boards and appearing to make a wooded house. The sides were edged out that made them look like jigsaw pieces so all that they had to do is to put them into place. They had to hammer with their hooves a few pieces into place to make the whole thing stick, but it was quick and it wasn't unglamorous.
Once they were done, they had what appeared to be a fairly large (larger then the kids) house with the only things missing was the roof and the back wall. It would look like a treehouse if it was on a tree. And all of the features that would have been on a house, such as windows and a door, were just painted on. However, once unique "feature" about this house that make the audience think it's look striking was a Cutie Mark Crusader's logo painted on the front for everyone to see.

Apple Bloom and Silver Spoon took their breath once they had finish. Silver Spoon clearly shows that "I'm done" and left the stage as Apple Bloom was left alone as she turn towards the audience to make her speech.
"My name Apple Bloom and my family runs Sweet Apple Acres" she introduces loud and proudly. "For thee longest time now, I've always wanted my cutie mark and I was pretty impatient. I wanted it and I wanted to show ponies that I'm mature and grow up. That's when I met Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo who was very much like me and wanted to get their cutie marks. That's when we decided to form the Cutie Mark Crusaders in hopes to fulfil our dreams together." As she said that, she looked up to the CMC logo on the house and everyone could see how close and important it means to her. The audience was certainly moved and the other CMC knows how Apple Bloom was feeling.

But then, Apple Bloom moved into a sadder and more sombre tone. "But now... we got our cutie marks. And now... we can no longer go on the same adventures we had before. Now that we "grown up", we have to move on live our lives that destiny have in store for us. We might not... even see each other again."
It was at that moment, as the audience giving Apple Bloom their sympathy, that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had finally realize what was troubling her for all this time. Feeling like fools for not realizing this sooner, the only thing they could do was wiping away their tears before their friends notices them (she did). The only one not moved by this sad part of the speech was Sir Marks who was watching intensely at her, appeared preparing for something he might not like.

"But then... I learned something" Apple Bloom said her tone return more uplifting and hopeful. "I realize that growing up doesn't mean we have to give up our childhood. What we are could only exist by whatever we did as kids that helps us form what we are today. And even though we might not be able to do the things we love as a kid, we still remember them... in our heart, that will care them on to even now."

As everyone was being moved by her speech, Apple Bloom revealed that she have something even more to add to her presentation by presenting a flower pot. Once everyone recognize it as a flower pot and was curious on what she is going to do with it, she rushes with it behind her house that she made and began doing something. She went out an in again when she grabbed test tubes and beakers from her cart that was filled with potions and chemicals. And then chemicals explosions began happening "inside the house" as puffs of green smoke began escaping for ponies the see. After a half-a-minute of concocting, Apple Bloom rushes out that look like she was escaping something that never came.
Everyone watching was staring intensely at the house as everyone was expecting something. Something was defiantly meant to be happening as Apple Bloom was clearly was watching along with them as she looks desperate. Enough time have pass for them to think that whatever it is failed but not enough yet to believe that it didn't. Apple Bloom's eyes shut as she was desperately hoping that her plan would work.
And her prayers were happily answered. After a few more moments of grateful patients, the house and the stage began to shake. Before ponies began to panic, a big and massive "BOOM!" was sounded and large white tree trunk sprouted beneath the house. The house shot up as the trunk push it up to the sky. The holes finally serve it's prepose as branches weave themselves through them and make more branches so the wall have no way to escape. The house even appeared to have a roof now as leafs with dark-emerald colours cover the top. Once it was done, what was left was a treehouse that would be well suited for the Crystal Empire. What could make this even better is when the tree was forming, awesome/epic background music would play if this was animated.

Every-pony was amazed about this spectacle that no-pony had seen before. Even Sir Marks was left baffled as Apple Bloom had destroyed his preconception of her. Apple Bloom walk forward of her masterpiece as she grabs everyone's attention and loudly proclaims:
"... And even if we were to split apart far an' far way, I'll always treasure my memories of my friends and everything that we do together. Even when I now have cutie mark, I will always be... A CUTIE MARK CRUSADER!!!"

The crowd cheered Apple Bloom for her brave speech and her performance. When she look at her friends to see how they feel about this, they already were running towards her.

"Apple Bloom..." cried Scootaloo when they got to her. "... I... We are... That Was Amazing!" she said as she was scrambling on what to say.

"We never knew that how you felt that way about us" stated Sweetie Belle so sincerely that it brought a smile on Apple Bloom's face.

And then they notice Sir Marks slowly walking over as looked dumbstruck at Apple Bloom's treehouse. When he finally picked his jaw up, he said:
"... Wow! I never knew you were so good with potion brewing Apple Bloom. I knew I should asked that one pony. I would have to work harder in the future if I don't want to miss another talent like that."

Seeing Sir Marks impressed with her performance made Apple Bloom think things are gunna get better. She thought that maybe that she changed his mind and he won't send Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo away. Maybe the Crusaders would stick together for a bit longer. However, Sir Marks returned to his nasty and arrogant self as he began tearing apart Apple Bloom's speech.
"But that speech... Oh My Celestia! That was the most childish and immature speech that I have ever heard!"

"Hay! I Kinda Like It!" defended Sweetie Belle

"Yeah! Me Too!" Added Sweetie Belle

"NO NO NO No No no no!" repeated Sir Marks as he couldn't believe that they are defending her. "You can't be serious..."

"We Are!" stated Scootaloo. "We treasure our memories of being a Crusader very much, same as Apple Bloom. In fact..." She paused for a second to look at Apple Bloom who was wondering what she was gunna say. Then she look at Sweetie who nods and was thinking the same thing that she was thinking. Her and Sweetie then turned back at Sir Marks and they loudly proclaim with all of their hearts and soul:

Sir Marks head shake and act like his ear was hurting, but probably not because how laud they were. Disregarding any level of professionalism and utterly horrifying the audience, he yelled with untamed anger:
"DON'T SHOUT!!!". As the CMC stopped reeling from the loud shout, Sir Mark went onto to angrily explains: "You can't carry this childish thoughts when you grow up because they are just CHILDISH. When I find a school for you Apple Bloom, you'll all see how foolish you all are"

"What?" responded Sweetie Belle who was confused on what he's on about.

"That's what he trying to do" explained Apple Bloom who grabbed her friends attentions. "Mr Marks want to send all of us to different schools all across Equestria and we wouldn't see each other again."

"What!" replied a shock Sweetie Belle. "No way we would ever go, even before now."

"You mean that Sweetie Belle?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Of course" replied Scootaloo, happily answering to the question.

"NO! You're not listening. And it's SIR MARK! WHY CAN'T NO-PONY LEARN TO PRONOUNCE MY NAME CORRECTLY!" Oh, I don't know? Either your a jerk who nobody want to remember the correct pronunciation or somebody is making them say it.

"Every-Pony! Calm Down!" yelled Twilight as she flew onto the stage trying to defuse the conflict. She stood beside Sir Marks and politely suggest: "Sir Marks... if all they need is the proper education to master their talent, then... what about I become their teacher?" Everybody was shocked when she make that suggestion, except for the CMC who was also a little bit surprised. Sir Marks on the other hand/hoof just look annoyed and unimpressed as the only thing that was facing Twilight was his eyes. "I know I might be the perfect teacher, but I help taught them new skills before and I..."

However, Sir Marks interrupt her by putting his hoof in front of her and stated: "Princess Twilight, my apologies but don't be so childish." This left Twilight shocked and wide-eyed as he went on to explain: "It's impossible to think that a princess would help teach lowly commoner ponies. It's unheard of" No one knew what was holding back Rainbow Dash, especially because Applejack wasn't holding her back who was as mad as she is.

But before any-pony could begin to strangle any throats, a load "Wait!" was shouted out that caught everyone off guard. As everyone was looking where the voice came from, the voice shout a again and says: "Wait! Hold On!" When she heard the voice a second time, Silver Spoon's head pops up as she heard a voice she recognize. "Diamond Tiara!?" she ask aloud.
When everyone look back behind the audience, they notice Diamond Tiara running towards the stage while carrying a rolled up poster on her back. She slip in and pass the crowd and quickly make her way on stage. But when she finally got there, she was so exhausted and out of breath that it took a minute to regain herself.

"Diamond Tiara!? What are ya..." Apple Bloom ask as she was confused on why she was here.

"Not *Huff*... Another *Huff*... Word *huff*..." said Tiara as she was desperately trying to catch her breath. "Can I *Huff*... Get a *Huff*... Glass of water?" And as soon as she asked that, Silver Spoon jump at that chance and jump to her side and handed her a full glass of water. Diamond Tiara grab the that water and chug it down. Once she finish, she handed the empty glass back to Silver Spoon and told her: "*Relaxing Sigh*... Thanks Silver Spoon."

"No problem" she replied so gleefully.

Once Diamond had finally regain herself, she faced everybody and swiftly proclaims: "Now... I know the solution that fix everything."

"Wait!?... Are you trying to help us" asked a baffled Sweetie Belle, who is very much like the other Crusaders who thought they never see Diamond Tiara trying to help them.

"Yeah!" replied Diamond Tiara. And she said it so snooty and up tight, it almost like that she's secretly telling them: "I Can Be Kind!".

"Now I present to you..." she then said as she took the poster from of her back and open it up. Once everyone (CMC, Sir Marks and Twilight) leaned to look at it closer, Diamond Tiara proudly proclaims: "Diamond Tiara's School For Thee Incredibly Gifted Ponies!"

Everyone was left... baffled. They all look as if they heard something so stupid and... well, childish. The dumbstruck had even infected onto the audience even before Diamond Tiara show them the poster. It was just a image of Diamond Tiara leaning on her elbow (if ponies have elbows) in a bobble while the name of the school painted enormously across the side. Even Silver Spoon face palmed out of embarrassment. And while everyone was petrified out of the dumbness, no one seems to notice that leafs from Apple Bloom was starting to fall.

"Um... Diamond Tiara?" asked Sweetie Belle who was the first to break out of the silence.

"Don't worry Sweetie Belle" replied Tiara as she thinks that she knows what she's going to say. "If you all ask nice enough, then maybe I let you join my school."

"No... It's not that" explained Scootaloo. "It just that... It just your plan is..." She and the other Crusaders was try to come up with the right response for this. Something to tell her about what everyone thinks of her plan, but in a way that might not upset her. But unfortunately, some beat them to it.

"That Is Thee Most Idiotic And Childish Thing That I Have Ever Heard Of!" yelled Sir Marks and disregarding any disguise that he's a kind pony.

"What!?" yelled Tiara who became shocked and horrified.

"You Do Not Even Understand The COMPLEXITIES Of Running An Educational Facility!" loudly explained Sir Marks. As he took intimidating towards Diamond, he began to angrily insults. "That Was Something That A Child Would Come Up With! Actually, No! Not Even A CHILD Would Come Up With Something Like That And Thought It Would Be A Good Idea!"

Scared shitless by Sir Mark's unleashed rage, Diamond Tiara's feet was frozen in fear despite how much she wanted to move them. "But... I just wanted to help" cried Diamond Tiara as she began leaking tears.

"That Wasn't Help..." Sir Mark's argued. "... That was PLAYING-AROUND!!!" he yelled at the top of her voice.

"Hay! Ya Can't Say That!" yelled Apple Bloom who rushed in front of and guard Diamond Tiara, not even thinking twice as to who she was trying to protect. As Diamond stop crying and was realizing what was Apple Bloom doing for her, the other CMC rushes towards her's and Apple Bloom's aid.

"Yeah! Even if her idea wasn't the brightest, you can't say that she wasn't helping" yelled Scootaloo without a hint of fear.

"OF COURSE I CAN! I'M A SIR! I'M A CONSOLER! I KNOW EVERYTHING AND YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO ME!" scream Sir Marks as he enters into a temper tantrums.

"No We Won't!" chivalrously proclaims Sweetie Belle. "We don't have to listen to you and we can choose how we want to live our lives... MR Marks!"

After Sweetie deliberately pushed the wrong button that olds any last remanent of Sir Marks sanity and maturity, Sir Marks began jumping and stomping and yelling out: "IT'S SIR! SIR, SIR, SIR, SIR, SIR, SIR, SIR!" As he continue stomping and began yelling incomprehensible nonsense, ponies began fearing the safety for the CMC and Diamond Tiara. Twilight prepares her magic and Rainbow Dash and the rest of the Mane 6 began rushing to the stage to protect them.

However, everyone stop and froze was they heard an out of nowhere tree branch snapped. Looking the closest tree in the facility, they notice that Apple Bloom's treehouse, which was over the kids on stage, was beginning to rustle and more snapping sound can be heard. As ponies was realizing what's going on, Bon Bon rose above crowd and yells out: "It's Gunna Fall!" Not exactly Bon Bon. It just gunna crumble and chunks of wood and debris will be flying everywhere.
As the whole tree began shaking violently, the crowd began to panic and tried to run as far back as they can. Sir Marks broke free from his anger and now be token over by his fear as he leaps of stage. Silver Spoon should be relative safe from where she were backstage. But as Twilight was about to leave, she double checks and see if the kids are gunna be ok. But unfortunately, they were immobilized by fear as the CMC and Diamond Tiara watch up as they couldn't believe their eyes. Changing her plans, Twilight turns around and teleport to the girl's side. She put up a magical barrier around them just in the nick of time as the tree was falling apart and everything was raining down.

Moments later, the crowd who were at a safe distance away looked back and see a giant dust cloud cover the stage. After another moment of slow realization, Applejack signal Rainbow Dash to get rid of the cloud. When she finally got the message, RD flu over and began flying around the dust cloud, scattering and disbursing it. Sir Marks who was just under the stage and Silver Spoon who was by the side began coughing out the dust from their lungs and look up to see if everyone's safe. Once all of the dust was gone, everyone was relived to see that Twilight had successfully protected the children who was under her shield.
Once everyone inside the bobble open their eyes and could see that everything was safe, Twilight lowered her shield. The sisters of the CMC rushes over to properly see if they're ok and Silver Spoon did the same thing with Diamond Tiara. And fortunately, they were.

Once everyone notice the scattered debris everywhere around them, Apple Bloom look at the spot where her treehouse once were and ask:
"What Happened?"

Zecora appeared and examined the potions Apple Bloom used for her presentation. Once she was done, she turned towards Apple Bloom and explains in her own way:
"The reason why your tree fall apart in such a fast rate, is because your potions has passed their expiration date."

"What!" replied Apple Bloom as she became horrified because of her mistake. "But... I thought... I double check an'..."

Seeing her about to panic, Zecora calm her down and reiterate: "Don't worry about your mistake, because it was something any-pony would make. The potion that just passed, had a few seconds to last." What she means is that the potions that she just used had expired just a couple of seconds ago.

"See! I Told You! If you ponies had just listen to me and go to the schools I assigned to you, then this..." cried out Sir Marks, trying to prove that he still knows what's best. However, no pony was listening to him rambling of in the distance.

As everyone look at Apple Bloom who was still feeling down about her mistake, Sweetie Belle notice and shouted:
"Apple Bloom! Your Cape!"

"What!" was all that she replied as she and everyone else look at her cape and notice that it was completely ruined. Some of the debris must have slipped pass and tore up her cape. But mysteriously and conveniently, it didn't harm Apple Bloom.
"OH No! My Crusader cape" Apple Bloom cried out as she had now lost something memorable.

"Don't worry Apple Bloom." explained Twilight. "The important thing is that your ok."

"Yeah! And Besides: I can always make you a new one" added Rarity, who helped Apple Bloom feel better.

Being surround by her friends made Apple Bloom feel something warm inside. Twilight is right. Her cape is really important to her, it's her friends that mattered.

Applejack come over to her sister and told her: "Don't ya think it's about time to take it off."

"Oh Right!" yelled Apple Bloom who remembered something important. "I haven't shown any-pony my cutie mark"

Sweetie Belle said: "Oh Yeah!" as she also realize that she haven't see her cutie mark.

"Come on, take it off" cried Scootaloo who was eager to see what it is.

"Hang On! I want to see it too" cried Diamond Tiara as she and Silver Spoon rushes over.

Everyone stood around Apple Bloom, which she found a bit embarrassing and was a bit shy. Someone used their magic to untie the knot around Apple Bloom's neck and slowly takes the ruined cape away. And once the cape was gone, everyone looks at Apple Bloom's flank (... pa Ha Ha Ha Ha!) and see:...... the Cutie Mark Crusader's logo.

"Apple Bloom!" yelled Sweetie Belle in surprise. "Why did you say that your cutie mark is our logo?"

Apple Bloom replied: "Wait, What!?" in total surprise. When she look around to see what she's on about, she became as shockingly surprise as everyone else. "This... This isn't my cutie Mark."

Everyone gasp in disbelief. Even Sir Marks stop yapping whatever the is he was yapping and look over to this unbelievable discovery.

Apple Bloom explains: "My cutie mark was suppose to be a tractor with an apple".

"Is this true Applejack?" ask Rarity who is as disbelief as everyone else.

"... Yeah!" replied Applejack who made the whole thing more shocking and confusing.

Everyone was trying to make sense of this. For the first time in Equestrian history, a pony's cutie mark has change. And yet, this won't be the last either. As everyone was flabbergasted, Rarity unintentionally drift her gaze towards her sister Sweetie Belle and find the next amazing discovery.

"Sweetie Belle! Your cutie mark!" yelled Rarity as she point towards it. When everyone turned their gaze towards frighten Sweetie Belle, they notice... that her cutie mark changed too.

When she turn to see it too, she was speechless as the cutie mark that she was accustomed to was no more. And in it's place is... the CMC's logo. Ok, it doesn't look exactly like the logo but it's mistakenly close. The pony in the symbol remained the same, but instead of a crest which the pony was in was replace and shape like a blue bell.

Seeing the other remarkable discovery, everyone realize something and look at Scootaloo. Without even need being told, Scootaloo look at her cutie mark and discovered that her has changed as well... and it's the CMC logo too. It wasn't exactly the same as the logo, just like Sweetie Belle's. The difference is that her's emblem is a shield but it still have the pony inside of it.

As the CMC was look at their changed cutie marks, something dawned on them. All three members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders has their cutie marks change and turned into their symbol. They fought what they thought was true and now fate rewarded them to signify that what they did was right. "Yeah!" they all shouted as were exited as something so amazing happened to them. They jump for joy as their marks signifying that they are united, proof of their friendship and nothing will ever tear them...

"That's Impossible!" shouted Sir Marks who interrupted me (Thank you man. I didn't know what I was supposed to be writing there). He storms up to everyone, point to the CMC and explains: "It's Impossible! Cutie marks can not change like this. And it's impossible for three ponies to have the same marks!" As he said that, the CMC re-examine their marks. They were still happy with the change, but they were also curious on how it happened.

Finally have enough with him, Rainbow Dash flu above everyone and began fighting back. "You know what? We just about have enough with you. yeah, sure. It's certainly is unbelievable, but's amazing and cool. And besides, how do you know that it's "impossible"."

"Because, I'm a Cutie! Mark! CHONSOLER!" Sir Marks angrily explains. "I know everything about cutie mark. I'm certified to know everything about cutie mark. Even my cutie mark can prove that I'm... AHHHH!"
But as soon as he point towards his own cutie mark, Sir Mark looked around and discover something more terrifying then he could imagined... his cutie mark was gone.

As everyone look at the blank flank of Mr Marks, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon began to grin to each other as they was about some good old revenge... served cold.

"Oh look, Silver Spoon" Diamond Tiara said as she began circling around Mr Marks.

"What Diamond Tiara?" Silver Spoon asked sarcastingly.

"It looks like someone lost their cutie marks"

"Oh No" Silver Spoon replied sarcastingly as Mr Marks was slowly becoming intimidated. "Is it not having a cutie mark supposed to mean that your mature and grown-up?"

"Why it is, Silver Spoon" Diamond mockingly replied. "But..." she added while pretending to be worried. "... Isn't it supposed to be kids the only ones who don't have cutie mark?"

"You're right Diamond Tiara" replied Silver Spoon as she and Diamond come and stood together in front of a frighten Mr Mark. "And isn't there a name that we like to call ponies who don't have their cutie marks?"

Diamond Tiara grinned so gleefully as she thought that she would never get say these word again. Saying it together with Silver Spoon, the both began calling Mr Marks with great irony:
"Blank-Flank! Blank-Flank! Blank-Flank!"

Their insults penetrated Mr Marks mind as he feels the power that he had was gone. The mares around personally doesn't approve on the insulting, but they stood there smiling as they felt that he deserves it. Unable to endure it any longer, Fine Marks runs away. He jumps of stage, run pass the crowd and flee to some place that is far away from any insults.

"Blank-Flank! Blank-Flank! Blank-Flank!" Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon continued to shout out. Apple Bloom and the rest of the CMC stop them to signify that he is long gone. Once they stop, they had smiles on their faces and Diamond Tiara even added: "See... I told you it was funny." However, Silver Spoon and the CMC just rolled their eyes.


After the whole fiasco, the fair returned in full swing and were ponies enjoying themselves better then before. The fair continued into the evening and lights covered the sky. Back towards the stage, whatever what was left of Apple Bloom was quickly swept away and Pinkie Pie was performing on stage to keep the ponies happy. She was singing "This is your birthday party", but obviously she removed anything birthday related in the song and replace them with some just as cheerful.

Back at backstage, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo was close together and discussing about various things. As they were talking, they didn't notice that Twilight crept up behind and pleasantly surprised them.

"Why hello girls" she kindly called out that startled them.

Once they got over the surprise, they realize that it was Twilight and Apple Bloom happily reply: "Oh! Hi Twilight"

"Oh, so what are you talking about?" ask Twilight. "Is it that now that you have your new cutie marks, you are gunna find out what your new talents are and figure out how you are gunna use them?"

The CMC had quick glances at each other before Apple Bloom would give their response:
"Actually Twilight... we figured that we would do all that stuff later."

"Really!?" replied Twilight who was pleasantly surprise.

"I mean, we defiantly are gunna do it..." explained Scootaloo. "... it just that after the whole experience we just went through, we learned something."

"And what's that?" she ask curiously.

Sweetie Belle reply: "Well... we learned that the moments we have don't last forever. We decided that we should take our time and enjoy our moments as best as we can while we still have them."

"Oh... Ok" reply Twilight who was happy to hear that. She then said: "Well I'm just happy that your having fun" and then leave them to continue whatever it is they were doing. As she was leaving, Twilight smiles as she was happy that they finally learned their lesson about taking their time and taking it slow.

As Twilight was exiting backstage, she come across Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon going to the place she just came from. Believe that they are ok, she left them and thought nothing off it. The CMC was happy when they continued chatting, but that was over once they saw DT and Silver Spoon.

"Oh look Silver Spoon, glad to see some-pony is finally over it" said Diamond Tiara arrogantly yet sincerely.

"*huff*... what do you want Diamond Tiara?" ask Apple Bloom very depressingly.

feeling upset, DT asked back: "Is that what you say after when some-pony try to help ya?"

"You mean with that plan of yours?" replied Scootaloo.

"Ok! I Know! It was a stupid plan. Can we please forget about it" pleaded Tiara as she became embarrass. Silver Spoon snickered and stop when Tiara gave her an angry glance, but she couldn't stop smiling.

Once she regained herself, Diamond Tiara answered Apple Bloom's question. "Well since you losers finally got your cutie mars, and after all of that, we decided to allow you to hang with us" she said while maintaining her superior attitude.

"You want us to be your friend?" Sweetie Belle retorted. "Why would we after all the insults and bullying you did to us?" she ask while getting upset.

She didn't like that reply, however she can understand where she was coming from. Diamond Tiara swallowed her pride and told them: "*Huff* Fine... We're sorr..."

However, Sweetie interrupted her and says: "Don't worry about it. We already forgiven you"

"What!" Diamond yelled, getting upset.

"Your plan was still stupid..." Scootaloo explains. "... but we know that you were trying help us."

Apple Bloom jumped in and added: "Honestly... We didn't even expect that ya would do anything like that"

Tiara huffed in anger. She went to them and trying to be kind, and they were just playing her. As she was about storm off, Sweetie stops her and says: "Oh come on. At least stay to watch our performance".

After a moment to have a thought about it, Diamond Tiara begrudgingly replied: "Fine"


Moments later, Pinkie Pie finish singing and address the ponies who were around.

"Now Mare And Gentle-Cults, It's Time For The Special Performance From The Special Foals Of The Evening:... The Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

Pinkie leapt off the stage as the curtain rises. Three light shot out and revealed Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. However, something about where they place themselves was making them remember a bad, thought forgotten memory. With one pony on a tiny podium and the others on either side. It making them remember... The Showstoppers performance.
However this time, it was different. Sweetie Belle and she was the one singing and she was singing fantastically. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo was dancing and sort of singing by the side and they finally have good choreography. This time, they were singing their song that they made at the talent show they performed all those years ago and they were making a better performance then they did then.
The audience was caught of guard by how good they were. The bad memory was replace by this good one and they were enjoying it. Of in the side, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon was dancing and incorporating their "bump lump sugar lump rump" hoof shake into it. Off at the back of their crown, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash got together and was watching their little sisters having their time of their lives.

Twilight joined and was watching along with them. However, as she was watching the performance, she notice something sparkling above in the night sky. Twilight was the only one noticing this but didn't tell anyone in fear that she would distract them of the CMC's performance. When she squinted her eyes and try to focus in, Twilight saw a tiny pony hovering over everyone. She was flying or levitating, but Twilight couldn't see any wings or a horn. The only thing that she has was a paint brush. In fact, when she focus even harder, Twilight notice the little pony was a ghost. When the tiny ghost pony spotted watching her, she smiles and fly off into the night sky. Twilight soon realize who the spectre pony was and she quietly keeps it a secret.

Back at the performance, the crowd was cheering as the CMC was making their climax of their performance. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo jump closer together and sang out as loud as they can:

"We Are The Cutie Mark Crusaders, And We Didn't Stop Until We Got Our Cutie Marks!"


Author's Note:

Well that was the Final Crusade folks. I hope you liked it

Like I said in the beginning and thought the story, this is what I envisioned how the CMC would get their cutie marks. Every other stupidbrony that I come across who talk about this often go through the more boring and predictable route: "they would get their cutie marks once they finally realize their obvious talents they had in the showstoppers". Or they would go to a different and often strange route: "Their talents are something different and it's a good reason they are doing all these crazy stuff."
I understand that this whole subjective and everyone has their personal thoughts on the matter. But these are the Cutie Mark Crusaders and these are the characters that we focus on beside the main characters of the show. Silver Quill pointed out that they show the different aspects of growing up. Dealing with elders (Sweetie Belle), Dealing with disabilities and limitations (Scootaloo) and dealing with maturity and responsibilities (Apple Bloom). Another that I like to talk about is the message that they just doesn't learn in the show: taking it slowly. If they rush through their childhood, they will miss being a child and they might loose what is really important. More important then them getting their cutie marks: their friendship. The damn show is about friendship and friendship is supposed to be what really important to them. So I made up a story that was supposed to incorporate everything about the crusaders and hope it would change a few minds.

As for any future plans. I'm telling what my next story gunna be about, but it won't be about the Crusaders. However, I do have one story I have for the future and one bonus chapter for this story, but I won't focus on that just yet. If you want to know any future stories, then check my blog.

Comments ( 1 )

OK I enjoyed your story the only thing I wasn't a big fan of was the ending for sir mark sure he was a dick and bit of an ass but he was doing his job and he did do it well they learned their talents and more who they where. But him getting that seemed off the way it seemed he lost sight of his past and all and needed to learn seemed to be an ass for the sake of the story. But its good everyone's in character but sir mark the only nitpick

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