• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 895 Views, 10 Comments

The Final Crusade - ImNoPony

A personal take on how the Cutie Mark Crusaders will get their mark. A test that not will only to determine their destinies, but also their fate as the crusaders

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Part 3- Cutie Mark Trials

The Final Crusade
Cutie Mark Trials

Previously On The Final Crusade
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle was finally introduce to their Cutie Mark Consoler... who acts a bit of an hypocrite. However, he did vow that he will get them their cutie marks and spend all night trying to finding them. The next day, the little angels made a stupid bet with a pair devils on whether or not if their consoler do what he say he do. Then he did what he said he do; he found a way to get them their cutie marks... without him doing it himself. And he had them separated all across Equestria, destroying their dream on them getting their cutie marks together
And Now, The Story


It was early morning in the day of Ponyvile, where ponies are getting out of their homes and shops were preparing to open. And in the plaza outside the train station is Scootaloo who was waited patiently for her friends. She had also brought along he scooter which Sir Marks requested for her. She would carry her scooter to the ends of Equestria even if Sir Marks hadn't ask her to.
As she was waiting, she was remembering yesterday as Sir Marks told them that they won't get their cutie marks together. No matter how hard she would like to deny it, she knows that her and her friends can't get their cutie marks at the same time. But at least she want her friends to be their when she gets hers and be there for them. She also remembers the sad faces of Apple Bloom's and Sweetie Belle's after Sir Marks told them that he would be separating them. Even though she doesn't know the deal with Sweetie Belle not wanting to be a singer, she could feel that she would wanted he friends to support her.

As Scootaloo was about beat herself up for not trying something else yesterday, she was snapped out of it when she heard a happy cry out for her name.

"Hay! Scootaloo!!" cry out a voice with a hint of an southern accent.

Her head shot up when she heard it. When she look at the direction of the sound to find who it is, her heart skipped a beat when she saw Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle running towards her with their saddle bags.

"Apple Bloom! Sweetie Belle! You Came! You BothCame!" cry Scootaloo when her friends finally reach her.

"Of Course!" replied Sweetie Belle correctly guessing that her friend didn't expected her. "Just because I didn't like what Mr Marks says what my talent is doesn't mean I won't gunna do nothing."

"I thought I had to drag her out of her house when I got there this morning" added Apple Bloom with the idea that she could actually do it.

After a quick exchange of laughter and short giggles, an awkward silence soon covered the Cutie Mark Crusaders. A mix of emotions were racing in between their minds. The most prevalent one between Apple Bloom and Scootaloo was with Sweetie Belle, but they decided yesterday that they won't gonna talk about it.

"So..." said Sweetie Belle, breaking the silence. "Are you waiting for the town balloon driver to arrive?"

"Huh!?" said Scootaloo who was caught off guard. "Oh, oh yeah! Sir Marks had it arrange it to take me to Cloudsdale this morning"

"*huffing Signing* Yeah, me and Apple Bloom have to take the trains to get us to our mentors" replied Sweetie before everyone got into a depression

Fed-up with feeling depress, Apple Bloom ask the obvious: "Why Can't We Get Our Cutie Marks One At A Time!? Why Do We Have To Go At The Same Time!?"

"I don't know Apple Bloom!" replied Scootaloo. After stumbling to think of an answer, she said: "I mean... Who cares how we get them as long we get our cutie marks"

"Yeah..." replied Apple Bloom as she felt defeated with logic like that (logic she once used the day before). "I just want you guys to be their when I get my cutie mark"

Not wanting her friends to feel depress again, Sweetie Belle shouted: "HAY!" to get their attention. "It's like what Scootaloo said. Who cares how we get our cutie mark when we should be proud to get them."

Upon hearing what Sweetie Belle said, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at each other before looking at her with happy agreement. Sweetie got them in a huddle and said to them: "Lets promise that on the last day of school, we show to each other our cutie marks and prove to everyone how much work it took to get them."

"Yeah!" replied Apple Bloom. "We also have to show Diamond Tiara that we will no longer be push around with anymore"

"YEAH!" replied Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Then all three of them then exploded from the huddle crying out "Crusaders Forever!"

As they were enjoying their moment, it was disturbed when a voice cry out: "Woo Hoo! Way a-go fellas!" As they look to see who it is, the CMC was shocked to see Applejack and Rarity coming towards them.

"Applejack! What are ya doing here?" ask Apple Bloom in surprise

Applejack replied: "Ya didn't think we let you travel all across the country without us tagging along, will ya?" She then got a hoof around her sister's neck and said: "We also liked to be there when you get you're cutie marks". She then tried to give Apple Bloom and gentle noogie before Apple Bloom cheerfully push her sister away.

Rarity, who gave the last brushes in her with her hoof, said to them: "You got up so early in the morning, you didn't give me enough time to get all of my stuff"

"We thought the we didn't want to disturb you" replied Sweetie Belle to her sister. When she look at her however, she could see that Rarity feel that she might be unwanted. To quickly make it up to her however, she quickly added: "But we really appreciated that you come". Then Sweetie went into a loving embrace of her sister.

"For the next week, we'll help you out for a change" said Applejack.

As Scootaloo looked at Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle with their sisters and how happy they were, she couldn't help but feel left out. But just then, just to startle her, Rainbow Dash appeared out of nowhere beside Scootaloo and says: "Yeah, annoying, isn't it?". After being jumped to her side's, Scootaloo was overjoyed to see her idol appeared beside her.

Rarity, who was surprise as everybody else, asks: "Rainbow Dash! What are you doing here?"

"What! Just because you here for your sisters doesn't meant that I won't come here for Scootaloo" she replied before she help picked Scootaloo off the ground. When she heard "come here for Scootaloo", Scootaloo almost exploded like a squealing fan girls. Unfortunately, she finally squealed when Rainbow Dash added: "I even heard that you were going to my old flight instructor from flight school"

"WAIT!!" shouted Scootaloo as her brain was processing. "You telling me that I will taught how to fly be a pony who taught Rainbow Dash?"

"Well, I was a awesome flyer before he taught me a few tricks, but sure..." said Rainbow nonchalantly who was trying to be cool. She was about to add something else before Scootaloo cried "AWESOME!" that brought a smile to her face.

Just then, the horns of trains shouted all across the plaza. This signalled that their transports have finally arrived to take the CMC to their long appointed destinies. Despite knowing that they need to go, the CMC wanted the moment to last a bit longer,

"Come on Apple Bloom!" called Applejack who was heading towards their train. "It's a time to get a move on"

Even though they wanted to wait long, they know that they have to leave. Just as they separated and thinking that they won't see each other until the end of school, they give each other a strong smile to signal that they are gonna be ok. As Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were catching up to their sisters, Scootaloo leave with Rainbow Dash who told her:

"Come on, Scootaloo! I've been waiting to see you fly"


Apple Bloom sat next to her window, staring out at the open desert that their train now entered. Her gaze up at the mountains was the only distraction she could find from the war going on inside her body. Anxiety grew in her stomach, with help from her worried towards her friends and her own. But her brain kept telling her that they will be fine and have faith in them and herself. But all of that got scrambled when her sister appeared beside her.

"So what did ya think of yer cutie mark!" asked by a curious Applejack. She remembers her lesson on not to babying Apple Bloom from the time where she was meant to be on her own, but in a time when her little sister is might finally be getting her mark, she have an excuse to be worried. Well, that was what she told herself anyway.

"Wai'...What!?" said Apple Bloom as she was pulled out her distractions.

"What did ya think when Mr Marks told ya what he thinks yer cutie mark Apple Bloom!" reiterate Applejack, thinking that she might need to be more clearer.

"Oh right! The construction thing!" replied Apple Bloom. The eagerness and concern on her sister's face was nowhere near how she feels on her cutie mark. She said: "Well... It's ok", as she leaned against her train window, hoping she could get away with just that. It didn't.

"Just "Ok"!?! Apple Bloom! This is yer cutie mark we talking about here. Ya not worried about somethin' that ya might be labelled as for yer inter life?" stated Applejack.

After giving a sigh on annoyance, Apple Bloom replied: "Well I don't not hate it. I mean, I like makin' stuff. Like the times where I help brew potions with Zecora and Twilight. It just that I'd be happy with what it is Mr Marks told me."

"But!..." Applejack responded. However, she cut herself off when she realize that Apple Bloom would be happy with anything Sir Marks had said. However, she has another way she could handle this.

"Well I'm just happy yer not upset about it. It's just that..." Applejack pause for a second, thinking she might reveal something that Apple Bloom might get upset. "... It just that I'd thought building stuff was what yer really good at."

"What!" reacted Apple Bloom.

"I mean, I was proud of ya every time we had to rebuild our barn. It's like that whenever there's a problem that's needin' to be fixed, you know how to fix it"

"If you know what I was really good at it, why hadn't you said about it before!" asked Apple Bloom.

"I thought I didn't had to tell ya because it was something ya had to discover for yourself" replied Applejack, knowing it might be something which Apple Bloom might not want to hear.

And it was, as Apple Bloom huffed in annoyance as her sister kept something from her for so long. However, Applejack got her attention back to her and told her:

"But Don't Worry! Yer big sister will be by right with ya for now on!"

"*SIGH* Thanks Applejack. But I don't need ya to..." replied Apple Bloom, thinking that her sister is saying she is trying to protect her... or hold her hand... um, hoof. However, Applejack unexpectedly interrupted her and says:

"No Apple Bloom!" said in a soothing tone. "I mean I'm here to help ya. Whatever ya need me to do, I do it"

Upon hearing what her sister just stated, Apple Bloom had a smile of appreciation on her face.

"Thanks Applejack" was the last thing she said before the sisters have a loving family hug. Just then, the train started horning it's horn as they were fastly approaching Appleloosa. As smoke start coming out of the chimney, the scene then moves to Cloudsdale


Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash was up in the clouds and I don't mean they weren't daydreaming. After arriving on the hot-air balloon (something which Rainbow find extremely boring ridding it), they quickly find themselves that they were already at Rainbow Dash's old flight school. Little pegasi were flying over them which dazzled Scootaloo with how care free they were. It was as if they were on their recess. Of in the distance, other pegasi where flying through some sort of obstacle curse, flying through rings (some had to go through twice) and in out of pillars.
Rainbow Dash was also drag into their nostalgia after seeing her old school. Seeing the obstacle curse made her remember the time where she humiliated it with ease and the other fillies congratulating her. Then across the school yard, she saw and abnormal "dent" in a cloud. Scootaloo notice her idol looking at it and was curious on what she was thinking. When Rainbow spotted her looking at her, shed blush and told her:

"Come on Scootaloo! We need to get a move"

"Oh! Right!" Scootaloo quickly push her thoughts back into her mind as she remembers that she's here to learn to fly. Both of them then rush towards a building made of cloud.

Once they got inside, they were quickly greeted by the lone teacher who was inside. He was a stern looking pegasus. He had a dark-grey or just dark coat and main, but he was also wearing a white coat and cap that almost made him look like a navy man. He also has one of those sunglasses which other instructors wore from Wonderbolt's Academy but quickly put them off once Rainbow Dash entered through the door.

"Rainbow Dash! Oh My Celestia! What are you doing here?"

"Hi coach. I'm just her for Scootaloo" replied RD who recognizes the guy

"Oh! Trying to imitate my job will ya" said the instructor, trying to get a reaction out of her. "Though, how you were when you was in my class, I wouldn't be all that surprise I you were started teaching. But then again..."

"Iron! Please stop! That's a long time ago. I've gotten a lot awesome since then" stated Rainbow Dash, who let her old teacher gotten the better of her.

Then, the two gotten into a bit of a chit-chat

"Oh I Know! Almost a Wonderbolt now"

"What do you mean "Almost"? I'm in the Wonderbolt's reserves. And my I add, Me and my other reserve teammates are as good as the main team!"

"That's Great! Though I always wanted you to join the Steal Wings. The WonderBolts maybe the fastest team, but they don't often race in county wide marathons"

"WHAT!!! The WonderBolts are way better then the Steal Wings. Where were they when the WonderBolts competed in the Equestrian Games? Who gotten gold! Hmm?"

"They already competed in the Equestrian-500, Who remain undefeated. Any more and they would be show offs"

"Well they..."

Just then, both of them notice Scootaloo was waiting patiently beside them. A bit too patiently as she was having a massive grin on her face. Rainbow Dash and the teacher finally stop chit-chatting and then focus their attention onto her

"Scootaloo, This here is Iron Wings. The best flight instructor any pony should have" Said Rainbow Dash, introducing her old teacher

"How would you know!? You never really needed me" back chatted Iron Wings

Scootaloo as stun by fulfilled expectations of her mentor. Seeing Iron Wings make her think he is going to make her dreams of flight come true. But as soon as she realize that she was rudely staring at them, she picked her jaw of the flour and politely say: "It's nice to meet you"

Iron Wings then gotten to detective mode and started scanning Scootaloo. As he was looking around her, he ask:

"So Scootaloo... Have you ever been to Cloudsdale or any other cloud city?"

"I HAVE!..." stated Scootaloo, then she remembers when. "... when I was probably a 5 or so. My parents were actually from Cloudsdale, but I was born and raised in Ponyvile. But I have been her on holidays"

As Iron had a closer look at Scootaloo's wings, he went: "Hmm... Ah!". He then return and face Scootaloo and decide to tell her some bad news. It's like when a doctor telling love one of a patient they have a deadly disease... or the insurance company telling how expensive it is to fix your damage car.

"Umm... You see Scootaloo... You might not be able to fly just yet"

"WHAT!!!" yelled Scootaloo. You could see her hopes coming down through her eyes. Even Rainbow Dash were as surprise as Scootaloo.

Iron Wings explain: "That doesn't mean you won't ever going to fly. It just you that your wings haven't fully develop yet"

"But!... But!... Other pegasi in my class were able to fly and they aren't any older then me" rebutted Scootaloo

"I'm sorry Scootaloo, but pegasi outside of Cloudsdale aren't as naturally gifted flyers as ponies who where" explained Iron to a disappointed Scootaloo. "That's why I always say that you need flight schools on the ground But NOO! Elitists want ponies come to them if they want to fly. Well they need to shove those elitist asses in a rocket and got blast off to the moon"

But Just then, Iron realize Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash was overhearing his conversation to himself and was looking confused. As he was feeling embarrasses for himself, he just gotten and idea. He re-examine Scootaloo's wings and ask her:

"Hmm... Say Scootaloo, do you have any rollerblades or skateboards?"

"No. But I have my Scooter with me though" replied a still upset Scootaloo. But as Iron Wing's re-examining her wings, she became as curios as he is.

And then suddenly, Rainbow Dash came up with an Idea to make Scootaloo feel better.

"OH Yeah! Coach! You should see her when she's on her scooter. Man! She can jump off any ramp and do awesome tricks in the air. She can jump off her scooter, over a food cart and land back on like it was no sitch' (situation)"

"Really!" responded Iron Wings, shooting in response.

Iron Wings turn to Scootaloo and ask: "Did you bring with your scooter with you today?" Scootaloo was about to get it until Rainbow Dash already brought it beside her. Iron Wings began to grin gleefully and told her: "Scootaloo! I may not be able to fly just yet, but you will learn something even cooler then just flying"

This lifted Scootaloo from her depression and became intrigued to what Iron had said. She wonder if Sir Marks had anticipated this and that's why he said she should bring her scooter. But regardless, a new hope began to grow inside her and she is left in anticipation in what Iron Wing had in store for her


Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle and Rarity were already arrived at Canterlot and it wasn't long for them to find Sapphire Shore's studio. When they finally find her, everyone were happy to see each other.

"Rarity! Sweetie! It's good to see you, girls" said to Sapphire Shores to welcome her guests.

"Sapphire! Darling! It is exquisite to see you too" replied Rarity in her most lady-like. "And I must say, I am really grateful to take your time out of your busy schedule to help my sister how to sing"

"Oh don't worry about it. It's just a program that my talent agent come up with where I help teach the future stars" replied Sapphire to Rarity's compliment.

Sweetie Belle then just manage to squizzed into Sapphire vision and the both were happy to see one another.

"Hi Sapphire Shore. It's nice to see you again" said Sweetie, who was being as polite as she can be. Maybe a bit too nice as she almost gave Sapphire Shores diabetes. "...And sorry again about the time where I broke into your studio"

"Aww Sweetie! Don't mention it. That's way in the past now" replied Sapphire. "So Now... why don't we say we get started now? Shall we."

This was the moment that Sweetie Belle had been expecting, and she wasn't any happier about it. "I um... Umm..." were the only sounds that were escaping her mouth. When she unexpectedly look at Rarity and she thought that her sister is trying to give a message

"Oh! I see, you don't really need me" said Rarity sheepishly. "I will be just watching in the corner. You won't hear a pip out of me" she said as she walk back to the corner.

Once Rarity sat on a bench by the side of the wall, Sweetie Belle was alone with Sapphire Shores who wanted to hear her singing voice. Sweetie Belle swallow the pride she thinks she has and produce the best lullaby that she knows. However, she has the voice that she had during "Sleepless in Ponyvile" or the "Showstoppers". She was so bad, a glass beside Rarity cracked which startled her. Once she was done, everyone in the room was in total silence as they were shocked how bad Sweetie singing voice is, or they couldn't hear anything. When Sweetie look at Rarity with self-disappointment, Rarity quickly hid the crack on the glass by rotating it with her horn and gave a thumps up impression with her hooves

"Um... Wow! I mean... I never heard a voice like that since..." Sapphire cut herself off as she look at a disappointed Sweetie Belle. "... in a while. I mean, I heard worst voices in my career and they manage to improve in the end" she said that to lift her spirit. She lied. Not the part where bad singers gotten better. She never heard a voice that was as bad as what Sweetie Belle just sang.

"But don't worry Sweetie. I'll make sure you'll be singing like a star in no time" said Sapphire Shores. However, Sweetie Belle quietly disagrees.


Elsewhere in Equestria, Apple Bloom's and Applejack's train has finally arrived at Appaloosa junction. Apple Bloom was the first one of the two who rushed out of the train and waited impatiently for her sister to catch up. However, both of them didn't had to wait long to be greeted but a familiar cousin.

"Why look at that! Your train is on time for once" greeted the cousin in the cowboy hat.

Both of the Apple sisters were startled by the unexpected surprise welcome this early, but they were still happy to see their cousin Braeburn.

"Cousin Braeburn!" shouted Apple Bloom who didn't thought she would get to see him.

"Braeburn, are ya always gunna make a fuss about the train schedule when we arrive?" replied Applejack who grew weary on the subject.

"Oh come on cousin Applejack, I just want ya to see the new wonders of... A-a-PPLALOOSA!!" shouted Braeburn proudly. Apple Bloom and Applejack glance at each other, recognizing that he would do the same old shtick. But both shove and laugh it off because they still love him.

As Apple Bloom and Applejack were following Braeburn though the street of Appaloosa, they both could see that things had gotten livelier around here. Not only were the buffalo were socializing with the town ponies, but they thought they seen a buffalo or two running their own business. One buffalo was on a billboard of a casino.

As Braeburn notice his cousins where amazed of how things had gotten, he explains: "Ever since tensions were resolve with the buffalo, we had gotten really well with one an' other. Some even taken residence here."

As he was saying that, they notice one female buffalo was happily wave at them by a side on one of the buildings. To Applejack's joyful surprise, she recognize her as Little Strongheart. As they all wave back, AJ notice she became extra excited once they did. It probably was because she was happy that they recognize her, but Applejack like to think it had something to do with Braeburn. When Applejack gave him a look, he blush, try to signal "It isn't what you think" and face back what's in front of him.

"Well... Umm... Since A-a-ppaloosa... ha ha... gotten a bit more popular, we were force to expand. Fortunately, we made sure to check over with the head buffalo to know where we can go and we already in the process in building new houses." Braeburn explains. "It's also helped that we have a famous carpenter and architecture in the family".

Apple Bloom pick up what Braeburn just said and remember that her mentor is her uncle. She couldn't remember if and Apple family member were an architecture. But regardless, she was still excited to meet him.

After a few minutes or walking, all three of them walked away from the more busy part of town to a place that were under constructions. Some houses were almost finish while others where barely gotten started the further they walk. It also help that the buffalo were also giving a hand... um, hoof.
Eventually, they all approach a work table where a group of ponies were being ordered around by the construction manager. The workers disperse once Braeburn and the sisters finally reach them. Once the manager turn and face them, Apple Bloom instantly recognize him as their uncle... and were surprise to see that he wasn't what she imagined. He wasn't as strong looking as the other constructions around or even the once from Ponyvile, but he still had the aura of a very experience pony who you don't want to disagree with. He was an earth pony, like everyone around, and wears one of those white cowboy shirts with a classic bolo tie. The only other distinctive feature he has was that he had a ginger main. However, Apple Bloom were already expected a subversion and didn't care what her mentor or her uncle look like.

"Ah Braeburn! I see you brought more workers" said the uncle to Braeburn, saying in the most welcoming and calming way.

"Eh he he... Um sir, these are yer nieces that we were talking about. Apple Bloom and Applejack" Braeburn embarrassingly explains

"OH WHAT! Oh ho ho... I'm so sorry girls" apologized the uncle, who feels like he made a fool out of himself. "Where are my manners? I'm yer Uncle Apple Seed".

As Apple Bloom was stun in imagination of her uncle help get her cutie mark, Applejack had some questions for him.

"Hay Ya uncle. It's good to finally see ya again. Um... I got to know. Why did ya stop coming around to the Apple Family Reunions anymore?"

"Ah! Little Baby Applejack! Last I saw ya, you were small enough for me to still pick ya up with my hooves" said Uncle Seed, who greeted his niece with a noogie which made her blush. After she push herself away, he sadly explains: "Well, sadly, I don't have enough free time to come to the family reunions nowadays. Whenever I have a free spot for me to go, I would get shifted with more work. I'll try to make it up though"

As all of them gather around the work bench, Applejack says: "Aw that's ok. It just that I'm now worried that if my little sister will be ok?"

Uncle Apple Seed explains to her: "Don't worry. She won't be doing anything too dangerous. I'll have her do the houses that's need finishing off." But then, he turn to Apple Bloom, look like her had bad news.
"However Apple Bloom, we can't start in until 2 days"

Both Apple Bloom and Applejack both shouted: "WHAT!" in surprise. But Apple Bloom was the first one to ask: "WHY!?!"

Braeburn explains: "Were running low on wood an' other stuff and we can't chop down our apple trees. We put in a requisition to order some more, but they won't arrive until the day after tomorrow... at thee earliest."

This cause Apple Bloom to go into a grump and shouted: "Arr SHOOT!!! I need to get my cutie mark before school finishes. Or else I... I mean I let my friends dow... I... I... AWRRR!!!" She gotten so mad, she couldn't finish her sentence. She also didn't want to slip about the bet with Diamond Tiara, but that only made her even madder. To release some stress, she kicked a discarded can so hard, it made a ruckus in one of the nearby sheds. You should have seen it too. Not only it bounce of the door and still got it inside, but it bounce around like a loony toon and hit everything inside.

Once the sound of gears, equipment and other falling metals stop, everyone relaxed and opened their eyes that they shut. Once everyone nervously checked to see the damage that Apple Bloom caused, they were glad to see that nothing was damaged. However, Apple Bloom and Applejack was curious of a large object covered in a tarp that took a large enough potion of the shed. However, they weren't left to wonder what it is as the tarp fell off on its own and revealing... a very worn down, busted up tractor that is slowly being eaten away by rust.

"What is this?" asked Apple Bloom who was wondering about the tractor.

"Oh this! That's just Old Bessie the tractor" replied Uncle Seed who start to feel pity for the thing.

"Old Bessie?" Apple Bloom responded in confusion.

"OH! OLD BESSIE!" screamed Applejack who finally recognized it. "I remember Old Bessie. She's like the very first tractor owned by the Apple Family who use to be on our farm. I remember ridding her up down the orchard when I was younger." However, as she was leaving her nostalgia state, she began to see the tractor as how it is now. "...But what happen' to her?"

"We don't know?" replied Braeburn. "One day, she just broke down for some reason. Everyone and anyone who found try to fix her, but no one could get her started again. We ordered a new tractor along with the other materials... but yeah."

As the room was overflowing with sadness and pity, Uncle Apple Seed said something that just kicked the bucket. "Well that's real shame...... Well come on Apple Bloom! I do still have other stuff that ya can do to get yer cutie mark"

As everyone was leaving, even Applejack left in sadness, Apple Bloom. She couldn't explain why, but she felt a weird connection towards Old Bessie. Maybe it's the fact how she thinks that the world is leaving they both behind. Finally she decided:

"NO! I think I decided what I'm gonna do!"

Everyone stopped moving and saw Apple Bloom entering the shed. When they look inside, they can see that she was picking up the tools that was around and start having a closer look at Old Bessie's engine.

"Apple Bloom! What are ya think yer doing!?!" shouted Applejack.

"I don't know if I can, but I want to fix her" she replied. "Don't worry. I fix the tractor back home plenty of times to know what I'm doing"

"Yeah, but Apple Bloom! Every have tried. Even the best mechanics doesn't know how to fix" explained by cousin Braeburn.

"I Don't Care! This is something I have to do!" rebutted Apple Bloom

As her sister and her cousin was her, Uncle Apple Seed stop them. He look at Apple Bloom who was already dismantling the tractor in a way that look like he relate to Apple Bloom in what she's doing.
"Don't worry" Uncle Seed stated. "There isn't enough gas to blow up the shed. Let her try where every pony else can't. And hay, this could also be work experience for her."

Applejack and Braeburn watch as Uncle Seed left to do other stuff. Applejack grew all the more worried for her. Deep down, her pride is telling her to pull Apple Bloom away. However, a strong voice in her head is telling her something else. Telling her that she shouldn't let hold Apple Bloom back. She should keep Apple Bloom away from harm, but to protect her from harm.
As Apple Bloom was under the tractor, staring down the multiples of problems, Applejack appeared beside her. As she was startled, Applejack ask her:

"Anything ya need?"

Apple Bloom was surprised that her sister was helping her. But then she remembers what she told her over the train, that she will be there for her. After she was feeling the look, she ask: "Can you pass me that ratchet" and both of them began work on fixing Old Bessie. Braeburn left them smiling, who wasn't sure if they can fix it, but believe that they're safe

Author's Note:

There, It's Done! Another chapter is out after multiple delays on my end (including fixing my computer screen when someone broke it)... and it's still half the chapter then I wanted.
I didn't end it because it was taking too long... sort of. I want this thing to get more notice so I need to add more chapters more consistently. And also if I had continue, the word count would have been over 9000.

And now for something that is more important: The Crusaders. Everyone thinks their talents are fixing, singing and something with scooters... and I agree. But people think it would be easy as drinking water (and other people think it might something, which I disagree). Everybody is forgetting that this is "Friendship is Magic", where everything is meant to be a subversion. Even if you was expecting for one, you still get hit by it. If their talents are so obvious, then it should be this hard for them to find them.
But you also want to know something that is funny; I originally had Scootaloo's mentor to be Fluttershy. Why? Well for what we see in her flashbacks, we see that she had a really heard time flying. So I thought a person who had trouble flying should teach someone who had trouble flying. And then I had the other CMC mentors to be their sister. However, this what I mention in the previous paragraph.
If it was that easy, then they should already have their cutie marks. I think they need to be put into a situation that they not accustomed too to get their cutie marks.

Now lets pray that the next chapter would have a lower word count. Also, I will fix the errors after it's publish