• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 895 Views, 10 Comments

The Final Crusade - ImNoPony

A personal take on how the Cutie Mark Crusaders will get their mark. A test that not will only to determine their destinies, but also their fate as the crusaders

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Part 2- Cutie Mark Mentors

The Final Crusade
Cutie Mark Mentors

Previously On The Final Crusade
Everybody at Ponyvile was enjoying their summer and everything was fine except for the kids who still have to go to school and Twilight crystal castle which was still an eyesore. When Cheerilee announces what they are going to do before school finishes with activates to help prepare their talents, Diamond Tiara decides to act like a bitch by pointing out the Crusaders doesn't know their talents (except the audience doesn't know your talent you little witch). However, Cheerilee manage to shut the bitch up for once and says that she ordered a special Cutie Mark Consoler to help the Crusaders to find their destinies. So now the Consoler arrived and Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo was left in nervous anticipation to what fate has in store for them.
And Now, The Story


Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo was astonish and surprised once they see that their Cutie Mark Consoler has arrived. He looked just like what the girls imagined when they heard the word consoler. A nifty blazer and bow tie that made him look like a collage professor and the white hairs on his mane, tail and well kept beard leaves the impression that he has years of experience (which maybe true). The CMC was especially amazed by his cutie mark which was a certificate that boost their fascination on the guy.

As the little girls was left star struck, the brown unicorn properly entered their classroom and says: "Oh come now, please close your mouths before you eat a ladybug."

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo snapped out of their daze and felt a little embarrass by it. "Sorry mister" apologized Apple Bloom. "We were Just excited Because We Finally Getting OUR!..."

"Uh Uh Uh!" interrupted the consoler. "Learn to control your voice indoors! Shouting is what children do"

"Uh!? Sorry?" apologized Apple Bloom and was confused because she doesn't know if she was insulted or not.

As the consoler walk around them, making all of them nervous, he told them: "Don't worry about it, it understandable. Little foals are still balls of kind joy but doesn't know any better"

"But!..." he shouted as he stomp his hoof in front of the girls and in front of the classroom. "...I can tell that you don't want to be mere children anymore!"

"Yeah" said Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo in unison.

"You want to be full grown mares who knows what to do!" proclaimed the consolers as he stand tall.

"Yeah!" said the Crusaders as they are felling pumped.

"...And you can no longer stand mindlessly searching for the cutie marks that you so rightfully deserve!" he said as he close his eyes and raise his hoof to his face trying to be cool.

"YEAH!" shouted the Crusaders as they becoming excited

"But Fear Not!..." proclaimed the consoler as he stomp his hoof again and shoot out his fearless stair. "For I, Sir Fine Marks, Have Never Let Down A Filly On Finding Their... DESTINIES!!!"

"YEAH!!!" screamed the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they jump up and exploded in excitement and joy as their dreams are finally coming true.

Unfortunately, to ruin the mood, Sir Marks (and it's SIR Mark. If you call him Mr and you will get a scolding) use his magic to hold Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo in place and hold their mouths shut. As he lifting them down, he says: "Uh Uh Uh! No shouting. Don't be childish"

"Sorry. I guess we were getting away with ourselves" apologized Sweetie Belle. And they realize that all they been doing was apologizing since he got there.


Once everyone was settle down, Sir Marks beginning his find on their cutie marks

"Now, before we start on finding your marks, I must know who I have to work with"

The girls look at each other with excitement as they know it's their time to shine.

Apple Bloom was first. "My name is Apple Bloom and I'm a proud Apple"

"Your an Apple?..." interrupted Sir Marks as if he was trying to make a joke but was genuine confused.

"*giggle* No! My Family are famous apple farmers and we're spread across Equestria"

"Oh yeah..." whispered Sir Marks to himself in realization. "...The Apple Family. The Apple Family is one of the most influential families in Equestria"

As Sweetie Belle was about to begin her introduction, Sir Marks began thinking to himself out laud. "...But then, why is it so heard for her to hind her cutie mark? It's so easy. Maybe her talent is better for a different avenue that would help her family to..."

"Um! Excuse me!" said Sweetie as she try to get his attention.

"UH UH! Don't interrupt someone when he.. is... talking to... Oh!" responded Sir Marks as he realize what he's doing. After feeling embarrass, he clear his throat and says "Ahem! As you were saying young lady"

"Oh! Um! My name is Sweetie Belle and I... Um?" Stammered Sweetie as she was trying to think of a follow up. "Oh! And I look up to my big sister Rarity a lot and want to be as great of a pony as her!"

"Well that's great Sweetie, but I need to know what you do, not what you like" replied Sir Marks

"Oh! UM?..." said Sweetie as she was at a lost.

"Oh come on Sweetie" interrupted Apple Bloom. "What about all those times where you help us out?"

"Yeah!" said Scootaloo. "What about that time where you planed that play, help us to get popular and you have a not bad singing voice"

"Yeah, but every time I take charge, it blows up in our faces." objected Sweetie Belle. "And besides, I don't want to be a singer" she added as she look away.

"You don't want to be a...!? But you...!!" said Apple Bloom as she became shocked. She was about to continue, but Sir Marks stop her.

"Don't worry Apple Bloom. I can start off from there. Now... What about you, my little pegasus?"

"What!" surprised Scootaloo. Unlike Sweetie Belle, she knows what she wanted to say.

"Well I'm Scootaloo and I'm Rainbow Dash's Biggest Fan!"

"Rainbow Dash! You mean that pony who won the Young Flyers Competition with the legendary Sonic Rainboom! AND... also an Equestrian Games medallist!" said Sir Marks and act like he was intrigued

"Yeah! She's the greatest!"

"So I'm guessing you want to be a great athlete pony just like your idol?" asked Sir Marks

"Well Yeah!..." replied Scootaloo... until she began to think on the question. "I mean... I want to"

"You... WANT to!?!" replied Sir Marks as he became confused

Even though it was really embarrassing for, but she made peace with it enough to admit it to people, um... ponies.

"Well... I can't fly" admitted Scootaloo

"YOU CAN'T FLY!?!?!" shouted Sir Marks. "But All Pegasi Are Meant To Fly!?! The only pegasi who doesn't fly are BABY PEGASI?

As Sir Mark's look at her with a mix of anger, confusion and disappointment, Scootaloo and her friends panic to think of something to get her on his good side. Suddenly, Apple Bloom point Sweetie Belle towards something and she point Scootaloo towards her bag.

"Oh Yeah!" Shouted Scootaloo as she realized what to do. She rush to her bag and pull out her scooter. "I'm really good on my scooter!"

Sir Marks calmed down and slowly examine Scootaloo with her scooter. He took a extra close look at her pegasus wings and her scooter and more he look, more intrigue began to paint across his.
Then suddenly, he spotted the Crusader Cape in Scootaloo bag and he really become intrigued. He picked it up and ask: "What is this?"

"That's my Crusader Cape" happily replied Scootaloo. Just then, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle was hit with inspiration and rush to get their capes. Scootaloo grab her cape back from Sir Marks and rush to her friends. "Yeah, because we are...

"The Cutie Mark Crusaders!" announce all of them, laud and proud.

Despite being hit by the laud noise, Sir Mark was more concerned on "What are they talking about?"

"Oh! I get it!" claimed Sir Marks as he thinks he know what they are on about. "I bet it's the name for you super hero team where you protect your town from dangerous monsters and pretend to be princesses"

"What! No!" responded Apple Bloom and all the Crusaders look concerned. Sir Marks was confused and amazed that he was wrong and waited for the answer to be given to him. Apple Bloom explains: "The Cute Mark Crusaders are about use and helping other ponies in finding their cutie marks"

Sir Marks was left baffled. However, he quickly regained himself and responded: "Don't Be Childish! That sounds almost like my job, and my job is serious business!"

Offended, Scootaloo replied for the Crusaders: "But we were serious about it!"

"OH Really!" replied Sir Marks. "Then you must know where cutie marks Came from"

However, this did not intimidate the Crusaders. in fact, they were prepare for it. As they were about to tell him where cutie marks came from, the scene changed to the picture book style that began the first episode of the show.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Once upon a time, way before the reign of Celestia and Luna, ponies where left in confusion as they don't know what to do. They didn't know what their talents were or what they suppose to do with them and no pony didn't know what other ponies talents were ether.
Then one day, this little filly called that was called "The Little Cutie" decided to be a painter because she like to point. To show ponies that she was a painter, she painted a mark on herself to prove it. When ponies saw the mark, they want one just like it. However, the Little Cutie doesn't want to give the same mark because they weren't painters. So instead, she find out what talents other ponies have and painted a unique mark for each one of them. Eventually, Everypony in Equestria wanted one and the Little Cutie painted on every single one of them. Then suddenly, the paint become magically and ponies instantly gets one of the "Cutie's marks" once they find themselves.
Some say the Little Cutie is still around today, as a spirit, leaving her mark on every pony that she can

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

"And that's where cutie marks come from" proclaim the Cutie Mark Crusaders once they finish their story. Sir Marks wasn't fascinated, as he heard the story before, but he was impress that they know it. Sweetie Belle then added: "And that also where we got our Crusader's logo". As he examine the logo on Sweetie's cape when she pass it towards him, she explains: "When we found that story at the library, we thought having what we think what the Little Cutie looked like as our logo. For Good Luck!"

Once Sir Marks finish listening and hand Sweetie's cape back to her, he says: "Wow! All of that was absolutely right..." As the CMC was having their biggest, proudest grins, Sir Marks ruin the mood again and proclaims: "... Unfortunately, it is completely fake"

He explains: ""The Little Cutie" is an old mare's tale. It's like the headless horse, the olden pony or changelings"

Annoyed as their childhood icon is being smashed, Scootaloo argued "What about the Sonic Rainboom? Ponies didn't believe in it until Rainbow Dash did it"

"Ah! But you see, my dear Scootaloo, the Sonic Rainboom is a talent that only Rainbow Dash, and only Rainbow Dash could do. I haven't heard of any other pony in history did one besides her."

Still upset, Sweetie Belle demanded: "Well... Where do cutie marks came from then?"

"You see Sweetie..." replied Sir Marks. "ponies always had have cutie marks. It's imbedded in our DNA. The tale of the Little Cutie was made because ponies always want a "magical explanation" for everything".

The girls became confused, then slowly become depress when something that they believe in so long wasn't real. It's like being told Santa Clause isn't real.

However, to lift their spirits, Sir Marks proclaims: "Don't worry my little ponies, today is the day to leave such childish stories behind and move on away them... to find your cutie marks!" Once he said "cutie marks" their worries were quickly fadded and finally become excited again. But to ruin the mood, YET AGAIN, Sir Marks interrupt their excitement and says: "...But that have to wait until tomorrow."

As the girls recover from the rip-lash, Apple Bloom asked "Why!?!"

"You see Apple Bloom, I need to continue investigating what your cutie marks might be" replied Sir Marks. "I have to ask other ponies about you and other stuff that you did. I then also set up the arraignments so you can actually get your cutie marks." Then, as he was moving towards the exit, he then proclaims: "But don't worry little childish Crusaders. I sware, by the time your summer vacation starts, YOU WILL HAVE YOUR CUTIE MAKRS!" Then he leaves the room, very dramatically.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo was left in the empty classroom, awe struck. As the sound of Sir Marks promise running through their minds, the joy stored in their chests can no longer be contained so they jump up and screamed "YAY!!" as laud as they can. Unfortunately, it quickly when Sir Marks returned to the room to say "Uh Uh Uh! No shouting!" that quickly destroy the mood.


The next day, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom was heading towards school with both nervousness and excitement.

"So what do you think of the consoler yesterday?" ask Apple Bloom who was the most optimistic of the three.

"I don't know?" replied Sweetie Belle. "He seems really nice... and really weird"

"Yeah!" agreed Apple Bloom. "Maybe that how you suppose to act if you are a Cutie Mark Consoler?"

"Maybe? Yesterday, Mr Marks came around my house during dinner to ask my parents and Rarity some questions" said Sweetie. Then she added: "you know, I'm having a hard to remembering if he even apologized for it"

"Really!?!" responded Apple Bloom. "I think he came around to the farm yesterday as well. Granny Smith said some pony that she thinks was the government came over and asked her some questions"

As they continue walking, trying to form an opinion on the guy, Scootaloo says to everyone: "I can't believe the Little Cutie doesn't exist."

"WHAT!" Shouted a voice from behind them. Unfortunately, the Crusaders recognize the voice and didn't want to believe it. But when they look around, their horrors were true as they see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Then Silver Spoon shouted: "What do you mean the Little Cutie doesn't exist?"

DT and SS move up closer towards them and Diamond say: "Whoever doesn't believe in the Little Cutie is stupid because how else does cutie marks exist?"

Scootaloo reluctantly replied: "Well the consoler says that cutie mark were built into our DNA"

"What!" replied Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Normally, one would expect them to laugh, but the two acted like they were offended.

"I thought this was a chance to get your cutie marks and you finally stop becoming annoying, but now I see you are totally hopeless" proclaimed Diamond as she walk pass the CMC.

Any opinion they have towards Sir Marks in the Crusader's mind must be push aside as they don't want to be push down by them a second time this week.

"Well, Mr Marks is a professional so he knows what he's talking and he says that he never failed in finding cutie marks" said Apple Bloom.

"I doubt it" replied Diamond

"He promise that we will got our cutie marks before the end of the week" Said Sweetie Belle

"Well who would make a bet on that" replied Silver Spoon who move up against Diamond Tiara

"Well We Bet!" Shouted Scootaloo as she let the emotions get the better of her

Just then, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon was hit with inspiration as they look at each other with sinister intention. They stop and turned around and Diamond ask: "So you bet that he will get you your cutie marks before we break up for summer vacation? Is that right?"

At that moment, the Crusaders realized that they dug their own graves. Thinking that they can't back out, Scootaloo sheepishly answered: "Yes... We... We Do Bet!"

"So what do want" said Silver Spoon faster then the CMC could realize what she said

"What?" replied Apple Bloom

"If you win the bet, what do you want?" explained Diamond Tiara.

Even though they shouldn't, they look at each other and decide to seize on this opportunity.

Apple Bloom decided for the CMC: "...We want you to leave us alone"

"Ok" replied Diamond Tiara, thinking she know what they mean.

However, Apple Bloom shot up to her face and says: "And when we say "leave us alone", we mean: not to be mean to us, not call us blank-flanks or any other names, don't try to bully us in any other way and don't even talk to us!"

"Ok!" groaned Diamond Tiara, finally thinking it's over. However...

"And don't even talk about us with any other ponies" added Sweetie Belle

"OK!!!" shouted Diamond Tiara, wanting it to be over. But now, it's finally their turn

"But if we win, not only can we call you whatever we want..." said Diamond Tiara

"And do whatever we want" added Silver Spoon.

"But you must also be our..."

"SLAVES!" shouted Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in unison

"What!" shouted the CMC in surprise

"You have to do our homework" said Diamond Tiara

"... and clean our clothes" followed Silver Spoon

"polish our hooves" DT

"...and our jewellery" SS

"Do our chores" DT

"Buy us stuff" SS

"And do it all without complaints" stated Diamond Tiara thinking that was everything that she wanted

"And you have to wear maid outfits" added unexpectedly by Silver Spoon. When Diamond look at her funny, she replied: "What?"

The CMC is now full of dread because now that they realize that not only did they dug their own graves, but also put themselves in their coffins and buried alive. Everyone look at Sweetie, hoping that she have an escape plan. She look at DT and SS and stated: "Make it just for the summer and loose the maid outfits and we have a deal".

After a second to think, Diamond answered: "Deal". But Silver did not like that and shouted: "Hay!"

The two then start leave the CMC behind, but not before Diamond yell to them: " See You In The Summer!" Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo was just standing where they were, feeling like they were the most stupid ponies in the world.


The Cutie Mark Crusaders was finally reaching the school house before they begin talking about their stupid bet.

"I can't believe we let ourselves be trick into that stupid bet" said Apple Bloom to begin the conversation. Then, almost accusing Sweetie Belle: "Why didn't you back us out of the bet Sweetie"

"Hay! I wasn't the one who begin talking about the terms" retorted Sweetie, beginning to be angry

"STOP!" yelled Scootaloo, not wanting her friends to fight. "I was the one who gave the idea to them to begin with"

Felling upset, Sweetie Belle told her: "Don't worry about it. We should have just said no"

"And we just let them think we're fools who can't get their cutie marks" retorted Apple Bloom

"Oh Who Cares About Cutie Marks!" yell Scootaloo. "How do we know if Mr Marks can find our cutie marks!?!"

Just then, almost being ironic, Sir Marks burst out of the school door just as they were about enter and yelled: "I HAVE FOUND YOU YOUR CUTIE MARKS!" The CMC yelled: "WHAT!", but then gotten hushed for being laud.

He explains: "I have spend all night talking with everypony in this town, finding out everything that you did in the Past... TWO... YEARS! And then I call everypony that I know so I can get everything Just Right!" As the girls was getting scared and becoming concerned for his health, Sir Mark added with a sigh of relief: "*SIGH*... Refreshing after a night of hard work!"

Sir Marks then stood over an intimidated Scootaloo, who told her: "How would you feel if I told you that you are going to learn how to SOUR THROUGH THE SKIES!"

"What!" said a surprised Scootaloo. "You are going to teach to me how to fly?!"

"What! No! Don't be childish! How can a unicorn teach a pegasus how to fly?" replied Sir Mark. He have her look to the clouds and explained: "I have arranged it so you can be instructed by one of the greatest flight instructors in one of Cloudsdale's greatest flight academies."

As Scootaloo becoming excited as her life long dream come true, Apple Bloom asked the obvious question of: "Hang on! How does Scootaloo learning how to fly gets her hers cutie mark?"

"Don't worry about it. It's all part of the plan." he replied. But then he got up to Scootaloo ear and whispered to her "Just don't forget to bring your scooter"

"OK!" replied Scootaloo, despite not knowing why

Sir Mark then moves towards Apple Bloom who then become scared. "Now, Apple Bloom..." he start off with. "Finding your talent was a lot harder than I had anticipated. But I am 100% confident on the job that I have picked for you." As Apple Bloom was waiting in anticipation, she was left in awe struck when Sir Mark announces: "...construction worker"

"What!" shocked Apple Bloom.

He explains: "I have it arrange with your family for you to meet up one of your distant uncles at Appleloosa so you can learn the hard but respectable job of construction. Not only will you learn how to build houses with any materials, but also furniture and any other stuff you can set your mind to."

Silence filled the air as Apple Bloom was left to think. The deeper and deeper that she thinks, lauder she is as she talk to herself as she begin to move around. "Construction, construction... building... making... wood...". She look up Sir Marks and ask: "Do it have to be buildings?"

Sir Marks chuck up a hoof and replied: "You can make WHATEVER You want!"

After leaving her to think again, her voice raise higher and says: "Yeah... Yeah! Ok! I give it a shot"

"EXCELENT!!" he shouted as Sir Marks was please with himself. He then turn to Sweetie Belle who was waiting patiently. After how happy Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were, she was actually excited on what he had in store for her.

"Now Sweetie... the mentor I had intended for you was the hardest to get a hold of..." said Sir Marks as he was building suspense.

"Mentor?" Sweetie ask in confusion

"Yes, Mentors" he proclaims as he look at the confused fillies around him. He explains: "Ponies who are masters in their professions and help you to find the skills inside of you"

"So you aren't actually help to get you cutie mark?" ask Apple Bloom

"But I am helping you, Apple Bloom!" replied Sir Marks. "I'm just pointing you towards the right direction"

He then return his gaze towards Sweetie Belle and told her: "And your mentor is also the most famous in her field." As he was getting closer to say her mentor is, Sweetie Belle was getting more and more excited and almost about to loose herself.

"I assigned you..."

Excitement overload...

"Sapphire Shore!"

"What!" yelled Sweetie Belle as she begin hearing her music in her head.

As Apple Bloom and Scootaloo was so jealous for their friend and Sir Marks were left impress in what he did. But all of that disappeared when Sweetie Belle replied in a blank tone: "I don't want her"

"What!" replied everyone.

"But Sweetie Belle, it's Sapphire SHORE!" argued Scootaloo as she try to get to her senses.

"Stop Being CHILDISH! Sweetie!" said Sir Marks angrily. "Do you know how many strings I have to pull to get her be your mentor for a week"

"I'm Sorry!" apologized Sweetie Belle. "But I can't sing"

"What! But you sing all the time!" rebutted Scootaloo

"Yeah... But..." said Sweetie as she try to argue back.

"No Buts!" Sir Marks proclaims. "I have already arrange the traveling expenses already for all of you"

Then suddenly, once everyone heard what he said, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo look at him in worry and confusion and ask: "What!?"

He explains: "I already settled your traveling arrangements so you can meet up with you respected mentor at their cities". As he stair at their expressions, he was left to ask: "What?"

"Well... You see..." said Apple Bloom. "We thought that when we get our cutie marks, we thought that we would... gonna get them... together"

"What! Don't be childish!" said Sir Marks as is he was offended. "Ponies can't have the same cutie marks"

As the girls began to look worry to each other, he further exposits: "You'll set off early tomorrow. So unless you want to remain children and DON'T get your cutie marks, I recommend that today that you start packing and plan on what you gonna to do".

He then left the little crusaders, nevus and confused. Even though they are gonna accomplish on what they wanted to do for so long, but they won't accomplish it the way that they wanted.

Author's Note:

Wow! This took all day for me to right. I had family over to distract me but still. I have a new appreciation for writers, even fan fiction writers who has everything he had to work with before hand.
I let you on a little secret, I hate writing stories with dialogue or with a lot of description. I explain why in a blog post.

Now, for the actual story notes. I originally had intended to add everything that was written here today in the first part, but I ran out of time in the day and have the story be in three parts. So now I think it going to be in 5 parts now. *SIGH*

But now let me talk about SIR Fine Marks. Yes, I know his sucks. but hay, every name said in the show is weird... at best. But the name aside, I love writing this guy. I love how much of a hypocrite I'm making him do. I want him to be an antagonist to the CMC but not in the world domination kind (Sombra, Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon), but not also in the slice of life kind either (Trixie or Gilda). He's somewhere in-between.
Also, the tale of the Little Cutie. Some might wonder why that is needed (to be in the story, not in context). Well, this is the "possible" finally for the CMC story arc and in usually something important happen in the show, it usually connected to something 1000+ years ago so I think that it's needed.

Also, I'll be fixing any mistakes that I make after I publish it. Because right, I'm tired and need some sleep. If you like it, Share It
- - Edited - -
I fixed it now