• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 895 Views, 10 Comments

The Final Crusade - ImNoPony

A personal take on how the Cutie Mark Crusaders will get their mark. A test that not will only to determine their destinies, but also their fate as the crusaders

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Part 4- Cutie Mark Trails 2

The Final Crusade
Cutie Mark Trials

Previously On The Final Crusade
The Cutie Mark Crusaders split up and left Ponyvile to go to their assigned mentors along with their unexpected older sisters who decided to chaperone them... along with Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo was told that she can't fly for a few more years by her mentor but says he has something else she can do instead. Sweetie Belle lost her GOOD singing voice and so Sapphire Shores wants to try to find it. Apple Bloom met her one of her distant uncles for the first time and he told her she can't get her work experience because of a lack of materials. So instead, Apple Bloom decides to fix a old, rusted down tractor which nobody could be able to fix and Applejack decided to help her.
And Now, The Story


Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash follow Iron Wings who took them away from the flight school and took them to a location which even Rainbow Dash haven't been to before. He took them to the edge and above Cloudsdale, away from the Greek architectured buildings and to a very large patch of cloud which you wouldn't be able to see what's on it unless... you were on it. Once they arrive, Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash discovered something that left them so shocked, so stunned, it was liked they were hit by a lightning bolt; The world's largest skate park.

It was like someone dug out a huge portion of the cloud and decided to fill it with half-pips and quarter-pips. There were Ramps of all different curves is everywhere that you can see. Some are so curled, it's impossible to jump up from or could even be considered to be tunnels. As for the actual tunnels, there were hazards placed on the bottom such as rocks or big gapping holes that made you have to ride on the sides or on the ceilings.
The were railings that covered around the whole park to protect people... I mean ponies who were just watching. But if they were meant to protect, you be asking why there were railings that were dab middle in some of the skateboarding tracks or pools. And just on the outside, there was a race track that looks like it was meant for cyclists.
But the real main attraction is a giant and steep daredevil slope that goes across the park and leads you to a ramp that would make you fly off the cloud if you weren't able to fly.

But what made RD and Scoot' even more jaw dropping shocked is that the place is jammed packed with skateboarding pegasi. Ponies were on skateboards, roller blades and the like and they were using their wings just like how Scootaloo use her wings when she is on her scooter. One pegasus on a skateboard skated through the tunnel like ramps like he was a surfer surfing on water and another who was using rollerblades did the splits when they went through the actual tunnel with the holes. A group went through a loopty loop while one pegasus fly though it on a bike without colliding into anyone. Some of them looked like the ponified versions of Tony Hawks, Kick Buttowski and Zeke and Luther.

For so long, Scootaloo felt like she was on her own because of what she does. She knows that scootering was something special and something cool, but felt lonely as she never have she seen any pony else does the stuff that she does. But now, she felt like that she found the world where she was meant to be in.

"Scootaloo, I welcome you to the world... of Daredevil Ponies" said Iron Wings who presented this new world to her.

"Daredevil Ponies!?" Scootaloo asked in curiosity and excitement.

Iron Wing took RD and Scootaloo closer to the action and quickly crossing the race track. Once they crossed over, a group of ponies who were on bikes and roller blades races past them.

"You see Scootaloo,..." Iron says as he began to explain. "... Daredevil Ponies are ponies who don't use their natural talent like flight or magic and use other equipment and gear to do DEATH DEFYING STUNTS!!! Pegasi who fly who don't use their wings. Unicorns who don't use their horns yet still amazed every pony around them."

"Oh Yeah!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she remember something. "Is this like what you told us years ago, about when... you... OH!" RD stopped when she remembered the thing that she intentionally pushed out of her mind years ago when she was still in school.

"Yeah!" Iron Wing replied who was happy that his ex-student remembered. "I use to be a bit of a daredevil in my younger years. In fact, I'm starting to take a picture of my younger self everywhere I go".
He took the picture that he mentions out of one of his pockets and gave it to Scootaloo, who was curios on what he is on about. The picture was of Iron Wings who was water-skiing on, well, water. However (and this what gave Rainbow Dash and other students nightmares), he was wearing a swim suit that was tight around his...... You know what, I'm not gunna finish that sentence because you know what I already have you imagined. After seeing IT, a horrified Scootaloo quietly pass the photo back to Iron Wings.

Iron quickly snaps Scootaloo out of her nightmare and told her: "Don't you see Scootaloo. These ponies aren't flying, but there are even more cooler then the ponies who are."

"No, there not cool, THERE ARE AWESOME!!" Rainbow Dash added.

"Yeah, I know" replied Scootaloo. "I thought I was the only pony who does this sort of stuff." She then says "Daredevil ponies" as she west on the railing in pure happyness
However, Iron snaps Scootaloo away from her star struck daze and told her: "Well we better get started"

"Wait! What!!" Scootaloo replied in shock

"Well we can't just stand here and watch. We need to get close to the action. Close to the danger"

The way that Iron Wings said "danger" snapped Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo back to reality and that, this is really, really dangerous. They look back at the skate park and begin to notice all the hazards in it. As for the aforementioned rocks and holes, there was also wet oil on the tracks, walls and other things that would block your path and begin to see injured ponies who just barely pick themselves off and onto the ramps and quickly pass out afterwards.

"Oh don't worry. No way we let her go through "The Course." She is way too young and inexperience for that" Iron stated, easing some of their worries. But then he said: "... But she can't go on the child ramps."
"OOH! I know!" Iron Wings stated that made them worried again. "She'll go on "Icarus Drop!""

Rainbow and Scootaloo hesitantly look up on what Iron Wings was looking it and was horrified to see that he means the giant daredevil slope. Scootaloo must go down that giant daredevil slope.


Back at Canterlot, you could hear sounds of a shrieking baby that's swallowed a microphone. Oh wait! My mistake. It was actually Sweetie Belle trying to sing one of the songs she sang before but this time (the "Perfect Stallion" to be precise), but it sounds horrible this time.

"No! No! No! You need to be softer, more gentle. Try to imagine the scene when you hear the lyrics and imagined how you feel when you are in that scene" instructed Sapphire Shores, who never before had she worked this hard to get a pony's tone correctly.

Finally, Sweetie stopped singing as her throat was getting sour. She managed to coughed: "*cough* *cough* Can I please get a drink of water... please?"

Not wanting Sweetie to suffer, Sapphire replied "Sure hun', take five"

Sweetie Belle softly walk over Rarity, who had the glass and jug of water. However, Rarity were frantically trying to fix the glass with here magic. She just managed to fix the cracks when Sweetie finally approach her. But at this moments, Rarity got herself a bit messed up from using a magic she wasn't accustomed to and felt totally embarrass. But fortunately, it wasn't bad enough which a quick spruce up couldn't fix. In fact, because she was Rarity, the best fashion pony in Equestria, she actually looked a bit better then before.
However, she didn't let her ego get to herself as she saw Sweetie Belle pour herself a glass of water with her magic. Rarity could see the sad expression on her sister's face as she wasn't having a good time.

"Sweetie dear, what's wrong? Is there something troubling you?" Rarity asked, putting the most concerned that she can as she said it.

"No... It's nothing" Sweetie replied as she wasn't very good to hide the lie. "It just that... I knew that I wasn't good at singing."

"What are you talking about?" Rarity replied. "You sung plenty of times and you wasn't that bad."

"I know, but it just that... It just that whenever I try to sing to a crowd, I just mess everything" rebutted a depress Sweetie Belle.

As Rarity was looking for a reply that she can give, even managing to say "But you...", Sapphire Shores interrupted their conversation to make an announcement.

"Actually hunnies, we got to make that a ten because I need the little mare's room" she announce as she fast-walk towards the door. Just then, Sweetie began to feel something.

"You know what, I actually need to use the rest room too."

Sweetie Belle quickly follow Sapphire Shore out of the room, leaving Rarity alone in a big empty room. This was unsettling for her, only because this gave room for Rarity to doubt herself. She wonders what she could have said before Sapphire interrupted could have convinced Sweetie or if it wouldn't. But as the doubt was starting to take hold, Rarity quickly shakes it off.

"Do not worry Rarity" which Rarity said to herself. "Your a good big sister and you can fix any problem which Sweetie may have" she said to boost her confidents. After making a sigh to relieve some of the tension within herself, she says to herself: "You need to keep you mind of things for now." She took out a note book she as with her which has all her rough sketches of her latest designs. As she was about to make a bit more work on it, she quickly realize that she was talking to herself and somebody (I mean some pony) could have heard her. Worst yet, she referred to herself in the third person. However, she pushed that thought aside and got her mind to focus by walking on her designs.


Meanwhile, at Appaloosa, ponies was working hard on their jobs as the town is trying to slowly expand. However, some ponies who was walking pass the shed which Apple Bloom and Applejack was fixing Old Bessie couldn't help to stop and listen the sounds that were coming from it. After a series of sounds from power drills, clanks and other sounds which you would hear from a car garage, ponies and buffalo began to her hear load voices from it. However, they couldn't catch the full sentences.

"No Apple... That Doesn't Go There! It Meant To Be..."

"But... And You Said..."

"... Ok. Just..."

"WAIT!! IS IT SMOKING!?!?" Shouted a voice which sounded like Applejack

"IT'S GUNNA BLOW!!!" Screamed a voice which was definitely was from Apple Bloom.

Then, Apple Bloom, followed by Applejack, legged it out of the shed as fast as they can as they can. Just then, the shed exploded with black smoke which pushed the Apple Sisters forward. Luckily, both of them was ok as only smoke hit them and landed on soft enough ground. Once ponies gone up to them to see if they're ok, everyone looked back at the explosion which the area is completely covered in black smoke. However, to everyone surprise, the shed remained intact. But what's was even more surprising, through the fading smoke, the tractor was still in one piece.
Although it was hard to see, but once the smoke dissipated enough for ponies to get closer, they could see it was still intact. No one dared to have a proper examination... except for Uncle Apple Seed. Once all of the smoke was gone, Uncle Seed was the first one to step inside but the Apple sisters watched from the door.

"Well... She finally did something" Uncle Seed remarked as he knock his hoof on the tractor.

"AWWW SHOOT!! I knew I couldn't fix her, but I did it anyway" Apple Bloom shouted in frustration and disappointment.

"Not necessarily, Apple Bloom" Uncle Seed interjected. "Ya did do something. Y'all did got her to explode everything that was left inside of her."

Apple Bloom could see where he was coming from. She manage to exorcise any unused gas or any other damaging chemicals that was left inside of Bessie. However, Apple Bloom find it hard to believe that was what happened.

"Well Um..." Applejack muttered. "Do ya think it's safe to continue?"

"Hmmm...? I guess? Ya just have to be more careful" he replied after he made a quick scan of the room.

As Uncle Seed left the she shed and leave the Apple sisters back to their own devices, everyone follow suit and return back to their daily lives. Apple Bloom however was still beating herself up. She did expected that she would make an explosion. It was one thing for to try and failed, but it's another when you tried and make things worse then before.

Applejack snapped Apple Bloom out of her depression by asking: "Well what do ya want to do? Do ya want to try again?" When Apple Bloom looked at her sister, she could see a hopeful smile that was on her face. "... Or do ya want to give up?"

"*Deep Sigh*... Let's try this again" Apple Bloom replied with lingering despair.

"Well That's What I Want To Hear!" Applejack yelled with joy before slowly rushing back to work. Apple Bloom follow suit along with the doubt that was growing in her mind.


Back up above the clouds, above even Cloudsdale, Scootaloo (not literally) was wetting herself as she was looking down off of Icarus Drop. She was on top of the daredevil slope and even though they were already in the clouds, from her perspective, the other ponies looked more like ants. The only thing that she was holding was her scooter, but there was enough space around her and there were guards that stop her from being blown off. Rainbow Dash was standing beside her, but she was also scared as she was looking down the slide. Not of her own safety, but for Scootaloo's.
Both of them looked down the slide and could see that it was a long way down. The edges were several meters apart so there was room to move around a bit as you were going down, but there was nothing protecting you from falling off. Scootaloo went down plenty of slopes before, and plenty of times where she went to fast the she lost control and crash. But this... She knows that if she go down it with her scooter, she wouldn't know what would happen to her.

Iron Wings appeared up in front of her and asks: "Well kid, Are! You! Ready!?"

The only words that Scootaloo was able to say was um's. Even though before she liked to test the limits of her skill and see how close she can get to danger. But this was something that she don't want to do. She feels that she is compelled to do this, to get her cutie mark and not to let down her friends. But she was too terrified to do this.

Scootaloo replied: "Umm... Isn't there enough air here? It's like we are already in space"

"Oh Pft! Pegasi can survive living virtually any height. We can even breath with barely any air" Iron Wings replied back. And don't take what he said too seriously. Pegasi can breath with little air, but not in space...... But there is enough air for them to breath.

Iron pulled a reluctant Scootaloo under his wing and closer to the edge. "Do you see that Scootaloo?" he asked as he point to a cloud off from where they are on. Scootaloo trailed her sight down the slide and off the ramp at the end and see a small island cloud off in the distance. "You are just gunna slide down Icarus Drop and jump of and you must try to land on that cloud" he explained

Then uncomplainingly for Scootaloo, Iron pulled off away from her and stand by the side and leaving her by the edge. The only thing that he said was: "You can go when you're ready". She was frozen there, petrified by her own fear. Even Rainbow Dash was bitting her nails off of her... hooves?

Thinking of a way to get out of this, Scootaloo came up with an excuse and ask: "You know what!? I think that I need to check on my scooter and see if it's ok? Maybe should get down and take it apart to see if it's alright?"

"OH Right! Silly me" Iron Wings replied as he smacked himself on his head. "Safety first when you endanger your own life."

Scootaloo thought that this was her moment to escape from doing this. However, Iron Wings snatches Scootaloo's scooter away from her to expect it. "Hmm... Not bad. But you need something more sturdier then this to make it down" is what he said. Then, he passes the scooter to some pony off screen and tampering sounds was heard. Once the sounds has finished, the off screen pony hand back Scootaloo's scooter back to Iron who then gives it back to Scootaloo.
When Scootaloo got her scooter back, she could instantly notice the work that has been done on it. The metal that was on it was replaced by a stain-less, even better metal. The wheels was also replaced by a pair that wouldn't be so easily break or would come off. It was also easier to turn the handlebars and isn't so slippery that she would loose control. The only thing that wasn't replaced was the wood, but even then, it was in a frame so it wouldn't snap.

After she admired her new and improved scooter, Scootaloo realized that she has no more excuses. She could see Iron's face who was eager to see her to go down the slope. She also notice the ponies that was down below them who was now watching them to see what will happen. She even thought that Rainbow Dash would try to stop her and she was very much concerned for her. However, Iron Wings is stopping her and gently holding her back with a hoof, trying to say that she needs to do this on her own.

Scootaloo stood on top of Icarus Drop, watching down the thing that she is terrified of. She hesitantly centered herself in the middle of the platform nerve rackingly place herself on top of her scooter. The scene was so tense, it could easily clog some ponies throats. Scootaloo wasn't panicking, but she was slowly loosing herself as she was breathing deeper and deeper.
Just as Scootaloo was starting to make move forwards, as the wheel on scooter was starting to turn, she chickened out. She jumped back and lung towards her idol, Rainbow Dash. She rapped her hooves around Rainbow Dash's feet, begging, crying.

"PLEASE!!! Don't Make Me Go Down It!!!" She cried out as she begins to tear up

Horrified expressions were on Rainbow Dash and Iron Wing while the ponies down below was confused as to what's going on. As RD looked towards her old teacher, Iron was horrified with himself as he realize what he was trying to do.


Sweetie Belle was relieved that she managed to find the toilets in time. When she left the stall and head for the faucet to wash up (like a good little girl), she took her time to admire her surrounding. She expected that all of Canterlot was fancy and imagined really posh restrooms, but Sapphire Shore's was really subdued all things considered. I mean, there were glittering toilets, marble tiles and everything was cleaned white, but there wasn't any chandeliers or murals on the wall. But then again, Sapphire isn't the unseal fancy pants Canterlot pony and Sweetie realized that.

Then suddenly, as she was washing her... hooves, Sweetie began hearing music coming from the other rooms. She was confused at first, but as she was hearing the music, the more she grew to like it. In fact, she was really getting into it.
The beat was simular to the real life song: Blue Da Be Dee but it has Sapphire Shores voice. The lyrics was also different. She was singing that she was blue, but she was saying/singing it like it was a complement. "I'm Blue, Like A Shinning Blue Sapphire Diamond!"

Before she could know it, Sweetie Belle was dancing to it and dancing to it, shaking side to side. It was the first time that she was hearing Sapphire Shore's music and she discovered why people like her songs. She would argue that it isn't better then one of her favourites, but it was certainty becoming one of them. As the funky rhythm began to taking over her brain, she magically began to sing. Singing, and she was good. She was singing like an up beat angel, perfectly synchronizing to the music and would lighten anybody's mood if they were hearing her.

"I'm Blue, Like A Magically Blue Bell!" Sweetie Belle sang out, feeling the happiest then she felt in a while.

But then, ruining her mood and surprising her, a voice shouted out in the other stall besides here's and said: "AHA! I Knew It!" Then Sapphire Shores but out of it and shouted: "I Knew You Had That Voice In Ya!"

"What! Sapphire! What! Why are you here?" Sweetie reacted when she realized Sapphire Shores was listening to her. She thought that they were separated and went to different bathrooms. She remembered that they split up to head down to different corridors and thought that she went to her own private one.

"Sweetie,..." she began to reply. "... you're in my bathroom." And she was right. If you checked the sign on the door, you could see an outlined imaged on Sapphire Shore's face.

Sapphire stair intensely at Sweetie Belle, waiting for an answer. She knew that it was an accident. She knew that Sweetie was deliberately trying to sound bad. It was at this moment that Sweetie realized that she can't hide her secret any longer.

"*Sigh of defeat*... I can sing. I can sing better then I let on" she admitted. "I didn't want ponies to know that I can sing really well.

"But Sweetie... Why do you want to hide such a wonderful singing voice?" Sapphire asked in confusion.

After giving another sigh of defeat, Sweetie Belle answered: "It was because of my sister" which got Sapphire Shores to become intrigued. She explains: "One day, as I was playing around the house, I discovered Rarity as she was working on one of her dresses. She was singing while she worked and she was... Amazing. She sang so good and her talent wasn't even singing. It was then that I realized that I can't be compared to my sister."

As Sweetie looked down in depression, Sapphire Shores felt pity for her and says: "Oh Sweetie... I know how you feel." When she looked up to see what she means, Sapphire explains: "I know how you feel like Sweetie. In a world of pop stars and singers, it's very hard to get ponies to pick your music over others. There have been several times that I gotten second place to getting awards.

Sweetie smiled as she felt like that she was relating to Sapphire Shores. However, Sapphire grab her attention and look at her with a stern expression. "But listen, no matter how many times that ponies picked some ponies else's music over mine, or get out staged, I never give up. No matter what, I always tried to make myself heard. It's better then to be heard and thought that you sounded badly and never to be heard at all." Sweetie didn't know what to think or how to reply. She didn't want to admit it to herself, but she was sort of moved.

But then, Sapphire Shores shouted: "Ooh! Brain Storm" which surprised Sweetie Belle. "You are gunna tell Rarity what you told me"

"What!" Sweetie yelled in unexpected-ness. Even though she didn't wanted to, she felt ok to tell Sapphire Shores how she feels. But no way can she tell that to Rarity.

"Uh Uh Uh! No getting out of it. I'm taking you to your sister and you are going to tell her what you told me" stated Sapphire Shores before she began to push Sweetie Belle out of the room.


Apple Bloom and Applejack was trying to start Old Bessie outside of the shed. Even though the shed was still standing, Applejack declared it might be too dangerous to work inside. There weren't either, as some ponies who was supposed to be working was watching them as was amazed to see how far they gotten.

Apple Bloom got out from under the tractor after doing some tinkering and shouted at Applejack on top:
"OK! Give it a shot!"

Applejack, who was sitting firmly on top of Bessie's set, twist the key and try to start up the engine. It rattle and clank, making sounds that wouldn't normally be from a healthy engine, but nothing bad was happening. Everyone else was certainly astounded as they couldn't get it to that far without something blowing. However, despite all their progress, it still wouldn't start. Applejack tried several but it wouldn't work. In fact, her last try before giving up didn't made any sounds.

"GARSH DARN-IT!!" the sisters yelled in unison.

Apple Bloom walked several steps away in frustration and yell: "We Made It This Far And We Still Couldn't Fix It!"

"Oh come on Apple Bloom, we can't give up now" Applejack replied back.

"But why bothered" she argued back. "We'd been trying all day and we still failed despite all the progress we made. She
Just Too Damned Rusty!" Apple Bloom then slump over in defeat and added softly so Applejack couldn't hear her: "... and we still have a better chance then finding my cutie mark."

Applejack, who obviously did hear her, became cross and stormed up to Apple Bloom. She grabbed her sister attention and said: "Apple Bloom! Listen!" Intimated, Apple Bloom did what she told and Applejack got them to sit down facing each other.

"Ok, I don't like bragging mine or my friends accomplishments, but listen" Applejack stated. She then asked: "Did Twilight gave up when she was fightin' Discord or Tirek?"

"No" Apple Bloom replied admittingly.

"Did Fluttershy gave up when she and the other pegasi delivered water to Cloudsdale?"

"No" she admitted again

"Or did WE gave up when we went on the worst road trip in our entire lives?"

"No!" Apple Bloom who was starting to realize what Applejack trying to say.

She got Apple Bloom's attention with a concerned and caring look and told her: "But the thing that I'm most amazed is you and your friends who never gave up on your cutie marks". Apple Bloom fell back into a bummed attitude from hearing that, but she was her and the Cutie Mark Crusaders that amazed her. "When I was ya age, I'd never did all of those wacky crusades or had any friends that helped me. Heck! I find mine by a complete accident. I believe that you can do it. That's the honest truth."

Apple Bloom was confused. On the train, fixing the tractor and now. Her sister is having so much faith in her and she didn't know what to think of it. She didn't want to disappoint her sister, but she knows that she was wrong before. But deep down, she got an persistant feeling that she might be right.

Applejack got up, brush herself off and then ask: "SO!... Do ya want to get back to work or go and have a break?"

"I..." Apple Bloom was about to reply before her stomach was about to growl. Honestly, she was thinking to get back to work. But however...
"Ya know what! I can go for a bite to eat." Applejack became happy and the two Apple Sisters went off in search for food.


Water was dripping but it wasn't from below the clouds. Scootaloo bust down in tear over failing to go down Icarus Drop, and everyone else wasn't feeling happy with themselves either. Rainbow Dash was holding Scootaloo with her wings and hooves as she was letting her cry on her. But honestly, she wasn't feeling comfortable as she had never done it before. However, the one that is arguably the most upset was Iron Wings. He realize that he was pressuring a little kid to go down a life threatening stunt and he was beating himself over it.

"Scootaloo... I'm so sorry" apologized Iron Wings. "I sometimes forget how my students were feeling and now I'm..."

"No..." Scootaloo interjected as she began to cry less. "...You were just trying to help... right?..." Iron, however, wasn't so sure.

Rainbow Dash, finally thinking this is her chance to give Scootaloo a motivational discussion, turned her head and faced Iron.
"Can you give us a few minutes alone?"

"Oh! Ok, sure?!" he replied in surprised. Although he feels he did something wrong, he didn't expect to be pushed away so soon. Maybe it was because it was his former student that he thought he knew was the one to tell him to leave them alone.

After Iron Wings fly off the platform and head back down, Rainbow got Scootaloo away from under her wing and turn to face her to have a proper discussion. Not the one to know from these situations, she felt that she need to know how Scootaloo is feeling.

"So, um... hey? How are you feeling Scootaloo?" she asked softly.

"Terrible!" she replied quickly. "I can't fly, too scared to do anything and I can't get my cutie mark"

"Hey Now!" Rainbow interjected. "You can fly and do all those stuff an..."

"Yeah! Some Day!" Scootaloo interrupted. "But every day that goes by, it fell like that what I can do becomes less an' less... Until..." is what she said before she started making more tears.

As she watches Scootaloo busting down in tears again, Rainbow Dash can no longer stand seeing her so depress. Rainbow searches deep down inside of her self to find the words that she needs and once she was confident that she picked the right ones, she let them out. She kneeled down to Scootaloo and ripped away a tear to get her attention.

"Ok, listen. When was way younger, maybe even younger then you, I felt like that I'M not good enough to do anything. I wasn't fast enough that I wanted and I crash so much that ponies up here liked to call me *groaned* "Rainbow-Crash.""

Scootaloo stopped crying as she gasped in disbelieving. She was honestly thinking that Rainbow Dash was telling her lies: "What! No, don't lie! No pony that is as awesome as you was called "Rainbow-Crash."

"Nope, they did. Just ask Iron" Rainbow Dash replied back. "But do you know how I became as awesome as I am now?"

Scootaloo shook her head and said: "No."

Rainbow Dash placed a hoof on Scootaloo's shoulder and said: "I kept trying". She continued and explained: "I trained so hard so that no-pony dared to call be Rainbow-Crash. In fact, look at Fluttershy. She was one of the slowest pegasi in the world, but since she tried to keep up with me, she can actually catch up to me now."
Scootaloo was actually being moved by Rainbow Dash's speech. She didn't know if her idol was telling the truth or was saying words to make her feel better. But she is thinking that she's starting to see things.
To finish up her point, Rainbow Dash final statement to Scootaloo: "Unless we keep on trying, we can't be better ponies."

Rainbow Dash stood up in front of Scootaloo and ask: "So are you going to try..." Then she realized and turned towards the menacing slope that was behind her. "...that"

Scootaloo began to panic. "But That is!... THAT IS!..." Rainbow Dash was thinking on how she could make this any better until she came up with and said:
"Don't worry, I will catch you".

"What!" Scootaloo replied.

"I'll fly down beside you and if you were to crash and fall, I will save you" Rainbow Dash explained.


"Hay! I'm Rainbow Dash! The Fastest Flyer In Equestria! I can catch up to anyone" She proclaims boastfully. Scootaloo sincerely thinks Rainbow Dash is the fasted flyer.

Still some reserves in her mind, Scootaloo picked herself up from the platform. When she spotted her scooter, she picked it up to help boost her confidents. She then took a shaky but helpful deep breath before strongly proclaiming: "Let's Do This!"


Back at Canterlot, Sapphire Shores took Sweetie Belle to Rarity and even though it took a bit of prodding, was telling Rarity why she was singling badly on purpose. As she Rarity was listening, her expression was becoming even more shocked.

"... and that's why I was singing badly" Sweetie Belle said as she was finishing explaining.

"Oh Sweetie Belle!" Rarity cried sorrowfully as she pulled her sister in for a hug. "You should never think like that." Despite being startled at first, Sweetie Belle warmly embrace her sister's hug. But she became startled again when she heard her sister said:
"Especially since I think your the better singer."

Sweetie Belle pulled away from the hug and yelled: "What!" in shock.

"Oh come now. I'm not the only one who likes to sing around the house" Rarity stated and Sweetie blushes as she was remembers that she does that from time to time. "I honestly thought you have an amazing voice. I was looking forward to hear you sing today.

"But... Don't you want to..." Sweetie muttered as she was trying to build an argument.

"Why do I want my little sister to hide such a wonderful talent" Rarity interjected before Sweetie could finish. "I want you to be the best pony you can be."

"You mine it sis'"

"Of course I do!" Rarity reply before she pull her back in to give a more loving hug then she gave before.

Sapphire Shores, who was a bystander to this, couldn't no longer protect herself from this tear jerking scene. "Oh! So beautiful!" she said before she rip away her tears before anybody could see them. And at that moment, she suddenly have an idea that she want them to do.

"Ooh! Brain Storm Time!" Sapphire Shores yelled that gotten Rarity's and Sweetie Belle's attentions. "Why not... you two sing as a duet!?!" she asked and was given the typical reply of "What!"
She explains: "Yeah Why Not!? You two think that the other is an awesome singer, so you should know that you would sound better as a duet"

It took several moment and several glances of Sweetie Belle and Rarity looking at each other before they came up with a response. Rarity said to her sister: "I'm willingly to give it a try if you would". Sweetie Belle was a first nerves of this option. However, she decided to feel optimistic and replied: "Ok, Sure!" Rarity was just happy for her little sister regardless but Sapphire was a bit too happy of Sweetie accepting.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle stood centre of the room while Sapphire Shores was waiting intensely on the side. When Rarity look at her to see if she's ready, Sweetie Belle began messaging and clearing her throat, almost as if she was turning her good voice on. Once she was sure that she was ready, Sweetie gave her sister a nod to show that she was.
Rarity was the first to sing and she began singing "Find The Music Within You". Not because she was being ironic, but because I want it to be ironic. But in due credit, the lyrics was different that it was not just to "find the music within you", but also other stuff like courage and determination to match to what is coming next. When it was time for Sweetie Belle to start singing, she started of softly as she was still hesitant. But she was singing good. And as Rarity and Sapphire was trying to give off the impression that she was good, Sweetie Belle grew to be more confident. Eventually, Sweetie and Rarity was singing strongly together. Singing the lyric proudly and even shaking their heads uncontrollably.
It was at this moment that at a shining light was coming of Sweetie Belle's flank. Sapphire was the first to notice and was jaw dropped surprised as she couldn't believe her eyes. It took a bit to notice for Rarity, but when she did, she was so surprised that she stopped singing. While Sweetie Belle, who had her eyes closed, kept on singing as laud and proud as she can without realizing what was happening.


Back up to Cloudsdale (and Sweetie was continue singing in the background), Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash was looking down the slope that they were about to travel down. The ponies down below could finally see them and began cheering. Iron Wings, who just arrived at the crowd, also notice then and could only give a worried and surprised expression. Scootaloo grew second thought and letting her fears getting the best of her. But it only took one look at her idol: Rainbow Dash to throw away her fears enough to go down.
She and Rainbow Dash started off slow, letting the wind to push her off and letting Scootaloo to go first. But when she was finally of the edge, she was picking up speed like she was going into the future. Rainbow Dash, who followed after her, was surprised that she was having a bit of trouble catching up to her. As Scootaloo was going faster then she had gone before, the fear of loosing control slipped passed into her mind. However, once Rainbow Dash finally catches up to her, she got ride of the fear and began flapping her tiny wings to go even faster.
Scootaloo jumped off of the ramp at the end and she and Rainbow Dash was gliding in the air. Even the pegasi who was on the main part of Cloudsdale could see them as tiny dots as they were flying in front of the sun. Scootaloo was amazed at what she was doing, but notices that she let go of her scooter and was falling down towards the earth. Rainbow Dash, in a split second decision making, decided to save the scooter. She regretted it and now Scootaloo was flying on her own. Scootaloo was too confused to even be scared. However, once she sees the cloud that she was supposed to land on, every part of her brain told her to: "Land On That Island!" Gritting her teeth and giving it everything she got, enacting that "fly or die" saying, Scootaloo flapped her wings harder that she have ever done before.
As she was getting close to the island, a shining light was glowing on Scootaloo flank now. And added to the setting sunlight made it even more blinding. Rainbow Dash, who is the closest and arguably the only one who could see it, was amazed and thought how awesome the scene she was seeing. This scene ends when Scootaloo actually appearing over the cloud and looking like she was about to land on it (she did).


Apple Bloom and Applejack grabbed their lunches and was sitting on a slop facing the rusted up Old Bessie. Taking Applejacks words to heart, Apple Bloom stair intensely at the tractor and was thinking up the way to fix her. The problem that she could think of is that all of her parts was too rusty, but they don't have any replacement (unless she replace the whole tractor), material to make the replacements and there is nothing that can cures rust. As she was still trying to think of a solution, she took a bite out of her apple before she was hit by inspiration.
Apple Bloom looked at her bitten apple and saw the juicy apple juices dropping from it. As it drop onto the ground and disappears into the soil, she finally came up with the perfect solution. She rushes over to her saddlebags she brought with her which startled Applejack. Once AJ caught up to her, Apple Bloom was taking out beakers and potions that she apparently brought along. When she didn't think she got everything she needs, she spotted and nicked a flower that was one a buffalo's headdress. She mixed that and a crushed apple into her potions and start doing some alchemy. Once she got the potion that she wanted, Apple Bloom rushes back to Old Bessie. She poured a bit of it into the tractor's exhaust pipe and began scrubbing the potion into every nook-an-cranny that she can. Eventually, clouds of green smoke began exploding across the tractor. Applejack tried to pull her sister, but the exploding gasses was pushing her away. However, Apple Bloom wasn't even fazed at this as she continues rubbing the potion in.
All of the ponies who's staying up and some of the buffalo was hanging out in one of the cantina. Braeburn was discussing a few matters with Uncle Apple Seed and then Little Strongheart came and sat next to Braeburn. However, all discussions was stopped as they were hearing sounds of a perfectly working tractor outside and everyone rushes out to see. When they got outside, ponies was shocked and prides was ruined as they see and stainless Old Bessie ridding down the town with Applejack and Apple Bloom. As the Apple sisters were happily ridding on the newly restored tractor, Apple Bloom's flank began to glow but this scene ends before it was shown.


Several days passed and now we finally return to Ponyvile. Everybody was still getting ready for summer vacation to start and Twilight's castle, yet again, was still an eyesore. Around the time for the last day of school was starting, the train that came from Appaloosa has finally arrived at the train station. As ponies was leaving the train carts, Apple Bloom and Applejack rushed and closely missing any pony they were running pass. They jump out of the train station and running down the streets towards the school house.

"Hurry Up Apple Bloom! Or Else Ya Miss Yer Last Day Of School!" yelled Applejack to Apple Bloom who was closely behind her. "Braeburn was right! We should have taken the earlier train!"

"I Know Applejack I don't want to miss it too!" Apple Bloom yelled back.

"I don't know why ya wore your crusader's cape and your..." AJ asked but couldn't finish as she need to take another breath.

"I want Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to be the first ones to see my CUTIE MARK!" Apple Bloom replied who jumped when she said cutie mark.

"Well we'd better hurry" Applejack interjected before they both rush off to school.

Once the Apple sisters finally arrived at the school house, they regain their breaths and Applejack signalled Apple Bloom to go in as it wasn't her class. Once she regain her breath, Apple Bloom took her nervous first steps into the classroom.
Once she was inside, what Apple Bloom saw took her breath away after she's just regained it. Cheerilee stood behind her desk and was quick to notice Apple Bloom. All of the other students were there and were at their seats, and she could see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who wasn't looking happy. And then there was Sweetie Belle... who was singing in front of the class and was showing of her cutie mark.

Sweetie Belle was singing just "La La La"'s, but she sang them so lovely and so angelic, that birds actually appeared on the windows and was singing along. Sweetie's cutie mark was a bell with music notes. Once she was finished, the class (except for TD and Silver Spoon) gave a round of applause and Sweetie Belle finally notices Apple Bloom.

"Apple Bloom, I'm glad that you can see..." Cheerilee said before the two reunited friends shouted: "Oh My Gosh" three times at each other.

"Sweetie Belle!... You!... You Sa...! You Got Yer CUTIE MARK!"

"Yeah I Know! Right!" replied Sweetie Belle who did a twirl to show of her cutie mark. "I got it once I sang with my sister after Sapphire Shores helped me". And once she said Sapphire Shore's name, the room became roaring with discussions and Diamond Tiara became even more frustrated.

"What about you?" Sweetie Belle asked. "what did you get?"

"Well..." As Apple Bloom was about to take off her crusader's cape, a familiar voice and pony came through the door.

"Sorry! Sorry Everyone! Sorry For Being Late!" apologized out Sir Fine Marks, the Cutie Mark Councillor. He rushed through the door, not noticing Applejack who was still outside, and he brought a brief case with some leaking documents. Once he got his stuff on Cheerilee's desk, Cheerilee and Apple Bloom spotted pink ribbons and confetti on Sir Mark's back. Once Sir Mark spotted them, he began to violently shake them off his back. He explained: "On my way here, I was attacked by a pink pony who want me to come to her party. I didn't want to go to such a childish event, but she wouldn't let me go."

Then Sir Marks noticed Apple Bloom and Sweetie and spotted Sweetie Belle's cutie mark.
"Girls! It's great to see you. And Sweetie... You got your Cutie Mark!" he said loudly, almost giving the impression that he was the one who got them that.

"Yeah. And it was all thanks to you" replied Sweetie Belle, which gave Sir Marks attention from the class.

"And Apple Bloom!..." Sir Marks said as he moved his attention towards her. "Did you get your cutie mark?"

"Yeah, I was just..." she replied as she tried to remove her cape again, but another voice from outside stopped her again but this time it yelled: "IN COMMING!"

Then, Scootaloo came flying in with her scooter and frightening everyone inside. After the initial shock, everyone was amazed as Scootaloo began riding the walls horizontally. However, once she slow down and stopped, she accidently knocked Apple Bloom up and over Cheerilee's desk.

"Scootaloo!... THAT WAS AMAZING!" screamed Sweetie Belle as she complimented her friend.

"I Know! But Look!" replied Scootaloo as she turn and revealed that she got her cutie mark. Her cutie mark was her scooter making a lighting trial pattern. As the students was saying "wow", Scootaloo explained: "I became a daredevil pony"
As everyone was wondering what a daredevil pony is, Scootaloo reiterate: "A daredevil pony is a pony who does life daring stunts while one bikes, skateboards and even scooters. As she started posing and doing tricks in front of the class, the all cheered and applaud her. While Diamond Tiara was having the worst day in her life. This certified that she had lost the bet.

As everyone was being amazed, Cheerilee noticed and fallen over Apple Bloom behind her desk. "Are you alright Apple Bloom!?!" she asked that got everyone's attention.

Apple Bloom picked herself up while holding her head and replied dizzily: "yeah... I'm ok." Once Cheerilee helped her around, her friends rushed to her aid.

"I'm so sorry Apple Bloom. I didn't see ya back there. If I had... If I had just notice you, I would have..." apologized Scootaloo, who was feeling regretful for her actions. However...

"No, it's ok Scootaloo. I'm ok" replied Apple Bloom who still show signs of soreness.

"So Apple Bloom..." cried Sir Marks who got everyone's attention. "...did you get your cutie mark"

Everyone was waiting for her response. Cheerilee and Sir Marks who was waiting patiently. Scootaloo and Sweetie, who was too eager and was giving off creepy smiles. The other students was waiting on the edge of their seats, except for Diamond Tiara who was upset as ever. She even notices Applejack who was peaking out of the door. However Apple Bloom was hesitant and should be noticeably frightened.

"I..." Apple Bloom as everyone was leaning forward and was eager for the answer. "I..." Then, Apple Bloom blurs out the answer:

Everyone was shocked by this. Even Diamond's mood changed as she heard this supposed revelation. Applejack was the one who was most upset by this, and more so Apple Bloom continued to talk.

"I'm sorry... I just failed to get my cutie mark. It just that... when I arrived, I couldn't 'nothing as we were just short on supplies." said Apple Bloom as she notice that she was about to cry. "I... I need to get out of here!"

Apple Bloom rushed out of the classroom, trying to hide her tears and something. Applejack chased after her and calling out to her to no avail. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked out from the doorway, confused, surprised and upset for her friend.

Author's Note:

It's done

More then before and it took all week to reach this self appointed deadline (actually, it's pass midnight now so I missed it).

Now, Apple Bloom's cutie mark at the end. She lied and she has got one, but you'll find out in the next chapter. Since this would be a finale for the Cutie Mark Crusader's to get their cutie marks, I want them to have a conflict aside from getting them and aside from Diamond Tiara. I imagined this story to be like a two part episode and every chapter before now and this is episode 1 and the chapters that comes next to be episode 2. However, I'm a bit worried that it might be too long so some parts must obviously be cut out.

But anyway, I hope you like this