• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 895 Views, 10 Comments

The Final Crusade - ImNoPony

A personal take on how the Cutie Mark Crusaders will get their mark. A test that not will only to determine their destinies, but also their fate as the crusaders

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Part 5- Cutie Mark Ordeals

The Final Crusade
Cutie Mark Ordeals

Previously On The Final Crusade
Scootaloo finally found her life's talent: recklessly endangering her own life. Wait what? Sweetie Belle also discover her talent and love of singing... even though she sang plenty of times before. Wait What! Also, Apple Bloom finally have got her cutie mark which she wanted since forever, but then decide to lie and tell ponies that she hadn't got her cutie mark...... WAIT WHAT!?!?
And Now, The Story


Out in the streets of Ponyvile, Diamond Tiara was running down alleyways and roads and appears that she's looking for some pony. Silver Spoon was following behind her but was totally confused to what they are trying to do.

"Diamond Tiara! Wait Up!" Yelled Silver Spoon as she was slowly getting exhausted.

"No Time!" She yelled back. "We Have To Find Apple Bloom!"

When Diamond arrived at a junction that leads down to multiple roads, Silver Spoon managed to catch up to her and catch her breath. As Diamond Tiara was deciding which road to take, Silver ask:
"Why do you want to find Apple Bloom? Are we gunna make fun of her or...?"

Angry at her for not having the same thoughts, Diamond Tiara turned to face Silver and told her:
"No! This is pay back for all those times where she and her friends made fools out of us. We may not get Sweetie Belle or Scootaloo, but once we make Apple Bloom our servant, we'll work to the ground. Well make sure that she won't talk back to us again."

As Diamond Tiara began to chuckle menacingly and Silver Spoon began to become worried, they both heard Applejack shouting: "Found Ya, Apple Bloom!" In no time at all, Diamond Tiara began to run towards where the sound came from. Silver Spoon ran after her and began fearing what Diamond might do.

Diamond ran around the corner and quickly spotted Applejack and Apple Bloom who was still wearing her crusader cape. Both did not look happy, with AJ looking angry or cross and Apple Bloom looking like she was upset. Diamond decided hide behind the corner to wait it out, but then Silver Spoon ran out of the corner, completely missing her. Diamond pulled her back in, told her "Shush" and they both began quietly eavesdropping.

"Apple Bloom! What In the Hay Da Think Yer Doing!?" demanded Applejack to Apple Bloom.

"I... I don't know Either" Apple Bloom replied depressingly.

"If ya don't know, why did ya lie to all your friend? Why did ya lie about not having yer cutie mark?". Once AJ asked that question, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon became baffled. They know as well as any pony else how much Apple Bloom wanted to get her cutie mark. It's illogical for her to lie about not having it. Unintentionally forgetting about the bet and pay back, they began to focus more on listening to the conversation.

Emotions was spiralling inside her head. Apple Bloom decide to tell her sister, but not because she felt defeated or got nowhere to hide. It was more like that she has a problem that is effecting her and she need to help.

"You see... When Scootaloo arrived, she accidently knocked me over Cheerilee's desk. When she did, I also knocked over some of Mr Marks papers. When I went to pick them up, I... I discovered..." Apple Bloom stammered. She was recalling the memory and was clearly giving her distress. As Applejack notice how upset and stress Apple Bloom was looking, she lighten up and actually became worried. Then, Apple Bloom began to cry as she forced the revelation out her mouth:

"WHAT!" cried Applejack, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Crying but still trying to give the details, Apple Bloom explains: "When I... When I picking up the papers, I saw applications to a bunch of different schools. *Sniff* He want to send Sweetie Belle to a fancy singing school in Canterlot and *Sniff heavier* want to send Scootaloo to some daredevil school at Manehattan."

"What! No way he want to do that" replied a concerned Applejack.

"But I... *Sniff* But I Saw Them!" cried Apple Bloom, wanting Applejack to believe her.

As Apple Bloom burst down crying, AJ tried to comfort her little sister as she brought her in for a hug. "Come now. Why don't we go back and try to get this sorted out" she ask.

Just then, Apple Bloom pulled away frighten and shouted: "No!" As she saw how surprised AJ was, Apple Bloom realize that she need some sort of excuse to get out of it. "I want to... to find Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. I... want to tell them... what really happen."

Seeing how clearly frighten she was feeling, AJ felt pity for her. "Ok, I just go by myself. Just make sure your ok."

AJ and Apple Bloom split up. Applejack head back towards the school and Apple Bloom slowly walks away and not knowing where she's going. The only ponies that were left was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. DT and Silver retreat further into the corner as they don't want to notice by anybody. Silver Spoon even notice how shocked Diamond Tiara is.

"Diamond... Are you ok? ask a concerned Silver Spoon.

There was a delay for a response, thinking that she was so confused that she was frozen. But she wasn't and she eventually say:
"That... wasn't... funny". As Silver Spoon became confused, she explains: "Usually, I would now make fun of those crusaders every chance I get. But now... I can't find it funny."

After a moment for the two to ponder, Silver Spoon came up with and says: "Maybe it just isn't funny. Maybe it wasn't funny to begin with?"
Diamond Tiara dismisses the idea and replied: "Silver Spoon, don't be an idiot. Of course it's funny. I mean, remember when..." But just then, Diamond paused herself. She didn't mean to pause, but as she remembers all of her "funniest" memories of teasing the CMC, she found them no longer funny as well. "No, No! They were funny" she thought out load. but the more she tried to convince herself, the less sure she became. When she could no longer fight herself any longer, her face grew horrified as she realized what is happening to them.

Then, Diamond Tiara burst out of the ally way from where she came from. Silver Spoon didn't know what was going on and chase after Diamond Tiara again.

"Tiara! Wait! Where Are You Going!" Silver Spoon yelled.

"No Time!" Diamond replied. "I Need To See My Father! I Decided To Help The Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

"WHAT!" Screamed Silver Spoon as she was surprised to hear that. She knew Diamond Tiara for most of her life and she thought she knew how she would act. But she never acted like this. All Silver Spoon could do was to chase after Diamond.


Back at the school house, Applejack arrived and was explaining things to Sir Marks and Cheerilee. In fact, they were the only ones there and the room was half empty. It was because school had finally finished and stuff was being put away to be ready for next semester. Cheerilee stood near a corner who was slowly packing stuff away but was looking over towards Applejack talking Sir Mark. Meanwhile, Sir Marks faced away from Applejack and Cheerilee but was clearly thinking about what Applejack was saying.

"... and that's why Mr Mark" said Applejack as she was finishing explaining. "That's why Apple Bloom lied and stormed off crying."

"First of, that is SIR Marks to you. Get it right" replied Sir Marks who was upset that Applejack didn't call him by his formal title. But back on hand, Sir Mark was clearly concerned about the situation and told them: "But yes, that is troubling..." Applejack and Cheerilee became happy as they thought the he was agreeing with them, but became shocked when they heard him added: "... she could really ruin the surprise."

"Ahem, Sir Mark, you not seriously send Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle away to different schools. Are you?" asked a concerned Cheerilee who stopped what she was doing and joined in on the conversation.

"But I am" replied Sir Marks nonchalantly, as if he wasn't seeing the problems. He walked behind the teacher's desk, acting like he's the boss in the room and reiterate: "I'm sending Scootaloo to "Tom Hawk's School for Junior Daredevils" and Sweetie Belle to "Celestia's Talent Academy for Future Stars. I'm just waiting on their replies." For your information, Tom Hawks is a griffin and "Celestia's Talent Academy" isn't really run by Celestia. She just gave the permission to allow a pony to use her name.

"But Mr Marks, don't ya see, you'll be splitting up their friendship" asked AJ


"Sir Marks, whatever. Ya just can't do this." replied AJ who was slowly getting annoyed about being corrected.

"Oh stop childish. You can't let friendship get in the way of success" replied Sir Marks who was also getting railed up by the situation.

"Marks, please" pleaded Cheerilee. "This isn't really necessary. Why can't they still study under me".

"I'm sorry Miss Cheerilee, but we must. The children are growing up and they need to focus on their futures. They can't let friends distract them from their full potential."

"Friendship Is Not A Distraction!" yelled Applejack, who acted like she was offended by Sir Marks last remark. ""Friendship Is A Wonderful Thing And It Can Help Ya!"

"DON'T SHOUT AT ME!" replied Sir Marks... who shouted back. Once he realize that he lost his composure, he took a deep to calm down and tried to be more charismatic towards Applejack. "Miss Applejack... Please listen to reason. I very much concerned about Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo as well". However, Applejack finding hard to believe that. Or at least in the right way. But then ask:
"Do you worry about Apple Bloom?'

Caught off guard, she replied: "What!... Um... sometimes?"

"And you do want her to having a happy future, right?"

"Yeah" said hesitantly.

"Well I'm just making sure they have a happy future too." He then went onto to explain: "You see, the schools that I'm sending them to will guarantee them successful careers. Not only will they learn to better use their talents, but they will also have qualifications and ponies will know how good they are. They could show how wonderful they are in stadiums filled thousands of ponies who will adore them. But if they stay here in Ponyvile...... The best they can do is little, childish parties."

"Yeah, but..." said Applejack who tried to argue back. But Sir Marks interrupt her and reiterate loudly: "Parties or Stadiums Miss Applejack?"

It was at that moment that Applejack didn't know what to say. Sir Marks was really persuasive. She strongly believe in the magic of friendship, but she doesn't want to get in the way of the CMC's future.


Apple Bloom was drinking her worries away by sipping a smoothie on the outside tables by Sugar Cube Corner. It didn't help though. The only time that it helped was when it gave her a brain freeze and expectantly it was short lived. She promised her sister that she would find her friends and tell them the truth, but she feels like she couldn't do neither. As Apple Bloom check to see if she has some smoothie left, she was found by the two ponies that she didn't want to see.

"Apple Bloom!" yelled Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo who spotted her. When Apple Bloom notice them, both of them began to run towards her. She wasn't confident enough to see them yet. But as she was leaving her seat, she notice how happy Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo as they were running towards her the made her feel happy. She knows that she can't run away forever, so she savaged any confidence she has and let them come to her.

"There you are Apple Bloom. We were worried sick about you" cried Sweetie Belle as she and Scootaloo got up to her.

"Oh! Thanks guys" happily replied Apple Bloom. But then she realized and ask: "Wait, hang on! School over already?"

"Yeah! School finished early because, you know, summer vacation started. We even got out earlier so we can... find you" replied Scootaloo who then remembers why Apple Bloom ran away to begin with. Apple Bloom notice Sweetie and Scootaloo was looking towards her flank which was covered by her CMC cape. Apple Bloom thought that they knew she was lying and was shacking to the thought that they gunna ask her about it. But to her surprise, they believe that she didn't got her cutie mark. "Don't worry Apple Bloom. We still your friends even though you still haven't got your cutie mark" said Scootaloo to make her feel better.

"What!... Um..." muttered Apple Bloom. "Um... Yeah... It was just too embarrassing about not getting it. I thought that you..."

"Come on Apple Bloom. You should know us by now. Were not Diamond Tiara. We wouldn't think that were better just because we got cutie mark and not you."

"Oh Yeah! Yer Cutie Mark!" shouted Apple Bloom. "Can I have a closer look?"

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo share a smirk as they were excited to show Apple Bloom. They jump back and got their rears closer together to show off how amazing both of them together. It clearly worked as Apple Bloom was left out astounded.

"Who could not believe what I had to do to get this Apple Bloom." said Scootaloo.

"Really" replied Sweetie Belle as she pulled back and became curious. "What did you had to do to get your cutie mark?"

Scootaloo was hit with all of the fear and terror of what she had to do. She look at her curiosity stricken friends and told them: "I have to jump... off a cloud... onto a smaller cloud... and off a skyscraper sized daredevil slide." As she saw how shock they were, Scootaloo felt like that she had reiterate. "Well it was a more then that. At first I has terrified. But then Rainbow Dash gave me a big motivational speech and I realize that I can take on anything as long as was myself."

"Wow!" replied Sweetie Belle who notice the similarity between their trials. "I wasn't so much different compared to what I went through. When I compared myself to my sister, I felt that I couldn't do anything. But when I stop and realize what I am, it wasn't that hard to get it."

"Yeah... not so different" mutter Apple Bloom to herself who also realize the similarities. But then she remembered the grim reality and says: "I guess this is the end of the 'Crusaders, isn't it" before she took another sip of her smoothie.

"What are you talking about Apple Bloom" rebutted Sweetie Belle. "The 'Crusaders isn't finished just yet."

"What!" reacted Apple Bloom who became surprised.

"We can't stop until everyone of use get cutie marks" happily explained Sweetie Belle

As she was how happy and caring her friend were, she felt like this was the happiest moment she have with them. She was so moved by this, she wanted this moment to last forever. Once she realize that her smoothie was finished, Apple Bloom jumped out of her seat and all three of them began to walk off.

"Come on. Since two of us have our cutie marks, the process should be like... 3 times as fast" stated Scootaloo.

"Yeah! I there was anything that I learned at Appaloosa, it's that you should never give up" said Apple Bloom who felt that she regain her sprite.

But all of this was ruined however when Sweetie Belle suggested: "Hay! Why not ask Mr Marks for help"

Without Sweetie or Scootaloo realizing, Apple Bloom froze when she mentioned Sir Mark. She felt that if they go to them, he would ruined their happy then and forever.

"Yeah! You might not got it right away, but he must know a thing or do that might help" said Scootaloo.

But then, as her friend was talking about Sir Mark, Apple Bloom thought of something. She thought that they would be happy going to the talent school. Maybe she thought that it's better for them to leave her behind.
Feeling like that she need to test them, Apple Bloom ask: "Um, guys..." Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo stopped and realize that Apple Bloom was a few feet behind them. "What would ya say if a pony told ya that you can go to the school or your dreams? Like you Sweetie can go to a fancy school for singers and Scootaloo goes to a school for daredevils."

After taking a moment to think about it, both of them replied in unison: "That Would Be Awesome!"

"I just learned about daredevil ponies and now I want to know everything about them" said Scootaloo.

"Yeah! I could learn a thing or two from a coach that can help me" added Sweetie Belle

Then Scootaloo said: "Maybe a talent scout might come to see us tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow!?" Apple Bloom asked out in confusion.

"OH Yeah! There'll be a big show tomorrow to help kick off summer vacation" explained Scootaloo. "Once Mr Marks learned about it, he arranged it so we can perform in front of the entire town"

"Yeah! We could do..." said Sweetie Belle before she gone off into her own conversation with Scootaloo. As they continue talking, Apple Bloom notice how happy and excited they were. She felt that she was unneeded, unwanted, some pony that will hold them back. As they continue having their conversation, Apple Bloom quietly slips away.

"Yeah! In fact, we could really use your help Apple... Bloom!" said Sweetie as she turned to face Apple Bloom. But when she did, Apple Bloom was already gone. It was at that moment that she and Scootaloo must have said something that might have upset their friend,


Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo scout the town again in search for their missing friend. The more that they searched, more anxious they become over the whole situation.

"Where could have Apple Bloom have gone?" asked Scootaloo.

"What could we have said that made her so upset?" asked Sweetie Belle in return.

As they thought long and hard about it, they were interrupted by an unexpected and familiar voice. "Hey Sweetie Belle! Scootaloo" happily cried out the voice to get their attention. As they turned around to see who it is, they were surprised to see who it is. It was Babs Seed

"Babs!" cried Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo as they saw their distant friend. As they run towards Babs and she run towards them, everyone accidently greeted each other by accidently colliding into one another. They laid on the ground and rubbing their heads and their injured places. However, the pain went away as everyone laughed it off and were just too happy to see each other.

"He He He! It's great to see you guys again" said Babs as she picked herself up.

"He Ha. It's good to see you too Babs" replied Sweetie Belle when she picked herself off the floor.

Once everyone picked themselves up and checked that everyone's alright, they finally exchange pleasantries.

"What are you doing here Babs" asked Scootaloo who curious.

"As soon as I heard you guys got your cutie marks, I convinced my parents for me stay for a couple of days" explained Babs

"That's Great! Apple Bloom would be excited to see you" added Sweetie Belle.

Just then, everyone remembered that Apple Bloom was missing. Babs Seed quickly ask before anybody could said anything: "Hey, where is my cousin anyway? I thought my parents let everybody know I was coming? But when I arrived at the train station, no one was around to pick me up."

"We would like to know to" Scootaloo sadly replied

"What do you mean?" Babs Seed enquired.

"Well... Apple Bloom has been avoiding us for some reason" Sweetie Belle explained that shocked Babs. "When Apple Bloom told everyone that she hadn't got her cutie mark, she ran out of our class. We found her earlier and we thought we cheered her up, but she snuck away from us"

But then, Babs Seed become confused. "Wait!? What you say?" she asked.

"She snuck away" Scootaloo replied thinking that's what she meant.

"No, before that..." she elaborated. "... You said she didn't got her cutie?"

"Umm... Yeah" Sweetie replied after shared a worried glanced with Scootaloo.

Babs Seed revealed: "She said she got her cutie mark at Appaloosa"

"What!" Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo reacted. Both of them looking intensely at Babs thinking she might have answers, but can clearly see that she is a confused as they are.

As everyone became worried and confused, Scootaloo asked out load: "Why would Apple Bloom about it?"


So every pony is wondering about where the heck is Apple Bloom. And I'm gunna make the assumption that you are to. Well, Apple Bloom is at the Cutie Mark Crusader's treehouse and being drowned by all the happy memories that she is remembering. She stood over the thinking spot where her and her friends came up with ideas. She saw the small table by the corner that have all of the arts an' crafts stuff. She then remembers the time were they made the giant card for Cheerilee. This eventually lead to her to remember to all of memorable moments in her life. Meeting Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, their crusading adventures, Twilight teaching them new talents, inducting Babs Seed into the CMC. She even remember the bad times with Diamond Tiara but Apple Bloom admitted to herself that she help her meet her true friends. If this would be in an episode of the show, the song "I've Got To Find A Way" would be playing in the back ground. In fact, that song might be suited better her then "'Mystery Cure".
As all the good memories comes to pass, eventually, all good things will come to the present. Apple Bloom gone out to the treehouse's balcony and now remembering what happened to her and her friends in the past few days. She fell and lien against the wooden rails and looked at her cutie mark that is still covered by her cape. If for anything, she now consider the CMC logo as her cutie mark.

As she slump over and cross her hooves, Apple Bloom said aloud in frustration and into her arms: "I wish we never got our cutie marks. I just wish everything stayed the same.

But then, as Apple Bloom was sobbing into her arms, she heard a voice she didn't expected. A voice she didn't expected to hear from where she was or expected to see in a couple of days. Even more confusing is what the voice was shouting.

"Tiara! Are You Here!? Please Tell More You're Here! TIARA!" shouted Silver Spoon as she was stumbling through the apple tree filled forest. When Apple Bloom look out and spotted her, she could notice how totally confused Silver Spoon was. Not only does she want to know what was going on, but she felt so much pity for her that she had to call out.

"HAY SILVER SPOON! What Are You Doing!?"

Silver Spoon was frighten when she heard Apple Bloom's voice. She was also surprised once she finally spotted the treehouse but was also confused on wither or not to go towards. Once Apple Bloom could see that Silver Spoon was bitting her hoof, she sighed and called her over.

"*Sigh* Come Over Here!"

Silver Spoon hesitantly walked over towards Apple Bloom's location. It seems that if Diamond Tiara wasn't around to tell Silver Spoon what to do, she would be indecisive and can't make a choice purely on her own without second guessing. Apple Bloom just find this fact depressing.

Once Silver Spoon got over to the treehouse and was below the balcony Apple Bloom was on, she asked: "Um, Apple Bloom, have you seen Diamond Tiara?"

"No, I haven't?" Apple Bloom replied intriguingly.

"Oh Shoot!" Silver Spoon shouted out in frustration. As it appeared that Silver Spoon was about to storm off, she unexpectedly stopped and became confused on what to do again.

Don't want to see her like this, Apple Bloom asked: "What were ya doing before ya lost her?"

As confused as she was, she knows that she didn't want Apple Bloom to know she and Diamond Tiara was eavesdropping on her earlier. She replied: "Um well... we were running over to see you. Then... Then Tiara decided to run to see someone else and after that, I lost her."

"Oh! Ya were coming over to see me, huh" Apple Bloom said depressing. "Let me guess, ya was coming over because of the bet and want me to be yer slave."

"Yes... I mean... we were. But know we..." Silver Spoon admitted which just confuses Apple Bloom even more then before. Silver Spoon then explain: "Well, we can't even if we wanted to. I mean, since you got your cutie mark and all and... EEP!" then covered her mouth once she realize she revealed something that she shouldn't.

"WHAT! How Did Ya know That I Got My Cutie Mark!?" shouted Apple Bloom in surprised. Angered, Apple Bloom jump down towards Silver Spoon's level and stair her down to get her answer.

Unable to bare it any longer, Silver Spoon revealed the secret that she knows.
"Ok, me and Diamond Tiara overheard your conversation you had with you sister and we know what that cutie mark consoler is trying to do with you. That's why I have a tough time finding Diamond Tiara. Once she heard your story, she decided to help you guys and ran off towards somewhere and I don't know where?"

"OK, stop lying" Apple Bloom said disbelievingly. "No way Diamond Tiara would help anybody besides herself her self and you, let alone us."

As Apple Bloom was climbing up the ladder to get back up to the treehouse, Silver Spoon actually become offended.

"Hay! Take That Back!" she yelled frustratingly. "Tiara was so to wanting help you Crusaders."

"Yeah right" Apple Bloom replied as she stop to went back to argue. "Diamond Tiara called me and my friends blank-flanks since the beginning and made fun at us every chance ya get. Ya were mean, insulting and generally the cruellest ponies in the class. What made ya think that after all this time, she only now decided to be kind to us."

After hearing Apple Bloom's argument, Silver Spoon took a deep breath before to clear her mind before she would argue back:
"Ok, you right. Diamond Tiara and me might not have been the kindest ponies in miss Cheerilee's class (understatement), but we not always like that. Diamond Tiara is my friend and I know how kind she can be. She invite me to everywhere she goes and she always attend my parties. So now matter what you are any pony says, I will always be Diamond Tiara's friend and I will not stand any pony making fun of her like that."

Once Silver Spoon finish making her speech, some sort of chord was struck inside Apple Bloom. Acting like the speech hit her, Apple Bloom grabbed onto the ladder and Silver Spoon feared that she might have done something wrong. "No matter what, you'll always be Diamond Tiara's friend" Apple Bloom muttered out load as the words going through her mind. Closing her eyes, hearing those words help her realize something. Something that helps strengthen her once weakened spirit.

"Thanks Silver Spoon" said Apple Bloom as she turned back towards Silver Spoon and finally become cheerful again.

"What!" replied Silver Spoon who was caught of guard.

Apple Bloom explains: "Ya will always be Diamond Tiara's friend in the same way I will always be Sweetie Belle's and Scootaloo's friend. Thanks... because ya helped me realized that."

"Um... Thank?" Silver Spoon replied nervously.

Apple Bloom then looks up towards the Cutie Mark Crusader's treehouse as she was then hit by inspiration.
"Hey, Silver Spoon. Would ya mind helping me with something for tomorrow?"

Author's Note:

Whew Wee! This chapter was a lot easier to write then the previous ones. Probably because I wasn't jumping around scenes.

So Diamond Tiara just decided to be nice towards the Crusaders on the spot and not just gradually develop into it. I know some people would rather prefer the gradual develop way but I just like this a bit more. Why? Well I believe that Diamond Tiara had the spirit to be nice all along and she just needed the right motivation to unlock it. Now, how she would help the Crusaders is something I had trouble coming up with besides one stupid one. I believe this stupid idea would help start something even bigger, but I will admit it would still be pretty stupid.

Also like the moral dilemma I have going here (did I wrote this sentence before in the last chapter). Basically, since everyone now have their cutie marks, they are more or less grown up. That is, that's what they and a certain someone might think. And by certain someone, I mean Mr Marks. I'm telling you now, he thinks that growing up is by getting rid of everything you had a kid. Apple Bloom isn't going to prove him completely wrong, but she will prove that is the wrong way of thinking.

Also, the next chapter is going to be the last. Have fun reading.