• Published 26th Jun 2016
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Shellstrings - shortskirtsandexplosions

After freakish happenstance turns Lyra Heartstrings and Queen Chrysalis into a symbiotic being, they find themselves putting their superpowers to heroic use in an ever-changing Equestria.

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Improper Guile

"... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..." was all Shining Armor could say as he scuffled to a stop in the center of the Mirror Caverns.

Sergeant Garnet and three dozen other members of the Crystal Imperial Guard gaped in horror.

Before them, the cavernous Land Mark lay in ruins. Hundreds of stalagtites had fallen from the ceiling, forming a pile of crystalline chunks that scattered every which way. A glass sea of reflective powder had spread across the smoothe floor of the chamber, leaving no trace of the yaks or any of their much-consumed supplies.

"Mother of Celestia..." Shining Armor gulped. He stood and trembled—perhaps for a few seconds too long. Inhaling sharply, he regained his composure and began shouting orders. "Everypony! Fan out!" He pointed across the wreckage. "Search for the hostages! The yaks! The sergeant! Anything!" He gnashed his teeth. "Move in pairs! Holler the moment you find something!"

"Aye, sir!" several guards shouted, immediately gallopping forward.

"You!" Shining Armor spun to shout orders at a group of soldiers holding up the rear. "Go back out and fetch wagons! Buckets! Shovels! We'll need all the help we can get to burrow through all this mess and—"

Suddenly, Sergeant Garnet shouted: "Captain!" He pointed towards the furthest end of the cave, beyond a throng of fractured stalagmites. "Movement!"

Shining Armor twirled about. "What? Is it one of the yaks—?" His words froze as he gazed upon the scene.

Guards and soldiers watched in silence as twenty-five figures trotted slowly, calmly, and safely from the rear of the cave.

Flash Sentry shuffled along, his face cold and deadpan. Three tiny schoolfoals were balanced on his flank. The chaperones carried a few more while the largest of the children marched on their own—gaping at the destruction and the soldiers who had rushed in to investigate.

"... ... ..." Shining Armor blinked hard.

"Sergeant...?" Garnet was the first—and only—soldier to approach Flash. "What... happened here?"

Flash Sentry inhaled. "The hostages are free," he simply muttered.

Garnet watched as he and the civilians shuffled past him. "And..." Garnet gulped. "And the yaks?"

Flash pointed behind him at pile of rocks and crystalline powder. "Start digging."

Garnet and Shining Armor exchanged glances. They both gazed at the debris—just as a few random chunks of rock and fallen stalagtites started stirring. Crystal ponies rushed the scene with spears and crossbows. When the first of multiple yaks blearily emerged, they were immediately held at weapon point. With their hooves raised, the militants were all shackled one-by-one... and arrested.

Outside the Mirror Caverns

"Is that my baby?!" A crystal pony craned her neck, panting for breath. "Darling!" she shrieked, running forward.

A few guards tried to stop her—

"No!" Princess Cadance insisted, hovering above the line of soldiers. "It's okay! Let them through!"

Just like that, the parents and families of the hostages poured over like deluge through a floodgate. They rushed the mouth of the caven just as Flash Sentry finished placing down the first of many little foals.




Dozens of families reunited in a flurry of tears, whinnies, and whimpers of joy. Parents scooped their children up and nuzzled them dearly. Spouses hugged the chaperones while tears and laughter glittered across the crystalline crowd.

Princess Cadance touched down, her lips pursed as she observed the scene. Her eyes lit up—as did her horn—to witness so much love and adoration. The alicorn's wings spread, overshadowing her heart-shaped cutie mark.

In the meantime, soldiers began marching out of the Mirror Caverns. The Crystal Imperial Guard closely escorted a haggard group of twelve limping, bruised, defeated yaks. The hairy militants hung their heads—flinching as the ponies nearby continued laughing and sobbing in affectionate octaves.

At last, Shining Armor and Sergeant Garnet shuffled out. The Captain joined his royal wife's side, gazing in numb amazement at the reunion of their crystalline subjects.

"Oh, honey... we prayed for you! We trusted in the warmth of the Crystal Heart—and look at you! You're safe and sound!"

"I wasn't scared, Mommy! We knew the Prince and Princess wouldn't stand those meanie yaks for long!"

"You should have seen the Captain's finest!"

"Yeah! Wham! Whap! Pow! He saved us just like that!"

"He sure showed those yaks!"

"Who? Who did?"

"Who saved our precious foals?"

Eventually, breathless parents' gaze wandered about—finding Flash Sentry. Upon making eye contact, they tearfully smiled, held their children close and bowed collectively.

"Th-thank you... bless you..."

"Praise Celestia... we knew Equestria's finest would come through in the end..."

"Please forgive us for ever doubting..."

At last, Flash smiled back—if only politely. He bowed back, standing off to the side.

Sniffling, Princess Cadance smiled. She couldn't help it—she leaned over to nuzzle Shining Armor affectionately.

Shining Armor removed his helmet and hugged her back. However—the whole while—he gazed over her shoulder at Flash Sentry.

Flash Sentry turned to gaze back, silent and expressionless.

Shining Armor fumed and fumed... his teeth gritting to the breaking point.

Crystal Imperial Camp – Captain Shining Armor's Tent – Much, Much Shouting Later

"Improper! Irresponsible! Wreckless! Unprofessional! Careless!" Shining Armor paced and grunted, grunted and paced. "And—worst of all—disobedient beyond my actual capacity to document!" He hissed, marching furiously around the lone chair where Flash Sentry was seated. "The moment you disobeyed my orders, you threw out every oath you've ever sworn to and sacrificed any and all morals as a respectable member of the Royal Equestrian Guard! Much less the Crystal Imperial Guard! As a non-crystal pony, you're here on as important and fragile a mission as I am! My wife and I—the Stewards of the Crystal Empire—are charged with protecting this fragile nation as it slowly acclimates itself to modern day! It's taken a great deal of anomalous miracles for the population of this kingdom to survive the wrath of King Sombra and an incomprehensibly huge lapse in time! That is far too much to throw out through a single act of brazen idiocy! What are you, a soldier or a psychopath?!"

Flash Sentry sat silently, gazing straight forward across the tent.

Shining Armor scuffled about, huffing. "I'm talking to you, Sergeant!" He leaned forward, glaring. "You may have intimidated the yaks and won the respect of the locals with this stupid silent treatment, but it won't work on me! When I ask you something, I expect an answer! So how about it?! What in the wild blue buck were you thinking you would actually accomplish with this ludicrous cavalier rampage?!"

Flash Sentry took a deep breath. Coldly, he muttered: "Sir. I humbly accept any and all forms of discipline you would find it best to place on me and my commission, sir."

"Nope. Uh-uh!" Shining Armor's horn glowed as he swiveled Flash's seat, forcing the Sergeant to stare at him head-long. "You don't get away that easy!" He clenched his teeth. "Open the windows to your thick skull, Sergeant, and let me in! Because—I swear on my life—I am not letting you go home—dishonorably discharged or not—until I get an answer! I want to know why you went off like a mad firecracker and put everypony's lives in danger. Give me something... anything to tell Princess Celestia when she asks me why in the Hell the entirety of Equestria was thrown into full-on war with Yakyakistan!"

Flash Sentry shook slightly. With nostrils flaring, he swallowed and eventually muttered: "Twenty-two families were just a few angry yak threats away from no longer seeing their precious children ever again. I decided it was time to make sure that tragedy never befell them."

"You decided it was time?!?"

Flash looked at Shining. "I failed to prevent such a thing before, sir." He slowly shook his head. "I'd rather die than let that happen again." A shuddering exhale. "If my career must lie in dust for what I've done, then let it. Every family deserves to remain whole."

Shining Armor blinked. With an exasperated sigh, he eventually broke his rigid resolve. Leaning back, the unicorn rubbed his brow and muttered: "Sergeant... Flash." A gulp. "Nothing I can say or do will ever properly express just how sorry I am for what happened to your mother and father that one day in Canterlot..."

"It's not your place to apologize for them, sir—"

"Shut up." Shining Armor's eyes flared. "I'm talking."

Flash Sentry clamped his muzzle shut.

Shining Armor stood before him. "Life is hard, and we've all dealt with our abysmal lows. But—as soldiers—we've mutually agreed to set our feelings and emotions aside in order to embrace the bigger picture. Believe it or not, I wanted to save those hostages as much as you did. But I also knew that to risk any sudden, unprovoked siege would mean inviting violent repercussions the likes of which Equestria hasn't experienced in centuries—and we may very well be suffering it now!"

"With all due respect, sir," Flash muttered. "Risk is necessary in saving lives."

"We're not just talking twenty-four lives, here, Sergeant!" Shining growled. "You have just single-hoofedly flung our entire nation into a bloody, violent war with Yakyakistan! And you know what?! It's all my fault." Shining exhaled. "Because I suffered the illusion... the pathetic and fallacious hope that I could somehow have saved you... that I could have taken a broken, distraught Captain-in-the-making under my wing and brought him here to the Crystal Empire to make a difference... both for himself and for an entire province of out-of-place citizens." He slowly shook my head. "But that's my fault for allowing emotion to control my judgment. I stationed you too deep in the heat of things... and it melted away an already fragile exterior. And now... your weaknesses and mine have both cost Equestria everything."

"Correct me if I'm wrong," Flash droned. "But it was love and emotion that brought you and Princess Cadance together... and magically drove off Queen Chrysalis and her hive to begin with." Flash's eyes narrowed. "If the two of you had only made that connection sooner on your wedding day... then perhaps my parents would still be alive too."

Shining Armor blinked. His ears and muzzle turned red as he teetered on the brink of shock and anger.

Hoofsteps. A rustling tent flap. Sergeant Garnet stuck his head in, breathless. "Captain Shining Armor—"

"Not! Now!" Shining barked.

Garnet flinched, his muzzle clamped shut.

Shining weathered a heavy sigh. He spun about. "What... wh-what is it, Sergeant?"

"Captain..." Garnet bowed. "Princess Cadance demands your presence right away." His crimson eyes bounced aside. "Sergeant Flash Sentry as well."

Flash Sentry stood up.

Shining Armor merely blinked... his muzzle agape in confusion...

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