• Published 26th Jun 2016
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Shellstrings - shortskirtsandexplosions

After freakish happenstance turns Lyra Heartstrings and Queen Chrysalis into a symbiotic being, they find themselves putting their superpowers to heroic use in an ever-changing Equestria.

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Yakky Ki-Yay

Mirror Caves – Interior

"Buuuurrrrp!" A yak tossed an empty mead bottle behind his hairy head. Shatter! "And that's when I gored him with my scythe! HAH! Let's see a diamond dog crawl back from that! Shit on yak lawn, will you?!"

"Haah haah haah!" Another yak reeled in the center of the furry group. "Yak brother's yak snow turned brown!"

"Shut up!"

"Hah hah hah!"

"Brown yak snow, yak brother!"

"Hahahahahah!" Damn Thickerhoof chugged a bottle of mead, then wiped the foam off his hairy lips. "My snow is whitest of yak snow! But when I get puny crystal pony snow... yaks will paint it red in the blood of the weak!"

"Why wait?! Why not bleed puny pony hostages!"

"Don't tempt me, yak brothers!"

"Hah hah hah hah..." Gradually, the laughter of the militants faded. They collectively stared south at the mouth of the cave, their beady eyes blinking.

"Heheheh... heh..." Thickerhoof wiped his muzzle again. "Why yaks no laugh? Am I not funny when I want to be?!" When his response drew dead silence, he turned around and squinted curiously in the direction of their combined gaze. His hairy ears tickled to the sound of a solitary set of hooves.

Flash Sentry marched icily towards the twelve yaks. The front chamber to the cave dwarfed his small orange frame. Nevertheless, a pair of cold blue eyes glinted in the reflective light of the Mirror Caverns' crystalline interior.

From afar, the huddled group of citizens watched with their muzzles dropped.

"Puny pony... signs death warrant," Muttered a yak.

"Grrrrrrr!" Snarling, Damn Thickerhoof randomly uppercutted his lackey into silence. WHUD! He grabbed his huge, hulking axe and dragggggggged it across the cave, producing sparks. With heavy, thundering hooves, the militant yak leader approached Flash Sentry's tiny frame head-on. "What is the meaning of this?! Do puny ponies have no decency when dealing with superior yak warriors?!"

Flash Sentry said nothing. Frowning, he trotted slowly towards the bearded menace.

"Little weakling feather duster is not wanted!" Thickerhoof huffed, beating his chest and slamming his axe down as he leaned on it. "Does puny pony wish to incite war! Hrfff! I am Damn Thickerhoof the Turgid! And if you take one more step, I will paint the insides of this stupid cave with your intestines—"

Fwooooosh! With a single wing-flap, Flash Sentry propelled himself forward. He glided between Thickerhoof's legs. When he exited past the large creature's tail, he dug his front hooves into the ground and slammed his rear legs up—WHUDDD!—violently impacting Thickerhoof's groin.

"Grkkkk!" Thickerhoof's eyes crossed. His body turned hard as stone as he teetered over with a high-pitched: "Meeep?" THUD!

Every yak, pony, and foal gasped.

Flash Sentry didn't blink. Even as—CLAAANG!—Thickerhoof's axe fell over, forming cracks in the glossy floor.

The remaining eleven yaks exchanged glances. SCHIIIIIIIING! They all drew their weapons at once and—"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!"—charged Flash Sentry's body like an avalanche of fur.

Flash Sentry backflipped several feet, galloped on all fours towards the yaks, and threw his body into a sliding kick. "Grnnngh!" His outstretched hooves struck Thickerhoof's prone axe lengthwise. CLAAAK! The gigantic weapon went sliding across the cavern floor.

Startled, all eleven yaks hopped in mid-charge to avoid having their limbs lopped off.

Swish-swish-swish! The sliding axe scraped past them... and straight into a tall teetering stack of the previous week's supply crates. Smash! The mountain of wooden supplies creaked, groaned, and then toppled over onto the yaks.

The warriors shrieked into the impending shadow. CRASSSSH! Ten of them were instantly drowned in a sea of exploding splinters.

A single yak stood unscathed, shivering in fright. Swoooosh! The air whistled, forcing him to look straight up. His beady eyes reflected an incoming orange shape. "Aaaaaaaaah—!" He shrieked, his uvula flailing.

"Grrrrngh!" Flash Sentry came down with a massive right hook to the yak's face. WHACK! Blood and saliva stained the cave floor as the yak joined his squirming brethren amidst the sea of debris.

Seething, Flash Sentry spun about-face and—FWOOOOSH!—glided directly towards the hostages.

"Everypony!" Flash exhaled, hoisting the foals and chaperones up to their hooves. "Head towards the back of the cave!"

"What?!" One adult mare gasped. "B-but that's past the rope barrier!" She frowned. "Are you nuts?! You'll get us all killed—"

Flash yanked her by the shoulder. "Shut the hell up!" He clenched his teeth. "And do what I tell you!"

Thwissssssh! Chtinkkk! A spear embedded into a wooden crate beside them.

The chaperone shrieked and galloped away, fleeing past the roped barrier while Flash Sentry spun around.

One yak had climbed out of the mess. While his companions struggled to stand up, he gripped another spear and held it over his head. "Going to feed puny pony his feathers through a straw!" With a grunt, the yak threw the second spear like a javelin.


Without a second's hesitation, Flash yanked loose the spear beside him and swung it like a cricket back. "Grfff!" Clank! He miraculously deflected the yak's weapon. Then, within the same breath, the pegasus spun his whole body in mid-air, flinging the remains of the first spear back.


The yak warrior easily side-stepped the javelin. "Haah! Feather pony throws like a sissy mule—" Next came Flash's helmet, hitting the yak's face dead center. CLAAAANG! "AAAUGH!"

FWOOOSH! Flash Sentry sailed straight towards him with both hooves drawn together. "Rrrrr-RAAAUGH!" He uppercutted the yak so hard that three bloodied teeth sailed through the air above.

Thwump! The yak's body dropped like a sack of meat. Flash Sentry hovered in the air above him, heaving. Schiiiing! At the tell-tale sound of a dragged axe, Flash looked up.

Wincing, Damn Thickerhoof had recovered. He marched angrily towards the pegasus with a limp, hissing the entire way. Ten more yaks joined the leader's side.

Flash glared back. With a grunt, he kicked the bleeding yak at his side—just because he could—and then flew off in an orange-and-blue streak, catching up to the fleeing hostages.

"GET THEM!" Damn shouted, pointing with his axe. "CRUSH THEM! FEED ME THEIR GUTS!"

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The entire squad of militants charged with a blood-curdling scream, sending thunderous echoes throughout the chamber.

"Go! Go!" Flash Sentry flew alongside the schoolfoals and chaperone. He weaved his way in and out of the stalagmite forest, panting for breath as he guided them along. "Careful! Don't touch any of the rocks!"

"Where are we going?!" yelped a foal.

"Trust me!" Flash picked up a foal under each arm and hurried them along. "Everything's going to be okay!"

"I swear..." An adult mare hyperventilated as their group approached a reflective wall of mirroring surfaces. "If you get any of these children slaughtered, it's on your Captain's head—"

"In here!" Flash exclaimed, dropping two foals off besides a dark alcove set within the wall of the cave. "Everypony! Inside now!"

"We c-can hardly fit—!" a chaperone complained.

"Do it or you'll be fitting just nicely in a casket!" Flash barked.

"No caskets will be necessary, glue sticks!"

The hostages shrieked, clinging to one another.

Flash spun around, placing himself in front of them.

The yaks had cornered the ponies. Damn Thickerhoof leaned against his axe with a hairy smirk while his companions shook with bloodthirtsy anger. "There is nowhere to go, stupid ponies. And once I get ahold of you... they'll be shipping your remains in bottles to the halls of the Crystal Empire..." His beady eyes flickered red. "Right as they receive the Yakyakistani proclamation of WAR!"

The other militants roared with fury.

Flash stood his ground, eyes narrowing.

"So what will it be, hmmm?" Damn Thickerhoof took the first of many threatening steps across an array of crystalline rock formations. "Shall I start with the children first?"

Flash didn't say a word. Instead, he pivoted his entire body and bucked a single stalagmite with a grunt.

Damn Thickerhoof scuffled to a stop, his eyebrow arched curiously. Just then... a distant rumbling rose in thunderous cadence. The rumbling then turned into a tremor... and finally into a violent earthquake.

The yaks looked around nervously.

At last, a slice of color caught Thickerhoof's attention. He looked behind his buddies at a line of rope—beside which there stood a bright yellow sign with the image of a stalagmite in red. Gasping, he looked straight up as the first of several crystalline shards fell upon his brow.

"Go!" Flash hissed, shoving the rest of the hostages into the sheltered alcove. "Huddle together!"

A violent rain of heavy stalagtites plummeted from the cave ceiling... burying the militants entirely. There was a brief, high-pitched shriek and then—SMASSSSSSSSSSH!—Thickerhoof and his gang disappeared beneath a thick carpet of crystal shards. A wave of glass-like powder flew in a cloud across the floor of the cave.

"Get down!" Flash covered as many foals as he could with his body. They yelped in fright, clinging to him as—


—darkness enveloped the tense scene.

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