• Published 26th Jun 2016
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Shellstrings - shortskirtsandexplosions

After freakish happenstance turns Lyra Heartstrings and Queen Chrysalis into a symbiotic being, they find themselves putting their superpowers to heroic use in an ever-changing Equestria.

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The Princess of Friendship

Stepping up, Princess Twilight Sparkle took a deep breath, smiled, and spoke:

"Fillies and Gentlecolts... humble citizens of Equestria, this great and wonderful land... Today marks a very special occasion in the history of Ponyville. We have endured many hardships in this town of ours: the swarming of parasprites, the encroachment of Everfree monsters, the rise and fall of Lord Tirek. However, through each trial of adversity, the citizens of this village have remained strong... courageous... and—above all—faithful to the cause of harmony. I know that it's not easy trying to maintain happiness and a stiff-upper-lip in times of such unfathomable tribulation—such as the likes our friends and family have endured—but your patience and steadfastness of character is both a noble and an inspiring thing. I find that even I, myself, have learned to lean on the moral fortitude of my humble neighbors when attempting to summon the strength of character that's needed to govern the denizens of Equestria as this land's Princess of Friendship. Alas, after so many precious years of striving towards a common goal, your patience has finally paid off, and we now bear witness to something that is nothing short of a fantastic reward for all of the challenges that we have mutually conquered. Let us be thankful for the opportunity we have here—to relish in an awe-inspiring juxtaposition of loving generosity and scientific innovation. As this province's responsible monarch, I am proud to stand here today and and dedicate this moment—and this fantastic sample of modern hardware—to the legacy of all harmonious Ponyvilleans, past, present, and future..."

"Twilight... relax, will ya?" Spike rolled his eyes from where he stood in the thick crowd of onlookers. "It's just a television set."

"Correction!" Pinkie Pie slid into place, shoving the dragon whelp aside. Her bright blue eyes reflected a fuzzy square of white noise. "It's the television set! The only one in the entire province!" She gasped, her jaw dropping. "Duaaaaaaah... look at it!" she squeaked. "So... shinnnny!"

"Spiiiike! Pinkiiiie!" Twilight Sparkle pouted while a few other ponies chuckled. "I was trying to deliver a very important speech!"

"Yes, darling," Rarity nodded with a casual smile. "And we are attempting to get some... how do you call it... reception." She cleared her throat. "How goes it, Mr. Cake?"

Ponyville – Sugarcube Corner – Bottom Floor Lobby – That Same Day

"Mrmmmfff..." Sweating, a slightly frazzled Carrot Cake fumbled behind the massive metal frame of the box-shaped piece of hardware. He tangled and untangled wires, then fiddled with a pair of metal antennae with miniature crystals embedded at the pointed ends. Nearly a hundred citizens stood crammed inside the bakery, craning their necks and gazing at the static image along the front of the device with intense curiosity. "Guhhh... I... think I have everything connected just right! At least according to the manual that the scientists from Canterlot gave me!"

"Honey bumps!" Cup Cake called out from where she handed out free refreshments at the front counter of the establishment. "Have you tried smacking it a few times? It works on our radio upstairs!"

Carrot Cake frowned across the room. "Cuddle-bunny, I am not about to hit a piece of donated equipment that's ten times more expensive than our mortgage and our retirement plans put together!" Grimacing, the stallion darted his eyes all around. "Did I-I say that last p-part out loud?"

As the gathered group chuckled, a stallion with a slicked-back mane and a tie trotted handsomely into view. "Don't you fuss, Mr. Cake. Please." He reached in. "Allow me."

"Hey..." Carrot Cake backtrotted. "...knock yourself out, Filthy."

"Ahem." The businessstallion's eyes briefly knifed the air between them. "Just 'Mr. Rich' will do." Calmly, coolly, he gave the metal antennae a slight twist.

Within seconds, the white static across the tube's glass screen switched to a solid, monochromatic profile of a buffalo in a feathery headdress against a geometric diorama. A low-pitched whine permeated from the device's crackling speakers.

Ponies chuckled and clapped, their hooves echoing within the tight confines of the baking establishment.

"Ooooooooooooooh!" Pinkie Pie leaned forward. "It's... so... crisp!"

"Daddy..." Diamond Tiara huffed from where she and several other foals stood in the corner. "I thought the images were supposed to move."

"They do, my little princess!" Filthy Rich adjusted his tie with a proud smirk. "It's all a matter of tuning in to the right channel!"

"Channel?" Rainbow Dash's voice cracked from the far corner of the room.

"It's actually very simple!" Twilight Sparkle said with a smile. She stood beside Mr. Rich, gesturing at the television set and its wiring. "A camera captures something happening and translates both the sound and audio into high frequency signals that are then projected all across Equestria. A mana-powered antenna—like the one Mr. Rich had installed on the roof of Sugarcube Corner—receives this frequency and then sends it to a cathode-ray tube situated inside the television unit itself that then re-translates the signal into lines of moving images projected across the screen while the audio is—"

"Uh huh. Yeah. Whatever." Rainbow Dash looked over at Filthy Rich. "So, can we get the Wonderbolts Show on this thingamajig or what?"

"Ehhhhh..." Twilight Sparkle fidgeted. "It depends on... what's being broadcasted on the channels. Ahem. Mr. Rich?"

"By all means..." With a smile, the stallion turned a big fat knob beside the screen. CLICK!

The television's test image flickered to snow—Scrkkkkk—and then showed a grainy black and white image of a mare seated at a piano. The ponies inside Sugarcube Corner whistled and cheered while a beautiful ballad crackled out the speakers in mono.

"Well, I'll be!" Applejack smirked, craning her neck to see the picture better. "It's Rara!"

"Who?" Rainbow rasped.

"Oh, how marvelous!" Rarity cooed. "It... looks so lifelike!"

"I love it! I love it! I love it!" Pinkie Pie hopped in place. "Isn't technology the snazziest?"

"Heheh... yes indeed!" Filthy Rich leaned back with a smirk. "It took some sweet-talkin' with my business partners up in Canterlot, but I was able to convince them to send this test prototype here to Ponyville. Usually—with how expensive these sets are and all—you only find the likes of 'em in the big city. But the firm collectively agreed that after all that Ponyville had been through... we deserved a little bit of entertainment—and where better than in the heart of Ponyville culture and gathering: Sugarcube Corner!"

More cheers filled the room.

"Yes. It is most generous." Rarity smiled coyly. "Although, I suspect it also helps that we have a royal monarch living among the populace."

Ponies chuckled while Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes. "Truth be told... when Mr. Rich's friends approached me about this, they initially wanted to place this device inside my Castle. I told them that it would get better use in a place like Sugarcube Corner... where ponies can dine, mingle, and get a glimpse at the rest of Equestria."

"Pffft... yeah right..." Spike folded his scaled arms with a smirk. "You just didn't want reruns of The Adventures of Daring Do interrupting your library time."

"Yeah?" Twilight pouted. "And what of it?"

"Whoah whoah whoah..." Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped. "You meany they actually broadcast Daring Do stories on this thing?!" Her jaw dropped even further. "Daring Do live action?!"

"Ooooh!" Rarity fanned herself. "I wonder if there's a visual version of Shadow Spade!"

"Uhhhmmm..." Twilight tapped her chin in thought. "Yes... aaaaaand... maybe yes?"

"Dude!" FWOOOSH! Rainbow Dash soared over and squatted her blue butt before the thing. "I gotta see this! Uhhhh... turn that loud clicking thing until Daring Do appears!"

"Now now, Rainbow, it's Mr. Rich's device," Rarity said. "Not ours."

"Correction..." Filthy Rich smiled, gesturing at the gathered crowd. "It's everypony's set. You're all free to come here and enjoy programs... news broadcasts... and entertainment. So long as you give proper patronage to Mrs. and Mr. Cake."

"Yes!" Carrot Cake smiled brilliantly. "And for the first week, the popcorn is on the house!"

"I'll make sure it's extra buttery!" Pinkie Pie said.

Filthy Rich chuckled. "I have a vision that somehow... someday... dozens of television sets just like this one will become affordable to every household. And when that day comes—rest assured—you can show up at Barnyard Bargains right here in Ponyville and buy you and your family the latest piece of Equestrian technology so that you can connect with your fellow equine brothers and sisters in hitherto unprecedented ways!"

"Ugh... Dad..." Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. "Must you turn everything into an advertisement?"

"Heheheh..." Filthy Rich reached down and ruffled the little filly's mane. "You've got a lot to learn, Lil' Darlin'." He glanced aside at a sad-faced alicorn. "Is somethin' amiss, Your Highness?"

"Well... uhm..." Twilight fidgeted in place. "...it's just that I never did get to finish my commemoration." She held up a golden medallion at the end of a blue ribbon. "I even had this especially crafted as a token—"

"Yeah. Fine. Whatever." Rainbow Dash waved a hoof in the air. "Just get it over with so we can watch some Daring Do!"

"Your Majesty..." Filthy Rich bowed as he stepped aside.

"Ahem..." Twilight Sparkle marched proudly to the television set, levitating the medallion loftily in her telekinetic grasp. "In short, let us be thankful for this opportunity to commune with each other like never before... and may we all be inspired by this act of generosity so that we can properly show our thanks to our loved ones who have survived all of Ponyville's countless adversities through mutual harmony and respect and tolerance." She gulped. "Uhm... so, yeah! Thanks!" And she plopped the medallion down onto the top of the television set. Clank!

Instantly, the image of the piano playing mare blipped to static. Scrkkkkt!

"Awwwwwwwww..." Applejack's ears folded back.

"Hey!" Pinkie pouted—as did several other ponies.

"Eggheadddd!" Rainbow snarled.

"Oh! Sorry! Uhhhh..." Twilight Sparkle winced, glancing aside. "Mr. Rich?"

"Eheh... allow me." He reached in, readjusting the antennae as the picture flickered in and out again.

"Heeeeeee..." Fluttershy smiled aside at Scootaloo. "I just love how they call those metal branches 'rabbit ears.' It's so cute."

"Don't look at me." Scootaloo shrugged. "I'm just here for the free popcorn."

"Where did Rara go?" Applejack asked.

"Mmmmm... I seem to have lost the signal," Filthy Rich said. "Do understand... this technology is a work in progress. Here... let me change the channel again." He twisted the knob. Click! An anchorpony appeared against a map of Equestria. "Oh! What do you know! The news!"

"Oooh!" Rarity leaned in closer to hear the pony's voice across the speakers. "This should be quite interesting!"

"You're telling me!" Spike leaned back and forth. "I wonder how my stocks are doing!" He felt Fluttershy and Pinkie glancing curiously at him. "What? A dragon can dream big!"

As the crowd of ponies huddled around the television set, Twilight Sparkle stepped back with a relieved sigh. She leaned against a twisted pillar in the back of the bakery's lobby, smiling placidly at the assembled group.

From behind, a voice murmured: "Don't worry, Twilight. For what it's worth... I really, really liked your speech."

Twilight nodded without looking. "I worked on it too hard." She sighed. "I work on everything too hard. And in the end—an act of clumsiness almost sabotages everything." She bore a bitter-sweet smirk. "I guess it's true: no matter how old you get, you never lose that silly grade school awkwardness."

"Yes, well..." Starlight Glimmer stepped out of the shadows. "Take it from a pony who once mastered perfection. It's not all that it's cracked up to be."

"Being the Princess of Friendship, I really can't settle for anything less. Well, at least..." Twilight shrugged. "...that's what I have to tell myself each and every day... so that I won't accidentally let down the citizens of Ponyville."

"Yes..." Starlight droned with a smirk. "...because heaven forbid that you accidentally trip on a few cables and rob the town of the latest broadcast of The Ed Stallion Show."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean." She coiled her wings tighter. "I've been the Princess of Friendship for nearly half-a-year now. A lot is being expected of me. After all, it's one thing to save Equestria... but now I'm going to be judged on how I govern it."

"You'll do just fine, Twilight," Starlight said. "After all... you've performed the whole 'Princess' thing with flying colors so far!"

"Yes... but only when it came to overcoming disharmonious situations such as the encroaching Everfree Forest, Lord Tirek, and... and..." She fidgeted, biting her lip and avoiding Starlight's gaze.

Starlight rolled her eyes. "Look. It's fine. Besides..." She winked. "I kinda like to think of myself as the Final Boss."

Twilight flashed her a look.

"Kidding. Kidding." Starlight waved a hoof. "Seriously, Twilight, you need to learn to lighten up."

"I'm... not sure that I can." Twilight gulped, gazing at the crowd of ponies. "There are several very important social functions coming up. Ever since I became Princess of Friendship, Equestria has reached out to the furthest corners of the continent. Neighboring nations and kingdoms are opening up for the first time in generations, and several dignitaries from foreign lands are preparing to come here so that they can learn more about pony culture and customs. Already I have no less than four ambassadorial conferences to oversee in the next month alone." She clenched her teeth. "I've barely gotten the Palace furnished. Now I have to treat it like a convention center?!"

"I thought you had talked with Princess Celestia about providing a royal staff to the Castle." Starlight Glimmer cocked her head to the side. "How is that going?"

"To be perfectly honest..." Twilight toed the floor between them. "I-I've been putting it off."

"Pffft!" Starlight smirked. "You?! Putting something off?"

"It's... just not something I'm very comfortable with, Starlight," Twilight said, gazing aside. "I never asked to be a Princess. But—once these wings got slapped onto me—I tried to keep things simple, you know? I'm more than happy to sit in the throne room with all my friends and plan friendship missions and all... but..." She bit her lip. "...having to accommodate for guards... secretaries... servants?"

"If you ask me, it's all for the best, Twilight," Starlight said. "After all, things are getting pretty intense out there. The griffons are growing more and more restless beyond the borders. And you heard about what's happening in the Frozen North."

Twilight shuddered. "Don't remind me. More than anything, I want to be with my brother right now..."

"He and Princess Cadance have it covered. It's their job to protect and govern the Crystal Empire, after all." Starlight smiled. "Just as it's your job to look over Ponyville and the Central Provinces of Equestria abroad." She gestured. "And having a full royal staff to assist with things in your Castle will only make things easier in the long run."

"I know... I know. I've... uh... begun a list of necessary preparations, but..." Twilight Sparkle brushed her bangs aside, gazing into the crowd. "...it's so time-consuming. I feel like I'm distracting myself from far more important... personal things." A faint smile crossed her muzzle. "Like appearing before my friends and neighbors here."

"Putting a medal around the neck of a television set," Starlight droned.

"Heehee... for Ponyville, I'll do anything," Twilight said.

"Maybe..." Starlight trotted closer. "...you need Equestria's second-best planner to assist you in getting things set up in the castle?"

"I've already taken up enough of Spike's time as it is," Twilight droned. A beat... and she blushed. "Oh. Sorry. You meant you."

"Yes." Starlight grumbled. "I meant me." She just-as-swiftly bore a smile. "Really, though. Why don't we head back to the Palace and look over your notes?" She winked. "I just know you've made a ton of them, and I'd be more than happy to help you set things up in time for the upcoming friendship conventions."

"Really?" Twilight blinked. "It's going to be a lot of work, Starlight."

"Hey..." Starlight gestured towards the flickering news broadcast. "...it's better than sitting here and letting my mind rot."

Twilight giggled. "But what about the free popcorn?"

"The best things in life might be free... but it's hard work that pays off." Starlight gestured out the door. "After you, Your Highness."

Twilight smiled, making a brisk exit with her. "Y'know what, Starlight? You may just master this whole 'friendship thing' yet."

"Coming from you, I'll take that as a promotion."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves now..."


As they left, the ponies of Sugarcube Corner remained glued to the tube. The black and white image of an attractive mare stared at the camera, speaking with a serious expression: "And now... a development on the Yakyakistanian hostage situation in the Crystal Empire..."

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