• Published 9th Jul 2016
  • 359 Views, 23 Comments

Nightmare Knicks - Super Trampoline

The 1970 New York Knickerbockers possess the body of a young filly. The Mane 6 recruit Lyra who recruits Jerry West to fight back.

  • ...

Jerry West's Achy but Otherwise Pretty Good Day

So Jerry faced Nightmare Knicks one-on-one and absolutely destroyed the competition. Metaphorically speaking of course. First of all, Nyx's body was taking directions from 12 different people. It was like a meat-puppet version of "Twitch Plays Pokemon". Second of all, although through the power of magic, coffee grounds, and balloons, a pony can hold a basketball, that doesn't mean its easy. Third, none of the humans thought to use Nyx's magic, but even if they had, there would have been a lot of traveling violations anyway. Jerry may have been 76 years old, but he still ran circles around the confused pony. The final score was 36 to 4; it would have been higher, but a mercy rule was invoked. Nightmare Knicks conceided defeat and the end of the NBA season, the souls returned to their rightful owners, and Andrea Bargnani acted very strangely for the rest of his career.

The End

Comments ( 17 )

I feel like I'm walking out of this fic a bit lighter. Like a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Or head ^_^

*flips over a table with an effigy of Pen Stroke on top*


11/10 would read to Bad Horse over a Skype call :coolphoto:

5551124 I'm ashamed to admit i don't get the joke. :twilightoops:

5551155 You see, he used cocaine to stay awake, which is a powder, meaning that he powdered his way through.

5551188 :trollestia: I C wut U did there m8

There is a review for this story here!

Author Interviewer

honestly, this is a somewhat barebones version. I planned on expanding it, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

Author Interviewer

I gave you a downvote solely because this uses real people, and I'm against that and also against inconsistency, but honestly I don't know who the hell they are so I kind of don't give a damn and mostly I was just baffled by this whole thing. ._.

5718433 Such are the dangers of trying to review every single MMDG2 entry. I agree that this deserves a downvote, thought your reasons seem strange. Are you saying if I wrote a Joseph Stalin in Equestria story, you'd downvote it on principle, not on taste?

Author Interviewer

No, because he's dead. :B

5718838 what about "Martin Shkreli Goes to Equestria and Gets Punched a Lot By Small Colorful Horses"?

Author Interviewer

Who the fuck is that and also why is it back and why did it go away in the first place?

7376100 It was simply never published, for reasons expounded upon in the long description.

My God... A human fic that DIDN'T make me vomit from rage and disgust...

I know about as much about basketball as the average pony, but this was still a fun read. Thank you for it.

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