• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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The Bad News

The Bad News

Everypony was feeling great as they arrived back from their removal of the dragon. They had all been talking, laughing, all around having a good time.

After all, they deserved it. They saved Equestria today. The dragon had left; the smoke had all but completely disappeared. Mission accomplished. So, why did Princess Celestia look so grim when they arrived back at the library?

“Please come in,” Celestia said in a quiet, yet serious tone. “We have much to discuss.”

And just like that, the happy mood that everypony shared was gone, being replaced by one of worry. Celestia hadn’t sounded this worried when she told them about the dragon. Not even close.

Celestia remained silent as the group entered the library and gathered around the table she stood behind.

“First of all, I would like to congratulate you on dealing with the dragon.” Celestia said, in a very somber tone. “But… I’m afraid that’s nothing compared to what we’re dealing with right now.”

“Sister…” Luna said, returning to her pervious way of talking. “…Have you discovered the root of the unusual happenings around Equestria?”

Celestia nodded.

Twilight had heard of strange things happening around Equestria recently. It had been nothing extreme. The odd loss of gravity, or creatures popping up where they shouldn’t. She had just assumed it had been magical pranks, or some animals wandering a bit far from where they should be.

“When Luna made me aware of the Ursa Major attacking Ponyville, I decided to come down and investigate it myself.” Celestia said, “And what I found was… What I had hoped I wouldn’t.”

Everypony listened to her explanation, not daring ask what had been found.

“After you all left this morning, I asked some of the town’s residents what they knew about the Ursa Major’s attack. And, after questioning a few ponies, I eventually learned about two young colts, who had been seen fleeing the Everfree Forest with the Ursa Major behind them.” Celestia said. “So, when I asked them what had happened, I was surprised to hear that they hadn’t provoked the creature. It had appeared in front of them, being delivered by a blinding flash of light.”

Alex thought for a moment. Hadn’t he been brought to this world by a blinding flash of light? However, bright lights were pretty general when it came to magic. So, he decided not to say anything, because they didn’t seem likely to be connected, and he had already told Celestia about that light anyway. He was sure that she would have made the connection if there was one to make.

“Next, I went to the place they had described… A rather large clearing in the Everfree forest…” Celestia continued, slowing down, as if she didn’t want to get to the end. “And that’s where I found… A pink cloud.”

“Sister…” Luna said, quietly. “Was it… what I think it is?”

“Yes.” Celestia said. “It was cotton candy… And… filled with Chocolate Milk.”

Everypony looked back and forth between one another. What could that mean? How could something like that possibly translate to something so terrible?

“That sounds delicious!” Pinkie said, loving the thought of such a thing. “How could that NOT be a good thing?”

“That kind of cloud has only existed at one point in time,” Celestia explained. “Thousands of years ago, before Luna and I were the rulers of Equestria, there was a tyrannical beast that kept Equestria in a constant state of chaos... His name was Discord, and cotton candy clouds were his calling card.”

Everypony remained completely silent.

“Seeing how miserable everypony was, we knew what we had to do,” Celestia continued, “We wielded the Elements of Harmony, and used them to trap Discord in stone, freeing Equestria from eternal chaos.”

“Alright Princess!” Dash said excitedly.

“However, since Luna and I have lost our connection to the Elements, I believe that the spell we cast on Discord will soon break, freeing him from his stone prison.” Celestia explained.

“But, if he hasn’t broken out of stone, how has he made those clouds?” Twilight asked.

Celestia remained silent for a moment, before saying the three words nopony wanted to hear. “I don’t know.”

“Has the statue cracked at all? Perhaps that is how he has done these things.” Luna asked.

“I’m afraid that isn’t the case,” Celestia answered. “The statue is in the same condition it was in when we first imprisoned him. So, I don’t know how he’s done it.”

“So… We have a bit of a mystery on our hoofs.” Twilight said. “How much danger do you think we’re in?”

Celestia took a moment to think her response out.

“With the exception of the Ursa Major, nothing too dangerous has occurred.” Celestia started. “So, for now, we’re going to wait. We’ll use the next incidents to measure the danger that he is presenting us with.”

Everypony nodded.

“Pardon me, but what should we do if we encounter one of these ‘incidents’ ourselves?” Rarity asked.

“You should contact us immediately,” Celestia said. “Spike has proven that he can send a letter to both Luna and myself, so, have him write if anything happens. One of us will come down to assist you in dealing with the situation, day or night.”

“Discord is a very dangerous foe,” Luna said, “If any of you are to encounter him directly, you are not to engage him. He has power beyond anything you could fathom.”

“What does that mean?” Alex asked, confused.

“Discord doesn’t use conventional magic to his means,” Luna explained. “He utilizes a very powerful chaotic form of magic that gives him a power nopony should have. He can create or destroy whatever he likes, or he can simply remove gravity.... he can even make a pony lose their mind.”

“If he’s so powerful, how did you even beat him the first time?” Twilight asked, a little hurt that she had never been told this story by Celestia.

“Celestia and I were able to defeat him with a combination of two things,” Luna answered, “The Elements of Harmony, and his arrogance.”

“Discord didn’t expect anything to come of our uprising; we were just ‘insignificant ponies’ to him.” Celestia explained, continuing the story. “He didn’t think we would be able to harm him. However, when we used the Elements of Harmony, they rendered his magic useless when he tried to stop us. And, in the end, he wound up stuck in stone.”

“How did they stop his magic from working?” Alex asked.

“Harmony brings order to chaos.” Celestia said. “When we used the Elements, they completely removed all forms of his chaotic magic, and fixed everything he had done to Equestria.”

“So… Can’t we just use the Elements again?” Alex asked, “Use them to fix the chaos that’s happening now?”

“I’m afraid not,” Luna answered. “Without knowing the source of the magic, we can only use the Elements to correct the things as they go wrong. Not stop them from going wrong altogether.”

“So, that means you didn’t fix the cloud…? Could I just… See it for a second?” Pinkie asked, dying to have a look at it.

“Oh, of course!” Celestia said, not realizing Pinkies ulterior motive.

Concentrating for a moment, Celestia cast a spell, causing the cloud to appear above everypony.

“Here it is,” Celestia said. “The work of Discord himself.”

Pinkie’s mouth watered. She wanted to eat it.

Right now.

So, she did the first thing that she could think of. She Jumped straight at it, mouth wide open, shouting, “I love cotton—“

Alex stared at the cloud, completely unaware of what Pinkie was doing. Something about it seemed… Wrong. Just looking at it caused his head to start ringing.

Looking away from the cloud in an effort to break the effects it had on him, Alex noticed something very strange.

Pinkie hung in midair, unmoving. Looking around the room, Alex noticed that she wasn’t the only one that was frozen. Everypony else was completely still too. All of them had the same look of shock on their face at Pinkie’s lunge.

Confused, Alex looked back to the cloud to see if it could somehow be the cause. The buzzing returned, and it grew louder and louder until it started to become an audible noise. It was laughter. He could hear somepony, or something, maniacally laughing. He tried to look away again, but found himself unable.

As the laughing increased in volume, Alex started to feel a pressure building in his head. Getting stronger and stronger as the laughing grew louder and louder. Until, finally, the pressure exploded out the end of his horn, in the form of a small sparkling light.

The sparkle slowly made its way toward the cloud, and imbedded itself inside of it. And, after a few moments of still silence, the cloud was suddenly illuminated from the inside by the light.

Alex watched in surprise as the pink dissolved from the cloud, leaving a regular fluffy white one in its place. Silencing the evil laughter, leaving only a fading echo.

“—Candy!” Pinkie finished as the flow of time returned to the world.

However, poor Pinkie didn’t get the cotton candy that she had wanted. Instead, she flew straight through the white cloud and slammed into the wall on the other side.

Everypony stared at Alex in shock.

“I… I just…” And with that, one of Alex’s eyes twitched, and then, his head slammed down on the table.

He was unconscious.



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