Kratos stared down at the fallen body of Orkos, the Oath Keeper, son of Ares and the Fury Queen, his friend. At Orkos' request, he had granted the incapable warrior the honorable death he so desperately wanted. Kratos was of the opinion that the ancient yet young man had proven himself a warrior at heart, and had earned it.
With the death of Orkos, Kratos blood oath to Ares was broken, and the God of War lost all power to control him. But at the same time, the painful memories of all he had done - the murders of his wife and daughter, the dreadful slaughter he had done, all that had come of his dreadful ambition - rushed back into his mind. As he sank to his knees, he struggled to deal with the pain of his own actions, the weight of his grief.
As he kneeled there, shaking in pain, he noticed something odd. The life blood that flowed from Orkos' corpse did not follow the slope of the hill upon which his body lay. It flowed off the path towards the grass, seeming to shape an arrow. Kratos managed to shoulder his grief as he stood, following the path of blood. It seemed that there was something Orkos wanted him to see.
When he reached the end of the path of blood, he found a large crystal resembling those representing the blood oaths that Orkos had once kept as the Oath Keeper, only much larger. Stuck to the front of the crystal, near a fracture that led into it, was a scrap of parchment, with what Kratos recognized as a message inscribed by the Scribe of Hecatonceris, the madman imprisoned by the Furies who had kept such dutiful records to stave off his own madness.
The child within made no oath to gods, and yet found her way to the Furies' prison. As her oath was not one the Furies concerned themselves with, they left her untouched, with no torture save that which her own mind crafted for her.
Kratos' eyes widened. "A child?" he asked, shocked. "What child could be imprisoned as an oath breaker?" Moving to the fracture in the crystal, he saw it was too narrow for him to squeeze through. Gripping it with both hands, he struggled to force it open.
As the fissure widened, a voice called from within. "No! You mustn't! I cannot be freed!"
Kratos paused. That voice had been the voice of a child, a little girl. After his visions of the death of his own daughter, Calliope, which he had caused, that voice staggered him. After a moment, he managed to get himself under control. "It is alright," he said into the crevice. "What could you have done to deserve this?" He pushed the crack open wider, so he could see inside.
The interior of the crystal chamber was shadowed. All he could make out clearly was a head of crimson hair on a head turned away from him. "I broke my promise..." the little girl whimpered. "I broke my promise, and now they're all gone. It''s all my fault...all because I broke my promise...I have to be punished..."
Kratos closed his eyes in pain. That she should face such trauma, and blame one should force a little girl through that. He steeled himself to continue to speak to her. "So you will remain in here forever?" he asked. "Will you let your mistake destroy you?" In his urgency to help the trapped child, he unwittingly made himself realize some things about his own problems.
The head turned towards him, and pure blue eyes stared up at him through the crack, which fought his efforts to force it open wider. "But...what else can I do? I..."
Kratos shook his head. "You made a mistake," he said. "You broke a promise, and something bad happened. Do you plan to wallow in that for the rest of your life?"
The blue eyes tilted in thought. "What should I do?" she asked.
"You can go out and undo the wrong you have done!" Kratos said firmly. "I have wrought great wrongs from my own ambitions. The pain of those mistakes and their consequences plague my mind and heart. But I will not be beaten by them! I am Spartan! I am a warrior! What of you? Are you a warrior, or a worrier?"
The voice inside the crystal giggled. "Can't I be both? A warworrier? Or a worwarrior? Worwarworwarworwarworwar-" She broke off in another fit of giggles, her crimson hair seeming to lighten, becoming both paler and fuller. "That's funny to say."
Kratos didn't really see the humor, but he felt the need to encourage the child. "Yes, it is amusing. Not much amusement inside your prison here, is there?"
The eyes lowered. "No...but do I deserve amusement?"
Kratos struggled to push the crack open wider, but it fought him all the stronger as the weight of the child's despair seemed to increase. Inspiration struck him. "You failed to save some...wallowing will not make up for it! Work to save others instead, so that when you stand before Hades the weight of your mistakes is balanced by the weight of your deeds."
The eyes looked up at him. " you really think that will work?"
"I have to believe it," he replied, feeling the crystal start to weaken. He pushed it open a bit wider, enough to see the child smiling up at him.
"I...I don't know if I can alone, though," she whispered softly.
Kratos felt his heart sink as he heard the child's pain, so strongly echoing his own loss. "I will help you," he found himself saying.
The eyes blinked at him. "Promise?"
Kratos paused. The promise he'd made to Ares had gotten him into so much trouble, had brought about the deaths of those he cared for most...but Orkos guided him here with his death. He would not have guided him to more trouble. "I promise."
"A Pinkie Promise?" the child asked.
Kratos blinked, then chuckled. "I do not know this 'Pinkie Promise'. Will you teach me?"
The head inside the crystal nodded eagerly, her hair now bouncing with her motions as the crystal started to crumble around her. "It goes 'cross my heart'," she said, drawing an X over her heart. "Hope to fly," she continued, making flying motions.
Kratos released the crack in the crystal so his hands were free. "Cross my heart," he said, doing the motions, "hope to fly."
"Stick a cupcake in my eye!" the voice in the crystal finished, covering one eye.
"Stick my eye," Kratos echoed, covering one eye. "...what is a cupcake?"
Something bright and colorful with the consistency of cake was flung from the crystal to land in his hand. "It's dessert!" the little girl affirmed. "It's a really delicious sweet treat."
Smiling, Kratos took a bite of the pastry. The sweet taste assaulted his mouth, more delicious than anything he had ever tried. "Is this ambrosia?" he asked, thinking it was the food of the gods.
The child giggled as the crystal prison lost its luster. "No, silly. It's just a cupcake."
Kratos took another bite. "Too delicious to put in my eye," he muttered.
Another giggle echoed from inside the crystal before it shattered. A tiny pink equine with a poofy pink mane and tail and bright blue eyes looked up at Kratos, grinning from ear to ear. "Glad you like it!"
Kratos stared at the child - the filly - now that she was revealed. "You're...a pony?"
"And you're a human!" she replied happily. She bounced around him, looking him all over. "I'm Pinkie Pie! What's your name?"
He stared down at her, somewhat confused. Despite many encounters with the various non-mortal creatures of Greece and the surrounding areas, a talking tiny pony was a little outside his experience. "Kratos," he said slowly.
"Kratos?" she asked. "That's a funny sounding name!"
He frowned. "'Pinkie Pie' sounds rather unusual to me."
"Fair enough!" she said happily, beaming from ear to ear. Raising a hoof, she scratched her chin. "Well, I've decided!" she said firmly.
"Decided?" he asked, somewhat nervously.
"You said I should work to save people," she pointed out. "I decided I'm going to start with you!"
Kratos blinked. "What can you save me from?" he asked.
Leaping up, she clung to one of his shoulders while poking his mouth with her other fore hoof. "Whatever's left you with such a firm frown on your face! I'm going to make you smile again!"
Krato shook his head. "I doubt if you'll be able to. There is too much pain in me..."
"Then I'll just have to balance that pain with as much joy as I can until you can smile again, right?" she asked, grinning widely as she looked him straight in the eyes.
Kratos looked at her for a while, then lowered his gaze with a sigh. "I have a lot to make up for, Pinkie Pie. The path I walk will be a dangerous one."
"Then I'll walk it with you," she promised. "And make you smile again one day." She dropped to the ground. "Cross my heart," she said, making the motions, "hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Actually flattening a cupcake against her eye on the last line, she then licked her face clean with an absurdly long tongue.
Kratos chuckled ruefully. "Alright. Keep up if you can," he said softly.
Pinkie Pie bounced around him happily. "I will!" she said eagerly.
He tilted his head. "How old are you, Pinkie?"
Pinkie took a deep breath and stuck her hoof in her mouth. As she blew on that forehoof, four finger-like protrusions slowly popped out of her other forehoof. "This many!" she said, wiggling the finger-like protrusions before they were reabsorbed into her hoof.
Kratos nodded. "Well, try not to fall too far behind," he said, turning to walk down the path, away from the place he once called home.
Pinkie Pie smiled widely as she bounced along after him. "It'll be nice to have a Daddy again!" she proclaimed happily.
Kratos staggered a bit, but kept walking. He had a lot to make up for. And maybe, over time, having Pinkie along would make it all...bearable.
Immediate upvote for the title alone.
"it's dessert!"
1. I personally feel that it should be; It's a dessert. But that's just me, if others feel the same way then... I dunno
Surprised that Kratos isn't well... surprised by some of Pinkie's antics like her blow up fingers from hoof. Then again... he has faced Gods, Titans and all sorts of massive enemies with seemingly dexterous and near impossible weapons...
And then there's the regular monsters like nagas, satyrs, centaurs, hydras, manticores, chimera, harpies, evil spirits...
Pinkie just doesn't rate that high on the weirdness scale. The only really weird thing about her from Kratos' perspective is that she's an ally.
I, on the other hoof, think it should be lunch!
And dinner!!
And whatever other meal I can get away with replacing with cupcakes!
Hey come back!
I just want to hurt you a 'little'
Reason why Kratos aren't weirded out is because Greek has lots of mythical creature that are physically weirder than Pinkie. Half human snake? A lion mix with scorpion and bats? Half Human horse? Why not a talking pink little horse?
5130469 I think Kratos is just tickled pink.
Now Kratos has five Pinkies.
I don't think she would be his mane problem.
He certainly has a sugar coated tail to tell.
Now Kratos just has to pull a Who's your daddy line
*starts jet plane for take off*
You know, when I see that kinda title, the intro to this video is the first thing that comes to mind. Up until I saw that, I didn't even know that slaughter can't be spelled without "AAAAAUGH".
5130640 Hop on to my private jet! We must make haste and pun all those that would hurt us!
Like 5130456 for example! Potato wine can kill!
is this little pinkie or older pinkie?
She did state she was four.
...I did not know that was a reference...
...I wish I still didn't...
5134194 I thought you knew. Its actually one of my favorite quotes.
I'd never heard it before.
Ladies and gentlemen, Pinkamina Kratos Pie!
After reading this, I can't help but think of what would happen if Pinkie joined Kratos for his cameo in Mortal Kombat 9.
"Finish Him! Friendship! Friendship? Again? Wait, we aren't even using friendships! How did you?"
...if I'd ever played MK9, that would be so tempting.
5136210 You may be able to pull it off, regardless. Kratos isn't part of the game's storyline, just a bonus character to play as in tournament mode. If you complete the tournament as him, Kratos is sent home with the thanks of the MK gods. Also, all the locations are from the first three MK games, seeing as how the game is a reboot. (spoiler from first 5 minutes of gameplay) In the end it's up to you, I'm just saying that in this case not playing the game has less of an impact than you might think.
As in "I haven't played any Mortal Kombat game since the ones that were on the SNES, so I have no idea how to work with the newer ones".
5137608 It's just as well, I suppose. There is such a thing as too over the top, after all. Even for Pinkie Pie.
5129959 Ancient Greece had some REALLY fucked up shit. Kratos has seen a LOT of said shit. More than most Greek heroes. After a while you just get numb to it all.
5130859 I actually think that she isn't a dead horse but she's Feeling Pinkie Keen instead
5142643 Knowing Pinkie, ye would take the Pink-copter supplemented with some of Kratos' swag
5142702 I'm guessing it's powered by five Pinkies worth
I didn't think it was possible...
Well done, Tatsurou. You have done something incredible! In a single chapter, you have actually made me care about the demigod who is, arguably, the most unsympathetic character in video game history. This was going to get an upvote because I'm a big fan of your work, but now it gets a favorite too!
Really looking forward to seeing where this story goes.
Heh, so Pinkie was lucky enough to talk coherently in this one rather than her friends, who are merely babbling infants
She's adorable nonetheless, and it'd be cool to see where this goes. 
Missing capital
Okay. I believe you deserve props for making a GOW cross. But, as i have grown up with GOW, Kratos does not smile. never.
That's why Pinkie's so determined to make him smile.
Also, he does smile in his flashbacks with Calliope.
Well, this is gonna be bloody...
Well, that settles it, I HAVE TO READ THIS FIC NOW!
I scrolled down causally, just to see what the comments held... and this is at the top of the list! I'll take that hilariously good omen of the story to come.
And that's how Olympus was un-made!
I needed to find the Pinkie version of this, and I'm glad I did.
omg man, upvoted because this is my favorite game.
And I will continue reading, because this is going to be insane!
Hehehehee. far, so weird, I guess.
I'm gonna have so much fun reading this!
What have we unleashed upon the earth!?!
7010610 I don't know, but let's see where it goes!
To quote Dr.Wolf,
6375278 Agreed. I had to imagine his poker face shattering into humorous frowns.
Trying to get Kratos to smile? ...
7398730 ALL MY YES!
(Someone make these three roommates)
7398730 wait....if kratos enjoys something enough to smile....doesn't that usually mean..
Ohcrap. *duck for cover* Hit the deck!
He smiled before he ate the cupcake though...
She means smile genuinely, without having to truly fight the weight of pain and loss inside. Kratos smiled, yes, but his heart was still wracked with pain he was trying to push through to encourage her. Her promise was to help him stop hurting, to make him smile without having to force it.
...these PWNYverse stories always make me smile and forget my troubles, like sugary cake and sweet ice cream... Tatsurou actually Pinkie Pie in disguise? Or does Tats simply channel her spirit to write?
Time for another PWNY re read. I think this one is relevant considering what came out recently. Can't believe Kratos is Loki's father.
Tats, when I have nothing to do, I always end up coming back to this glorious masterpiece just to binge-read it again.
this is beautiful.
It makes me really happy to hear you say that.