• Published 12th Oct 2014
  • 22,037 Views, 1,669 Comments

You Can't Spell Slaughter Without Laughter - Tatsurou

The Ghost of Sparta has his hands full raising the Element of Laughter.

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First Blood

Kratos staggered back, using the Blades of Chaos to deflect the strikes of the manticore's tail sting. While normally such an enemy was no threat to him, fighting was proving difficult this time as Pinkie was attempting to ride it. "Pinkie!" he called out. "Having a bit of difficulty here, and I could use your cooperation!"

"But this is so much fun!" Pinkie called happily, grinning from ear to ear as she hauled on the manticore's ears, causing it to rear upwards.

Seizing the opportunity, Kratos lunged in, striking the manticore across the abdomen, cutting into its belly. The beast roared in pain and collapsed.

Pinkie bounced off the manticore's back. "Why'd you do that, Daddy?" she asked, confused.

Sighing, Kratos delivered the finishing blow to the beast, cutting off its head. "Pinkie, in order to balance against the sins of my past, I have entered the service of the gods of Olympus. I take my orders from Athena primarily. This manticore was attacking that settlement." He pointed to the small village he had been protecting. "I was ordered to kill the manticore so that the villagers could return to their farming in peace."

Pinkie glanced from the people to the dead manticore. "But...couldn't the situation have been dealt with some other way? Without killing it?"

Kratos shrugged his shoulders. "I suppose that could be possible, but I have to trust that the gods made their decision wisely, and that I acted rightly by obeying their directives."

Pinkie sighed. "It's just...I was having so much fun riding it. It's just a shame that you had to kill it."

Kratos kneeled down beside the sad pony. "Pinkie...I get the feeling that, wherever you come from, things are rather peaceful. The lands probably aren't constantly plagued by constant monsters, and the people live at peace with one another. Am I right?"

Pinkie thought about it for a bit. "I guess maybe? I don't really remember much now before you became my Daddy two years ago, and the gods started giving you tasks to accomplish. It's just...this is the first one to involve violence...and killing..."

He pulled her into a soft embrace. "Pinkie, this world is very violent, with death commonplace. I myself am a Spartan, the greatest warrior tribe the land has ever seen. I know death well. I have seen allies fall, and I have slain many foes. I know that on this path I walk, serving the gods to be absolved of my guilt, I will have to do so a great deal more." He gently scratched her behind one ear, knowing that gentle caress often eased her troubled mind. "If you walk this path with me...you will have to face this as well."

Pinkie whimpered a bit, nuzzling into his chest. "...Daddy..."

He sighed sadly. "You do not have to if you do not wish to, though. If you so desire, I will release you from your promise to me-"

"Nuh uh," Pinkie interrupted. "Gotta keep my promise. Otherwise, how can you keep yours to me?"

Kratos chuckled. "I understand." He continued to scratch her behind her ear. "Are you going to be alright?"

She nodded. "I think so. I'll just...have to get used to it." She cuddled into him. "Can...can I sleep with you tonight?"

Kratos nodded, stroking her mane. "You may."

"Should I give you a few hours to enjoy the thanks of the ladies in the village, first?"

Kratos chuckled softly. "You don't have to, Pinkie."

Pinkie smiled happily as she burrowed deep into his embrace. She remained there until Kratos turned in for the night, when she then curled up on his chest as they slept.

Kratos awoke the next morning to the sound of screams and the roar of an angry beast. Leaping from bed, he was surprised and frightened to discover Pinkie Pie had vanished. Calling his Blades to his hands, he rushed from the house the villagers had granted him and Pinkie, to see what was amiss.

Another manticore, somewhat larger than the female he had fought the day before and male, was attempting to charge into the town. However, with each charge attempt was stopped when something large and brown smashed into the creature's face, the spray of crumbs revealing it had the same consistency as Pinkie's cupcakes.

Looking up, Kratos saw that Pinkie was braced on a roof on the outskirts of town, hurling her confections at the manticore each time he charged. Climbing to the roofs, he made his way to her. "What is that you are throwing?" he asked, curious.

"Cakes," Pinkie said, hurling another one.

Kratos blinked. "You're...assaulting him with...cake?"

"Yupperooni!" Pinkie said happily, hurling another one.

As he watched the manticore continue to charge, he shook his head. "I don't think that will work to kill him."

"It will once he takes a bite!"

Kratos raised an eyebrow. "Why? Is it poisoned?"

"Nope!" Pinkie said as one cake finally made it mostly into the manticore's open mouth. Seeing him licking his lips, she pulled out another cake and picked up a spear. "But the spear is." She then hurled the cake at the manticore. As he opened his mouth wide to eat it, she hurled the spear through the cake to go straight down the manticore's throat, where it tore through the lining of his throat and his stomach, both injecting the poison into the manticore's flesh and filling his abdominal cavity with digestive acid. The manticore roared, flailed around for a time, choked on its own blood, then curled up dead.

Kratos looked down at Pinkie Pie. "Well done," he said. "That was a perfectly executed kill."

Pinkie hung her head. "Yeah..."

"What's wrong?" he asked, wrapping an arm around her.

"That manticore attacked...because the one from yesterday was his mate." Pinkie shook her head a bit. "Once she was dead, he would have attacked this settlement relentlessly, to get revenge. He would also have come after you, for killing her, and me, because my scent was on her from when I tried to ride her. To save you, me, and the village...he had to die. I knew I had to make that choice...but I didn't like making it."

Kratos looked down at Pinkie, deep in thought. In this moment she had proven herself to be stronger in character than most Spartan men, having been able to face the burden of wielding death when she was only six years old. A Spartan boy wouldn't even begin his training until seven, and would not face battle of any sort until he was 13. There was a strong warrior hidden inside this pastel pink pony...but a warrior with a fragile heart, one that could easily become a monster if he wasn't careful. He knew now that he owed it - to Pinkie, to the Spartans, and to his dead wife and daughter - to ensure that Pinkie became a warrior, and not a monster.

As those thoughts ended in his mind, Pinkie looked up at him. "Daddy...did I do the right thing?"

Kratos nodded firmly. "Yes, Pinkie, you did." He pulled her into a gentle hug. "You are a warrior through and through. And although it is a little early, if you wish I shall begin your warrior training. We won't be able to train you in the way I was taught, as we will continue to follow the orders of the gods...but when we are done, you will be a warrior the Spartans will be proud to have amongst their numbers."

Pinkie smiled up at him. "I...I'd like that. Will...will the training make it easier to make choices like this?"

Kratos shook his head. "No. Killing will still be a burden to bear, and will get no lighter as you get better at it. But as you become more skilled, your understanding of it will grow...and as a warrior under my command, that burden will be one we bear together."

Pinkie nuzzled into him. "Then I'm ready to train." As he started to pull her into a tighter hug, she bounced away. "Right after the party!"

"Party?" he asked, confused.

"Well the village is safe now, right?" she said, grinning from ear to ear. "We need to help them celebrate!"

As she bounced away happily, Kratos shook his head, pushing himself to his feet. Shrugging his shoulders, he followed her into the village.