• Member Since 29th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen January 10th


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Bloom and Gloom, FINALLY! Third Times The BUCKING CHARM! · 12:22am May 4th, 2015

I haven't posted the review of what I thought of the episode from CMC, because, eh, I was focusing on other stuff, likewise I left alone the next one, Tank's for the Memories which SO should have gotten a review.

But eh, better late than never.

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Report PoisonJoker09 · 669 views ·
Comments ( 10 )
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Thanks, been all worrying about leaving only numbers behind.

Now it turns out it was always right!

You don't type my name in, just type around the numbers that appear when replying.

Example: 1750031 are the numbers that appeared for me to reply to your comment.

OH WAIT! When I change pages it displays your name afterwards!


1750026 gameexpert1990

So... like this?

Nope -_-

This sentence was actually the last thing I typed, to be used as an example, 1750022.

It's simply a matter of clicking the button first, then just typing around it. :twilightsmile:

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