• Member Since 13th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 6th, 2014



[Interactive Story] You are Rainbow Dash! Congrats. You want to get to the Daytona 500 but due to a small comment Twilight won’t let you.
She says she will read your mind, if she does you have to become Applejack's Slave while she is away. If she doesn’t, you’re going to the Daytona 500!
Come take up the challenge, see if Twilight truly can read your mind.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 33 )

name of the country in the United State where the capital is located

The United State. It's called "Texas".

“Who is the current leader of the Canada?” Twilight questioned.

“Prime Minister Stephen Harper!”

"Princess Canadance!" you shout.

“Who will give up without a fight?” Twilight asked.

“The French.” You replied.

Oh no, they fight, get their butts handed to them, then give up.

“Who is the best player in the MBA?”

“Any black player.”

“If you get in trouble with the police, how do you get out of trouble?” Twilight asked raising a brow.

“Ask your white friend to talk to the cops. Cops love white people.”

“How do you get said white person to like you?” Twilight said brow still raised.

You said, “you give them some fancy cheese! Cmon Twilight, I’ve been studying so long I should know more than you!”

So... If the Royal Guards are up in my grill, can I just give Rarity some Brie and ask her to talk to them?

[Insert Rest of Fic Here]

Way to steal a trick from Brain Games...
But I'd expect to see a White Cow in the Dominican Republic.:trollestia:

4960116 I just saw it in my class today lol, I am glad i am not the only one though.. I wont lie, Twilight read my mind..

I just realized it said "the Canada". Didn't even catch that in my post.

Denmark>Kiwi>Indigo. The number trick was an oldie but a goodie.

Ash Grey

You failed to amuse me and read my mind Twilight.

This was fun! :twilightsmile: I actually chose an amber koala from Denmark, but it was still a fun little story! Hope to see more! :pinkiehappy:

I kinda thought this was rigged since if you add the digits of any number that's divisible by nine, then its sum is always gonna be nine.

Twilight was right I put orange kangaroo and Denmark. What ddi the rest of u guys got

Britannia (what? She didn't say I couldn't use a fake one) aardvark.... Is there even a color that starts with k?

Anybody else think of an orange armadillo from Dominica? Thought not.:trollestia:


I thought of an ardilla azul de Dinamarca.

Because fuck the system.

Comment posted by mehperson deleted Sep 6th, 2014

Saw this in Brain Games. Didn't trick me. I said for a joke
orange koala in Djibouti.


I wasn't playing :trollestia:

My god... I have to prepare my anus...

Umber emus in Cape Verde. Obscurity for the win. :rainbowwild:

Damn me and my Australian location, orange hair and Denmark heritage.

And no, that isn't a joke. :facehoof:

I got amber koalas in Denmark. xD

Fancy seeing you here. :rainbowlaugh:

4963243 do I know you? ... meh.. just kidding. Nice to see you around

Hiiiiii I'mma change my profile picture... :pinkiesmile:

Saffron Ibis in Djibouti

I got Dominican Republic, cat, and tan. Take that Twilight.

Well blast you Twilight:rainbowderp:
I know this already, ITS KINDA CHEATING YOU KNOW!!!
Or Rainbow should have known better.

Denmark, koala, and apricot.
I win.

Click Here if Twilight was wrong.

I picked Djibouti! Then Iguanq, then I couldn't think of a color that started with the letter A, so I said Absolute Darkness. I'm sure that the absence of color still counts, right?

I lost, should have payed more attention to my Global studies, either that or picked a different animal then Kangaroo

Methinks, she did :rainbowderp:. The results!

1. 2.

2. 2 * 9 = 18.

3. 18 mod 9 = 0 = 9.

4. 9 - 5 = 4.

5. 4 = D.

6. D = Denmark.

7. Denmark = k = koala.

8. Koala = a = aqua.

So she's got the country right :rainbowderp:. The rest I wrong. Means, she's guessed?

Looking back, I see, by the first three questions she knows our answers, but how in the name??.. can she guess?.. There are many animals to start with... I'm sure! Wow!..

'Tis amusing :rainbowkiss:!

4, Denmark, kangaroo, orange.

Is this some sort of script?

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