• Published 2nd Sep 2014
  • 10,035 Views, 90 Comments

Filly Fooler? - Michael Hudson

Fluttershy doesn't know what a filly fooler is and teaching her is going to be... awkward.

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Comments ( 85 )

Rainbow ripped the cup from the shy girl’s grip and drank greedily.

Did she really rip though? In my honest and unprofessional opinion, yanked would be more fitting to the situation.

“There are really girls out there like that?”

Seriously, how old is she actually? This is something you learn in elementary school sex ed. (Could be just in my country, but eh. Felt like pointing it out considering how much this trope bugs me)

Her fingers tentatively dug in further, her fingertips teasing the inner folds as those same folds clasped onto her shy digits and wanted more.

Double spacing.

To be honest, it was okay, I guess.

What bugged me the most was the dialogue, especially the inner one. It felt stilted and stiff, not alive enough to be believable.

4943832 You got sex ed in elementary school?
Geez, where did you go to school? Mine didn't even come close to teaching us anything useful. Middle school we learned the very basics (I think. I was out sick for most of it. Then I discovered the internet.)

DR is one of those Swedish people, where everyone is beautiful and they have good furniture

U wot m8?:unsuresweetie:

4944849 Wasn't it us humans that made up the term in the first place? :derpyderp2:

...U 'avvin a giggle m8?

4944878 little bit. I hope you are too.

>Sad Hatt
No...no giggles have been had.:eeyup:
These giggles will gaggle into eternity.:raritydespair:

just what is a filly fooler? :rainbowhuh:

4946082 its a slang term the brony community made for lesbians.

4946095 ah, I see. thanks

Ok, this has to have been said, but: If it's a human story, why use the term fillyfooler? That's pony slang, unless in that universe shit's gone crazy. I'm not trying to put this fic in a bad light, I actually enjoyed it a lot! But can we have some kind of explanation as to why humans use the term? And, I suppose replacing the word with lesbian would have made Flutters look kinda dumb, so hey. You have your reasons: Please share them.

4946322 I didn't have a lot of reason, but I actually did quickly come up with a reasoning. They have Wondercolts as their mascot so why not have other things horse related? Filly Fooler could have been made as a slang term. That, or the guys are bronies and they use the term. I'm sorry if the reasoning isn't the best though.

4946396 *Wonderbolts
Ok then, I suppose the term works if certain elements from the show are seen alongside, making it seem less random, and more ordered.

4946422 EqG, its Wondercolts.

4944370 Small correction: I meant secondary school.

The American system is confusing.

RD looks like a child in the cover pic...

4947843 Yes. Yes she does. This one picture inspired two different fics. My fellow collaborator went the route of Flutters being twice the size of RD. Neither of us wanted to touch filly Dash though, and I made damn sure she was eighteen in the fic.

4946526 I think it's fairly simple. 1-5, 6-8, 9-12, College.

4948092 My elementary was k-6.

How old are these guys? 15?

4946424 Ah, I never saw it :twilightblush:

The man rolled his eyes. “Oh yeah, and I bet all that kissing and such that you two do during sleepovers is just ‘practice for guys’.”

Now now, boys, jealousy makes you ugly.

“There are really girls out there like that?”

You've lived a sheltered life, haven't you?

4950850 I suggest you do. I enjoyed it, though it set the precedence for me going into Rainbow Rocks expecting the plot to be shaky at best.

you sir just earned yourself a like and a addition to my favorite stories(I like Flutterdash ship fics:rainbowwild:) you're welcome:pinkiehappy::moustache:

4952093 Yay!. Also, awesome pic.

I'm just gonna leave this song here... :raritywink:

couldn't stop laughing when i thought of this as rainbow and Flutters.:rainbowlaugh:

Also, the fic is Sexcellent. Keep up the good work! :pinkiesmile:

4953991 Oh good lord, YES! Crank it up!

One word. Hot.
This was relay good and well done, you get a cookie in the near future and a rating of 8/10 :raritywink:

Comment posted by chaos maker deleted Sep 5th, 2014

i no offence don't like flutterdash :twilightblush: but the story was good i guess:twilightsheepish::twilightsheepish::twilightsheepish:

4955307 Shipping preference will matter. It is understandable, but please don't downvote mine or other's stories for it.

4955612 Sorry. Did you still like it? I'll admit, I'm a little confused myself now.

4955773 Wow. That is a good point. I'm sorry that I've never been much fi a devil in the details, though I really should be trying to be more of one.

4956032 I'm afraid I'm about to receive a scathing comment, even if I try to be good about taking criticism.

4956066 Thank you. I'll try to keep it in mind in the future. Always trying to improve.

only one grammar error, very good :pinkiehappy: very nice topic aswell :raritywink: any chance of a second half? :raritywink:

4959207 Probably not. Maybe though, if I come up with anything. It is completed for a reason.

4955565 um sorry but i know its are opinion and we should all not care. :derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2:

Could have been longer, eh?

4960556 Possibly, but I honestly like it as it is. It would have had to have been made much more recently then the months ago when I wrote it for me to attempt to be a detail freak with my clop. Sorry.

4961158 Alght, it is fine and believe this is a great clop. But I felt like the ending was rushed, but if you like that way than fine. Whatever makes you feel most comfortable. :twilightsmile:

Good story, but your writing seriously needs some work my friend. At times this story just got very confusing for me.

Okay! So i'm gonna be honest, my criteria for choosing this story were:

1- It had "Mature" and "sex" and not "gore" in the mini-tags on the front page.
2- It was called "Fillyfooler", which is a term that I love
3- It had a picture of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, though humanized, in what appears to be a bathtub.

In short, I clicked on it because it looked like my favorite pair for smut (if you can't tell my OTP by my name, you might as well just quit)

Now, for a LARGE portion of these fics that I add to my "Read Later" list, which currently sits at 410 stories, more than half of which are clopfics, I read them through to get something to clop to before bed (or in the middle of the day on a weekend, whenever it strikes my fancy and won't get me fired or arrested really) I read through the beginning and, if my attention isn't grabbed, skim to some of the sex, and either fap or not. If not, I remove it from the list, and move on to the next one. If I do, I remove it from the list and continue about my regularly scheduled day.

If I read through the beginning and my attention is kept, I drop a 'like' on the story. If I read it all the way through (even after the fapping), I favorite it.

This story seemed destined to wait on my 400+ clopfic list as I tend to read them in reverse order (the fics I added months ago are more likely to get read than the ones I added today) but I reached out to the author for information on the sensual image and the author was kind enough to reply AND ask me if I liked his/her story. As I had not read it, I felt bad and so here I am, reading it now, with high hopes for some sexual tension between my two favorite pegasai that gets resolved in a most explicit manner. The description says Equestria Girl's universe but the image is more humanized than that, but due to my perversion I will picture the Equestria Girls versions anyway.

We start out with Rainbow Dash having a headache and Fluttershy giving her coffee. This sounds like a hangover, which intrigues me as to what must have been going on the night before. I like being curious! But then Dash says that Fluttershy has mountains on her chest, and the Fluttershy I remember from Equestria Girls couldn't fill a sports bra. No one in that movie could, save the principal, so my illusion has been shattered.

Hrm..not really buying that Fluttershy would ever utter the words "flat chest" but I may be over-exaggerating her shyness. I mean, clearly these two are in some sort of relationship - be they lovers already or just close friends - because Fluttershy got Dash coffee to help wake her up. Doesn't mean much on the surface, but I have best friends that I've never bought coffee for unless we made a concerted effort to go out and get coffee from staying up all night playing Super Smash Bros and ragging on each other before a test. So I'm going to temporarily roll with the assumption that Dash and 'Shy are at a bare minimum close enough that Fluttershy doesn't get flustered talking about her own chest or Dash's chest when its just the two of them.

Ahh! Neato! 18th birthday for Dash. So they are aged up from Equestria Girls, I assume. At least, they didn't seem to be highschool seniors in the movie, so presumably this is at least a year or so later? Puberty is a funny thing, so maybe Fluttershy would have mountains by now, as fanonly she has almost always had the biggest rack of the set. And the author now qualifies that the two are best friends. A lovely touch. I'm only a few paragraphs in (this comment is longer than what I've read thus far) and I'm already enjoying what I read.

As soon as I read the next paragraph, I see rice balls. That just reeks of anime thinking. I've never, in my life, seen a rice ball. I only know what they are from all of the hentai I watch (and all of the Japanese kids shows I watched back in the late 90's/early 2000's) and while Equestria Girls was, certainly, not pony, it was far from Japanese and the rice balls seem a little ridonkulous.

And now Rainbow Dash glomps Fluttershy. While the action, in and of itself, is something I can see Dash doing, it is not a word that is enjoyable to read in a literary context. Please don't use the term, especially since "glomping" is a tackle-hug which usually puts both participants on the floor and at no point is there an indication that Rainbow or Fluttershy were on the ground during the hug. It was just a tender embrace between friends, not a 'glomp'.

The interaction with the group of guys was very well in character, though more detail on the antagonists in the scene would have been nice. "The guys" is really just rather lazy, and "the leader" was described as "the man" at one point, which makes me mentally imagine him as several years older and having no reason to be in a highschool.

I like how the bell and school were used to time-lapse us into a more private setting where I can expect to get my wank on. Sure, some quick and nervous bathroom stall sex in the girl's locker room might have been zesty, but if this story wants to earn its romance tag then god dammit there had better be some pillows and sheets involved.

Although I could have done without the artificial reasons for Dash and 'Shy to have the place to themselves, this sort of thing really is an almost no-win situation for authors. It's either something contrived, like this story has, or neglectful parents who just aren't around, emancipated youths who just happen to have their own place while still in highschool, or the entire matter is just glossed over and nothing can really feel "great" so this'll do easy enough.

Haha, ten seconds flat, i-c-wut-u-did-thar.

The immersion breaks again, however, when the matter of "the question" (The question being "what is a fillyfooler" for those of you just scrolling up to this point after getting back from skipping to the sex) is so painfully shoehorned back into the setting.

Fluttershy cowered for a moment and hid behind her mane.

While I love the imagery, because Fluttershy using her mane as a metaphorical barrier to keep her safe and hide, this is a humanized story and, as such, she doesn't actually have a "mane".

Something that I assume some people don't like is this next part, where Rainbow Dash offers to strip naked for her bi-curious friend to help prove she's not gay for her. This actually feels like a very in-character thing for Rainbow Dash. This Dash clearly doesn't think that she will turn Fluttershy on, and I can very easily imagine her personality being such that this seems like a legitimate resolution. The "get to do anything you want to my body" is a tad of an odd thing to say, but still not outside the realms of comfort I'm willing to give.

What is less believable is that Fluttershy didn't have to be talked into looking at her or touching her. Fluttershy just sort of went right in, leaning in close and touching her naked friend's stomach. I don't really believe that about Fluttershy; I feel like Dash would more likely have to grab Fluttershy's hands and put them on her chest if she wanted her to start exploring.

Ummmmm, I'm not entirely sure what happened here. Fluttershy is feeling Dash up, sucking her tit, then they're making out and Dash seems to be into it, then suddenly she shoves Fluttershy away hard enough to knock her onto the floor, and then she starts to masturbate and tells Fluttershy to get naked? I'd suggest re-thinking that scene and rewording it a bit, or rewriting it entirely.

And the next scene. Dash is pulling Fluttershy's underwear down, and before they're even off Fluttershy is in the bathroom, slamming the door shut. I'ms tarting to think the author was enjoying the thoughts behind the scenes here as much as I am, but only one hand was typing so we'ere only seeing half the scene, har har.

The rest of the sensual buildup was good though. Very few complaints there. Sure, maybe I'm just tired from the epi-gasm, but hey, this story got me where I wanted to go and then some. It kept my attention, was rather well written, and while it needs some polish in areas, I'm going to give it a like and a favorite in hopes of an unlikely to occur sequel chapter.

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