• Published 21st Aug 2014
  • 1,609 Views, 30 Comments

Plowed Fields: A Big Mac Romance - Ron Jeremy Pony

Do you want that special somepony? Would you like to experience what it would be like to wake up next to the mare or stallion of your dreams? Well wish no longer. We here at Vogon Biotech have your answer. A fully created and real living, breath

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Comments ( 4 )

That was sweet with Mac and Jessica. Go Mac, beat that guy into the dirt!

He wrapped left arm around her, and he felt the tautness of her stomach.

"wrapped his arm"

He gave her another kiss on the of her head before he looked up to see the time.

"the top of"

The spraying hot water felt good as it hit him.

This seems a bit repetitive.

The water still felt good, and besides he needed to be smelling better. He reached down and grabbed the bottle of Old Spice 3 in 1 and dolloped a bit of it on a wash rag.

Comma after "besides".

Should be "3-in-1" for all 3 instances.

Instead at the moment he was feeling the wonderful feeling of Jessica scrubbing his back.

Commas before and after "at the moment".

She quickly went to work drying herself off. He watched as she passed the towel over her.

This should be "self" or " body", intended space.

Jessica usually fixed breakfast, but this morning he wanted to it for her.

"to do it"

There was a few cans of instant biscuits on the lowest shelf, and while he hated to admit it those did taste mighty good.

"it, they did"

When he was done there was eight biscuits cooking for them

Comma after "done".

After all he had eaten more than one of Pinkie Pie’s cupcakes, pies, and triple fudge cakes before.

Comma after "all".

Around the time it was finished both Robert and Stephanie came down the stairs, and from the look of things they had enjoyed each other’s company quite a bit.

Comma after "finished".

At the end of the day ten sixteen flats of preserves and jelly were finished.

Comma after "day".

Briefly between them he could see a private farm or home, but it few and far inbetween.


space between "inbetween".

After about a little over an hour they arrived.

Take out "little", or "about"

“We had a little help, and speaking about help are you still looking for someone to take over the day to day duties of the Farmer’s Market?” she asked.

Comma after "help".

Frank walked out, and like Mac the man looked like a pile of muscles.

Commas before and after "like Mac".

He helped carry alongside of the rest of them and in after about five minutes they had the wagon emptied and the stock of Sweet Nectar Acres Peaches was refilled on the shelves.

Comma after "minutes".

“Okay, we’re paid in full,” Margret said.

What do you mean with this statement?

Jessica thank you so much,” he said.

Comma after "Jessica".

Like Mac and Frank this new man seemed to be sculpted from stone.

Comma after "Frank".

This was all I could find in this chapter.

Question, do you need an editor?


I could use one. I go over my stories, but there is usually mistakes that I didn't catch. Typically it's when I'm reading the story I'll put the missing words in the places were they're needed, and I just miss it on the run through.

When is the next chapter going to be uploaded?

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