• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 1,885 Views, 25 Comments

Caged - DemonBrightSpirit

Applejack and Rainbow Dash have been dating for some time, but while Dash has been off applying for the Wonderbolts, Applejack has been thinking about their future. What she finds is a terrible realization and the dread of breaking the news to Dash.

  • ...

A Cruel Destiny


Applejack’s hooves crashed into another apple tree, and the fruits tumbled from their boughs. Most of them fell neatly into the waiting baskets, but several more missed their mark entirely. A few of the errant apples rained down on Applejack. She yelped, jumping away from the onslaught.

Applejack sighed as she corralled the stray apples into their buckets. She just couldn't focus at all. Her mind was fixated on a rainbow-maned, blue pegasus. After all, this was the day. Rainbow Dash left for her tryouts to the Wonderbolts nearly a week ago. In a matter of hours she would return—triumphant or defeated.

Who was she kidding?

Rainbow would come soaring back on cloud nine. Victorious and ecstatic, she would insist on celebrating the accomplishment of her lifelong dream with her marefriend.

Applejack grimaced at the thought. Despite the horrendous blow it would deliver to her marefriend, some small part of her wished for Rainbow Dash to have failed. Then, everything would be normal, right?

Probably not.

With a weary sigh, she gathered up the baskets and dumped their apples into a nearby cart. Even working couldn't tame her idle thoughts—those bitter, repugnant thoughts.

“Applejack! There you are!”

Applejack cringed as Pinkie’s energetic voice shattered the relative silence. “Hey, Pinkie Pie,” she said in a measured tone.

“I’ve been looking all over for you! Rainbow Dash is going to be back soon. Everypony is at Sugarcube Corner and everything is all set—except for you! You didn’t forget, did you?” Pinkie grabbed Applejack by the shoulders and lifted her up, pressing their faces together. “We need you there! You're Dashie's marefriend; you gotta be there!”

Applejack squirmed free before tugging her brim down over her face. “I ain’t going.”

Pinkie gasped. “What're you saying? It just won’t be the same without you! Dashie’s been gone a week. I know you've gotta be missing her, too!”

“It’s… personal, Pinkie,” Applejack said as she turned back towards the baskets, stacking them up. “Just give RD my regards and tell her to enjoy herself. When she’s had her fill, tell her to meet me at that place. She’ll know what it means.”

Pinkie blinked once, then twice. “Oooooh, so you're preparing that kind of surprise for her. Don’t worry! Your secret’s safe with Pinkie Pie!”

“Just keep it under your hat, all right?”

Placing a fez atop her head, Pinkie gave a huge smile. “Okie dokie lokie!”

Applejack rolled her eyes as Pinkie bounded off. At least that bit of trouble was taken care of. With any luck, Rainbow would actually enjoy herself at that party, even without her marefriend there to greet her.

After struggling to get any work done for what seemed like hours, Applejack finally gave up. With a head full of blighted thoughts, she found herself on a small, secluded hill overlooking Sweet Apple Acres.

The private knoll held special memories for the farmer—special times she’d shared with her marefriend. They had their first kiss here. Their first date involved a picnic on this very spot. Ever since, this had become their special place. They’d even shared a roll in the hay here a time or two.

Now, those same memories haunted her, wearing at the resolute decision she’d made.

A deafening sound suddenly drew Applejack’s attention to the afternoon sky. A rainbow ring raced across the skies. A single rainbow streaked from the center and headed straight for her.

Applejack sighed as she mentally prepared herself. Sure enough, just a second later, four hooves crashed into the ground. The dust settled to reveal Rainbow Dash in a form-fitting blue and yellow outfit. She wore a triumphant grin as she reared up, striking a pose.

“Hey, Dash,” Applejack listlessly said, forcing a smile. “Enjoy your party?”

“It was pretty cool,” Rainbow said, sauntering towards Applejack. “But really, how could I enjoy myself there when my marefriend was waiting here to congratulate me.” Then, she pounced.

“Omph!” Applejack found herself on her back with a lean, strong pegasus on top of her. Fighting her instincts, she managed to slip a hoof between their muzzles before Dash had a chance to continue. “Wait just a durn minute, Rainbow Dash!” With a mighty shove, Applejack threw Rainbow off of herself.

Rainbow Dash smashed into the ground, but rolled back onto her hooves. Wings bristling, she grimaced at Applejack. “What the hay?”

Applejack sighed as she scooped up her hat and replaced it atop her head. “We need to talk,” she said, keeping her gaze decidedly off of Dash. “About us.”

Dash blinked as her scowl quickly softened into a small frown. She put a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder. “Applejack, did something happen?”

Applejack placed her hoof atop Rainbow Dash’s as she looked her in the eye. “I-I don’t know how else to say this, but… Well, this… us. We’re done,” she said, shaking her head just a bit. “We can’t be marefriends no more.”

Pulling her hoof free, Dash took a step back. Her eyes were wide as she struggled to process Applejack’s words. “Wh-what?”

Tracing her gaze back to the ground, Applejack continued, “I had a lot of time to think while you were away, sug’. And… and every time I think about our future.” Applejack shook her head as she swiped at her eyes. “Dash, there just ain’t a future for us, together.”

“What are you talking about?” Dash shouted back at her. “We’re perfect together! Everypony says so! I’m happy! You’re happy…” She had to stop as her chest heaved, sucking air in and out. “We’re happy, right? Wh-why? Why would you even say something like that!? If this is supposed to be a joke, it’s not funny!”

“It ain’t no joke, sug’.” Applejack pulled her hat low over her face. “I mean it.” Sighing, she looked back up at Dash, her eyes wet with tears. “Think about it. You're a Wonderbolt now. How often’re you gonna be ‘round here?”

“Well… I mean, I know the Wonderbolts tour all of Equestria, but they’re based in Cloudsdale! I fly there all the time from Ponyville. It's not that far,” Rainbow said, pointing in the general direction of Cloudsdale. She sat next to Applejack, putting a foreleg across her withers. “We can make it work, no prob.”

Applejack shrugged her leg off. “It ain't that simple. You’ll be training or touring, what, three out of four days? More? And when you do get a chance to come ‘round, who’s to say I won’t be swamped with taking care of the farm?”

Rainbow shot to her hooves and rounded Applejack to confront her face-to-face. “So we’ll both be busy. So what? We still love each other. We can make it work.”

Applejack shook her head, averting her gaze. “Love ain't enough. Not if we ain't happy, and I just… I don’t see how we can make that happen.” Applejack stood up and walked to the edge of the field. “Look,” she said as Dash arrived at her side, motioning to the nearly endless orchards. “My upbringing, my pride, my heritage, my very cutie mark—they all refuse to let me leave this place. I’m caged here. It’s where I was born. It’s where I’ve always lived—where I always will live. I’ll be buried in this dirt. There just ain’t nothing that's gonna change that. I won't leave this land. I can’t.”

Dash furrowed her brow. “So what? I already knew that. That’s not a problem at all.”

Applejack sighed. “But it is, sug’. Can you be happy being stuck here on the farm, day in and day out. Week after week, month after month, and year after year?” Dash started to speak up, but Applejack didn't give her a chance. “No. You can't. And I can't be happy leaving this place behind. My destiny is right here in these fields, on this land. And your destiny is soaring in the skies, free and untethered. There’s just no changing that.”

She looked Dash in the eye, tears finally slipping down her cheeks. “There ain’t a future for us where we’re both happy. And we both deserve better than that. Now, I love you, and I reckon I always will, but this relationship of ours… It’s gotta come to an end, for both our sakes.”

Rainbow opened her mouth to speak, but no words came. She set her jaw as her brow furrowed. “What? You want me to choose between the Wonderbolts and you? Fine!” Tugging at her costume, she quickly removed it and threw it to the ground. “I choose you!” She stood defiant in front of Applejack.

Applejack just shook her head before wiping away her tears. “You can quit the Wonderbolts if that’s what you really want, but it ain’t gonna change my mind. Don't you understand?”

“No! I don't!” Dash shouted, tears breaking free. “I love you! We've been together for months without a problem. Why’s it gotta change now?”

“I’m just thinking about what’s best for us," Applejack said. "Our futures are going to tear us apart no matter what we do. Can’t you see that? Ain’t it better for us just to end it right here and now?”


“Well… I do,” Applejack said, turning away from Rainbow Dash. “And I am. They say if you love something, you have to set it free, and that’s exactly what I'm doing. For your sake and mine. We just ain’t destined to be.”

“Please, Applejack,” Dash said, her voice wavering as she put a hoof on her shoulder. “I’d rather be—”

“No! You wouldn't!” Applejack swatted her hoof away. “It might seem that way now, but you'd never be happy trapped here on this farm with me. And I'd never be happy roaming free with you. It’s just that simple.” Her head hung even lower, tears dripping down onto the grass. “Don’t… don’t make me say something I'll regret, Dash. Just… Go."

The sound of wing beats preceded a powerful gust. Then, another deafening crash sounded from the sky, and Applejack turned around. The only trace of her ex-marefriend was a long rainbow streaking across the sky.

She hung her head again, her tears still dripping down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry.”

Comments ( 24 )

This site definitely needs more Applejack & Wonderbolt!Dash stories! :pinkiehappy: It ended up in Read Later for now and I'm going to read it as fast as possible. Seems promising :) Very promising.


Okay. I couldn't help myself and decided to ignore all the things I should do and read it. And damn, it was worth it. Beautiful little story, almost made me cry. No matter how much we want things to work, sometimes they just can't. Applejack seems to understand it better than anypony else. And it hurts. And this title hurts, too. Caged. Her lifstyle, farm, work, family... everything that makes her happy is lke a trap in this fic.

is there a sequel planned for this? something set in the future that shows what they both went through/go through after this takes place?

I'm on the verge of crying... I can't think of anything else to say... 10/10

This was fantastic. Absolutely no offense to AppleDash fans, but the characters were spot on in my book.

I'm not even going to try to read it lol.

I'm glad you liked it. I started to read it and thought that, perhaps, you had gotten the wrong impression.

I'm afraid that I have no sequel planned at all.

Such high praise! I'm flattered, though, some credit certainly goes to my gracious editor.

That's certainly good to hear. I wasn't worried too much about Rainbow, but I was afraid Applejack may have been a bit off.

4841176 I never thought I'd read a breakup story of them, but now I did... Liquid pride was shed.

I loved reading this story and how you were able to utilize the characters. It's a shame that this isn't getting more attention, because this is one of those stories that really deserves it. Excellent work!

I usually HATE stories that involve shipping and never have any desire to read them. This though, was good! The execution, the use of characters, the writing. Even though this still doesn't interest me since I for some reason just can't care about Mane Six ships, I'm still giving this a like and favorite for the quality and giving you a follow.

And yeah, this deserves more likes.

Please don't do this the indignity of a sequel. It was really, really good, and I'd hate to see it ruined in the name of "advancing the storyline."

This is good, what its not is another chapter of inferno. Why must you make me wait!?

Appledash is dead! Let our cheers be heard from the heavens!:pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by VcSaJen deleted Aug 14th, 2014

I can tell you now, if I'd have shipped AppleDash, I would have cried.

Unluckily enough for you, though, I don't.

Really, though, this was freakin' beautiful. You should continue writing sad fics, you've been blessed with a talent. The begining really made me think about what was going on, and I can tell you, I had some pretty crazy ideas. At the end, there could of been two endings...

*AppleDash Shipper Me* Goddamn! Now I need to find a place to put all these tears!
*Not an AppleDash Shipper Me* Why couldn't I have done AppleDash for this? WHYYY???

But, as you can see, either ending is utterly heartbreaking.

Regarding the story itself, take everything I say with a grain of salt, because I'm severely biased in favor of this couple. You may not agree with everything I say below.

Frankly, I've read the arguments against AppleDash in a relationship for exactly this reason before, and it doesn't mesh for me. Military families in real life make it work all the time, and if these two truly, madly loved each other, they'd find a way to make it work out. They may not like it, but love means being willing to wait and being willing to make sacrifices. Furthermore, there's the fact that Applejack doesn't even seem to have taken into account that Rainbow Dash will assuredly get several weeks of leave at a time to do what she wants. The Wonderbolts wouldn't exactly perform every day either. Plus, given how fast she flies, it wouldn't be an issue for her to zip home in between shows and spend a little time with her catching up.

As for more general reasons, I personally find the basis for this tale rather old and tired. To me, this premise feels a bit unbelievable unless you really, really want it to work. I'd never go as far to say it's a bad story, but it just left such a little impact due to its lack of credibility. It feels a bit rushed in its pacing, and should definitely have been a longer, multi-chaptered work. Sure, we're told why it's not working out between the two, but it's never really shown to us in any real depth. It doesn't give me time enough to settle into the situation and empathize with Applejack, and accept that she and Rainbow have a relationship in the first place, much less feel bad that they're separating.

I hope you aren't insulted, but this feels more to me like an anti-AppleDasher's essay of why AppleDash wouldn't work... put into story form.

It would have been sad enough, but the fact that the plot feels like Swiss cheese and has a lack of a more intimate characterization severely dampened the punch it had on me. Overall, it's a fine break-up story. But really, this particular instance should have been a longer story. It should have explored their relationship further in a time that it was working, and slowly built upon the strain in their lives to leave that full-force kick to the gut you were going for.

Neither going to up- or downvote. It just didn't do much for me. Hopefully all this helps, though. :pinkiehappy:


Military families in real life make it work all the time

Mine didn't. And, quite frankly, most that don't involve a child or marriage don't, either.

Fact of the matter is, true love or not, many relationships fail because life is not a fairy tale. Life is as bitter and repugnant as it is wonderful and beautiful, and many times even the deepest of love cannot stand against the weight of the real world.


See, that's where I disagree. There is no love that exists that's real if it doesn't withstand constantly being tested, whether it be through little squabbles or big life-changing decisions. Love is all about compromise and learning together that things won't always be perfect, but knowing that you'll make each other stronger and get through it together. That's what makes love so special compared to a simple friendship.

That's what real love is. It's when you ask yourself, "If this person suddenly wasn't part of my life tomorrow, would the world be a worse place for it?" And if that answer is yes, then that's real love. I'm not sure where you got the "most military families don't work" statistic from, but I've seen soldiers go on several tours of duty over the span of several years, come home, retire, and continue life as though it had never happened; and that's the majority of military families I've seen. Maybe it depends on where they come from.

Further, though, it's not like Applejack would be disallowed from traveling to see her. It may not be all too often, but assuming that the Wonderbolts are the superstar celebrities they are, then Rainbow would be well-compensated and capable of paying for farm hooves to help Applejack in her absence, as well as pay for the travel ticket to come and see her. Applejack may love her farm, and eventually she would return to it, but again, I think she'd be willing to give up being rooted to one spot forever if it meant seeing the world with one so beloved to her. Your story makes them seem rather rigid and dead-set in their roles. You make it seem like it wouldn't work because Applejack doesn't want it to work.

But back to the military front of things, for Applejack and Rainbow Dash, it wouldn't even be that bad. Rainbow technically wouldn't be a soldier on the front lines of a war, so she wouldn't have to worry about her safety from afar day in and day out, which is one of the bigger stresses on the family. Let's not forget that Rainbow wouldn't likely be in the Wonderbolts her whole life, either. Since you basically just demonstrated in your own fic that Applejack means more to her than the Wonderbolts do, she'd probably do a few tours over the next five... maybe seven or eight years, then retire in glory to get back to her dream gal.

Again, speaking as someone who personally knows, if you love somebody enough, you'll wait however long it takes. So long as Applejack knows there's a light at the end of the tunnel somewhere, I have a hard time believing she wouldn't remain faithful. Furthermore, being the Element of Loyalty, what do you think Dash is honestly going to prioritize? Her marefriend/wife, or her career?

I've argued with people about this before, and I've always come to the conclusion that, eventually, in the show, Rainbow Dash is going to have to choose between a silly fillyhood dream of being famous and an icon of speed (the Wonderbolts) or her friends who have been there for her and cheered her on every step of the way. And... truthfully, I don't think she'd have the heart to go through with it. We've seen her willing to turn the Wonderbolts aside several times before, so it's obviously not as all-important to her as many people seem to believe. Being the Element of Loyalty means returning the loyalty of those who were loyal to her and her dreams. She'll come to realize that some dreams are just that: dreams; and they should remain that way. Not every single one you have is meant to become a reality. Doesn't mean you don't dream at all; it means you learn which ones are worth chasing after the most. (I'm living proof of that. :rainbowlaugh:)

Again, it was pretty well-written, but the pace felt very... rushed, and I didn't have enough time to develop the belief that this was anything but Applejack being a quitter and giving up. I didn't feel any sympathy towards her. It didn't make me believe she was doing it because she believed it would be easier on them both.

It felt like she was doing it because was afraid to try. If you had lengthened it and given me some evidence to go on, I might have found it more believable. But, as it is, I can't buy what you're selling. It would be a hurdle, but AJ and Rainbow are too stubborn to not try if it's something they really want. And if what they ultimately want is to have each other, they'd move Heaven and Earth to make it possible.

Comment posted by bananaland deleted Aug 17th, 2014


You may also consider those amazing couples who can still get their relationship done, like the other is abroad and the other is in their hometown. They take a year before they could see each other again or even more.

Sorry, but find yourself a crib. :pinkiecrazy:

I see a lot of reviews from those who don't understand this fic. They talk about examples of people who made long distance and or military relationships work. And it's true. Many people can make it work. But it's that because it's the life they want. Not because of compromise. No it works because they share a goal, of a life together.

Applejack won't leave the farm, and Dash won't the leave sky. To force one to give up who they are for the sake of love is to spit on that love. There is no life together for them. What they want out of life is just too far apart. That's not something compromise can fix.
A shame, they really do go well together. But a future just doesn't seem possible without changing who they are.

You actually got me tearing up for RD a bit.
:rainbowhuh:: What do you mean?...
That's just sad. But beautiful.

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