• Member Since 1st May, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 9th, 2020

Dragon Fruit


Now let me tell you the epic tale
Of Ujasiri a zebra male,
A tale of his journey bright,
And his duty to set things right.
Let me tell you of the King of the plains,
Who freed his soul bound in chains,
It be not lion, fox, nor snail
It is the Zebra King, with his stripes from head to tail.
So let's start from the beginning shall we?
Allow me to let you come and see
The time of calm before the storm,
On the day that the Zebra King was born......

Zecora tells the gang an old Zebrican tale. Embark on an extraordinary coming-of-age adventure as Ujasiri, the young zebra colt, who cannot wait to be king, searches for his destiny in the great “Circle of Life.”
Based off Disney's Classic: The Lion King

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 16 )

I totally love the idea of a rhyming description but I need to point something out...

Now let me tell you the epic tale
Of Ujasiri a zebra male,

Line 1 & 2 rhyme.

A tale of his journey bright,
And his duty to set things right.

Line 3 & 4 rhyme.

Let me tell you of the King of the plains,
It be not lion, fox, nor snail

Line 5 & 6 don't rhyme.

No, you look for the Zebra King,
And his Royal Stripes from head to tail.

Line 7 & 8 don't rhyme, but line 6 & 8 rhyme?

So let's start from the beginning shall we?
The time of calm before the storm?

Line 9 & 10 don't rhyme, but 9 & 11 do? And 10 & 12?

EDIT: Didn't see the last two lines:

For this is the day that he,
The Zebra King was born......

Why would change the rhyming scheme from AA, BB, CC half way through the poem? I think you might want to try and fix this. :unsuresweetie:

Otherwise, I think it's a great idea. Hopefully you keep at it.

This is so cool! I love The Lion King and any parody of it! Twilight approves!:twilightsmile:


Thank you! Lion King was one of the best movies ever, thank you for your approval. :rainbowkiss:

Hey I took your advise and fixed it (thanks a lot by the way) what do you think, better?

I seriously think it's ten times better than it was before. Awesome. Thumbs up from me. :rainbowkiss:

How do you pronounce his name

Ooo-ja-see-ree that's how you pronounce Ujasiri. Did you want everyone else's as well?

4697821 please. Just a sugestion, put tge pronunciations in tge description or A/N

Giza does live up to his name. Ugh, I think I'm gonna be sick!:pinkiesick:

ha that was so funny :pinkiecrazy:

Well, I'm hooked.

please do not be dead

I can't help but think this story has been abandoned. If so, what a shame. It does have potential.

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