• Published 21st Sep 2014
  • 12,229 Views, 164 Comments

Queens of the Heart - Distorted Flare

Aaron, captain and personal elite guard to Queen Chrysalis. He would never have believed that he would, after a freak sex dream, actually end up in bed with the hostile and callous changeling queen, never mind her sisters as well.

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Comments ( 164 )

This story... I approve of it. I need more!!! :flutterrage:

I too love it and because we are all honest people, none of us are liking it because we wrote it.

5032992 No, that is clearly not the reason why.

You forgot to capitalize the first letter of the word "heart" in your title.

After your other story got downvoted to hell partially because of a bunch of comments about your failure to capitalize the title correctly, you did that.

Just sayin.


Very partially. One would consider the contents of the story itself to be the determining factor. It was.

I couldn't help but read the first chapter's title in the voice of Satan from "Leo & Satan", mostly because of the misspelling of "serving" :ajsmug:


Oh, good catch!

Hey, DF, your chapter title is misspelled.

Queens of the heart

Why isn't the "heart" capitalized?

undying loyalty and bravery

Why isn't there a comma before the "and"?

Though Aaron

Why isn't this "Although Aaron"?

has never been found of the Changeling queen

Why isn't the "found" a "fond" instead?

life, and loyalty

Why is there a comma there?

Fearing punishment, Aaron will learn that sometimes freak accidents can get a man laid.

I wonder if this story will contain clop.

Warning story will contain heavy clop

Oh hey, that's an answer right there, now isn't it?

Thanks to these guys for proof reading it.

Madmaxtheblack, RadicalThestral , Overlordcornutt, Saylux

Did you get them to proof-read the description? All four of them? Because if you did, get an editor. Shit, man, get four editors if you need to. I can't even begin to imagine how badly formatted the rest of the story is.

Author's Note:

Hey guys this story will have clop and the usual but I plan to actually have a story line in this. Please point out any mistakes to me and my proof readers Madmaxtheblack, overlordcornutt, RadicalThestral and Saylux. Also points to who ever can name the lyrics that act as chapter 1 name

Hey, hey, hey guy. Wanna listen up for a sec? How about—and I'm being completely hypothetical here—actually fixing those mistakes before posting the story? I mean, I know that seems like a difficult concept to comprehend, but give it a shot. I'm sure you'll find it beneficial.

Also, when that actual "story line" appears, I'll be sure to eat my shorts. Smell ya later!

Also, I nearly forgot.


One would think that the point of having "proof readers" was to get rid of those mistakes before publication. And he has four of them, too. More's the pity.


Some people's idea of editing is, sadly, to get other people to agree with every idea they come up with, good or bad.


Speaking of Splinterwood... :rainbowwild:

This story needs more likes. Have one from me, and a fave as well :derpytongue2:


It's not my fault I had a good idea. :fluttershbad:

I'm inclined to believe that the author's proofreaders gave up on them after the last story from how many errors were pointed out in the comment section of this one.

Especially since this story doesn't seem to be fairing much better because I'm afraid that the old story that was deleted has permanently stained this author's reputation in the eyes of everyone who reads on Fimfiction to the point they'll likely get downvoted to hell on ALL THEIR NEW STORIES BECAUSE OF THAT ONE.

It's sad but, people are fickle and when you fuck up they will not let you forget it.


This author has consistently put out a shit level of quality. Every moment they choose to stay on fimfiction is a fuck-up.

You misspelt both the title of the story, and the title of the first chapter.

This bodes excellently for the story :applejackunsure:


Especially since this story doesn't seem to be fairing much better because I'm afraid that the old story that was deleted has permanently stained this author's reputation in the eyes of everyone who reads on Fimfiction to the point they'll likely get downvoted to hell on ALL THEIR NEW STORIES BECAUSE OF THAT ONE.

Your comment made sense until you edited it to add that ranting shit in.

Look, this story is a mess. So was the one before it. So are all of the author's other stories. It's fine to have errors in a story, and some of us make a lot of mistakes, but when an author has that many followers, they're expected to put some level of effort into what they write beyond shitting out a rough draft in 15 minutes and posting it and expecting hugs and praise.

DF wrote a really bad story and it got really popular. Okay, that's fine. Regidar's early stuff is vomit-inducingly awful. But then DF wrote another bad story, and another bad story, and another bad story, and eventually people started to get tired of bad story after bad story, and then they got tired of the cliches he was quickly wearing down to their basics, and now we're at the point where he can't even get a story going because the rabid fan hordes that sustained his earlier stories when they came out have moved on to the next popular thing. All that's left is people who aren't typing with their dick or their braces.

That's why it's getting downvoted.

Seving my queens · 20th Sep 2014

Good job misspelling "Serving" in the chapter title so that no one wins the points for guessing where the lyrics are from. You rascal. :raritywink:

5033273 Well, I know for a fact that MadMax isn't an editor to begin with. The man couldn't edit his way out of a third grader's english test. Mostly, I think he was there to provide feedback, but I could be wrong.

5033432 Hard to find errors when you have a couple of shots of vodka in your system. :derpytongue2:


Hey, hey, hey guy. Wanna listen up for a sec? How about—and I'm being completely hypothetical here—actually fixing those mistakes before posting the story? I mean, I know that seems like a difficult concept to comprehend, but give it a shot. I'm sure you'll find it beneficial.

Hurtful as these words may be, you do have a point. Although, I wish you had worded it differently. Anyways, I can't speak for the others, but I am not an editor. The extent of my knowledge is limited to 'comma goes here, comma goes there'.

12 dislikes? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!


It may be because of the errors in the story's titles and summary, as well as the story itself.


I think editing should be a collaborative effort. But that's just me.


Still has an interesting concept to it, you can give it that much.


No, it doesn't.


It is, for all intents and purposes, a story about an innocent young college-age man going to Equestria and getting chased around by horny, unscrupulous pony/changeling sluts with giant tits, just like many others by the same author. Not criticizing, just pointing that out.


Well, in my opinion it does. At least it isn't the standard 'human x pony' bullshit.


It's exactly the standard 'human x pony' bullshit. What makes you think this is new or different?


At least it isn't the standard 'human x pony' bullshit.

I disagree. I think that they are almost exactly the same.


One: They are Changelings.

Two: They are a completely different species.

Three: It's better than the shit that has been coming out recently.

Four: Your opinion doesn't count nor matter, this is the internet.

5033544 I'm not entirely sure why you're getting so bent out of shape about all of this, but I do apologize for any grievances you have with the story. Most of us here aren't professionals, and we write these stories as a hobby. There are going to be mistakes and errors. However, bashing on the author and his work without leaving any real constructive criticism just makes you look bad. If you don't like the story, just leave a dislike and be on your way. If you want to help improve it, be my guest.

I chose to go with the second option and help out Distorted Flare to the best of my ability (limited as it may be), instead of simply commenting on how this story, as well as his other works, are bad and he should feel bad.


>implying changeling x human isn't just as overdone
>implying changelings are morphologically different from ponies, which they aren't
>implying this isn't the epitome of the shit that has been "coming out recently" for the entirety of fimfiction
>implying that your tastes are refined, as you're talking about a cliched, badly-written fanservice nightmare like it's interesting and original


One: They are Changelings.

Two: They are a completely different species.

I would like to respectfully state that this is a fallacious assessment of the situation, as changelings and ponies ultimately differ very little in their portrayals, especially as the ultimate destination of this story is sexual activity, just like with pony-based stories. They are, for all intents and purposes, quite similar. It would be rather like painting a car and calling it a motorcycle or a toaster.

Three: It's better than the shit that has been coming out recently.

I humbly disagree: while the bar is quite low, I do not believe this story has exceeded it. But that is only my opinion.

Four: Your opinion doesn't count nor matter, this is the internet.

This is also fallacious as it implies that your opinion does matter, but mine does not under the same conditions.


Well, I'm standing by my opinion.


As well you should, as it seems that if you didn't, it would collapse beneath its poorly supported weight.


Strange, you are out numbered, not by much, but still out numbered. Edit this story, revise it and it could be something good.


I'm not going to edit anything with this many errors in it, and especially not anything with such a tired, boring premise. Even with a fucking sweatshop of editors, Distorted Flare will always remain a pulpy author of cloppy schlock, because that's the exact same thing he's been writing since he joined.


Hm, You're right. My comments weren't very constructive, since no one here will listen to them anyway. If you really want, I'll review this in-depth via my blog. Would you like me to do that instead?


I think with all the stories he's made, I guess you could say 'I don't give a ****'


Yeah, mountains of schlock are allegedly better than nothing.

I would disagree. Philistine.


He should be proud to have people like you defending him.


I honestly think it's a challenge to edit something like this and make it better.

Comment posted by Whitescorpion deleted Sep 22nd, 2014

5033650 That all depends on you and the author. This is neither my story, nor is it my blog. Personally, you can feel however you want about the story. In the end it, as well as my comments, are simply opinions of strangers on the internet.

That being said, if it's all the same to you, I'll be bowing out of this discussion. Please have a good day, and I bid you happy hunting on good stories to read. :twilightsmile:


It's a challenge to polish a turd into Michaelangelo's David, too, but you don't see people taking pictures of dog shit. If a story is good, it will be less of a challenge.

Comment posted by Underpaid Carronade deleted Sep 21st, 2014


Where the fuck did that comparison come from?

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