Queens of the Heart

by Distorted Flare

First published

Aaron, captain and personal elite guard to Queen Chrysalis. He would never have believed that he would, after a freak sex dream, actually end up in bed with the hostile and callous changeling queen, never mind her sisters as well.

After her scouts found him broken in the badlands, Aaron has faithfully served Queen Chrysalis for the past eleven years. His skill with a blade, undying loyalty and bravery earned him the position of Captain of her royal army. The failure in Canterlot leaving the badlands hive crippled, Aaron now serves as temporal body guard to the foul tempered queen. An accident and secret confession leaves Aaron in a sticky situation as he quickly learns inter-species relationships are not uncommon in Equestria.

Thanks to these beautiful people for proof reading it.
Madmaxtheblack, RadicalThestral , Overlordcornutt, Saylux

Serving my queens

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"Sir Aaron! Her majesty, Queen Chrysalis, requires your presence in the throne room immediately," a guard said. He saluted and I returned the gesture. Rubbing my face, I gave the young mare a small nod, dismissing her. I rose from my bed, groaning, as I had been about to nod off again before the guards intrusion.

I sluggishly made my way over to my clothing and armour rack, hastily throwing everything on as I cursed the self-centred bastard that I worked for. Whenever I had time off, she would always find a way to drag me back to her side; be it because of a last minute meeting or because she felt that her current guards were incompetent. I had next to no spare time and whilst I did not hate the queen, I had a strong dislike for her.

Eleven years ago, I woke up in the Badlands. Bloodied and bruised, Queen Chrysalis one of many Changeling Queens had generously saved me from freezing to death in the harsh nights or being devoured by wild beasts. She quickly reminded me of that matter If I disagreed or argued with her. The mare liked to remind me about how she had taken me in out of the goodness of her heart, though I had my suspicions about her actually possessing one. I had made a speedy recovery in hospital despite my body rejecting most of the magic used on me.

Once I had been well enough to walk again, she had put me to work as a worked. Doing menial tasks like washing windows and scrubbing floors. She had reasoned that if I was to live here then the least I could do is protect my new home. After I foiled an assassination attempt, the changeling queen took a personal interest in my training.

I was promoted five years later to captain after foiling two further assassination attempts. I had honestly just been right place, right time. After that she had assigned her best soldiers and guards to train me. She had selected me to be her future bodyguard and, despite my protests, six years later here I was: Captain of the Guard, and personal guard of Queen Chrysalis.

Though I was content in my new role, I missed my home. I missed my friends and most of all I missed my brother. I had no idea how I had even got here; one minute my brother was walking me home from school, the next he was fighting off some drugged up junky with a gun. Then it had gone off, and I, being the gormless fuck I am, had stood there like an idiot. The end result was a bullet in my chest and my brother sobbing as I struggled to stay conscious. I had nearly shit myself when I had awoken and found myself in a desolate desert. Though I honestly think I had shit myself when I had first met a changeling. I had in my current state thought them demons, here to punish me for years of masturbating and illegally downloading movies. Having been only fourteen and dying at the time, that was what had been most logical in my mind.

Though luckily, if you could call it that, they decided that I would be more useful alive than dead. Fast forward three weeks and I was being granted a meeting with their Queen. I had at first been nervous, expecting a bug version of the xenomorphs. And that I was only being kept alive to feed her or her children. Queen Chrysalis had stolen my breath. Though I disliked the selfish queen. I could not deny that she was incredibly beautiful. Her eyes were an alluring toxic green that stood out amongst the sea of bland green the others had. Her form held a grace and elegance that few could match. It’s a shame that her two greatest traits were ruined by her foul and repulsive attitude.

Equipping my sword I looked over myself quickly to make sure I was presentable. God help me did Chrysalis love to complain about something. Exiting my room I secured the lock on the door before departing for the throne room.

"Good morning Captain." A changeling guard greeted. Others following suit as I gave tired salutes. My mind started to wander as I caught sight of a portrait of Chrysalis as a filly. She looked so much happier back then with her sisters and parents. The mare cared little for her subjects and even less so for me. I was, at the end of the day, nothing more than a good asset for her; my strength and magical resistance most likely the only reason I was still here.


"Good morning, sir." Dark shade and Mirror Sheen greeted. I was actually quite fond of the two changeling mares. Having trained them myself, the two were eager and fast learners. With a small nod I passed them, entering the throne room from the side. Perched atop her throne sat Queen Chrysalis; a bored expression on her face as I grimaced. Seated around a large table were two of her three sisters. Myxine -the shortest of the four- gave me a cold look, her sister Miasma giving me a small wink. Myxine’s light blue mane came down to just below her head partially covering her shark fin-like horn. The mare was a bitch, plain and simple. She never missed an opportunity to insult me.

Miasma was shallow and vain as far as I could tell. Unlike the others, she used perfume, eye liner, and brushed her coat daily.Though beautiful like the rest of her sisters, Miasma had two large scars on either side of her face; a punishment by her mother for failing a mission decades ago. Though with the help of modern technology -at least by their standards- they had managed to heal it. Which was a relief because watching her eat had made me sick to my stomach more times than I could count, as food would escape though the two gaping holes as well as give me a front row seat to watching her chew her food. The masticated mess that she left was disgusting and left me feeling nauseous.

If there was one thing about them that stood out, it was their beauty and intellect. The four mares were masters in politics and on the battlefield. I had been forced to spar with the four once. It was for my rank as Captain, and the final test had been to defeat one of them. I had all but gotten my ass handed to me. Though I had managed to beat Ambrosia before the other three had beaten me. They had expressed their surprise at me beating even one of them. The challenge meant to be next to impossible given their magic and training. Ambrosia had personally congratulated me for beating her; not having been defeated in over one hundred years

The name Ambrosia made me shiver. The mare had a playful almost childish quality. Though this was but a ruse on her part. Her cunningness and intelligence was masqueraded by her playfulness and ditzy personality. Speaking of the mare I had a hidden suspicion that she was about t—

"Hi Aaron." Ambrosia boisterously greeted, appearing from behind. Wrapping her hooves around my chest, she gave me a light peck on the cheek. Groaning I gently pushed the mare off of me, the others watching neutrally as her sister came to join them. Coughing, I walked over to Queen Chrysalis, the three queens watching me as I felt nerves well up inside me. One of them alone made me nervous, but all four had me sweating buckets.

"You requested my presence... my Queen?" I hesitantly spoke up biting back a hiss. Kneeling before her, I gritted my teeth at having to bow before her. Miasma chuckled, her sharp eyes picking up on my discomfort. With deliberate slowness Chrysalis looked over my form; a playful smirk on her lips.

"You may rise." she instructed her fore legs crossed as she observed me lazily. "Do you know why I have called you here?" she questioned. 'Because you are a vindictive bitch and a major pain in my and my soldiers ass' I mentally replied biting back a smirk.

"No, your majesty." I replied keeping my head bowed out of fear of annoying her. One thing Chrysalis hated was prolonged eye contact. I assumed it had something to do with their ability to shape shift. They only minded their own looking at their true form and despite being there for over a decade, many were still uncomfortable with me looking. A primitive part of them most likely took me as a predator or threat. It was not the first time I had accidentally caused one of the queens to flinch by sudden movement. Ambrosia had even admitted when she thought I was out of earshot that the way I looked at them and my eyes made her slightly uncomfortable.

"Care to take a guess?" she playfully replied. She was taking the piss now. She knew I was tired and yet had me here at two in the fucking morning playing games. Getting off her throne, the mare made her way over to me as I mentally sighed. Flirting was something that the queens liked to do; it gave them a sense of power and enjoyment in seeing their subjects squirm.

What was sad was that Chrysalis was not always like this, well not with me anyway. She use to be quite friendly if you could call anything about her that. She wasn't as cruel as she was now and was more open to conversation. In fact, I used to enjoy working with her, but as time went on she seemed to get angrier and angrier towards me. I had no idea what I had done. I trained harder and did everything without question, but nothing seemed to impress her. After a while I just gave up.

"I honestly have no idea why I have been requested here... your majesty." I gritted, biting on my tongue to prevent myself from saying something I would regret.

"You don't wish to have even one guess as to why I called you here?" She cooed, circling me as her tail playfully swished across my breast plate. Catching a brief glance at her puckered ring as I tensed. 'I hope it is to relieve me for the next week, you damn bitch’. I knew that if I did not reply, she would only waste more of my time as I tried to think of why she would call me here.

"Was there a reason you called me here?" I asked, my impatience winning out. The mare paused, a slight pout on her lips at spoiling her fun. I knew it was a dangerous game to upset her; the scar on my chest served as good reminder from the last time it had happened.

"So impatient. You forget your place... Captain," she smirked.

"My apologies, your Highness, I meant no disrespect. I was merely eager to know how I could be of service." I lied. My words seemed to have the right effect as she smiled. Behind her, Ambrosia chuckled; the other two watching on with amusement as Chrysalis seemed to consider my words.

"You are forgiven, but in the future do not let your... eagerness to serve me, cloud your manners," she replied. "Now as to why I called you here. My hive has been selected to host the annual meeting for the council. They will be arriving tomorrow and I wish for you to be ready for any... complications that may arise guard. we can not afford for any assassins finding out." She started, pausing as I nodded in response. I gave a silent groan as she went off on a long explanation, driving it home just how important this meeting was and how failure was not an option on my part.

"You see Aaron, if one of my fellow queens is even scratched, they would have the approval of the council to declare war on the hive that failed to keep them safe. This would be very troublesome, as my hive is still recovering from the Canterlot Incident." She finished, grimacing as her sisters grinned. Had I not been there when Chrysalis returned and hid her until her wounds healed, other queens would have most likely tried to kill her. Thus was life in the changeling world. For a species that fed on love, they had very little for each other.

As the queens continued to discuss their plans I found myself drifting off. Their voices muffled as I nodded off.

"Wake up you stupid ape!" Chrysalis snapped, jolting me awake as I looked at the mare with a confused stupor. "Sleeping on the job, tut tut." She smirked eyeing me as I nervously licked my lips. Sauntering up to me, the mare -to my shock- pressed her lips against mine.

"Say the words and I am yours!" she whispered her hooves wrapping around my neck as she nibbled on my lower lip. The lustful look that she sent my way left me flustered and hot.

"I want..." I whispered trailing off as she smirked. I was too turned on to care as the mare gently massaged my crotch. Her ears flicked at my response; a smug smile on her lips as she giggled.

"Want what? You have to be clear, my captain." She chuckled.leaning forward, she gently nibbled on my ear.

"You." I rasped my hands caressing her neck as she cooed softly. Grinding her body against mine, she let go of my ear. I had no idea what it was, but any distaste for the mare was gone, and all that was left was a lust for her body. I wanted, no needed, her and I would have it. Grabbing her fore hooves, I pinned her to the ground, the mare chirruping as she rubbed her hips against me.

"Mmm, and what do you want with me?" She retorted as I growled. Roughly slamming my lips against hers, the mare moaned in pleasure. "Tell me Aaron what... do... you... want?" She purred punctuating each word with a kiss. Groaning, I tried to pull back, the rational part of my brain trying to resist her. But deep down, it was a losing battle as she giggled at my resistance. "Tell me what you want to do to me." she hissed looking up at me.

"I want to...," I whispered meekly, nervous as the mare gave a seductive grin.

"You want to what," she demanded, her hoof digging into my crotch as I wince.

I want to fuck you." I growled blushing as she leaned forward with a mocking smile.

"LOUDER!" she shouted gaining a snarl from me.


"I want to fuck you Chrysalis!!!" I roared, jolting myself awake. The clatter of a goblet slamming into the ground, alerted me that I had just said that aloud. I felt my heart stop as Chrysalis turned to look at me with a mixture of horror and shock. Even her sisters looked speechless.

I had always been quite reserved with my emotions. I rarely raised my voice and did not usually swear out loud. I had never disrespected the queen; that had quickly been drilled into me with the threat of death by the guards. Many who now worked under me.

Chrysalis wore a look of shock her face crimson as for the first time in my life she blushed. The other three looked on with shocked gazes; even Ambrosia did not know how to respond. I felt humiliation at what I had said as well as fear as Chrysalis seemed to snap herself out of her small daze.

"Capitan you are dismissed, return to your quarters immediately until I call for you!" she stated coldly ;her eyes burning with fury as I tried to somehow salvage the situation.

"My queen I can expla—" I cried out, bowing before her as I refused to meet her eyes. If I could not salvage this now I was fucked.

"Leave!" She hissed as I nodded. Hastily leaving through the doors. Luckily for me, the guards had retired the moment I had entered, believing the queens to be in safe hands. I had so much going through my mind as I felt tears well up in my eyes. 11 years of work. 11 years of training to earn my rank and one freak sex dream ruined it.

Retreating to my quarters I gave a tired groan, collapsing on the bed. My head was spinning, the stress of the situation I was in coupled with the ungodly hour was only fuelling the splitting migraine. I would most likely be kicked out of the hive if I was lucky. The other alternative would be... death.

Hours shot past as sleep continued to evade me. Any moment now I would be forced to stand before the queen with the crime of heresy. Just thinking about the changeling queen made me nauseous. Horrific images of punishments she could have in store flashed through my mind. I knew that the punishment for disrespecting a member of royalty was death. But surely she wouldn't; I had been her trusted captain for six years.

I had fucked up- I had fucked up badly. A sharp rap on the door jolted me from my thoughts as I gave the guard permission to enter. Lieutenant Mirror Image gave a smart salute as I returned the gesture.

“Queen Chrysalis has asked me to escort you to her personal chambers,” Mirror stated.

“Her personal chambers, but no one is permitted there!” I shouted, the mare remaining stoic to my outburst. Regaining my composure, I instructed the mare to lead me there. These corridors were out of bounds to all but the highest ranks. I had only been down here a handful of times, in the rare incidents where the threat of an assassin was high. During those times I met her at her room and escorted her back and forth. Though assassins were rare, partially due to my skill as her guard and mostly because Chrysalis was not a child. Her body count sat at around thirty two would-be assassins over the six hundred years she had been ruling.

Lieutenant Mirror Image paused outside Chrysalis’ door. Raising her armored hoof she sharply wrapped on the large door. The echo of the knocks slowly faded as muffled voices could be heard from behind the door. A shatter of glass kicked me into gear. I slammed my foot into the door resulting in a sharp crack. The door was torn off its hinges allowing me access as I drew my sword. Two mares were currently fighting with the changeling queen; each with a different colour for their chitin and hair. These were changeling assassins from a different hive. My foot lashed out at the closest one, knocking the mare back. I swung my sword down in a sharp arc nearly cleaving the seconds head as she leapt backwards. The two hissed at me their pupiless eyes burning with malice as I placed myself in front of Chrysalis.

“Are you okay my queen?” I questioned, my eyes never leaving my targets. The Lieutenant was seeing to Chrysalis’ wounds as I kept the two assassins back.

“Lieutenant, escort Queen Chrysalis out of here now and call for backup now.” I barked, the mare nodding as she pushed Chrysalis forward despite her cries of protest.

The two leapt at me; one of them trying to get to the queen. Their swords held in a magical grip as they slashed at me. My armored gauntlet came up deflecting the first strike, my sword parrying the second. The two were co-ordinated in their attacks; one always coming to the defence of the other. More than once I barely avoided having my throat cut or being impaled. Whoever these changelings were they were highly skilled and dangerous. I lifted my left leg to avoid a low swipe as the other exploited this by ramming into me.

Two blades lined up with my throat. Defeated, I gave a small sigh thankful that Chrysalis had at least escaped. Seeing the duo raise their swords, I screwed my eyes shut as I waited for the painful sting of a blade.

The blows never came as I tentatively opened my eyes. The two changelings stood smirking at me, their horns glowing as their bodies morphed. Before me stood Queen Ambrosia and Queen Myxine, the two smirking as I growled at them.

“You two would dare to try and kill your own sister?!” I spat. Unflinching, the two rolled their eyes as Chrysalis re-entered the room. The mare gave me a genuine smile, the first I had seen in many years.

“Oh please if we had wanted her dead, she would be dead!” Myxine snorted jumping up onto the bed as she settled down. “More to the point you would have been dead before you even knew what was happening.” She smirked pointing to the Lieutenant whom had morphed into Miasma. I looked at the four of them with an incredulous glare. Had this all been a hoax, a simple prank?

“Was this supposed to be some kind of a joke?!” I growled. The four chuckled in response, seeming to think that this was highly amusing.

“No it was merely a little punishment for your comment from earlier.” Chrysalis spoke up approaching me from the side. Pointing my finger at her, I prepared to cuss her out to hell. Her lips meeting mine stopped me dead. My body tensed, not sure if this was a dream or real.

“And that is your reward for your valiant rescue,” she teased, leaving me speechless. What the fuck had brought this on? This was Queen Chrysalis I was dealing with. “But I am sure what we have in store next will be far more to your liking. After all, you did want to fuck me, no?” She taunted.

“Your majesty you can’t pos—” placing her hoof on my lips, she glowered at me.

“I have spent years trying to woo your stupid ass! If you’re too stupid to pick up on changeling wooing, then I guess I will have to do it the old fashion way.” she purred, gently massaging my crotch with a hoof.

“Oh, that looks fun!” Ambrosia giggled as she wrapped her hooves around my neck. Her teeth gently clamped down on my ear, causing me to shiver as the two queens teased me. The reaction was instant; I found myself growing hard under Chrysalis’ teasing. Ambrosia seemed more content to play with my ear, nibbling and chewing on the sensitive appendage.

Not satisfied with letting her have it all her own way, I gently place my hand on top of Ambrosia’s head, lightly massaging the serrated horn as she inhales sharply. I had no idea what possessed me to do it, but it was better than just standing there like an idiot.

Smirking, Chrysalis unlatched the straps on my armor using her magic. Discarding the pieces into a nearby corner she pulled my trousers down.


“Seen bigger”


“Cool!” Ambrosia finished, gently prodding at it. The commentary on my dick was honestly kind of degrading. They examined it with a childlike curiosity. “It’s so weird; it looks like a mushroom!” the mare continued giggling as she pulled it back only to watch as it sprung back up. I honestly had no idea if I was getting laid or if they were just going to play with it all night.

(Where the clop scenes begins)

“Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?” I asked feeling strangely bold as the four paused. Chrysalis snorted in response, her eyes meeting mine. Her pupils held a mischievous twinkle as she leaned forward. Sticking her tongue out she gave an experimental lick, her eyebrow rising in what looked like surprise. Grinning, her tongue slowly circled my member as her head followed suit. Delicately suckling on the tip, the mare gently bobbed her head, causing me to grit my teeth. Building up a rhythm, the mare went deeper with every thrust; her throat constricting around my member as I groaned.

Grabbing fistfuls of her hair, I felt my hips buck instinctively as the mare wrapped her hooves around my waist, pulling me closer. Admiring my enthusiasm, Chrysalis went deeper, taking more of me into her muzzle.

Her tongue and the heat of her mouth soon brought me to my peak as I climaxed into her mouth. Chrysalis spluttered as I forced her to swallow, refusing to pull out. With a final frantic thrust, I pulled out; Chrysalis coughing violently as she inhaled sharply.

“If you ever do that again I will bite it off!” Chrysalis hissed, ignoring her sisters laughing behind her as I gave her a gentle pat on the head. The mare recoiled and gave me an affronted look. Seeing the ill tempered Changeling blushing for a change made her more cute than scary.

With a firm shove the mare pushed me onto my back, grinning as she placed her fore hooves on either side of my head. Lowering herself, she sat with my dick trapped between her moist lips. Snorting, she rested her whole body weight on me, leaving me trapped as I tried to budge her. Given that she weighed around two hundred and fifty pounds, that was not going to happen.

“You should feel honoured that I am letting you defile me like this.” She grinned, raising her rear so that it lined up with my dick. With a sharp push, she took all of me inside her. Her walls tightly constricted around me, causing me to hiss as she clamped down on my neck. Playfully chewing on me, I gave her ass a teasing smack.

Grabbing her hips, I slowly guide my hands down to her flank then finally to her rear. With a small spank, Chrysalis yelped, her eyes narrowing as she latched onto my ear. Her lethal teeth were surprisingly gentle, not even breaking the skin as I dug my fingers deeper into her supple, fleshy rear.

Again and again the changeling slammed herself down on top of me, resulting in a meaty phwack. The mare gave loud groans of pleasure, drool running down from the sides of her mouth.

Ambrosia and Myxine, having grown bored, were currently pleasuring one another, the two waiting patiently for their turn as Miasma gently stroked herself. Being honest, having an audience was actually turning me on more as I pounded into Chrysalis with increasing vigour.

The heat radiating off the two of us was making me sweat, Chrysalis openly panting from exertion, her tongue lolling out of her mouth in arousal. Her face was flushed, and a few errant beads of sweat were beginning to trail down her back by the time she spoke again.

Soon the two of us reach our equilibrium; both matching the others steady, easy pace. The changeling moaned as she hilted me with every drop of her hips. Her walls gripped me tightly, refusing to let go until I have satisfied her. Looking down at me, her smile was no longer the leering, suggestive grin or the cocky, confident smirk. Instead, her smile was warm and genuine.

All too soon though, I found myself pushed to the brink. As my orgasm crashed over me, I suddenly reach up and pull Chrysalis into a powerful kiss. The mare’s eyes went wide and she reflexively tried to jerk back, but the shock of my dual assault seemed to have robbed her of her strength, and she relaxed with a shudder. With a small pop, I leaned backwards; our tongues separating as a small string of saliva clung to her chin. The two of us gasp for air as I sagged back onto the ground. Chrysalis avoided my gaze, blushing furiously as she absently wiped her mouth with the back of her hoof.

The mare gently nuzzled my face, a smirk on her lips as she leaned forward.

“Round two, lover colt,” she whispered, her tongue teasing my sensitive ear.

With a small gasp, Chrysalis collapsed, her final orgasm leaving her breathless. The other three looked on, impressed as I gave Chrysalis a playful spank across the rear. I was playing with fire, but was too turned on to really care as Ambrosia eagerly prances forward. Ambrosia eagerly placed her fore-hooves on top of me, Myxine and Miasma growing restless as they impatiently shouted at Ambrosia that she was to get one turn then they would swap.

"Yay my turn!" she giggled childishly, excitedly clapping her hooves together. Unlike Chrysalis, Ambrosia body was more toned body. Though, like the rest of her sisters, her rear and hips held just the right amount of fat and muscle to give her ass a firm but spongy feel. Her muscles were well toned, but not obtrusively so, leaving her frame distinctly feminine. She stood there, completely unabashed as she displayed every inch of herself to me.

Ambrosia’s tail rose, coming to rest on the left side of her flank, presenting herself to me as I ogle her dripping sex. I could feel my cock twitch in response to the sight. It must have been visible too, as the changeling queen laughed and spoke a moment later.

“Alright, I see you’re ready. Let’s get this thing started, shall we?” she chuckled, squatting down over me, her tail flicking across my face playfully. I assumed she wasn’t much in the way of foreplay, which was surprising given her personality. She ground against me; my dick sandwiched between her smooth cheeks.

Reaching forward, I grabbed hold of her tail. Yanking on it, the changeling cried out in pleasure as I position myself over her puckered ring. As she pulled backwards, the head of my member entered, causing her to gasp. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise at the sudden intrusion, but then her distinctive grin returned.

“Oh, so it’s like that, is it? Well, let’s see how ya like this!” she purred. Without another word, Ambrosia dropped her hips, forcing the entirety of my length inside her. She groaned appreciatively as my shaft sunk deep into her rear, grinding her hips into mine experimentally.

Her growing arousal was clearly beginning to get to her, as evidenced by her distant, lust-fogged stare - and the increasing force behind the backward thrusting of her hips. Before long, she was slamming her hips back into mine with such vigour that my grip on her waist became less for leverage and more for simply holding on.

Ambrosia’s breathy grunts filled the room as she enthusiastically slammed her hips down onto me, her hammer-like blows leaving me wondering if I would make it out of this encounter without severe bruising.

“Haha, hah..” She half-panted, half laughed. “It’s been a while since I've had a chance to do this kind of thing. I’m surprised you can keep up, you know?” I merely growled in response; as much as I hated to admit it, Ambrosia wasn't exactly light, and I worried about her aggressive lovemaking doing permanent damage.... Granted, her ass did have some ‘padding’, but the sheer force behind her was taking its toll. I may be taller than them but they were far heavier and stronger than I was.

The mare came close to her orgasm; her tongue lolling out her mouth as her cries echoed around the room. Her screams of pleasure actually made the other three wince as Myxine put up a ward around the room to keep the noise from being heard.

With a final thrust, I emptied myself inside of her. The mare orgasmed violently as she giggled; panting for air as she weakly wobbled forward. With a small “oomph” she collapsed, too tired to move as she lied there, smiling ear-to-ear. Chrysalis watched me silently from the bed smirking at her sister's antics, too exhausted to do anything.

I shiver as Myxine and Miasma approached me, their eyes glowing as I feared for my bruised pelvis. Ambrosia shakily rose to her hoofs the three circling me like sharks to a wounded seal as I gulped. The look in their eyes made it clear that it was going to be a long and painful day.