• Published 6th Apr 2014
  • 31,479 Views, 214 Comments

One - Zamairiac

Fleur De Lis is a special type of creature known as a Siren. For months she's awaited her Bondmate, yet when she meets a peculiar creature known as Michael, she finds that her wait may finally have come to an end...if only he accepts the bond to

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Comments ( 214 )

I see you have a new fiction my friend, allow me to look it over... :trixieshiftleft: :trixieshiftright: :pinkiegasp:

Beautiful. For stepping WAY out of your comfort zone for the first time and doing non alicorn ,or alicorn like in the case of Chrysalis, stories, this was amazing. This next sentence is a joke: Soon you shall be doing Mane 6 romance!

i would of liked to see a longer struggle to get him to accept but still this is quite good i approve

Hey look, my name made it! Ok, now that that's out of the way, it's time to read the story


Beautiful, stand and applaud I say! Applaud!

His stories will never get old. What a legend.

Ya dun good, ZamZam. Ya dun good. :eeyup:

Yes, another lovely piece of art, enjoyed it a lot!

Wow do I wish this was longer. Your first non Alicorn fic in forever, not that I mind but variety IS the spice of life, and it's a really interesting story...one I'd love to see more of in the future. Just as long as you don't force it, no use doing something out of obligation and messing it up.

Either way, good work.

Just a friendly tip from one author to another author, your using site as in a website, what you should be using is sight, vision and seeing. The more you know!

My biggest issue: it wasn't longer. There was so much potential that gets wasted with it just being a one-shot. Maybe a few stories centered around the pair would fix that (sequels and what-not), but still...

I want a follow-up

Not the best I found it a little boring also is RIF done yet:applejackconfused:

I couldn't help myself :derpytongue2:

Well, then...that was fuckin' deep, man :rainbowderp:

Triv_ #18 · Apr 6th, 2014 · · 2 ·

Argh! Made me cry you magnificently talented bastard you! Was not expecting something that deep.
Edit: Really glad ya made a Fleur fic, there just aren't enough of those!

An interesting take on Sirens; I loved this, very well done. I look forward as always to more stories from you.

I feel a little cheated by the fact I can only upvote this story once :fluttercry:

I've followed you for some time, read many of your stories. All in all, YOU ARE BUCKING BRILLIANT!!

And again Zam never fails to impress


I'll think on it...:trollestia:


Again? :ajbemused:

Not to got on your case for it being a measly 2 upvotes off for the good HiE list, but I already asked you last time not to do that when it was a whole 60. Ignoring me is just disrespectful.


Apologies :facehoof:

Give it a few minutes, I'll chuck it back up there again :derpytongue2:

As Always the sheer PASSION "and not in the physical way" you bring to your stories Always leave me completly and utterly stunned, you sir are a GENIUS!!!

I'm not bashing or anything, but why did this need human characters?


Because I don't like writing Pony x Pony (Or otherwise) romance. :twilightsmile:


Wow, that was fast. You got to that before I even finished editing my comment. Here's what I was adding:

You could have written the same story with just ponies and nothing would have been changed significantly. Granted, it likely wouldn't have attracted the, ah, readership that HiE tends to do, but it would have been significantly less convoluted overall.

If you don't like pony romance, why are you writing pony?

I have a huge bias against HiE stories, and that colors how I judge all of them. But my main problem with a lot of them, besides the self-insert factor, is that people keep adding humans to things where they make no sense or have no real purpose other than to have humans in the story. I don't know why people feel the need to do that. If it isn't necessary to tell the story, it shouldn't be done over and over as a one-size-fits-all approach.

I mean, that's really why I don't really like your stories very much, rather than any technical problem or bad writing: You have interesting ideas, particularly in your shipping series, but shoving humans into every story just makes it feel like you've written the same gimmick 20 times. It's like that Monty Python sketch about the moviemaker who makes epic, groundbreaking movies that would be instant classics if he didn't also give every single one of his characters a set of three-foot-long buck teeth.

Sorry. :fluttercry:

While i'm certainly not saying this was bad (no, actually quite well done), I can see why you enjoy more of the "build-up" rather than just a "first sight" deal. It's all about the journey, man.

The only issues I caught sight of was the frequent use of "site" instead of "sight," and at one point, she says, "min amour". I really did like this fic, though. I'll be thumbing up and favoriting. :twilightsmile:


Hmm, you raise fair points. But try to see it from my perspective.

What does HIE have that any normal pony shipping, let's say Rarity and Applejack don't?

Room to improvise.

Rarity is a slightly snooty fashionista with a really ironic element of harmony.

Applejack is a farmer, brutally honest at the best of times, and is a stereotypical cowgirl/mare/whatever.

Whenever you write about those characters, you always expect to see those particular tropes. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it is what it is.

With a human however, there is an unbelievable amount of room for improvisation. Maybe he's lonely and depressing (A cliche that at times annoys me when used melodramatically), maybe he's bright and cheerful, maybe he's just pure evil, or maybe he's a she!

You never know, and that's the joy of reading and writing them, at least for me.

I'm not a fan of self inserts, but when I write a HIE, i do so because of how easy it is for me to slip into the human's shoes. I can imagine what he feels, what he's like without actually making said human a self insert.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, that when it comes to ponies we all know well, and characters I've taken time to flesh out, it will always be the human that arouses my attention.

Brr, sorry about the rant. But since you put up why you dislike HIE, I figured it'd be fair to say why I do :twilightsmile:

From one author to another, good day! :pinkiehappy:


I uploaded it at four in the morning, so there's bound to be some typo's.

Gimme a min and I'll correct them :)

Such masterpiece. :moustache:


Hmm, you raise fair points. But try to see it from my perspective. What do HIE have that any normal pony shipping, let's say Rarity and Applejack don't? Room to improvise. Rarity is a slightly snooty, fashionista with a really ironic element of harmony. Applejack is a farmer, brutally honest at the best of times, and is a stereotypical cowgirl/mare/whatever. Whenever you write about those characters, you always expect to see those particular tropes. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it is what it is.

I don't really consider them comparable. The most notable difference is that shipping is based on using existing elements of canon or fanon, while HiE is, fundamentally, the addition of a very specific new element that, more often than not, is exactly like most other instances of that addition. Also, characterization isn't the same as adding a race to the story--it's just how you portray the characters.

With a human however, there is an unbelievable amount of room for improvisation. Maybe he's lonely and depressing (A cliche that at times annoys me when used melodramatically), maybe he's bright and cheerful, maybe he's just pure evil, or maybe he's a she!

I just don't see why one can't also do that with a pony, or a griffon, or an earth hoers that gained sentience when it entered Equestria, or pretty much anything else at all. There doesn't seem to be any logical reason why it has to be--Well, late teens/college-age everymen with generic names from America. The only one I can think of is that we relate well to our own species, and some people prefer that to depicting other species.

You never know, and that's the joy of reading and writing them, at least for me.

Like I said, most HiEs are romance/adventure stories about late teens/college-age everymen with generic names from America as they try to get back to the human world while also falling in love with a particular pony. And those Humans Acting Villainous stories are honestly the most annoying thing to exist since this was dreamed up.

I'm not a fan of self inserts, but when I write a HIE, i do so because of how easy it is for me to slip into the human's shoes. I can imagine what he feels, what he's like without actually making said human a self insert.

Well, I get the impression that a lot of HiE writers write HiE because on some level the idea appeals to them. Not necessarily a CB-level hateboner for humanity, but a fascination with the idea of being displaced into an ideal world where they can live interesting lives instead of the boring mundane ones most of us are confined to. So, naturally, it often ends up coming off like wish-fulfillment, and most successful HiE protagonists are basically the everyman that all readers can see themselves in. Like Bella, from Twilight, although even the worst HiE is still a better love story than Twilight.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, that when it comes to characters I know well, and characters I've taken time to flesh out, it will always be the human that arouses my attention.

Again, I don't see why it has to be human to have developmental potential. But we all have our preferences, and it would be stupid of me to hold it against you just for writing what you like. Especially since you actually respond to criticism rationally and make arguments based on something other than "Me right you wrong" which is refreshingly different from most of the authors I criticize.

Brr, sorry about the rant. But since you put up why you dislike HIE, I figured it'd be fair to say why I do :twilightsmile:

From one author to another, good day! :pinkiehappy:

:twilightsmile: You too :twilightsmile:


Glad to see neither of us exploded then :rainbowlaugh:


haw dar u ignor mi valad punts


You would not believe the amount of hate some authors give me when I crit their stories.

This one guy (Can't for the life of me remember his name, too many letters and numbers. It was like a COD gamertag or something) had a pretty decent story, but the grammar was fucking awful and Celestia was the biggest bitch I'd ever scene her portrayed.

Celestia I could deal with, it was my own personal problem. But by all that is holy, a four year old could have written the grammar better.

When I told him that, in different terms of course, he EXPLODED, ranted about his hard life in the army, and then decided to thumb down all my work, twice! Two accounts!

Needless to say, some guys really can't take criticism :trollestia:

a beautiful story once again, great work


Huh, odd. I would have been more annoyed at the OOC Celestia than the grammar.


Each to their own I suppose XD

What did you think about this story? I'm curious :twilightblush:

Well, its a nice change from all your alicorns. (not a fault, but you do write a lot of alicorn stories)
Nicely paced romance, with quite a few truly unexpected and original (and better than original, legitimately interesting!) twists. Its obviously a finished product, not a "THATS IT?! :twilightangry2: " ending, but as other comments tell you it leaves the door open for more stories. Also, a personal note here, not dark tag! Maybe its my own personal taste, maybe its the scars from my first HIEs where the human is 'Mr. sad from the lands of uselessness and pain, where he was raped as a child and his mother beat him, and his girlfriend left him, everyone hates him,etc' , but I can't stand dark and tragic stories anymore. But anyway, its a wonderful story, and I eagerly await your next effort.

Not a lot of stories with Fleur as a main character. I like this very much.

You are one awesome writer. Every single story you've posted is absolute gold.

Is there any chance of you continuing In The Eye Of The Beholder anytime soon? That one is my personal favorite.

Well done Zamairiac I found yet another story that tugs at my heartstrings, not many stories do that yet they were tugged. I have fav stories cause I like them, but most likely three have done this. AND IT'S A FREAKING ONE SHOT that surprises me, this is going to my favs.

real good story you did a amazing to day after reading this she broke down in tear and hug me for two and saying she love me whole time :twilightblush: I feel weird tell you this but thank she loved it :twilightsmile:


Sorry, who broke down?

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