• Published 19th Oct 2013
  • 11,853 Views, 444 Comments

A Blind Eye - Doctah WAAwee

A blind man is torn away from his world by the curiosity of Twilight. But he's not just some helpless blind man. ..he's something more

  • ...

Chapter 10

The sun slowly rising into the horizon hits the window and illuminates the room.

The infrequent drip drop of water leftover from yesterday's rain still dripping down from the roof of the hospital.

The sun finally reached the point of its rise where its warm light would hit Button face, disturbing his peaceful slumber.

"Mom~ five more minutes..." he said before burying his face into his bed buddy's side.

Issho laid there unaffected by the suns bright smile. He smiled subconsciously at the warmth of the sun's rays on his body, and the little brown colt rubbing against his side.

Yesterday had been a regular day, as regular as you can get with a hyperactive eight year old, for Issho and Button. Though, sometimes Button would call him "mister alien" out of force of habit. By the end of the day, he stopped with the mix up...

Though he would call the admiral "Isshi" as a little nickname. He didn't mind though, he liked it actually.

"Ahn...." Button said as he rose up and yawned. He looked around the room with a half-lidded gaze. He rubbed his eyes to get the sand that formed out of them before getting his saddle bags and fishing out some overnight amenities his mother packed for him.

"Toothbrush...toothbrush...where's the dang toothbrush?"

It took Button about three minutes to figure out he left the toothbrush in the other pocket.

"Huh...well, mom thinks of everything."

Next to his brown and orange toothbrush, in a tiny plastic bag separate from Button's, was a white and blue one. Beside those was a medium sized tube of toothpaste...

And, he found his comb in that pocket too.

"Welp, time to brush."

Button hopped off the bed and trotted to the bathroom that all hospital rooms had. He pulled a stool from the corner of the room and brought it to the sink. He turned on the water and set it for a setting between hot and cold. Just right.

Button's not so quiet morning routine spurred the sleeping admiral. When he did awaken, the sound of running water and the smell of toothpaste, sweetly flavored of course, made him realize that Button was brushing his teeth.

Yesterday the doctors were kind enough to take his IVs out so that he could get off the bed. He had a little trouble walking due to the five days of his bed ridden state.

When he stood up fully for the first time, he almost banged his head on the ceiling. All of the admirals shared at least one trait, height. Issho was no exception. Standing at a very intimidating 9'2* most of the doctors backed away in fright...

"Mom brang a toothbrush for you Isshi!" Button said after he spit into the sink.

Issho yawned before stopping in his motions and pointing his head in Button's direction.



"..."Brang" isn't a word."


He could hear the colt's confusion.

"It...isn't a word. It's the sound a bell makes when you hit it with something."

"But, "brang" makes sense..."

"Well, the word is "brought"..."

'Please don't cry....please don't cry.'

"Huh...well Equish gets pretty weird sometimes."

'Thank yo-'

"Wait." Issho's silent thanks was cut short by a realization, "did you just say "Equish?""

"Yeah? Why?"

"In my world, it's called "English.""

Button's eyes widened.

"English...Equish...wow! They're so similar!"


Issho dismissed the similarity as a coincidence and started to make his way towards the bathroom to get ready for the day. Today was the final day of the week, the day both of them were going back to Ponyville.

"Ishhi! Watch out!"

Issho stopped and pointed his head down towards Button...

Only to bonk his head on the frame of the door.

Button laughed a little, "you're too tall for the door! Ha! Maybe if ya bend down a little."

Ishho bent down and entered the bathroom. Button had the courtesy of putting some toothpaste on his brush and giving it to him.

As Issho brushed his teeth, he felt Button's stare on his side. He just sat there and looked at him with a smile as he brushed his teeth.


"Can...I help you Button?"

"You're tall..."

Issho spit into the sink and gargled, "yeah, had to be for my job."

"What were you in your world?"

"A...special royal guard."

"You were a guard!?" Button excitedly questioned.


"...You're not going to turn into a statue like the others right?"




"Stop it!"


"I'm serious!"

Issho laughed as Button ran up and started shaking his leg.

"Don't worry, I ain't a stick in the mud like those guards."

Button breathed a sigh of relief. He looked up to Issho's face, having to crane his neck to an almost uncomfortable position to see it.

"Wow...it feels like I can climb you, you're almost as tall as an apple tree!"


"Could you do me a favor?" Button asked the tall man.


"Could you...give me a piggy back ride when we go outside? I really want to know the view from up there!"

Issho chuckled and crouched down, impossibly balancing his weight on his feet. He put a hand on Buttons head and ruffled his mane a little.

"Sure Button."

Button giggled when Issho rubbed his mane.



"I've been wondering something...how did you beat all those changelings?"

Issho didn't know whether or not telling the little colt about his abilities...but what was the harm in telling a little kid? The boy practically saved his life.

"Well, Button..."


"So, Bronze, how did you spend your day off?" Silver asked his fellow guard as they walked down the familiar hall to the aliens room.

"Y'know, with the missus. Cleaned the house, spent time with my family..."

"Spent time with your wife?" Silver said with a suggestive undertone.

"Wouldn't you like to know."

Silver laughed.

"At least I get some." Bronze joked.

"Oh! Low blow!"

"I get that too."

"You're full of em' today, aren't ya?"

"Tell that to my wife."

"Triple combo! He's unstoppable!"

"...Now you're just setting me up."

"And speaking of set-ups. Have I told you bout' that maid I'm courting?"

"Like every day."

"Told you bout' her sister?"

"What about her sister?"

"She's interested in all a' this too."

"So, what?"

"...My marefriend thinks it's hot...really hot."

"So, you forming a herd?"

"Most likely."

Silver adjusted the white box on his back.

"You do realize I can just hold that with my magic?" Bronze said as he looked over to his friend.

"Tough. They assigned it to me, It's my responsibility."

"What's in that box anyway?"

"Alien clothes."

"Alien clothes?"

"Yup, he had a red robe on. They cleaned it n' stu-"


"What was that?" Bronze asked as he trained his ears to the sound.

"Probably just that Button kid." Silver replied as Bronze quickened his pace.

"Dude, chill."

"I'm just worried."

"What, for the kid?"

"No." Bronze said as he stopped at the door, "I'm worried for the alien."

"C'mon, It can't be that bad."

Bronze opened the door to the aliens room...

"Oh No~! Who tilted the cartridge!? Wee!" Button's excited voice yelled as he...floated in the air and spun. His tiny hooves flailing about with reckless abandon.

Both the guards were completely stumped. Out of all the things you could see after you opened a door, a brown colt somehow defying gravity, spinning, flailing, and laughing had to be the most...rare occurrence.


"Hello guards, had a nice day off?"

Both of them were completely speechless.


"Button asked me how I managed to defeat the changelings in Ponyville, I told him about some of my abilities to...restrain people weaker then me. But...his curiosity is formidable."

Toothpaste flew across both of the guards faces and came into contact with a light brown orb that was floating nonchalantly in the corner of the room.

"Hey, I got my toothpaste in your peanut butter! Hahaha!" his joyful laughter rang out in the room, "hey statue 1 & 2! How's it going?"

Silver and Bronze where completely befuddled by the scene before them.

"...What?" Bronze said as he just stood there in awe.

"Yes!" Button yelled, "I got you to talk! Woo!" he spun in mid-air a couple times in excitement.

Issho chuckled before picking up his cane.

"I suppose that you've brought me something to wear? I would be most grateful to get out of these medical garbs."

"Hey! This is kinda fun!"

Bronze looked over to his side to see that Silver wasn't there anymore. The pegasus flapped his wings and propelled himself through the low gravity zone, laughing like a child.

"C'mon Bronze, try this ou- hey!"

Silver's body was surrounded in a brown aura before stopping and coming back to the source of the magic. The box that was on his back also sported a brown aura as it floated over to the humans lap.

"Get ready to leave, the princess has invited you for breakfast over at the royal castle. We will be your escorts."

The door closed as both guards disappeared behind it.

"Butt pole..." said the quiet and muffled voice of Silver. Issho was the only one who heard it out of him and Button. He chuckled to himself when he did.

"Button, be a dear and clean up the mess in the corner. We don't want to leave a mess for the janitors." Issho said before throwing a paper towel at the boy. That same paper towel began to fly at the boy, which he caught.

"I'm on it!" Button said as "swam" towards the toothpaste and peanut buttered mess in the corner, he wrapped the paper towel around the mess, flipped, launched himself off the wall, and threw the paper towel to Issho. He pulled out the trash bin that he had next to his bed and caught the pre-packaged mess.

"Two points!" Button said as he continued in his trajectory towards the alien. He held out his hoof, ala superman.

"Merman Mare and Barnacle Horse..."

Issho held out his fist and waited for Buttons hoof to collide with it.


"UNITE! De de deeeeee~!"

"I call dibs on Merman Mare." Issho said quickly.

"Darn it!" Button said with a pout, which turned into a smile, which turned into laughter as he used the humans extended arm as a rope to guide him to his neck. He wrapped his tiny hooves around Issho's neck and gave his cheek a nuzzle.

Issho pointed his head to his lap and felt the flat surface of the object that floated into his lap. He put another hand on it and skimmed the object until he found a rim.

'It's a box.'

He took the lid of the box, with Button curiously watching from the comfortable perch on the human's shoulders. He opened the box to reveal...

"Hey! That's the robe you wer-"

"Button! Volume...you're right next to my ear." Issho flinched as he moved his head away from Button. Button's ears drooped. He tried really hard to control his high nasal voice when he was close to Issho...which, now, was all the time.

"Aww...I'm sorry," he brought his check to his side and nuzzled his ear for a few seconds, "better?" he gave him a puppy dog smile.

"...Better." Issho said. Upon hearing this, the young colt gave the man's face a giant hug. In mid hug, Button opened his eyes to see Issho take out the robe and sensually molest its silk body. When he looked back to the box, right in the center, lied a tiny crystal shaped rectangle.

"Hey, Isshi, there's something else in the box."

Issho put down the robe and laid it next to him in a neat, little, square. One of the first things they teach you in the marines is how to keep an organized room, it was either that or toilet duty for the day...

Putting old memories aside. He picked up the, very smooth, oddly heavy, rectangle.

"It feels like a crystal..." Issho said in confusion. This is by far the weirdest crystal he has ever felt.

"That's a Bit Card!"


"Y'know...oh, you don't know. A Bit Card is a crystal rune that acts like money. You go to a Bit Card store, give the pony working there some Bits, and they'll give you a card that's worth that much in bits. The cool part is that most shops in Equestria have Bit Card sliders that subtract the amount of Bits you spend from what's on the cards."

"But...what if someone steals the card?"

"Most cards sync with the natural magic inside a pony, so only they can use it. They also have the choice of letting the card sync with multiple ponies, so a whole family can use it."

"So...only you can use this card then?"

"No...this one's special."


"Anypony can use this card, can I see it?"

"Issho brought the card up to Button's perch on his shoulders. Button took the card, while his forelegs were still draped over the human. And narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah, this is a password card, it's like the magic sync card in function, but...huh."

Button took the time to see just how much money the card equaled to...

"Two thousand bits...wow, that's a lot."




"TWO-" Button almost screamed before practically jamming his own hoof down his throat. "tadudududu!?" his muffled cry sounded out.

"Two...thousand? Isn't that a bit much?"

"Bubububh..." Button was absolutely speechless. He never held that much money in his hooves in his entire life!

"I found a note in the box too, can you read it Button?"

Still shocked by the card in his hooves, he took a while before looking ahead of him and finding a little scroll.

"Oh...okay." Button took the scroll, gave the card to Issho, and unrolled the piece of paper.

Dear Button and Fujitora,

Princess Celestia was nice enough to keep me informed. To you, Fujitora, it's nice to finally know your name. To you, Button, behave. The Princess was nice enough to give Fujitora 2000 bits to spend as he pleases. I know you, don't whine and guilt him into buying you anything.

Love, Tap.

"...You have two names?"

"Fujitora was my alias in the marines."

"Oh, cool!...So..."

"I'll buy you something Button. Your choice."

"YA-" Button stopped and calmed down "yay..." he said in a much quieter voice.

"All right Button, I think we made those guards wait enough, I'll change and we can go."

Button jumped off Issho's body and entertained himself with close to zero G back-flips and twirls. When the tall man exited the bathroom, he did it in style.

"C'mon Button."

"Woohoo! Breakfast with the Princess!"

"Button, how did you know all that stuff about the card?" Issho asked the colt on his shoulders.

"Well, I'm interested in that kind of stuff..."



*Clip clop.*


*Clip clop.*


*Clip clop.*

The constant sound of Issho's cane hitting the floor and his sandals clacking against the floor was heard...

Which had a queer air to it, because the man certainly wasn't alone in his trek to the castle, two guards to his left and right and a happy-go-lucky colt riding piggy back.

The streets were filled with wide eyed nobles and children staring at the impossibly tall human. Some colts and fillies had the slightest tinge of jealousy because of Button's position, others were hiding behind the legs of their elders, and others were begrudgingly dragged away by via magic or tail when they wanted to get a closer look at the strange bipedal man and his bejeweled stick.

"Momma, what is that?"

"Isn't that the monkey thing that saved that town...I forgot the name..."

"Maaaa~ I want one!" one of the more "rotten" children whined to their parents, who looked like she was about to bite the child's head off.

Button snickered when his ears caught the display, "Oh, she so jelly..." he said quietly in Issho's ear.


*Clip clop.*

"What is "jelly" Button?"

"Ya know, jelly! She's just jealous that she doesn't have you."

"And...who exactly does "have me" Button?"

"...Uhh...Can I have you?"

"...You're joking, right? "




"This is getting weird."

After another pause, Button laughed and hugged the slightly creeped out man's head, "I'm only kidding, Isshi."

The man chuckled nervously and continued on.

Even though he couldn't see the faces of the local populous on his own, he knew, and felt their emotions as the group passed them.

A cornucopia of new smells and sounds assaulted his augmented senses:

Fresh paper and ink, preferably the Newspaper of this city.

Sweets and other baked goods from the, very large, bakeries that dotted the streets...

The feeling of drool slowly moistening his shoulders...


"...Yes?" He said in an distracted and hungry.

"You're making me moist."

The guard next to them coughed violently as he recomposed himself.

"You okay?" Issho asked the coughing guard, said guard avoided looking at the human and answered with a calm "I'm just thirsty."

"Well, why don't we go into a bakery and get you three something to eat?" Issho offered, taking into consideration the other guard that refrained from speaking the entire walk they've had.

"Celestia gave us specific orders to bring you to the castle-"

"And you're still fulfilling that order, guard." Issho added in "we're going to go to the castle after we're done in the bakery, besides..."

Issho pointed behind him to show Button on the absolute verge of tears.

" Can you say "no" to that face?"

The guard looked at the close to crying colt before sighing...

"Candy, candy, candy, candy, candy, candy, candy..." Button repeated as they entered the store, the colt let his excitement possess him as he shivered in excitement on Issho's shoulders.

"Button, you're going to give me a friction burn."

"But, candy man. Candy!"

"Yes, candy is good, but burns are not. Besides, we're getting breakfast, you can have candy later."

"...Okay." Button submits.

Issho shifts his attention to the guards posted with him, "do you know this restaurant at all? I kind of don't know what I'm doing." he said a little sheepishly.

"We got you, just take a seat and we'll order something, what do you want?"

"A cup of tea if they have any. Any kind-"

"I want sugar!" Button, reasonably, yelled from his perch.

"I'll make sure of that." the unicorn guard deadpanned. The pegasus guard with them just smirked. Not just at the child's display...

But at the stunned facial expression of the mare working the restaurants counter.

She looked like modern art, and that was hilarious.

"I'm sorry if my presence is causing you trouble. I know that my...visage is a little jarring." Issho said with a sheepish smile.

"N-no...It's quite alright. In fact, I owe you an apology, that was very rude of me to...gawk at you."

"Oh, think nothing of it. I've come to terms that my bizarre appearance will cause some mixed reactions."

Issho sniffed the air and smiled.

"That is a very delicious brew you have going there. Can I ask what it is?"

"Boba fettini." the mare said with a smile.

"Ah, I can't wait."

"I can't understand why grown-ups like this 'tea' stuff." Button said as his face fell victim to the scrunch, "it's all hot and sour."

"With age Button, with age." The tall man said.

"I only tried it once and it killed my tongue."

"Did you wait for it to cool?"

"I thought it was apple juice!"

"So, no then?"

Button again fell to the scrunch as he tightened his grip on Issho's neck and pouted, "Hey, I only cried for three hours! Three!"

"That's...actually somewhat impressive, Button." Issho said in surprise.

Button gained a smug grin when he heard that, "well yeah, I am growing-"


Button's sentence was interrupted by the sound of the door's bell chiming. Followed by a girlish scream.

"Egads!" a 'refined' voice said as it jumped from the shock of Issho's being.

'Male...I think.' Issho thought as he heard the stallion's cry of surprise

"What is this...thing, and why is it in my place of business!"

"Hey!" Button said from his perch. "you don't have to be so mean!"

Issho listened to the stallion huffing before taking a look around.

"Guards! Do your job and remove this beast from the premises!"

The pegasus guard spoke up first.

"This thing is on route to have breakfast with the princesses, and we're ordered to escort him there. Now, if you please, refrain from insulting her royal highness's guest." Quicksilver said in agitation.

The stallion, a white coated unicorn with slicked back purple hair and an ornate steaming teapot as a cutie mark suddenly became the friendliest guy in the world.

"Oh, my apologies, dear guest! I'm sure an esteemed guest of Celestia as yourself doesn't want some old stallion throwing insults at you. Now, what brings you to my humble place of business?" The pony said as he walked over to the counter.

"We were just getting an appetizer before breakfast. Your food smells delicious and I couldn't help but sample some of it." Issho said politely as he sat down. Button still on top of Issho's head.

"Oh allow me!" the stallion said as he looked at what the waiter mare wrote down. "Ahhh, Boba, excellent choice. And for the little grazer-" the stallion stopped and put a hoof on his mouth to silence himself. The mare gasped in surprise, the guards stopped and stared at him with less-than-happy faces...and Button.

Issho felt something wet pool on the top of his head , and the smell of salt in the air as a very familiar sniffling sound warned Issho's ears...

Button was crying.

"Ahhh...ah...AHHHHHHHH!" Button started bawling as he unleased a monsoon of tears on Issho's head.

Issho heard heavy snorting coming from the store clerk that manned the counter. He felt a violent presence emanating from her, and the guards as Button continued to cry. Issho could derive what happened.

Slowly and calmly, Issho put Button down on the floor next to him and walked over to the stallion who offended the crying colt.

His 9'2 form standing intimidatingly over the small pony, he looked up in fear as Issho looked down to him.

"I am not a man who let's his emotions drive my actions. Though calling a child, by my understanding, a racial slur, is...a means for anger, I will not let my anger guide my actions."

He looked towards the angry clerk, "I'm sorry, but I lost my appetite." he turned around and walked back to Button, who hugged his leg and cried. Issho's forehead grew an angry vain as he picked the colt up and walked out with guards in tow.

The mare behind the counter quit that very same day.

"...Button, are you alright?" Issho said to the colt on his shoulders as they moved forward towards the castle. Button sniffled.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine..."

"Button, I may not know that much about your world. But I do know that what he did was...unacceptable. Tell you what, when we go back to Ponyville, I'll get you anything you want, ok?"

Button hugged him and smiled "you don't have to do that...but I'm not stopping you."

Issho laughed.

"We're here." the unicorn guard said. Button looked up in awe at the sight of the royal Canterlot castle, it was truly one of the most beautiful buildings in Equestria.

Issho sniffed the air and smiled. "Those are some amazing flowers they have, ay Button?"

"...I wonder if they have an arcade in there..." Button asked to himself. This got a hearty laugh from Issho

"Always that one track mind."

"They had an arcade in the Crystal Empire castle! I expect one to be here!" Button said with a pout. "I'll be severely disappointed if they don't."

The group finally reached the entrance of the castle. Guards posted on either side of the doors opened them when they saw the group approach.

"The princess is waiting for you at the grand hall."

The guards saluted each other as they walked into the castle. Button was eating everything up with his eyes as he saw the decorative marble floors, royal red rugs, stained glass windows depicting the tales of adventure, strife, and history. Vases filled with exotic flowers. Guards and maids running around and working, the maids greeted them with a bow, and the guards looked to Issho and nodded their heads in respect.

Issho smiled, "looks like they're a bit busy." he chuckled at his joke.

"Wow! This place is...Wow!"


"Sorry..." Button said as he felt Issho flinch from the volume of his nasal voice.

"It's alright Button, it must be a pretty sight."

"It is."

The group continued to walk until they were told to stop at another set of doors.

"Bye!" Button said as the two guards that were stationed with them left to continue their jobs.

"Thank you for the company." Issho said as they waived them off.

Issho heard the doors open slowly as he walked forward.


Click clack.


Click clack


Click clack

"Greeting Princess Celestia...

And another, is this your sister that you talked about?"

In front of Issho laid a beautifully prepared long table. The two royal pony sisters sat at the long end of the table. Celestia smiled at her greeting and at the young colt on Issho's shoulders. Luna looked...

Ashamed, for some reason.

"Yes...I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you...Fujitora." Luna said as Issho walked toward the pony princess. He sat down next to them. Button took the seat next to Issho and, after formally greeting the princesses, he stared at the food with a mildly moist smile.

"Button, wait until everyone starts, it's rude." Issho scolded as Button was about to sneak an entire breakfast muffin into his face.

"Aww...but it looks so tasty..." Button whined softly.

Celestia giggled softly and told Button he could have the muffin. To which he loudly screamed "YAY!" and stuffed the entire muffin into his mouth with a smile.

Issho sighed and gave the table a whiff...

He picked up a pitcher of orange juice to his left, "May I please pour a cup?" he asked the two princesses.

Celestia laughed and nodded her head in conformation. He took a cup that was to his right and carefully poured, getting about 3/4ths of the way until he stopped. He put the glass in front of Button, who was choking on the same muffin, he greedily gulped it down to save himself from a muffin induced death.

"This is what happens to people who eat before everyone else.” Issho said with a smile, “learned your lesson?”

“Never eat an entire muffin in one bite…unless you’re Pinkie Pie.” Button said as he patted his chest.

“…Close enough.”

The princesses looked on at the display, they would’ve never guessed that this tall and gentle man single-handedly defeated an entire changeling invasion by himself. When Luna was told that changelings literally fell out of the sky in the wake of his power, she didn’t believe her at first, but after a few minutes of shock, she accepted the evidence that was laid before her…

But she still wanted to see this power to herself.

“Excuse me, Fujitora. But...forgive Us-“ Celestia nudged her sister with a wing. ”me for being so direct, but how exactly did you defeat the changelings that attacked Ponyville?”

Issho put down a cup of tea that he was sipping and “looked” over to the princess of the night, “Oh nothing, something everyone has. Well, the power I used you’re given at birth but…I only use it during extreme emergencies.”

“And what is ‘it’?” Luna asked.

Issho took a sip from his tea cup and breathed a sigh of satisfaction.

“Haki.” He said simply.

“…Haki?” Luna asked.

“It is a power that resides inside every living being. Even non-sapient animals can use Haki. It is literally a manipulation of your “will” onto others or yourself.”

“Cool, so I have that “Haki” stuff too!?” Button focused himself away from the mountains of food in front of him to Issho’s conversation.

Issho smiled, “yes Button, you have it, all life does.”

“Even that super-cool thing you did to knock out all those changelings!?”

At that question, Issho furrowed his brow in thought.

“I can tell you one thing, when I was in Ponyville, I only sense two of your kind that had this. I haven’t met the other…but I have met one of them.”

He patted Button on the head and smiled, “sorry Button, it ain’t you. At least not yet I think.”

“Aww…then who is the other?”

“…Your teacher.” Issho said. Button’s eyes grew wide when he heard that.

“Cheerilee has…changeling knockout power?”

"It’s called Conquerors Haki, Button, and yes, she has it.”

Button looked at him in fascination, “wow…how did you know?”

"Years of practice.

“That specific Haki is awakened in people who have it in either a certain age or during a time of crisis…either you’re too young or you just don’t have it.”

“Oh…do the princesses have it?”

“…Yes, both of them.” He smiled, “but they never used it.”

“We…we have this power of which you speak of?” Luna asked in almost childish fascination. Celestia was paying attention also, very interested by this turn of events.

“Yes, and now that you’re aware of it, you can actually control it, well at least begin to. It’s basically…well, overpowering someone else’s “will” with your own.”

“And you did that to an entire changeling army!?” Button exclaimed, stars appearing in his eyes. “That’s…awesome!”

“Wait, you said “that specific” Haki, you mean to tell me that there is more?” Celestia asked this time. Their conversation didn’t go into the specifics of his power.

"Yes, and these can be used by anyone. They’re called “Armament” Haki and “Presence” Haki.”

Issho brought his cane up and showed it to them.

“One…” his cane turn a solid, brilliant black, “deals with the strengthening of one’s body. When it is mastered, the body part or weapon you use on it will turn black, or so I’ve been told, as a physical incarnation of your “will.””

They stared at the now solid black stick in awe. Button’s mouth couldn’t open any wider.

“What…can it do?” Luna asked.

“With armament Haki, you can hit beings usually untouchable due to the fact that they’re made of the elements-“

“YOU CAN PUNCH AIR!?” Button yelled.

Issho flinched.

“Sorry…” Button apologized.

“Yes Button, I can theoretically punch air.” He said with a laugh.

“Can…you teach me how to do that?”

“Haki is something that cannot be taught. Your will has to be strong enough to be able to use it. Now that you know you can use the power, all you have to do is “will” it into existence. The stronger the will, the stronger the armament.” Issho explained, as soon as he did, Button stared into his hoof and gritted his teeth.

His head started shaking with the amount of concentration that he was putting on his hoof.


“Although, too much will can set your body on fire…”

“What!?” Button immediately stooped his staring and put his hoof behind his back. Issho laughed.

“I’m only kidding, Button. You were going to pop a blood vessel and I had to stop you...” he chuckled.

The brown colt breathed a sigh of relief. The princesses both shared a laugh at the humans antics.

“What about the other one, presence?” Celestia asked the human.

“Presence is the ability to sense the “will” of others. Where, they are, what their intentions are, and what their next move will be. The greater your will is, the broader your “presence” is. This one can be attained by training one’s body to react. Basically martial arts. One of the ponies…she had a brash voice and a fierce will of her own. She had one of the best “presence” Haki’s I’ve ever seen.”

“Did you know her name?” Button asked.

“No…but I sense an extremely powerful sense of loyalty-“ Celestia smiled “-in her.”

“Oh, okay.”

“So, how good is your “presence?” Luna asked Issho.

“I know that someone is coming with an extreme sense of urgency into this-“

The doors leading to the room they were in opened suddenly. A royal guard ran through the gates and looked towards the princesses with a worried and hurried face.

“Your Majesties…Princess Twilight Sparkle has awakened."

Author's Note:

*No joke, this is how tall some of the characters are. I kid you not.

Comments ( 47 )

YES, thak you for your update
also that tall? wheeeew your gonna hit you head alot with that ...

I love this fic!!!

And you have kindled the fire in me to actually watch One Piece now. :rainbowlaugh:

oh, and more of this if you please...

So... Cheerilee a bad ass?

an update!? YES! :yay:

It would be awesome as fuck if you included a demonstration of armament haki in the next chapter. Perhaps using a stick against a sword or something.

4432042 She's underused, wanted to give her a little something.

4432216 Hey I ain't bitchin or anything. I just wanted to know. Plus I agree with you on that part. She needs more love.

I'm too lazy to watch one piece, so thanks for explaining stuff

4432284 And more badassery.

I'll make sure of that.

4432026 Good luck watching the 600+ episodes that are already there! Here be a link to a good place to watch them.

4433609 I'm up to date...

But damn, it took a long time.

I have missed this! :pinkiehappy:

whitebeard was 15' tall
issho ain't got nothin' on him

4436172 But he's God damn White Beard bro. As in, the guy who could destroy the world... and he can crack air.

so how tall are the ponies then?

I mean't whitebeard was taller and ergo probably more awesome

4436379 They ain't chibis but... head about stomach high, same height if on two legs with average human height.

4433609 ty for the link

Seems I'll have to split my time between ponies and pirates, won't I.

If only I could find some crazy amalgamation of the two... :derpytongue2:

4436651 So Celestia is about chest/lower chest height with him?

4437449 Horn reaches his chin, head reaches stomach area.

4462148 :rainbowlaugh:

That's the point.

Those armor's very existence should destroy all life on the planet...

Why don't they?


don't think that I didn't catch both spongebob references:yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

Umm it's a anime crossover right witch anime I want to know

How would he know what a pony racial slur is? :rainbowhuh:

4654107 Probably from auditory cues like Button's crying, the tone of voice used, the silence of the room, etc. Racial epithets usually have a particular tone of voice associated with them. I'm impressed with his discipline, however. There seems to have been a strong bond forged between Button and Issho, and his demeanour and comportment noticeably changed once the racial slur was uttered.

4547006 One Piece, I believe.

will this have an update any time soon

4856446 I'm currently going through work, and the occasional writer's block. I really don't know.

4712904 When i read this story, somehow, this man..somehow..feel i remember this one.after say his name, He from one piece.

So... is this story dead?


What's wrong with loads of sumarization? If it worked for Hemingway, why can't it work here?

Also, anyone with functioning faculties could tell that they were looking into a DC Universe earth. I mean come on! Cracking planets in half and a guy wearing a red suit that's moving incredibly fast that everyone thinks RD has a crush on? If it were anymore obvious, it'd be saying, 'Look up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane!"

more please?:fluttershysad:

The story isn't dead, it's just that college and life happened.

I'll get around to it.

Bring in the meteors!

Now wrap you mind around this.

All the admirals are 9 feet tall.

Akainu didn't even come up to White beards solarplex. Whitebeard had to be between 15-20 feet tall. And Giants are ten times his size. And Oz and Oz junior were like 5 times the size of giants.

Suddenly average height Luffy around 5'6" to 5'10" looks like a midget compared to everyone.

Um. They also looked into other worlds. Not just DC. There was Marvel and tons of anime, manga. And much more.

If all you spotted was Supes and Flash, I suggest you broaden your knowledge. At the very least you should have caught Twilight being worried she might have brought Hulk.


Hey dude... fuck you with a rusty pineapple, alright?

This asshole... telling me to broaden my fucking horizons.

Hey, I get question for you dipshit, where is the quote:

"Bad day, bad day, bad day!" from?

If you can honestly answer that without looking at wikipedia, then you can talk smack to me about broadening my horizons you Nihonophile cock cheese.

The quote is from Jackie Chan who is Chinese NOT Japanese. Oh and its Nipponophile. If your gonna incorrectly name call at least spell check.

Once again I suggest you broaden your knowledge.

I reccomend you do some more research and get back to me with some better insults.

P.S. did you at least catch Twilights reference to Hulk. Please, I need to know that the person insulting me with such hostility knows about Marvel and DC.

One more thing.
Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao

Haha, let's see you beat me now that I wield the dog talisman. Taste my heat beam eye blast!


It was an interesting try of a story, but it could use a LOT of work to become a really good one.

1. You really need to work on your story layout. It felt very disjointed and bouncing all over the place in terms of tone.

2. Fujitora, and this is something your entire story suffered from, you did not have his voice as a character. For the first eight chapters he could have just been "generic blind hero #43". Things like his physical appearance should have been evident from the very beginning, especial something as a stand out like his build and height. He shouldn't be lying on pony beds, he should be draped over them, standing up straight in a pony sized house should not be possible. If he towers over humans in One Piece, it should be much more prevalent in Equestria. And even with amnesia, there should have been more clues as to who he was back at the Library, the remains of his uniform or his sword.

3. Writing as if you are talking to the reader. When you use phrases like 'like when you remember you left your phone back in your classroom', it may sound right to you as you write it, but in the context of the story it comes off jarring. Equestria doesn't have phones, let alone cell phones. And even if it could be argued that it was from Fujitora's point of view, it would have been transponder snails. Things like this break the immersion of the reader, jarring them with inconsistencies.

I hope you take these criticisms as possible points of improvement to your story, but I do thank you for sharing your efforts so far.

This is a very good story adventure. I would like to see more chapters on here with the mane 6 and finally Twilight present to Fujitora.

So good... why did it stop :pinkiesad2:

Imma gotta let this on the 'Is it dead?' Folder, for now anyway :twilightblush:. My love for this story is making me cry manly tears. How Button and Fujitora interact :rainbowkiss: d'awwwww

Damn, you even stop on a bucking cliffanger! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!? :raritydespair:

I gonna give a shot (read) to this since there are not many OP fimfics :)

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