Some time after Apple Bloom has grown up and left her crusading days behind her, she discusses mostly hypothetical relationship concerns with her friend and mentor, Zecora.
AN: Published for One-Shotober.
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Poor lonely Zecora.
Very well done, though I do kinda feel sorry for Zecora there...
Yeah, me too.
I feel jipped. Poor Zecora.
Let's just say I have a sequel planned.
Ouch. Right in the feels.
I'd apologize but I think that's exactly where I was aiming.
Miiiight have caught myself with it too, though.
No! Zecora needs more love!
I give her both my hearts!
Oh, right in the heart
Also thanks for the follow, Zeus!
Very cute.
Glad you enjoyed it.
More Applecora! Or is Zebloom? I'll take any ship really, as long as it is well done.
I prefer Applecora, and your wish is my command.
Look like Cover betray me here...
Sorry about that.
Okay, so I will be honest, I really thought you were going to pair Zecora and Applebloom. And... I'm glad you didn't. You see so many fan fictions that have the characters bang each other or fall in love with one another. It was nice to see Zecora... not leading her on. I don't know if there actually is a sequel for this, but ... I really hope they don't get together. Or maybe you do it well, I don't know.
Anyway, the review. I really liked your style of writing. The descriptions were very good and created a good atmosphere. The story was simple, but really effective. It didn't need much to tell the story that it needed to tell and it worked the way it was done. Its one of those less is more kind of thing and I really liked that.
There was one moment where I felt Zecora didn't rhyme very well. It was 'Buffalo berry' and 'tea'. I mean, they sort of rhyme, but... It felt off to me. But that's nitpicking.
Again, I'm glad that Zecora didn't get together with Apple Bloom. I love Zecora, don't get me wrong. I think she's awesome, but... not with Apple Bloom. Not in that way and I am so glad that Apple Bloom didn't refer to her and instead referred to Spike. Which made me laugh by the way.
A great story. Short and sweet, but the descriptions were good. The story was misleading, but in a good way that paid off well and it kept me guessing. Great job and I can't wait to see more from you in the future. Take care.
Thanks for this, and also for the follow and fave.
Honestly, if they DO get together, it wouldn't be for a very long time. AB has a lot of growing as a pony to do before she's actually ready for that sort of relationship.
I generally don't write 'shipfics' so much as I do... situation-fics? Unrequited romance, imperfect situations where both want it to work, relationships both partners know will end, relationships damaged by a struggle with identity issues, these are all more interesting to me than 'rainbow dash loves twilight'.
Trust me when I say that if they end up together I'll have justified it pretty strongly, because I'm writing the story not the ship.
Also she's saying it buffalò berrý specifically so it works as an awkward rhyme but I couldn't figure out a way to convey that in text til just now.
Oh that was harsh. Poor Zecora.