As life seems to be at its end for the ponies of the Riverlands, many revolters have other ideas, but the most likely of hero's will save the day or could back fire and destroy the entire plan.

This is a story set in the universe of Equestria at War, after the Griffonian Empire has taken over the river coalition and reinstated the Reichsmandat Flussland. It was written for the Equestria at War writing contest 2020.

Chapters (3)

When the young Queen of the Hesjing (Water) Nation of the United Nations of Elements, Aqua Centurion, was asked one day by her younger sister, Glacies Centurion who is the Queen of the Xarzith (Ice) Nation to preform an experiment using alchemy, science and magic, she didn't give it a second thought. Little did either of them know, they just created a portal to Equestria, a universe they are not quite familiar with along with its inhabitants. When the experiment goes completely haywire, Aqua stumbles into the portal and she watches it close as she falls into Equestria's skies. She falls into a reservoir near Ponyville, where Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were talking about their day.

After bringing an unconscious Aqua into the Library, Aqua wakes up, curious and stunned at the colorful ponies around her. Wanting to learn more, Aqua and the Mane 6 have their adventures around Equestria.

This is a cross over of my own universe and the My Little Pony universe.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Friendship is Epic - Book 2: Dat Mareami Heat

Crimson Flare Gun and his sister Water Gun has traveled to the alternate-universe to become humans. One of Flare's employees gave Flare an idea of the dream of becoming a human, because he thinks being a human is much better than being a pony. His friends disrespected his dream though, and it made Flare upset. Flare goes to the universe anyway after a spider-bot steals Flare's personal black box and takes it to the world. This black box means more to Flare than anything in the world. He must do whatever he can to get it back, with the help of the human versions of the Noble Six, Cremepop, and a little supportive help from the Mane Six, but you know they have their own adventure.

WARNING! This story contains spoilers from the Equestria Girls movie, so if you don't want any spoilers, and if you haven't seen that movie yet, please do so before reading this. DARTH VADER IS LUKE SKYWALKER'S FATHER! So you have been warned!

Also a notice: Some content in this story has changed, because of Fimfiction's policy. If you want to see the fanfic of how it was originally, then click on this link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9702648/1/Equestria-Brahs

Hope you enjoy this, my friends! Contact me if you have any questions at all! Also, be sure to check out the ponified version of Winnie the Pooh fanfic I made when you get the chance to relive your childhood memories! It's called Apple the Bloom. You can find it on page somewhere. Thanks again, brahs, and brohoof! /)

This story contains random moments and cutaway gags that have nothing to do with the story, but are just for humor. Try not to lose track. ;)

This fanfic contains singing. Most of the singing in here includes parodies, the song themselves, or polka.



Crimson Flare Gun: Main character of the story, also the narrator. He moved to Ponyville to get away from the bullies and jerks in his hometown, and to make new friends. He opens a pizza shop known as Flare's Pizza Parlor. Flare is very humorous, random, loyal, but sensitive in certain ways and doesn't always think before he does. He likes to make others laugh, help them up, play video games, eat pizza, his fish, show off his magic, and he doesn't like to betrayed, lied to, being called by his first name, or anyone hurting his friends or family. He's also the founder of the Noble Six group.

Water Gun: Flare's older sister that works in a nearby bistro. Very nice, very helpful to Flare in his time of need, even though they argue alot but that's how siblings are. Water's main problems is finding the right stallion, she's despite, and Flare keeps hoping the day she moves out of his trailer.

Blaze Goldheart: A draconian (half-pony, half-dragon) with phoenix powers, and is also Flare's best friend. He's a member of the Wonderbolts, but ironically he's married to Rainbow Dash and has a daughter named Rose. Blaze is very loyal to all his friends. He's also a member of the Noble Six.

Crystal Iceblast: A very silly pony in the Noble Six that makes them laugh, no matter how circumstances are.

Red Engineer: A replica of the Engineer from TF2, sentry and dispenser included. He's very generous, like if there's one last cookie in the cookie jar that accidentally falls in the toilet, then he'll be there to give it up! He also talks alot, and has a creative imagination.

Psyche Illution: An astronomer, and also the Meg Griffin in their group; like for example: every group needs a particular somepony to tease more than anypony else, and say shut up to alot. Well, that's him! At least he's very honest all the time, no doubt about it, we can always trust him.

Aquatic Armor: A pony from a far-away land, and always wears blue armor, because that's his family heirloom, and it's all of his family that he's got left; that and his sister. Aqua is very kind, and will almost never say no, and doesn't continue an argument.

Crèmepop: Flare's special somepony, also from Mareami, and had the same problems he had. She's got alot of social problems, but she's very kind, but gets stressed out easily.

Black Thunder: Crystal's special somepony, who's a fantastic skateboarder, but he's normally the one that takes the pain more than anypony else, if you know what I mean.

Wind Racer: Aqua's sister, that is very playful, and very strong hearted. She always shows her aggressive side, like she never admits if she's wrong or sad or defeated.

Candy Cotton: Rainbow Dash's little sister that moved in with her after their parents don't bother listening to her. She's like her older sister; athletic, show-off, loyal, but gets angry is she lacks attention.

b]Dr. Porker Swinebutt: The main antagonist of the series, and is a pig. No seriously, he ain't a pony, he's actually a pig. He's a scientist, very smart, smarter than most other scientists, probably Jimmy Neutron or Dexter smart. He used to be teased alot for his name until Flare came, and Swinebutt used a device to get all the attention to Flare, and make himself popular, but it all changed after Flare left. Flare and Swinebutt use to be best friends until Swinebutt betrayed him. After that, Flare got so angry, destoryed his lab, and stole his trailer (which is what Flare currently lives in). After that, Swinebutt swore revenge to Flare, and make sure he ruins his life, same way Flare ruined his. Swinebutt's main source of weaponery is his mechanical unicorn horn he invented.

Boorlie Pomodoro: Flare's business rival that runs a BBQ restaurant across the street from his shop. Since Flare's shop has so much more costumers than him, he tries to steal his secret recipe, and have one of the best shops in all of Equestria, instead of him.

b]Flare's Fish: Darrel, a black molly that's high-spirited, and loves to have fun. Rainbow, a rainbow fish that leads the other fish, and knows what's best for everyone. Dorthey, another rainbow that wants to take Rainbow's job; she also likes to tease. Yoyo, a yoyo loach that loves to eat. Piddles, an albino catfish that complains and sleeps alot. The fish can communicate with eachother and other animals, but Flare cannot understand them.

Apollo: Blaze's pet phoenix, and a good friend of Flare's fish. Blaze can communicate with Apollo.

Chapters (10)

Well, here's a quick little fanfic for all of you DDCT fans out there. Me and Sparknanator took all of maybe two or three days to write it. It is indeed short, but it covers something most of us can relate to: Trying to find Romance within the craziness of Daily life. Please enjoy it. Yes i acknowledge the formatting is crap and, the story isn't well written, but thank you in advance for taking the time.

Shadow finds himself feeling spontaneous and decides to give the love of his life a romantic dinner. Twilight bears most of the burden of raising their foals, on top of her other obligations, and Shadow feels the poor mare simply needs some time to herself and her husband. But even the simplest of plans can go awry, and a simple romantic dinner turns into a fiasco. With a thoroughly determined Twilight Sparkle, a pair of twins to be babysat, and time ticking away, Shadow has to pull out all the stops to make a night worth having. However, the universe works in mysterious ways, and everything just might turn out the way it's supposed to. This was meant to be short and sweet, to try and fire up my creativity once again. This Story was originally supposed to have been Posted by Sparknanator, but he insisted I put it up instead.

Chapters (1)

Barbie gets PONIFIED! This is a cross between Barbie: the Princess and the Popstar / Barbie: The Princess and the Pauper. This is in the Equestria Girls universe and includes Alicorn Twilight.

Barbie stars as Rainbow Shimmer, (yes she's back from "The Secret Alicorn") the sports manager for Canterlot High. This means she organizes all the games and plays on all the teams. But she wants to have a life like Rainbow Dash's or Twilight's. Normality.

Rainbow Dash is a little jealous of Rainbow Shimmer's. She gets on all the teams because of her mother, Principal Celestia. She likes being the Captain of everything, but she wishes she could be like Rainbow Shimmer.

But the girls dream might come true... And switch out for one day.

Chapters (3)

Dimensional Aspiration University or D.A.U.

Unlike other schools, this one doesn't accept applications. It searches the multi-verse for candidates that it deems the best in respective fields of study, hobby, talent, and/or description. The board promises to ensure a bright future for any student that graduates. So, when an invitation appears, it's too good an opportunity to pass up.

After all the students arrive, however, things quickly take a turn for the worst. A mono-chromatic creature has taken charge of the facilities. The only way to graduate and get out alive...

... is to kill another student without getting caught.
Yep, it's a take on Danganronpa, that franchise created by Kazutaka Kodaka. Deaths and violence are practically required. Other properties will get involved too. Avoid if you're squeamish.

Chapters (4)

Sometimes, people think that there life isn't good enough. They think that the best escape from reality is in their idealized imaginations of the good old days. Once we grow up, we'll make TV shows about the good old days when television about the good old days was completely inaccurate and universally beloved because of it. And Friendship is Magic will be one of those shows.

Chapters (1)

Wow. This story was almost as shite as my other one. I even had spelling mistakes in the descriptions. I'mma just cancel this here, aye?

Terenilione Uis, a human. Kind of. Back home, he would be considered a Mage psion, a Height, and a Senser. The only one to ever be born with that combination of Variant Types.

Sent out in cryo, set to wake up from his cold sleep after there were no more human lifesigns on his homeworld. A chosen survivor.

One of the only three Dserans still alive, one of only two outside of cryostasis. Turns out that his pod malfunctioned. Instead of waking up once everyone else was dead, he woke up seven thousand years afterwards.

Having only been out of stasis for seven months, and, like most Dserans, never having left his homeworld before he was sent away, he is still getting used to the way things work in the galaxy outside his home system.

For example, just a few days ago, he learned that if you associate with someone who makes most of the wealthy criminals in the galaxy really mad, you should always expect trouble. Another lesson he learned, if trouble shows up, never judge the threat it poses by the size of the ship it is flying. That ship just might have the capablity to bring down, for example, a ship that is a kilometer long, with fourty seven decks, and a grav cannon that makes most battleships in this era look like they are throwing stones.

The only planet in the closest hard to reach system turns out to be an earthlike, in an unusual system. Surprisingly, it was a planet centric system, with the star orbiting the world. He had seen stranger (For example, a planet being used as a shell by a creature, and an exotic matter star), but this was still a new thing.

While an earthlike isn't exactly the best for a, ahem, "Uncontrolled emergency landing," due to potential collateral damage issues if the ship is destroyed and the reactors blow (Collateral damage in this context means a crater as deep as the mantel, and an entire continent worth of land, or more, gone), but if he didn't land on a planet, the reactors would blow anyway, and he alongside the entirety of whatever star system he happened to be in at the time would cease to exist.

So, with no choice in the matter, he told the ships A.I.S.P (Artificially Intelligent Ship Personality) unit, who he calls Sp, to engage the Drift drive on a course for the system.

Of course, he dosen't know that this will lead to him staying here for a few years. Hopefully Sela dosen't get too worried.

Now, you might have noticed that the description had some... Personality, in it. You might be thinking that somehow it was Teren himself that was supposed to be writing that, which would be impossible, because he dosen't exist in your universe.
Nor was it somebody documenting his lifes events for him, after learning of them from him. Again, no.

My name is Enter the Void. I will be your narrator for the duration of this story. If you don't like me? Too bad, you'll just have to get used to it. If you don't want to, the door is ri- er. I mean, well, there isn't exactly any actual doors on the internet, is there? No, I don't think so. Um. Just... Just ignore that. I didn't say anything. You can't prove otherwise!

Anyways, a few points of interest before we get on with the story. First, psionics and magic are two completely different things. They work in different ways on different principles. One thing, though, is that psionics can not shield from the effects of a direct spell (For example, you can't prevent someone from grabbing you with a levitation spell with an anti-psionic shield). However, non-direct spells can be blocked (For example, you can block a magical fireball with a psionic shield).

Another point of interest, while his Senser genetics allow him to sense the exact location of nearby active (able to control and use their abilitys) psions, it will also allow him to sense whenever a unicorn or alicorn is nearby, though not with the precision that he can detect psions. It will feel differently, though.

A final point of interest, if I'm not forgetting anything. This one is about me. Specifically about what I can and cannot do. I cannot interact in any way with Teren's universe. Unless of course, the interaction in question involves talking to an individual that can reach through the fourth of those four walls (Never really understood why it is specifically the fourth wall that seperates the ones within the story from the ones outside it. I mean, what about the other three?) as a part of who and/or what they are. For example, the one that Midnight calls "Mcpinkerton."
On the other side of things, I can talk to you readers, and to Midnight. Although, for obvious reasons, I won't see your response, if you give one, until after the chapter is over. I will try and respond to any non-spoiling questions and statements adressed to me as best I can, just as Midnight has told me he will do the same for questions asked of him, and statements adressed to him. In order to distinguish myself from my creator, I will sign anything I write in the "comments section" with this signature, -EtV-, at the bottom of the reply or response.
I won't really be talking to Midnight much, though. At least, not where you can see. He might come in on occasion, though. If he does, his text will look like this, Text, as long as he remembers to do it like that.

And with that, I believe we are done and ready for the story. I do sincerely hope you read this, though I will be restating my identity at the beggining of the first chapter.

So, what do you say, should we proceed? No? Too bad, we are starting anyway.

Chapters (3)

Destiny. That's something that you create for yourself. This is the story of a pony with the heart of a warrior. Follow him as he joins the mane 6 in day to day life while also trying to achieve is goal: To become one of the strongest warriors Equestria has ever seen! Note: Takes place in an Alternate Universe. A reboot to my "Shadow Storm Adventures" story.

Chapters (1)

Loose Steel, a grey Earthpony mare who has gained the ability to morph any metal she makes contact with by mysterious forces, lives in the large city of Fillydelphia.

Fillydelphia has an unfortunately well known reputation for it's crime, and Loose can't stand it. One day, while working on a shield that was personally requested by a friend of her's; she was engulfed by a silver light.

At first it seemed like everything was normal, but that quickly changed when she resumed work on the shield, the piece of metal instantly became a shield. It was perfect, virtually no flaws.

She began testing her powers on any piece of metal she came across. Eventually she recognized that she could use this new power to fix Fillydelphia's reputation by stopping the crime manually.

She now dawns of persona of Alloy, a knight ready to stop crime at it's source.

Authors note: This is part of the TMMDW universe and every chapter will tie in in someway. Also the cutie mark art was made by LR-Studios.

Chapters (2)