
Celestia wields the elements against her sister, banishing her for a thousand years. These were not a short thousand years.

There is no atmosphere, there is no heat, there is no love, there is no sanctuary, there is no harmony.

There is only the moon.

This could be considered a companion piece to Catharsis and canonical to it (and most of my stories), but is in itself a standalone.

Happily featured on release, and scouted on EQD.

Chapters (3)

Soon after Princess Luna tried her first-ever video game out of boredom, playing them became her #1 favorite hobby by far. She especially loved playing them with other ponies. It was just too bad that her competitiveness and hot-bloodedness made ponies start "conveniently" claiming they felt ill when it was their turn to play with her.

However, Princess Celestia could tell the real reason, but couldn't bear telling her little sister out of fear of giving her Nightmare Moon flashbacks. Near her wits' end, Celestia asked Princess Twilight if she knew any ponies with both a fondness for video games and a personality capable of handling "Gamer Luna."

At Spike and Starlight Glimmer's suggestion, Twilight decided to ask Eric Reed, a human but also an experienced gamer, to be Luna's new gaming buddy. Unfortunately, Twilight forgot to warn Eric that Luna could become intense when she played games, which accidentally left him blind to what he was in for.

Things (probably) went as well as you might expect.

This story is also one of a still-growing series of stories that all take place after A Giant Adventure to Equestria. It isn't necessary to read any of them to understand this story, but "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" does show how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria and can't leave.

If you enjoy this story and would be interested in checking out any of my other stories with Eric, you can find the list of all current ones here.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is struggling to laminate her marriage certificate, while Rainbow struggles to make coffee. Maybe they just need each other to help out.

Thanks to PseudoBob Delightus for proofreading.

Thanks to Scriblits Talo for pre-reading, and for writing 1/5th of the story.

Thanks to 6-D Pegasus for providing feedback and ideas.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer failed as a pupil of Celestia– The shadows took advantage of her ambitions and the darkness within, and twisted her into a demon.

…And then Twilight Sparkle, saved her. If only she had known Twilight was the newest pupil of Celestia, her replacement, the living proof of all her failures, before she made a paladin pledge to serve and protect her as a life debt.

A conflict of interest, there. Her guilt, her shame, and her regrets, direct her to be as far away from her past as possible. And her debt to Twilight, her desire to repay her for being saved by her, and even her admiration to her replacement keep her close from all of the things that make her feel weak.

…And now that Twilight became an Alicorn, she realizes she needs a fucking break.

This is an illegitimate prequel to the Princess and the Peasant, due to it being set on the same universe, but at an earlier time frame to that fic! Though it's only a prequel, it's fully related to that story, as you might expect. There will be few references, but it's very much a stepping stone to more being done on that universe!

Chapters (2)

Rarity returns home at a strange and disjointed time in her life, hot off the heels of a divorce and the crumbling of her once carefully plotted (and carefully conventional) life path. It's an ideal time to reconnect with Twilight Sparkle, the woman who was, and is, and maybe will be the most important person in her life.

Special Thanks to Monochromatic for her invaluable help and collaboration along the way. Cover art by Maxiima

Chapters (3)

An argument about science and 'where ponies came from' puts one of Twilight Sparkle's friends in a fishy predicament.

(cover image used by permission, from https://purplesmart.ai/item/067d3841-92e3-424d-ad02-a22306db3798)

Chapters (1)

Two strangers wake up in bed together and it’s all downhill from there.

Written for the dialogue-only contest several months after it finished.

With thanks to NaiadSagaIotaOar and Amber Dread for prereading.
Cover art by imdrunkontea.

Chapters (1)

One of the greatest things a pony can experience is located just around the corner at the local health and beauty store.

Rarity knows this. She knows this because every week, she goes to the store and spends most of the day in the Body Care aisle. They just beckon her so.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Dragonfly Lake

Berry Punch and Anon have traveled to Prance, at long last! They've managed to not get sick on the flight, and they've managed to find a place to stay in a small town on the outskirts of a major city. Everything is going great... but then Berry is shown in shocking, glowing color something that her life is missing.

WARNING: Contains discussions of illness and death, inuendo, and thoughts about pregnancy/childbirth. No death or sex actually takes place.

This story is part of the Berry Punch's Broken Love series. You do not need to read the other parts to 'enjoy' this story.

Art by Esc. Go give them some love!!!

Chapters (1)