Kirins have lived for centuries in the grove within the Peaks of Perils. They have their own legends and heroes.
One of their tale, starting a thousand year before the friendship adventures of Twilight Sparkle, is the "Thorn of the Frozen Star", where we learned how a kirin, named Ivory Frost, saved the grove from the threat posed by an ice wyrm, Zuriak.

Written the story on impulse, and proposed to original author. Original settings, characters and composition of Frozen Night : you can listen the Album of the Thorn of the Frozen Star on youtube.

Chapters (6)

An eight year war has been going on between the creatures of Equestria and huge monsters called Kaiju. To combat these monstrosities, the creatures banded together and let go of old rivalries and created monstrosities of their own; Jaegers.

When the war went sideways however, it's up to a has-been and a rookie to save the world.


March 11 2022: This will not be a direct copy and paste with names swapped around, nay, this is based on Pacific Rim but it will have my own ideas and twists besides the 'has-been and rookie part.'

March 28 2022: I wasn't inspired to continue this, but I'll post what I have cuz why not.

March 30 2022: I wasn't expecting such a good response, so I guess I'll continue. But don't expect it to come out so fast.

November 19 2022: Just a heads up for those who are curious, I'm not going to go back and fix mistakes. It shows how my writing has improved over time and hopefully makes it a more satisfying experience. At least, in my opinion.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Watching the World burn

Sunset Shimmer is visiting Equestria and ends up joining the trio of Starlight, Spike, and Trixie on their grand quest to find something entertaining to watch

this is both my 60th story and a celebration of me getting to 500 followers, thank you and enjoy

Chapters (3)

Tensions continued to rise as hate between the ponies and the changelings grew. Unsurprisingly, it erupted into war. Both sides fought hard and then either side was going down without a fight. The war was now coming down to one battle. If the Equestrians won, the changelings would be unable to defend themselves. If the changelings won, they’d be able to push through to the capital. In this battle, a young watch maker turned soldier, Time Keeper, discovers out a dark secret about his best friend.

Chapters (1)

Months after Stalliongrad joined forces with Equestria to push back against the Changelings, Captain Winter Loch and his crew are sailing north alongside a fleet of other submarines to prevent Changeling Convoy's from supplying their forces in the land war.
In an ironic twist, they encounter a Changeling Raiding Fleet attacking an Equestrian Convoy and rush to their aid.

Captain Winter will bring his crew as deep into Tartarus as he must to ensure the safety of his Equestrian Allies.
And if he and his crew survive? There's no better time to celebrate living than under the shining Summer sun.

Chapters (1)

TD left Ponyville to search the world but barely a month after he left another human wandered into Ponyville. Unlike TD this guy is a fan.

A non canon sequel to: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/53317/no-i-am-not-a-brony-get-me-outta-equestria

With a scene from: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/71216/wanderings-of-a-non-brony
TD belongs to Bronywriter used with permision.

Chapters (1)

Two ponies, bounty hunters both, are headed south for work in the city of New Mareleans. Ponies say there's something unnatural happening in the Bayou, but that's probably just talk, right?

Chapters (1)

While Grogar was a feared tyrant, he was also one with a heavy weak spot. After the little ponies defeated him by ringing the bell, he should have been gone for good.

However, Grogar has other plans, and now he's returned with a new power that threatens to destroy not only Dream Valley, but everything else in it's path. There does exist a sorcerer who might just be powerful enough, but the journey is long. At what cost would they reclaim their home?

Cover is mine

Chapters (2)