
Viewing 501 - 520 of 915 results

RIP · 8:04pm Dec 17th, 2015

I think I might have just died.

Remember my story, Dancing with myself?
Well, prepare for some more feels.

I was on derpibooru (again) and found these gems:

I wasn't ready...
I wasn't prepared for the feels trip.

Still something really heartwarming about them though.
It's hard to explain.
I feel...bliss?

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Shocking News :V · 11:23pm Sep 23rd, 2016

I've been under observation for almost three days after checking myself into the ER here locally, and now I am finally back home again. :ajsleepy:

Upshot is that I'm going to be starting the ECT treatments immediately (next Wednesday or Friday).

This is probably closer to accurate than you'd expect.

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So I Made a Short Sad/Fluff Thing. Also Updates. · 6:46pm Sep 28th, 2016

So I made this short sad/fluff piece last night. Check it out below:ajsmug:

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Sugarcube in the Corner - New Story Today! · 9:34pm Jan 24th, 2017


Yes, I did declare 'break week', but I also said I miiiight publish a story of my own that was basically ready to go anyway. Well, I did. If it's you're cup of tea, enjoy a somber, post-holiday tale of a young unicorn doctor named Painless, as he learns to soften his heart again.

Be well, ponies :twilightsmile:

Sugarcube in the Corner


Uh...Pencil...are you okay? · 11:38am Dec 9th, 2016

I have no excuse for this picture.

I've already been asked this by people who read my most recent story. I get it, it's a little dark, and it's natural people will worry when I do something outside my norm. And yes, before you ask it too, I'm doing alright. I'll be okay and I'm...

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They Think I'm Ugly · 5:38pm Dec 14th, 2016

New flashback illustration added.
Fleur has always had nightmares about being ugly. And though this may seem shallow, she has her reasons.
Namely the fact that ugliness is something society has very little tolerance for.

As a foal she was bullied constantly both in school and out for being what they saw as 'ugly' and it's something she has never been able to forget.

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I'm... inspirational?? · 6:49pm Jul 7th, 2017

WTS is this, someone writing about Berry Punch because of me?
Well color me confused and pleased!
Go read this thing:
If you like it, upvote it, support this writer who apparently supports me! I'll just be over here, being all flattered and baffled and stuff.
This was something I needed today.



New Goal: Redaction · 11:13am Dec 15th, 2016

Ok so as you know I'm currently working on 3 new Rom/Clops for the "Romantic Equestria" Series. As of now I'm writting for Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. The Rom clops from here on out will be different as in the concept of humans won't be foreign to the ponies as I will be referencing the other Romantic Equestria Stories. More importantly Im re writting "All I Want". It will not only be rated M. I'm adding my unique spicy sex romance as well as extending the chapters and doing more

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Podcast today at 4PM PST (in 20 minutes) With CRYSTAL AND ANZEL! · 10:43pm May 20th, 2017

It's happening again!
I love these people. They are lewd, funny, and still try to be decent human beings I feel like we make them less so every time they come on our podcast, but here it is.

ASK THEM QUESTIONS HERE! (join the damn group)

We gon drink.
See you there.



Actual Tears Were Shed · 8:50pm May 31st, 2018

What's up, guys!

I don't do this a whole lot because frankly, I don't have much time to read these days, but I read something pretty great today. And by pretty great, I mean it actually made me feel sadness in less than 5k words. But, you know, a sweet and happy kind of sadness... Whatever that means.

The point is I read a story and really enjoyed it and you guys probably will, too.

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A few updates · 11:46pm Jul 31st, 2016

Alright I'll start this by saying that I'll be putting Dominos on an indefinite hiatus, I have no inspiration to continue it and if I did it would likely just end up nothing but a gore filled mess and that doesn't sit right with me. If I happen to find some way to write it that will take it in a different direction then I'll let you guys know.

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Muffins but no peaches · 7:02pm May 8th, 2016

So it seems that I have returned from hell alive. Yay me. But alas, I come back to see that well nothing has changed on my story. No feed back what so ever, frankly I'm disappointed. But not everything can be perfect unlike my plan to take over the universe... I mean whaaaat? But on a happyer note I pulled a derpy this morning. Yea yea I know your thinking how many are dead? But none of that happened. (THANK CELESTIA!) I ate 7 muffins for breakfast. :derpytongue2: They were soooo good. But

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Extended Information On The Sentence · 2:58am Aug 3rd, 2018

Here is an extended dictionary of information about The Sentence

Guardians Of The Equestria Pyramid - The spirits who guard the pyramid. Their duty is to defend the pyramid from trespassers and their second duty is to prevent Twilight from escaping from the pyramid.

Equestria Pyramid - The place where Twilight is serving out her punishment. The Equestria Pyramid is located in Ponyville and had been kept secret from the public until Twilight revealed her punishment to the public

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Pinkie's Lament (RP Related) · 10:27pm Oct 14th, 2016

Hey Lucy, I remember your name
I left a dozen roses on your grave today
I'm in the grass on my knees, wipe the leaves away
I just came to talk for a while
I got some things I need to say

Now that it's over
I just wanna hold her
I'd give up all the world to see
That little piece of heaven looking back at me
Now that it's over
I just wanna hold her
I've gotta live with the choices I made
And I can't live with myself today

Hey Lucy, I remembered your birthday

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Podcast today with Totallynotabrony · 10:53pm Jun 9th, 2017

It's been a rough week for everyone, but we're gonna power through this and try to power through with the help of alcohol!!! Yay! Come join us and make us feel better about our lives, and remember to come ask totallynotabrony all sorts of horrifying questions. He seems like the sort that can roll with the punches.


See you there.



Sean the Human's Equestrian Adventures (Sneak Peak) · 4:01am Apr 18th, 2017

“So, you got lost in the woods while looking for your sister?” Sean asked as he set a plate of fresh cooked vegetables in front of his guest. She smiled and began to eat while keeping her eyes fixed on Sean, Chrysalis was a creature that could take the shape of any living thing to trick her prey but instead of eating the victim they drain them of their love and energy. The result is a dry wrinkled husk of what was once a living creature.

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I just had a dream about FIM's ending · 11:21am Aug 20th, 2020

Now I’m sad again :applecry:


Story Progress · 6:41pm Jul 2nd, 2016

Hello! I'm rainbowspirals, and I wanted to let all of you know that I'm working on a Sad, Slice Of Life story for y'all! I had to make this story, so that I would feel lighter. Anyway, the only part I will release is the title of the story. From the title, you can make your own theories on what the story will be about! If there will be anyone at all that guesses at least 80% of the concept, I will show you the first chapter of the story.

Title: ''The Ending Race''

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Equestria Daily Feature · 11:29pm May 4th, 2019

okay so this happened?
IReadYouWrite alerted me to the fact that Now Hiring had been featured on Equestria Daily, i never would have known if someone hadn't told me

im really glad folks like this story i almost didn't write


New Story (One Shot) · 11:02pm Apr 19th, 2017

I was going to make a sequel from Hugs and Snuggles but I changed my mind and made a separate story. I hope you enjoy it! :heart:

~TheHeartsSisters :heart:

Viewing 501 - 520 of 915 results