When have you ever felt like this?
When have you ever felt like this?
This years Asian Festival is gonna be different because I, the Emerald Eater, will win the egg rolls in the egg roll eating contest and eat every egg roll at the fest!!!!!!
FEAR ME!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm back in school so everything is on hiatus! By that I mean Hump Day blogs, random thoughts and updates, any stories I'm writing weather they're secret, not yet posted or approved like Ruby....... And that's it..... Also, weekends might be book as well so anyone who cares is welcome to cry it out on my page. I'm not leaving completely but I'm also not staying. Bye for now.
~ TheHeartsSisters
I fixed my name. The extra S in the name won't help you, BUT that's what the girls' family name is. I hope it doesn't make finding anything from me to hard. It's just one more S in the name. We are and forever will be TheHeartsSisters! Thank you.
P.S. Any questions about this can be asked here.
- TheHeartsSisters
My grandpa's gonna kill me after I eat the last roll of pretzel bread he bought. He better be glad anyone ate something for once that he bought instead of him hiding it in the damn fridge or freezer for 2 fucking years! These things are soft and tasty. I love them! I MUST HAVE MORE!!!! MORE!!!!!! MOOORRE!!!!!!!!!!
Damn! I just looked at my weather ap and its nearly 70 degree!!
So, apparently my body hates me... I was sick about a month ago and I'm not normally sick all the time. It was different when I was way younger, but by now, my immune system should be on top of everything. Sometimes I forget how bad it can get and even though I'm not on the verge of dying, I still feel crappy. Maybe its the house I'm in. Maybe I don't eat right. Maybe my lifestyle is messing with me. I was stressed out for a week so maybe that's why I'm sick. Whatever it is, I hope I'm better
So on Saturday my 'play' uncle took me, his daughter and his wife skating, but first we went to Steak n Shake for lunch breakfast. Not brunch. Lunch breakfast! Anyways, then we went to the movies and saw that new X Men movie. It was one of the only X Men movies that I've actually sat down and watched. When we were at the skating rink, all my (girl) 'play' cousins met us there and I finally skated better than I have in.... NEVER!! I'm proud of myself. Even if I was using a skate
So I'm currently write (or at least trying to finish) chapter 3 of Ruby. It occurred to me that in Hugs and Snuggles I used Kasper's real name and not his nickname, which, after a lot of boring explaining, is NOT his nickname anymore. Outkast is my boyfriend's forth OC. We each have 4. Don't ask why! We like to ship ourselves, OK! Anyways, I have finally decides to change all the 'Outkasts' to 'Kaspers' for 3 reasons.
I know I talk a lot about writing on here like I'm gonna actually post 20 stories in the next year. However, shit happens and life kicks you in the metaphorical dick. That's why I'm not gonna push so hard on promises of a new or finished story. Besides! I started this shit when I was 15, bored, and full of creativity. I'm 21 now and struggling out in the bitch... Oh! I almost forgot! The real reason for this was because - like always - I was gonna introduce a new story (cuz I can) but I
I just watched a Japanese mystery thriller called "Nightfall". FUCK! That was a good movie. I hate the fact that I had to read the subtitles but ya know, its all good. No, its not a new movie. It came out in 2013, but still..... DAYUM!!!! The movie made me think of a story I could make of my own. My question is.... Should I use my OCs or the show characters? I'm more on the OCs side but I bet you already knew that.
I'm currently in my room dancing to the Wobble, Pop Lock and Drop it, and the Cha Cha Slide! In less than 20 hours, I will be 18 at 5:15pm..... I'm out of breath alright.
No one knows this but I write clop as well... I just never posted them.... Or wrote them on FiM..... But I'm writing some now. Not now now, but now......... Most were/are with my OC if you haven't noticed what I write like... All the time. Anyways, clopfics, my Fim, soon.
So my project is done! I hope everyone likes it.... When Its aproved.....
I can't believe I keep starting a story and then abandon it forever. I've lock almost 10 stories in a closet and left it to die. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!!! I need to stop thinking of things to write on here and apply that to my school work instead! I'm so ass backwards that I can draw a picture in literally 10 seconds flat! I'm not even trying to joke. I think of something to draw, start working and 10 seconds later, its DONE!! What the actual Fu-?! Fudge...