
Viewing 401 - 420 of 565 results

Tiny Excerpt Time: Alicorn Switcheroo(Vacation Edition) · 2:10am Sep 26th, 2015

Hello from sunny St. Augustine, Florida!

Amid the time spent with family and relaxing by the ocean and/or pool, I found a moment to work some more on Chapter 5 of Alicorn Switcheroo. I've honestly had time to work on it and others, but I've been taking as much time to just relax as I can. I HAVE started on a thing related to the new EQG movie that premiers tomorrow, but who knows when that might be done. However, I have also worked on a few of my fics and AS was top of the list.

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I'm alive, and other news. · 9:56pm Feb 20th, 2016

Hey guys, I know it's been a while since I've last been on here. A lot has happened since I last published a new chapter on any story, and I think somewhere along the lines I came down with some kind of writer's block. TMS, for example, I have some idea of where I want to go, but the problem was how to get there. That's pretty much what I'm struggling with right now for that story, and when I'm not working on that, I try to put time in writing UTM, another bonus chapter for TMS, and even

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Making changes · 5:58pm May 23rd, 2017

Alright I went over my stories. and I've decided to make a couple major changes.
First: I'm going remove myself from The Flightless of the Fighters. I have a better idea for it.
Second: I'm going to rewrite Becoming Whole for...reasons.
I would also like everypony to give me their input on a certain problem. The filly from Becoming Whole has a name that does not make full sense. She is going to have all the same looks but I want a different look for her. Any ideas?


the future of Broken then Healed and how to move forward · 8:19pm Jul 13th, 2017

The future of Broken then Healed is sort of up in the air. I am going to finish this book but I know that it won't be an end point for the serries. At least in so far as this book will definitely bring up more questions to be answered than it answers and in many ways I want to answer them but to do so the story structure has to change. The stories are growing beyond what I can tell with such strict narative focus on Lilac. Don't get me wrong Lilac will still be a part of the stories I have

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The Last Friendship Report · 12:32am Oct 13th, 2019

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have learned many things from you and your subjects. I have been hearing of your adventures for the past six years, and learning from every one. But what I have learned the most is the gift of how your world has impacted mine.

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I should be writing, guys · 4:36am Jun 13th, 2017

I'm just watching clips from Star Trek movies. I should be WRITING, but General Chang has such a magnetic personality.

I'M MOTIVATED, I SWEAR! *Searches optimal Antiproton build for my new Vorgon Carrier*


Fan fic story ideas that ended up being canon in the series? · 6:41am Sep 5th, 2017

Just watched the new episode, S07: E17 "To Change a Changeling" and it left me with a big smile on my face. Why? Well, have you ever came up with a super random story idea that eventually became canon in the actual show? Spoiler Alert for those who haven't watched it yet!

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Irreversible: Minor Fix · 9:27am Jul 4th, 2017

I didn't think through the "lots of bad stories have OP OC characters compared to Twilight" angle of Irreversible, probably because I neither read nor write stories of that sort. This was an unfortunate oversight, especially since Eclipse's powers aren't super-relevant to the story.

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Friendship is Card Games: To Change a Changeling · 11:49am Sep 3rd, 2017

Turns out Thorax’s leadership woes had more immediate payoff than some of us had anticipated. Let’s see how the changelings are getting along. Or not, as the case may be.

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Sunset Shimmer Shipping Contest: the Honorable Honorable Mentions · 7:53am Oct 5th, 2017

It's been a few weeks since the results of the first decennial Sunset Shimmer Shipping Contest. And although the results weren't that controversial—I've only yet seen one person accuse us of being biased and wrong—I know that there were loads of stories that deserve some recognition, if not simply to be talked about.

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Holy crap! HOLY CRAP! · 9:10pm Sep 23rd, 2015

Someone just changed their dislike to a like for Elements Change the Dark Hearts! This is actually really good news for me. Thank you, whoever you are. I'm glad that I was able to change your mind, and I hope to continue to entertain you with my story!


How Has MLP Changed My Life? · 3:29am Mar 22nd, 2020

So, I was watching the most recent Bronies React video when in came the question about how MLP has changed my life. I’ve been very introspective and happy these last couple of days (despite the circumstances), so it got me thinking. How has MLP changed my life?

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I've gotten back to writing and revising 'Shimmering Guardian'! · 12:20am Oct 23rd, 2019

Sorry to all that have been waiting for this story to update. I am currently in the process of revising every single chapter. So what you may have read in the past may no longer apply due to changes in perspective and plot elements. it will still have the same premise, but since the rules dictate that I am not allowed to post a story that is the same as a previous one, EVERY chapter will be changed in the coming weeks.

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D&D 5e: Tales of the Fairy Queen - Epilogue: Times are Changing · 7:15am Aug 31st, 2023


Tragedy · 6:11pm Jun 3rd, 2016

After some discussions with authors I have decided I need to label Twilight's Secret Journal a Tragedy. So I've just replaced the Thriller tag with Tragedy.

The inclusion of this tag does not give away the ending. Let me explain.

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Biggest Chapter Yet! · 6:00pm May 31st, 2021

While I process my mentality into a new project on another site I have made some modifications to what will be the finale for Renegade, and I realize it's the biggest chapter I've written on Fimfiction with just over 12000 Words. It had a shorter ending when I suddenly got this revelation that more could be done and so I have, an extra 3000 words extra.

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So I had a Mental Breakdown Today. · 8:37pm Apr 23rd, 2019

So I yeah, my mind kinda broke today. Ended up texting my mother this message today, "Mom, I need to come, I haven't done Shit at all this month. I can't get motivated. Nothing has truly been making me happy. I feel like shit all the time, my blonde ache I have constant head aches. Nothing tastes good anymore. Art, games movies me happy. I'm tired all the time. I know I don't want to die but at the same time i don't want to live. And I can't answer the question what do I want to do in life,

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All Good Things… Pants On Fire. · 6:01pm Jun 1st, 2020

1st June 2020

Hello Chaps and Chapettes.

I don’t know quite how to approach this second entry in any other way than to tell you that I’m a big ol’ liar.

Always have been it seems, from the days I told small fibs (that’s lies to my US pals) about not hitting my brother as a kid to when I said I definitely completed that report for work, while just starting it. It seems that one filthy untruth leads to another and I don’t quite know how to stop it or even if I should at all.

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New War Does Change Reading! · 9:36pm April 8th

Hey! *poke*

Skijarama is starting a War Does Change reading. Go give it some love, and maybe revisit an old post-apocalyptic favourite...


What will it Change? (Trying means Nothing!) · 10:01pm March 24th

In relation to my previous blog, which relates to "Are you doing it for ME or YOURSELF?"

People still get up my back saying I need to "Get Help" "Change my groove" or, and the most often said "Fix your writing-- make it better/different"

There's a good reason why I don't listen to this advice. Sometimes you have to consider... "Even if I do so, will it really change anything?"

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Viewing 401 - 420 of 565 results