
Viewing 1 - 20 of 405 results

RESPONSE BLOG: Why do I Block People · 4:17am Feb 11th, 2017

Unlike most of the irritating people here on this site, I prefer NOT to give names and links away, but this is a response to a recent act of harassment against me, and attempted to brainwash my followers with bad posts and lies.

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DakariKingMykan What The Fuck · 4:15am Dec 30th, 2018

So this son of a bitch gets pissed off and blocks me when I dislike one of his stories and put it in my crappy stories library. This guy is an asshole and a pussy cause he blocks me right after insulting me for disliking a story of his, like what the fuck? It’s not like I told him to kill himself or anything.


Donated today, and Don't feel better. · 9:52pm Nov 21st, 2017

So I donated $1 to charity today (One of those old Christmas things for the Salvation army, yayayaya) $1 may not be much from just one person, but still everyone donates. Every little bit helps. (It's not a contest over who throws in the most money)

Except for one thing... on my part, I really don't feel any better, and I know people won't see me as any better (They made that clear)

So it looks like I was sort of right when I said these:

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The Mist of Misery (A thing I did on my B-day) · 6:38pm Sep 13th, 2017

(B-day's on the 15th, but seeing as I'll need the weekend to make the new MLP ep review, may as well do it now)

What I used to do from 2010 to 2014, every year on my birthday I would post Beast Boy in a really depressing and heart-wrenching video where he usually is affected by my creation, which I made to help combat my anger at Things Change, and to either rectify it or punish the Titans and Terra.


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List of my Failed Shipping Couples, and why I write for them · 3:12am Dec 5th, 2016

As in related to a previous Blog I posted about THE BURN… and how I write to get rid of stress and sleep better.

As well as another blog about why I write, for shippings and character bashing…

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In Response to DakariKingMykan's Blog · 9:16am Nov 10th, 2016

Not too lomg ago, a certain user named DakariKingMykan put up this post concerning my complaints about his story.

This just proves how corrupted and ill-mannered many of the people on this site really are, and many of you wonder why I am the way I am... take a good look in the mirror!

Oh really? Let's put that little claim to the test, shall we?

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My first Facial Treatment (At a Spa) · 9:52pm Mar 8th, 2018

My old man was late for his hair appointment (Due to obsessive oversleeping) and told me to drive him to his appointment.

There he INSISTED I get a 45 minute facial done, I did it... under protest (Spa treatment isn't exactly my thing, nor is much concern with looks), it was the only way to get him off my back.

It felt kinda nice (A little strange though)

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Mykan scoffs at getting Therapy · 6:00pm Feb 12th, 2018

Voices in my head of bad memories again, pissing me off (I feel like I really want to hurt someone) so I'll try losing my steam in a blog...

People keep telling me that I need professional help (Even though I can right through them, they don't really want that)

Even if they did really want help, I can assure you I will not, repeat... NOT do therapy, and I have my reasons (Regardless of how petty you may view them)


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My Writing Classes · 3:35am Dec 10th, 2016

A lot of people claimed I failed my English classes based on my fiction and grammar...

No, I didn't fail them, I wouldn't have graduated High School if I HAD failed them (Where I went to school it was one of the THREE major courses MUST-PASS required to graduate.)

The things is, my ENGLISH/LITERATURE classes were not the way you'd want them to be.

We were told to write journal entries about our typical days, or things we liked or do.

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Mykan Vs BASIC LOGIC · 4:52pm Feb 14th, 2018

A certain some one needs a talking down to for making wild accusations of me and refusing to look past...

If you prefer to talk with me about this... go here instead... it's better than flamming on blogs

One of which is accusing me of

You apparently have a worse grasp of the language and if you can't understand basic logic.

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Mykan: the Antithesis to Change (and Synonymous to Hypocrisy) · 4:57am Oct 27th, 2022

A while back, I said I was done with Mykan. I'm ashamed to say that I'm going to break my own rule. But I'm not gonna get into another flame war with him. But he did just post a blog that if I addressed the entire thing, it would be far too long. So I'm only addressing a few key points that stuck out to me.

If I don't change to your liking, you and your peeps STILL mock, flame, and insult me and my actual fans (Usually for the thrill of it) Now is that fair or right?

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The Show is over (Means nothing) · 6:35pm March 21st

A lot of people have been getting up my back lately, all yakking at me the same thing.

The show ended (This many) years ago. Why are you still making stories if they no longer have purpose?

Idiots... that's not how it works.

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Mykan is Homophobic? · 5:05pm Oct 26th, 2017

I've been spying around again and noted how some of my haters are STILL on a bad kick because of something I posted in 2006.

(I edited it out, it doesn't change anything, but it used to say...)

Authors Notes:

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Mykan Denied the Holocaust? · 3:05am Nov 15th, 2017

Just steam blowing

in 2010, I was being mocked by a very unscrupulous person (Who also happens to be a member on this site and only made his account to follow me here).

I usually try to talk sense into the guy, only for him to show he cares for no sense and prefers to twist things.

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ONE SIDED/Treating the World and fiction · 10:46pm Mar 7th, 2017

Eh, just giving it a pessimistic-like intro

The art compromise... the ability to come to some mutual agreement, or understand both sides of a story, or even to settle a dispute or a disagreement.

Or having character flaws in both fiction and reality. Those little things that make you sometimes act like this... or sometimes act differently that tells people who you are or what you're capable of.

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Back From Las Vegas · 2:21am Sep 8th, 2018

Boy am I bushed... had a great time, but now it's time to get back to work and kick the ponies to the moon, as well as wanting revenge on people.

going someplace new is only temporary.

MLP and Things change were pissing me off parts of the time, and I didn't have a computer to work with to even listen to music, (But then again, that would only worsen it too)

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Mykan Day to Day life (Two ways) · 4:47pm Mar 6th, 2018

Two ways... First the normal way... my every day life and how I've been doing it since 2005 (After I finished High School... THANK GOD!!!)

UNLESS OUT OF THE HOUSE OR DOING CHORES AND FAVORS FOR THE FAMILY (Or even having extended arguments with haters and mockers)

9:45 AM

Be up and out of bed (Regardless of weariness)

10:00 to 10:45 AM

Have eaten breakfast

11:00 AM

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Merry Christmas/Happy Hearth's Warming? · 3:58pm Dec 25th, 2016

My ideal is that while the ponies may be merry, they come across some people/ponies who aren't, which is something WE ALL must take time to reflect on.

Christmas/Hearth's Warming may be a time for joy and the spirit of given to many... but to others, it's JUST another day! They may not feel merry, and may not be up to celebrating.

I'm not saying Christmas/Hearth's Warming is a BAD thing, Not at all... but what I'm saying IS reality.

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Yu-gi-oh (Ponies Decks) · 4:35am Mar 6th, 2018

For my YUGIOH SPIEZ: Opperation Duel, FINAL SEASON...

The ponies were the bad guys, but not intentionally...

Princess Celestia's mind and body had been taken over by a power-hungry alien, whom has brainwashed all of Equestria into doing her bidding to help her rule and destroy worlds.

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Advice is Failure #2 (INSIDE and OUTSIDE) · 5:44am Jun 20th, 2018

I've been given loads of bad and extremely unhelpful advice form people CLAIMING to help me (When really I saw them admitting that they're really just trying to laugh at me)

The ridiculous advice I've heard today is...

You need to give an INSIDE THE FIC reason why the characters do what they did, not just an OUTSIDE, your personal desires

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 405 results