
Viewing 21 - 40 of 59 results

Welp, so my Dad's got a new car... · 3:20pm Oct 11th, 2016

Yeah, meant to post this yesterday, but figured I'd already made too many blog posts yesterday already. Anyhoo, my dad finally sold his 2006 Ford Mustang that he's had for the past 10-11 years. It was a very sad moment, seeing the old girl go. Now why, you ask would he get rid of such a awesome car? Well, for one thing I was only eight when he first bought it so I could actually fit in the back seat and I'm eighteen now, so yeah... Also, we on rare occasions go on long trips and a Mustang isn't

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What Has My Life Become? · 11:09pm Mar 6th, 2021

Me: *drawing Thorax*

My dad's girlfriend's daughter: What is that?

Me: A changeling

Her: He looks like a donkey

Me: ._. *thinking of Cranky and Matilda* Oh yes, ------- *pulls up picture of Thorax on computer* This totally looks like a donkey

Her: it does!

Me: What kind of donkey has antlers and is lime green?!

Her: A pinata donkey

Me: Oh whatever, his name is Thorax

Her: Lorax. You mean Lorax

Me: No, Thorax

Her: Lorax

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Weekend · 5:59am Sep 6th, 2015

Ok, so this will be a little more of a personal entry. My father flew into town today, well yesterday now, so I'm excited to see him again. But I've also done two things I haven't done in ages and will be doing something else tomorrow I haven't done in a while either. So, last night, my buddy and I, the same guy who got me into MLP and has helped me with ideas with the current fic, went bowling last night. Neither one of us has bowled in ten years. It was fun, and we both agree we have to do it

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Mental breakdown and I miss my dad · 4:51pm Aug 9th, 2020

Not many things in general life do faze me, and if they can or if they do, it has to hit a nerve with me or have a significant relevance to me or somebody I know, i.e, family.

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Birb dad does a strut · 6:36pm Jul 7th, 2020


(Technically) New Story + Bookstore Survey Reminder · 1:17am Jan 10th, 2019

Hey, that's a sight and a half: a new thing published on here that I actually wrote with my own two typing hands. At least, it's new to you guys: this is actually my entry in Everfree Northwest 2018's Iron Author competition, which I cleaned up in July after several months and then promptly forgot to actually post for several more months. It's the product of two hours of frantic typing based on an idea I've been kicking around for a long time (pre-Perfect Pear, even) about what happened to

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What I've done today...and how I felt. · 5:36pm May 20th, 2022

I was expecting it to be a typical Friday, but everything went off the deep end, and it really is still messing with my head, even now.

What happened, you might ask?

My dad.

He tested positive for Covid-19 this morning. Now, he compares it currently to a bad session of allergies, he's fully vaccinated and boosted, and he should be fine in a few days...but what happened after that is something I regret.

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Going to the doctor soon · 2:47pm Oct 18th, 2016

I've had a fever for three days. Papi put a stephoscope on my back and he said my left lung sounds weird. Makes sense since it hurts to take deep breaths on that side. He's taking me to the doctor to see if I have pneumonia. Try your best to stay healthy. Oh, and if you are sick, drink lemonade. I found some mint lemonade in the fridge and it was divine. It made me feel less shitty.

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dad might · 6:44am Oct 19th, 2017


Alastor's Dad Jokes - HuniCast Highlights #4 · 11:11pm Sep 7th, 2019


Update! But not a story update, sorry..... · 9:09pm Jan 8th, 2016

So I am officially a father. YAY! And I couldn't be more proud of my newborn son. Although he was born 9 weeks early (c section due to preeclampsia and toxemia in my wife) He is growing up healthy and strong. His current stats 3 weeks 2 days old. 15 and 1/2 inches long, 3 pounds 14 ounces. I have started a gofundme for him so that we can have some money to finish his nursery. If you guys wouldn't mind helping me out I would appreciate it highly.

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Doctor Who is a Very Serious Show · 2:18pm Jul 15th, 2018

If you ever think about taking Doctor Who seriously, just remember that one time the sixth Doctor dressed up in a fish costume to fight the fifth Doctor and got angry when his earlier self was too polite. (Audio: Peri and the Piscon Paradox)


Difficult to move on because of the hurt · 9:15am Aug 2nd, 2021

Even though my dad is now supportive of me learning Nihongo, I still have feelings of resentment towards him due to the fact that he forced his opinions and perspective on my face several years ago.

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This is why you never split the party. Daughter of Lillies chapters 1 & 2. Patreon Reward for Nova Quill/Firimil · 11:13pm Oct 9th, 2018


SCP Foundation in Danger! Russian man files fraudulent trademark! · 4:26pm Jan 27th, 2020

Okay, so... um, yeah. Now, I'm not a fan of the SCP foundation, at least a die-hard one but I have listened to a few of their stuff and as a fellow author I can understand the rage.

(Also, Mark is best internet dad.)


Shining Armor is a Terrible Dad, and I'm a Contest Judge! · 4:30am February 23rd

Hello everyone!

I have some exciting news! Today, I'm happy to share that a new contest hosted by Muggonny has begun! The contest is titled "Shining Armor is a Terrible Dad," the follow-up to "Cadance is a Terrible Mom" from 2021.

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Bad Dads and Solitaire | March 2024 · 2:58pm March 17th

Hey, all.

Last month I didn't think I'd be writing any pony fiction for a long time, but then I saw the terrible-dad competition, and something clicked.

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It only took a weekend... · 9:46pm Sep 20th, 2016

Whelp, it's official: Star Trek has pulled me in. After one weekend of watching some Star Trek: Voyager with my Dad, I'm hooked. As if I needed another show to be crazy about... :facehoof:
Any other.... whatever you call Star Trek fans out there?


Abortions: What would GLaDOS do? · 4:11am Jun 30th, 2022


Fun Fact: You know bridges have been burnt when your own parents admit to wishing that they'd aborted you and were very much still considering it.

Get your sister pregnant...
Okay, mom and dad aren't... happpy, to say the least.

Refuse to get an abortion...
Okay, now it's just weird.

Parents wishing they'd aborted you, their son...

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"Please give me some story recommendations!" · 5:43pm January 3rd

I think it's 95% hilarious when someone in a group or a discord or other social media asks for story recommendations and they say nothing or almost nothing about what kinds of stories they even like, or what they think makes a story good or bad.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 59 results