
Viewing 1 - 20 of 213 results

Ultimate Unity · 5:56pm Aug 26th, 2020

Darth Wrex asked if I can write a story featuring students of Monster High and Ever After High coming together with Twilight and her friends. His wish came true. My latest tale is titled โ€œMusic Brings All Togetherโ€.


A fun blog about a fun song · 3:07am Aug 8th, 2017

Not gonna lie...I...may have been high on painkillers while listening to this song and got an idea of making a video w/my Littlest Pet Shop toys using this song in it....then ate a ๐ŸŒ.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿšฌ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ”ซ


Adventures In Faquier High: My First Two Days. · 1:50am Aug 19th, 2016

This might become a series of blogs while I'm in this school. Also, I have no clue how high schools generally work in America and how different FHS is, so I'm going to just explain shit like FHS has its own thing going.

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Coming soon (maybe): a tale of High Adventure · 12:47am Jan 14th, 2019


Most possibly the cutiest thing ive ever seen. · 7:55am Feb 21st, 2017

A pony in a high chair... just wonder if that's good for its back...


Current State of Galaxia High · 5:04am Oct 21st, 2019

I've been putting off making this blog post, and now I'm writing it in the middle of the night while I'm tired. Not my greatest idea, but I need to get this out there. Galaxia High is a story that I still have tons of plans for and enjoy a whole lot. Unfortunately, the latest arc? Not so much. It has been a bit of a nightmare from the very beginning of me and Goomy working on it. We actually went through several rewrites having a hard time communicating on what we both wanted to do with it, and

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Anxiety and an Update Three Years in the Making · 9:18am Feb 21st, 2016

So for the last two hours I have been constantly looking to see if my first fanfic in over three years was been accepted. Now it is past midnight and I have to get up early to go to church ( ugh ), and I probably won't go and sleep until it is accepted. I worried that no one is going to like it or no one is going to even be interested by it. Its pretty much how I feel before presenting an essay at school, I know its going to be fine, but I'm still worried. I already have the story all planed

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Galaxia High Patreon · 7:18pm Dec 31st, 2019

Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! I'm sorry the latest chapter took half a year to get to you all, but there's a lot of reasons for that I'd like to go into a bit. We'll get to the patreon thing as we go, I just have to get this all out there. Me and Goombasa suffered from a bit of burnout with the story. We had a lot going on that summer, and we were having trouble coordinating on the story to the point that neither of us were happy with it, and it cause a lot of extra work especially on

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The list of potential victims of Machina Foundation · 12:09pm Jul 16th, 2020

Since Machina Foundation may contain a lot of death, hereโ€™s a list of potential victims by the hand of Machina Foundation. (Depend on me of whether or not to kill or spare them)

* Twilight Sparkle/Sci-Twi

* Fluttershy

* Rarity

* Applejack

* Rainbow Dash

* Pinkie Pie

* Sunset Shimmer

* Flash Sentry

* Apple Bloom

* Sweetie Belle

* Scootaloo

* Photo Finish

* Trixie

* Vinyl Scratch

* Snips

* Snails

* Diamond Tiara

* Silver Spoon

* Derpy

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Update on chapter · 10:47pm Aug 11th, 2017

It is coming and with it two new characters and possibly the introduction of German person from the previous chapter as well. I am at my cousins house which is highly distracting which makes it hard to work on writing. It is coming though. Oh and for those of you who hate Entropy now just wait. Just you wait.


Chapter 14 Delay · 12:32am Jun 21st, 2019

I have unfortunate information for those of you who have been patiently waiting for chapter 14. There was an issue with the next chapter that unfortunately is cause for it to be rewritten from scratch. I don't wish to go into detail as to why, but I don't wish to churn out a chapter that I'm not happy with, because I know others won't be happy with it. This means that it's going to take a bit more time, so I hope you all can keep patiently awaiting the next piece of the story. :heart:


When you look for high quality stories from me. · 11:57am Sep 23rd, 2020

Don't. Don't look for high-quality stories from me. Most of my stories are done badly, many a time on purpose. I only make so called 'good' stories sometimes when I get outside help a lot of the time. Like an editor or something. At the very least I give you free badly written stories.

That said, have my stories got better or worse recently?

Report Bendy · 191 views · #high quality #quality #bendy

Blog: Why did nopony tell me High Winds was this cute? · 3:10am Apr 25th, 2021

Also there's basically no fan content about her! Couldn't find a single fic. So what if she's an unnamed background pony with exactly one line in the entire series run? When has that ever stopped you weirdos???

Report Bicyclette · 258 views · #high winds #cute

I just got a lengthy review, but not from a human · 7:42am Oct 6th, 2023

The review I got is of this story of mine:

TAlicorn Princess
Your memories make you who you are. But whatโ€™s left of you when they are stolen?
Bad Dragon · 11k words  ·  73  24 · 2.8k views

The story got a very high score (96/100).

Now, I can already hear you asking, "If the reviewer isn't human, what else can he possibly be?"

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Report Bad Dragon · 170 views · #AI #review #high score

Spider of Super Hero High · 5:46am Jan 7th, 2024

Greetings and salutation, my name is Wrex and this is my review. This is going to be good for both Marvel and DC comics fans, 'Spider of Super Hero High' a Spider-Man/DC Super Hero Girls. Full disclosure, the title of this review outta give you all a clue on which version it is. In this story, everyone's favorite Web-Slinger is attending a Super Hero high school and fighting more than just his iconic villains. I'll be honest, this story was both enjoyable through the whole story and adventure

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A Nightmare On Canterlot High · 12:14am Mar 10th, 2016

A Nightmare On Canterlot High.
Rating: 5/10 because even though it good writing it was WAY to fast paced. The reason this was quick was because i already read this story.


School · 5:39pm Oct 13th, 2015

High school, the place most people are afraid of... isn't actually that bad. I like it so far. It is annoying that I don't have as much time to write, but it's hella better than public and middle school. I would like to hear how you people felt about high school.


So... · 6:41pm Aug 20th, 2019

So... after a year and a half, I've officially passed high school.

...Not sure how I feel about this yet, I'll let you know after I commence a ritualistic burning of my math books and dance around their embers.

Report The Bricklayer · 271 views · #Passed #High #School

You Know What's Really Fucking Awesome? · 7:28am Apr 6th, 2020

You Know What's Really Fucking Awesome? Watching She-Ra and the Princesses of Power While REALLY High On Edibles!!! It's Like Anime and It's Really Fucking Awesome! I Got My Mom Vaguely Hooked On It Too!!!!

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Friendship is monster new reading · 12:18pm Nov 26th, 2017

Chapter three, movie night, is here!

Artwork for the chapter provided by Featherbook
Original story by Spotty8ee

Viewing 1 - 20 of 213 results