That moment when- · 7:53am Jul 6th, 2021
You have three stories in the works, but you’ve barely made any progress with any.
I swear to god-
You have three stories in the works, but you’ve barely made any progress with any.
I swear to god-
Over the last couple of years, you may have heard a lot of ruckus over Mega Man Legends coming to the PSN, and have wondered "what the heck is that?" Well, allow me to enlighten you and explain why it was such a big deal to see MML and its sequel come to PSN.
I would say it's because of the video below but I had reservations before watching that video, which was enough for me on two separate occasions to be reluctant about picking it up when I went shopping and instead picked up different movies (The Matrix: Resurrections and Ghostbusters: Afterlife).
Just came back from Ant man and the Wasp (if you couldn't tell by the title). I really enjoyed it and if you enjoyed the first Ant man, you'll probably enjoy this one too. Behind the break some random details and spoilers I feel like talking about.
To perhaps nobody's surprise, chapter sixteen of Pony Gear Solid was actually an April Fools Day prank. The real chapter sixteen is still in the offing, but I hope the bit that Editor Man and I cooked up for you at least offered some entertainment. It seems to have gone over better than the chapter I did for his story.
Since for the moment I'm not posting any more PS4 Spidey videos on YouTube, I'll just post a daily recap blog of my game progress.
OK so this one's really more of an OOCSST, but...
How can you not love Anya?
First off, I'd like to apologize to those who are waiting for an update on either of my fics. Just to let you know that I'm still writing on When I Say Goodbye and when I'm finished with that, I'll start writing on the next chapter of The Big Man.
In the meantime, here's a preview of the latest chapter of The Big Man.
Got in just a little more playtime today, but advanced the story several ticks.
First of all: to all my Patreon patrons who have outstanding chapter bumps, I'm sorry I haven't even really started on those yet. All I can say is, Spider-Man (plus a weekend bout of combined stomach bug & sinusitis)...sorry ^^;;
Spidey PS4 update: No video today because thunderstorms in area + shaky Internet, but...
Story progress: Cleared the Auction House mission, next mission is Shocker.
Current suit: Velocity Suit
Well, this morning, the PS4 patch dropped barely 10 minutes before I had to leave for work. I got it downloading and left for downtown.
Then as I was going on break, I realized the very real possibility that VR motion sickness would likely cripple me, and the next best thing would be trying it out on this 2k ultrawide. So I raced home on break and began downloading it on the PC as well.
Some actual story progress in this episode, as we finally see Spidey interact with a couple of familiar faces...
Oh, and I finally actually stopped a car chase. I'm now 1/5 on car chases.
Màn Hình Gaming MSI Optix MAG274QRF sẽ đem đến cho bạn lợi thế cạnh tranh bạn cần để hạ gục đối thủ.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="280"] Màn Hình Gaming MSI Optix MAG274QRF[/caption]
Hey guys. Sorry I've been gone for so long. I had an account on Wattpad and I loved making stories of my character Spider-Tsundere.
Hey all!
Just to let you all know that Episode 15 is in the works, but will take some time given the scope of things.
Also, today is the 60th Anniversary of our favourite wall-crawler. Happy Birthday, Spidey!!!
Not to worry, we're all still here.
The past few months have been busy, along with some much needed time for good measure. Rest assured the team is working on the next few episodes as we speak, so pardon our dust.
Well that took longer than we wanted!
First off I must apologise for how late this episode took to get out there. We wanted to have another quality chapter for you all, and then we finally got it completed my internet decided to die. I've had to use college internet and pc to bring you all this chapter.
But its up, and I hope you all enjoy! Next up
The Finale to Season 1!!!