Light Poem · 3:39am Apr 27th, 2016
Light up the way for me.
I'm scared of the dark.
Illuminate the blackest road
With the brightest spark.
Light up the way for me.
I'm scared of the dark.
Illuminate the blackest road
With the brightest spark.
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we are a professional manufacturer of fountain lighting product with 30 years experience , such as fountain lights,underwater lights,waterproof inground lights.we also provide fountain pump and nozzle or other fountain equipments if you need.
Well, power went out for two full days. No internet. How can people live like that?
Light Headed.
Introducing Siren Head’s brother, Light Head.
Wow! It's finally done!
I finished writing a 108,000 word novel. After the better part of a year, I can say that. I finished writing a novel!
Is anyone still tracking this story? I'm not whining (I promise) I know it's my own fault for not posting for so long, but I'm trying to decide if I need to post the new chapter in the next couple of days or not. I've finished about half of the next chapter and if I need to I can crank out the rest in a day or so, but I wanted to make sure that at least somebody is still waiting on it before I neglect sleep to finish it. Feel free to leave me a comment and let me know, also feel free to tell me
Just finished the roughest of the rough drafts. Don't know how long it will take to make this presentable, but it's a lot more progress than I expected.
In order to get back to writing ILoL, I re-read what I've written until I put it on hiatus, and I found things that irritated me a bit too much to keep them.
I, SvenBjorn, know that the father of Twilight Sparkle is a blue unicorn by the name of Night Light. Furthermore, I knew this when I designed Stalwart Shield. I deliberately wandered from canon when I created this character.
Hi guys recently felt like I have been neglecting lulu, and was thinking of writing a few chapters focusing on her and get some development in for her. What do you think and is there any characters you wish to see more of?
Work has started in earnest. I hope to have it done by April next year at the latest, which would be two years after the last one released instead of ~5 years. It will be released similarly to Pray, Hope and Wander, with several chapters posted daily for a few days.
Working my way through the first editing pass and seeing if things are landing as well as I want. I'm trepidatious about how things will turn out considering there's a fair bit of explanation going on in the tail end of a story that until now has been all about unknown horror. The hope is that pulling back that veil shows something that doesn't lessen everything else. Then again, I could likely remove some of that info and still hit these general beats.
This is an official head's up to anyone following Fallout: Equestria - The Light Within, that I'm publishing a sequel story: Fallout: Equestria - Common Ground, that follows Doc in his time after leaving the North Equestrian Wasteland and traveling across the sea to the Griffin Commonwealth. Find it here.
It's written in the same general style and tone as the stories I have posted here on Fimfiction, though it is unrelated to My Little Pony. It's more of a reflection piece on the pandemic, and how nice it will be once it's safe enough to fully return to how things once were.
Chapter 8, My Self-Defense Catastrophe, has been rewritten! Red was a bit unhappy on that, so he ended up asking me to add in some stuff explaining the bombardment.
I should make one thing clear: Nothing bad is going on. I don't really have obligations, or some kind of horrible thing bearing down on me. I'm not going on a hiatus - technically, I kind of already am on hiatus, so the only way I could hiatus my hiatus would be actually updating. But still: I feel like I owe you an explanation as to why Light's updated so infrequently. I'd like to say it was because of another story that I am also working on (Yes, I'm working on something that's a
For some reason, this art reminds me of this rendition of Hopes and Dreams!
Sorry for the long wait, everyone! The new part is finally up. Enjoy!