
Viewing 341 - 360 of 564 results

Avatar, avatar, I just changed my avatar · 3:05pm Jun 16th, 2015

I made it. Not the original Vinyl filly vector nor the glasses, but I created the lens for the glasses and the background, plus a video effect that's actually hard to tell that it's there.


Update · 7:09pm Jan 24th, 2018

As you may well not know, my Grandparents are getting divorced. My Grandfather, whom, is leaving our household for another woman. His old GF back in highschool after finding her again. Almost leaving us with nothing until a court date gave us a fixed income and the ability to do things that we couldn't do in the months prior. My grandmother, Sister, Dog and I all live in a moderatly sized home in one of the high selling areas in North-East Dallas. Anyways Enough of the bad news...

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Small changes · 7:23am Jul 18th, 2017

As you guys can see I've made some small changes to the first chapter:

1) I stopped using the 2nd person to make "general truths", since it sounded weird.
2) Vinyl's THOUGHTS are now written in italic (thanks to Flufux for the tip). It will be easier for you guys to understand who's talking/thinking, and I won't have to write "Vinyl thought" anymore....
Yeah I could've thought of this earlier but I just didn't.

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Hey It's A Stalker here! · 8:23pm Aug 16th, 2016

I changed my name, cause people were complaining in the PMs.


Accounts of Oxidation III · 4:12am Dec 16th, 2015

I would like to start off by saying, I'm pretty sure no one reads this. Why am I saying this, I might ask. Well because I'm the only one reading it. I bet you didn't notice that my question from before didn't have a question mark. I did. I'm also changing up the format of these a bit. At first, I wrote these as I watched an episode. That meant I didn't have much time to get my thoughts straight, and I thought, after looking back on it, that it sounded a bit random. It got especially jumbled

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Well another avatar change. · 2:43pm Feb 28th, 2017

Well, I decided to change my avatar again. Now it's a demonic looking Shadow Lugia. I'll probably keep this for a while until I find a new Grogar piece to use.


Even Kids Need Warnings · 8:52pm Dec 28th, 2017

Thanks for the feedback, everypony. I've made corrections to all of my stories to line up with the new system, but I've discovered a new problem.

Appropriate for children?

You can't put trigger warnings on E stories.

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100th REVIEW · 9:30pm Jan 20th, 2016


1 Month Reminder for 'Change of Pace' · 5:28pm Oct 2nd, 2020

You've got just under a month left, boys and girls!

If this is the first time you've heard about this contest (with, I remind you, £100 prize money for first place!), then check it out here! If not, then get cracking! I will be supremely grumpy if I have to give all that money to myself because nobody entered.

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Temporary hold on all projects · 7:54am Sep 2nd, 2020

Without going into huge detail, the situation is that my daughters mother (who I am divorced from) threw them out of her house with an hour's notice today. They are with me now and we are trying to adjust, along with prepping to move to a bigger place on October 1.

We will be okay. We're just going to busy AF this month, hence the hold on things, though I will still do my best to get Brightly out.

We will be okay, and everything settled come October.

See you all on the flip side.


An Important Bizarre Happenings Update · 2:28pm Jul 9th, 2021

Within the hour, I'll be posting the next chapter, and it'll be fairly short, too. Just as a general warning, though... many of you might be confused as you read. My original idea regarding Cozy Glow's memory loss was that it was actually a parasite. It's complicated... and people just didn't really like this concept at all. I have since decided to disregard this part of the story entirely due to the constructive feedback and proper critique received. Basically, we're back at

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Why Is No One Replying To My Threads Like This One? · 3:51am Jan 8th, 2022


So... a small heads up about the upcoming month... · 5:55am Sep 6th, 2023

I'm about to start writing the final chapter or two of the Brightly Lit saga, after which time I'm actually going to be going on vacation for a week. As in actual time off from my job and all other responsibilities. Which means no Twilight Learned this month, and perhaps not next month either as I reassess things in the wake of the end of writing roughly 350,000 words on one pair of stories set in the same universe.

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Name change of brands, sports teams, and a toy · 5:21am Mar 15th, 2021

Aunt Jemima to Pearl Milling Company

Uncle Ben's to Ben's Original

Washington Redskins to Washington Football Team

Cleveland Indians to TBA

Mr. Potato Head to Potato Head


UME: Change of Title · 12:49am Feb 4th, 2023

I'm thinking of modifying the title of my story, Ultimate Multiverse Explorers. I always felt that the title was missing something. And then, I found a certain album of Smash Bros OST fan remixes while exploring You Tube and it clicked.

So, once I'm done with the current Forgotten Land arc, I will change the title. And it will be:

Harmony of Heroes:

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PLANNING!!! Dis is important people! I need ur answers!!! · 5:34pm Jun 16th, 2015

I dunno if I spelled that right because it was in cap.

I am so stinkin' lazy this summer.


Monday: Working on stories.

Tuesday: I'll probably make that a roblox day so... if you're interested in playing that meh user is: scootloo99. Buddy me, tell me your user and we can play.

Wednesday: I'll work on pictures, random ones or answers for my Ask Sea Swirl Blog

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[Equestrian Earth] - Make Changes to the Level Up Stats? · 12:39am Jul 22nd, 2015

Featured Song: Pokemon Theme [Lara Cover]
by Lara6683

Rainbow Streak (RD) has Leveled Up to Lv 35!
Tier 4 Class: Swordsmare
~ HP Increased: 3500 ⇒ 3575 (+10 from END)
~ Mana Increased: 950 ⇒ 975 (+10 from SPR)
>> 10 Attribute Points are gained; 3 Skill Points are gained <<
Attribute Points Allocation:
>> Auto Distribution Selected <<
~ STR Increased: 124 ⇒ 127
~ DEX Increased: 86 ⇒ 88

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Weekly Blog #5 · 2:13pm Jul 26th, 2015

Two weeks have certainly gone by fast. I still can't believe it's already July. :rainbowlaugh: Time sure does fly by when you're at the age of eighteen and about ready to go to college. But I do digress.

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Change got 2000 LIKES!! · 8:43pm Jan 14th, 2017

I never imagined it would go this far when I first stated, to the point of it being 64 chapters long (it was originally 12), 149,634 words with over 16,000 views! Not to mention a sequel which is doing pretty well in itself. :pinkiegasp:

Speaking of the sequel, a new chapter tomorrow as usual! :twilightsmile:


Change: Queen of the Hive Update + New Group · 7:52pm Oct 17th, 2016

Heya guys, Change is not long over and yet planning for the sequel is fully underway! In fact, it's kinda been in the planning stages while Change was still be written but after that story's ploy had been 100% finalised. It was nothing concrete at first, just a story outline of the main plot points for my and Copey's eyes only... Over the last week however since Change ended I've gone and constructed a more detailed plan of every single chapter I currently plan on including (subject to change

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Viewing 341 - 360 of 564 results