
Viewing 1 - 20 of 76 results

Say no to horn amputations ( Gen 5 Twilight) · 6:45pm Jan 12th, 2018

Dose anyone else think that making Twilight a earth pony is a very bad idea? I can't see G5 Twilight as Twilight. Because Twilight has always been a unicorn ,later turned Alicorn and had her special talent is magic, but as a Erath pony........ she can't cast spells..........#cutie markmakenosense. Do you think Hasbro is making a bad move and should rethink what their doing with gen 5. Or fail (gen5 2020 to 2020 ...... ) Gen 6 coming soon *as soon as they see what they did wrong*

Report Rift caster · 428 views · #Triggered

New Story · 3:05am Apr 3rd, 2016

Triggered: Twilight and Sunburst have been hanging out with each other a little too much for Starlight's liking.

Report Summer Dancer · 419 views · #Triggered

I’m offended. · 12:34pm Apr 29th, 2018

I just learned that there is a NAZI GROUP ON THIS SITE!!! Wtf! I find this very offensive considering my religion and frankly, even if they are joking, that is still very wrong.

Don’t believe me?!

Report Falconwolf1116 · 305 views · #Triggered

Am I a Sagittarius or a Capricorn? · 5:04pm Jan 3rd, 2021

I spent all this time thinking that Sagittarius included December 23rd, but apparently...

Why are zodiacs so damn complicated?

Report BezierBallad · 168 views · #Triggered

Short Hand: The Trigger · 1:41am Oct 21st, 2020

I am thinking of Shepherd having his own crazy button. Much like the rest of the Mane 6. One button that once pressed and now that his main issues are solved, he's bound to go a bit... Nuts.

Celestia: "You see, much of the world is unexplored still. There are reaches of the planet that are unknown to us. And indeed, you might need to go out into the world and go on-"

Shepherd: "Ad... Adventures?"

Celestia: smiles "Yes."

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One of the most terrifying moments from my childhood... · 9:01am Feb 16th, 2016

"But...the future refused to change."


pfffffffffffffffffffffffffff · 12:23pm Mar 12th, 2017

"The ipad pro doesn't get PC viruses."

Bitch pls. Neither does a PC if ya don't click on that ad that says "Play Minecraft for free 100% totally legit totally not a scam or anything."

Also, an ipad pro ISN'T a PC to begin with I want my 3 Titan X GPU's no apple product could handle that powuh. so Apple. STFU. XD

KingYakko is triggered...


Because triggered people · 12:32am Feb 7th, 2017

Took the last post down even tho I doesn't say shit where i am
So ya


In Regards to the Removal of GiroHaze: The Dream · 2:15am Oct 11th, 2018

I had recently reread this story with a friend for fun. At first, rereading it was humorous. Though we did end up realizing that there was something extremely horrifying in the story, "GiroHaze: The Dream" that I was unaware of. I had not noticed at the time the direction that the second author of that story had taken it. The story ended up being extremely discomforting. Rather than poking fun at shipfiction and the concept alltogether, he instead decided to write the story as something he'd

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I seriously love the Chrono Trigger sound track. · 12:03am Dec 23rd, 2020

I just heard a little clip of this tune and it hit my nostalgia hard (The exact sensation I'm thinking of is called frisson.) I'm going to be listening to the rest of the sound track later, and even fan renditions of the music. But for now, I'm going to just enjoy this particular tune.


vERY Good game :3 · 3:42am May 10th, 2016

After a stressful day of doing (one of ) my *finals today, i decide to take a break from st for the rest of the day and i just finish up Mass effect 2(for the first time) and al i have to say it was very satisfing.It took me 34 hrs to competle.

*Well good new is that i am done with the hardest of my finisl but the bad new I had to take my other final Wenday intend of today as planned >3<

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Rating change · 3:31am May 2nd, 2017

I have decided to change the rating for Hivemind from Teen to Mature. I have tried to keep the story somewhat sanitized to keep to the Teen rating but this story is not something I should do that too. Its not a pleasant place, and these characters are deeper than what the teen rating has put. I also put the sex tag on, not because I plan to have clop (I don't) but because there will be mentions of sexual activities including frank acknowledgment of non consensual contact. If you are

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Report CoffeeRings · 405 views · #warning #trigger #update

April Fools · 8:55pm Apr 1st, 2016

The day everyone manages to piss me off so easily with their oh so fucking clever joke threads or fucking joke chapters.

Oh shit, I didn't see that coming.

And the shit smeared monogoloids irl that think their fucking cute with their excuses to say April fools when I fucking take them seriously for a second.


Report Shocks · 426 views · #Triggered #April Fools

Triggered · 12:20pm Nov 19th, 2019

Report IDontWatchMLP · 165 views · #Spike #Dog #Triggered

Kidnapping, Human Trafficking, and Halloween: Where those big numbers come from · 6:30pm Nov 4th, 2021

Trigger warning: Counting of horrible things.

(I don't quite understand how to do a trigger warning. If a subject triggers someone, then just naming that subject will trigger them just as badly. So how are you supposed to write a trigger warning?)

I found a page on that answers the question: How often ARE children abducted in the US?

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Report Bad Horse · 1,609 views · #trigger #children #statistics

DAMN TV!! IT'S TOO EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!! Why am I listening to Christmas songs...? · 9:48pm Nov 18th, 2016

So, back to the randomness on my page.... I'm listening to Christmas songs already!! The thing is, I don't know why I can listen to them year round, but get offended when TV commercials are showing Christmas shit before Thanksgiving comes. Where I live, stores had Christmas stuff up a month before Halloween!! Are kids that thirsty for toys they do even play with!? They'll play with them for about one week and bitch when their parents say, "Honey, it's time for breakfast!" or "Honey, time to go

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I am triggered · 9:38pm Oct 30th, 2016

Some idiot in my school stole my wallet! Like wtf?! I don't know who it was, but they didn't take it to the lost and found. How selfish. There needs to be less people like that in the world. I know they're not reading this but I like to talk in second person when I'm mad, so I'm just gonna pretend they're reading this.

Hello selfish asshole whom I hate! I just wanted to say that I sincerely hope you get robbed. :heart:

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Report Misspegasister_ · 237 views · #triggered #mad #wtf

Regarding Chapter 25 of What They Expect to Give · 7:36pm Oct 8th, 2019

I'm about to post a new chapter to my FlutterDash fic, and because I can't seem to figure out how to have more than one author's note on a chapter, I'm making a link to this blog post. If you have not read Chapter 25, please do not read this blog yet, as it has spoilers.

This post is in regards to the subject matter warning.

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Le Sigh--"Triggered", one of the most useless words (DISCUSSION) · 9:46pm Aug 7th, 2016

Before I get into this blog, I'd like to say that you should not worry, this will not be a rant. Rather, I am posting this more as a blog to get some information out of all of you, since we do read on this site... right?

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Personal Update · 7:03am Sep 2nd, 2021

Okay, so, update on my current situation.

My dysphoria has returned, I got sick today, I've been stressed about school, I've been having a massive lack of sleep, and I'm just overall not doing too good rn.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 76 results