Pause in writing. · 9:59pm Jan 17th, 2017
I need new glasses, the ones I have are giving me massive headaches every time I try to write. So, I must pause my writing until I get my new glasses. Shouldn't be more then a week or so. Sorry guys.
I need new glasses, the ones I have are giving me massive headaches every time I try to write. So, I must pause my writing until I get my new glasses. Shouldn't be more then a week or so. Sorry guys.
My chronic Migraines have been messing with my workflow. So I'll probably have to delay a few chapters and story debuts for few days, or a week (hopefully not more than that.). Thank you for your patience.
Signing out early tonight because I need to get my head together....Bonne Nuit!
While I normally find it difficult to sympathize with pre-redemption Sunset Shimmer as depicted in Gormless, I can at least understand why she was in a foul mood for a decent chunk of the latest chapter. I've been fighting a massive headache of my own all day, and taking extra-strength medicine on my lunch break hasn't done much to slow it down yet.
In short, going to write again. Probably starting tomorrow. Dunno when a new chapter is coming out since I have a few days with my family coming up due to Memorial Day and we always do family stuff then. But finally I have a long term stressor off my back. In effect, I'm not going to have that fear of "when I wake up today, will my old internet be shut off, and why isn't my new modem working?" Was it a minor issue that should have stayed a minor thing? Yes. Did it stay that way? No. Getting
Well, I had a somewhat relaxing Sunday at church today, but all weekend my head has felt like I'm getting over a massive hangover. (Don't ask how I know what that feels like...) I haven't been able to get too much work done in the past few days, but when I did get it done I was able to do about 1,050 words per try, so at least that's something.
As the title says life finds even more ways for me to loose my hair early. Ok first off, some dickcheese knocked up my sister and won't man up about. I would kill him if wasn't illegal. Next Ash's sister decided to dump her daughter on us while she went to rehab, so now I got a seven year old running around the apartment. And finally the biggest kick to the shins is that Ash, my roommate/girlfriend is now preggers! Yup all of that have really thrown a wrench in my plans, how so you ask, well my
So I've gotten about ten hours of sleep in the last three days. I would give you an daily amount of hours but I'm to tired to do the mental math. I'm exhausted, from mid terms and I have a pretty big essay due in less than a week that I haven't bothered to start on. And I have about a million other things I could probably bitch about endlessly, but am too tired and lazy to do so. I'll probably be on for maybe another hour or so if anyone wants to talk. Warning: I'm tired and pissed, so if you
Update schedule for All an Illusion: On Saturday-Sunday!
New Chapter of 'The Fluttercordiest' is out!
Now, onto serious stuff.
How to get a headache: Guaranteed to work!
Get a pair of glasses or sunglasses and wear it.
Balance a pen between the top of the Spec's frame, and your eyebrow.
Stare at a boring lesson for 10-15 minutes.
You have a migraine? So do I.
It sucks, I did this and it was a bad, bad idea.
Featured Song: Pokemon Theme [Lara Cover]
by Lara6683
Rainbow Streak (RD) has Leveled Up to Lv 35!
Tier 4 Class: Swordsmare
~ HP Increased: 3500 ⇒ 3575 (+10 from END)
~ Mana Increased: 950 ⇒ 975 (+10 from SPR)
>> 10 Attribute Points are gained; 3 Skill Points are gained <<
Attribute Points Allocation:
>> Auto Distribution Selected <<
~ STR Increased: 124 ⇒ 127
~ DEX Increased: 86 ⇒ 88
Rating Scale:
12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws
I asked M.A Larson to turn me into an Alicorn and then this happens, a nail in the head. Thanks M.A Larson
...I hate doing this but okay I love to write I do I REALLY do...
Well hello Everpony, it's Flare Blitz and as for why it's because Pen is tired and wanted me to write this blog for him, but he found somepony and he felt like he should introduce her. So without anymore delays the trio who'll be assisting me in our blog posts and shall be the bane in my existence for all eternity.
Baby Twi
I dunno. I seem to be getting far more irritable lately. Putting up with stupid people at work, stupid things in life in general, and stupid on the web. People I like, whether I know them or not, are dying or have died making it all seem a little quieter. My favorite hobby is becoming a battle ground for politically correct assholes to preach about their platform of a perfect world. My favorite person in the world is still living in Texas, and I don't know when she'll be able to move up here
Another one bites the dust!
Yup, a new chapter has been posted. Holy hell am I on fire!
We're so close to the end! I hope you all enjoyed it thus far, and if you didn't... please, let me know.
Working on writing. soon as I can decided WHAT to work on.
Stay classy.
Hiya. Goodness, my last update was back in October? Sorry for the silence, I've been busy with work and stuff, and since December I've been stuck playing Satisfactory, which uh, I got a little addicted too. Only 500 hours, nothin major... Right?