
Viewing 221 - 240 of 442 results

What Can You Do For Your Favorite Authors? · 1:02am Sep 14th, 2019

Apologies for this post being a little late today, but I wanted to get some other writing stuff done first. This week has been … chaotic.

But now it’s here. So then, what’s that title all about?

Well, I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a bit of self-serving logic behind this. Because, after all, I am an author, and yes, I do like to see support!

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Fallout Equestria: Pillars of Society · 4:53pm Dec 15th, 2020

The epilogue is up. The novel is complete. It was super fun to work on and brought me some extra joy in an otherwise bleak year. I learned so much while writing it. I hope you liked it, too. Shout out for Bonycommander for commenting on every single chapter. I really appreciate that!

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New Dumb Clop Up · 7:15pm Oct 9th, 2018

It's called Dusk Shine's Latest Experiment

I'm done with my original novel for now. And you know, writing original fics is like hitting yourself in the face with a hammer. It feels really good when you stop. And also while you're doing it, but I'm a masochist. And I really missed writing fanfic, so I've been typing with a vengeance since I sent off those beta links.

Anyway, if you like dumb gay ponies having happy sex, go read.

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The Resurrectionists is Finished! · 6:06pm Jan 16th, 2018

TThe Resurrectionists
Skanky Biscuits acts like a mean pony, but all she wants is for her friends to be safe. Now they’re involved in experiments with near-death experiences! How can she protect them when they’re literally courting death?
Captain_Hairball · 24k words  ·  20  4 · 552 views

I just posted the epilogue. It's a pretty important story to me, as it is one of the first ones I started writing when I started writing fanfic. Obviously, it took me a while. But I'm pleased with how it turned out! I think it works, it uses the universe well even though its 90% OCs, and I think I gave it a solid ending.

It challenged me as a writer! I love doing stories that challenge me as a writer.

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Major Announcement: Mystic Mind's Patreon! · 1:00am Sep 15th, 2021 I now officially have a patreon! I want to try and turn my biggest hobby into something that will support my life financially, in whatever small way that may be. Fancy throwing a bit of money my way to help fuel my writing? Have a browse of the options and give whatever you're able to. I'd be ultra greatful for all support shown!


Taking Flight This Friday... · 5:25pm Jan 10th, 2021

Faster than a speeding pegasus...

...more powerful than a locomotive... to leap tall buildings in a single bound...

...the last colt of a lost world...

...the Stallion of Tomorrow.

Beginning January 15th.

Look up...


Cozy Glow Contest Entry Published · 10:59pm Sep 1st, 2020

Hey hey folks.

As of this morning, I published the Cozy Glow contest entry; the prompt I picked was somewhere between the 'Cozy has a secret' and 'Cozy makes a friend in a mirror' prompts, but, uh, I'd be surprised if the judges didn't find my interpretation to be somewhat liberal. Still, I think it counts.

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Choices · 10:02pm Nov 22nd, 2021

Chapter 56 posted in The Runaway Bodyguard. Starlight accepts life changing choices and surprises herself in the end of the Part Three story arc. Next: Coming Attractions chapter for Part Four.


non pony story · 7:53pm Aug 18th, 2022

if you're a fan of star wars, and you happen to like my writing style, i actually wrote shattered roses before my stint in the desert. this is a one shot inspired by the show kenobi so please be aware there are spoilers.


Twilight wants to read, everypony else doesn't want her to read, and Rainbow Dash wants to prank her. This can only end up well... · 8:52am Nov 11th, 2022

In other words time for another comedy one-shot! It's funny, it's silly, and it's scientifically proven to make you forget about the inflation for at least 10 minutes(*)! Go check it out:

TA Prank To Die For
Here lies the body of Rainbow Dash, done to death by a sudden crash. It wasn't the speedy stunt that laid her low but a prank on a friend that made her go.
Huk · 3.6k words  ·  99  4 · 2.1k views

As always, any comments and/or likes are greatly appreciated :twilightsmile:

* - scientifical studies provided by 'Trust Me Bro!' Inc :trixieshiftright:.


[Promotion] The Writeoff begins today! · 3:28pm Apr 22nd, 2016

The Writeoff is a Fimfiction-hosted competition for both FiM and original fiction writers alike. It is usually hosted every two-four weeks depending on if Roger wants to or not.

I have competed in this competition in the past. Haven't done so well.

And when I mean haven't done well...

I mean not well at all.

384 Soaring -94

The worst score in the FiM category. I got it in one competition. :D

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Humans and Ponies Should be Friends Group · 9:12am Mar 1st, 2016

Link: Humans and Ponies Should be Friends

Please check this group out, if you're tired of the human vs pony trend. A group where the ponies are the ponies we know and love. A place where humans nor ponies are all monsters.

Humans and ponies should hug. Not fight.


Fic Promotions~! · 8:45pm Oct 25th, 2015

This is not something I have done in a while, but I'll be happy to do so because I CAN. Anyway, here are some fic promotions!

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Non-Pony Self Promotion and reviews requested · 9:19pm Feb 13th, 2017

The biggest reason why updates to my sole remaining fanfic here come so slowly is that I don't spend a lot of time working on it, and the biggest reason for that is that I actually spend most of my time writing original work, and fanfic has become a bit of a palate cleanser for me in between.

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Signal Boost: "A Lapse in Reason" · 11:03pm Feb 14th, 2019

A really good friend, and an astounding writer, just put out the start of an amazing story called A Lapse of Reason. It's M-rated, so just a warning!

Fleetfoot has never been the romantic type. She's never felt that deep longing for a special somepony in her life — never had time for it either.

Then why does she have a crush, and why is she waking up in bed with him?

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An angel and a prankster – the roller-coaster continues. · 8:43pm Mar 31st, 2019

Time for another chapter having Apple Bloom and Cheerilee, and introducing Rainbow Dash to the story.

So far, Equestria had been nothing but pain for our human – can one stubborn filly and her teacher change that? Will John's fortune finally change :unsuresweetie:? Read to find out.

TFriendship Is Magic! ... Unless You Are a Human
After a catastrophic introduction, a former soldier is struggling to adjust to his new life – facing ponies prejudice. Observing his ordeal - Celestia is starting to question how kind and forgiving her subjects really are...
Huk · 126k words  ·  282  46 · 6.2k views

Enjoy! :scootangel:


The 'Write an Episode' Challenge Story Written · 10:51pm Jun 20th, 2019

Hey guys.

I wrote a new story recently. It was for the informal challenge I posted about not too long ago. I managed to write one up in about three weeks that meets the criteria, and it was actually quite informative.

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30th Story! · 3:11pm Nov 13th, 2017

It's... drum roll... a Flutterdash. Sweet little hurt-comfort/cuddlefic. Just so.

EPerfectly Not Perfect
Rainbow Dash has pulled a muscle in her wing. Not a big deal, until she tries to fly home on it in bad weather and nearly dies. Fluttershy saves her, carries her home, and takes care of her.
Captain_Hairball · 1.7k words  ·  79  5 · 2.9k views

More Skanky later this week.


Sometimes, friendship is magic, other times... it is a mix of pain and misery. · 8:48am Apr 28th, 2019

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are about to learn that sometimes, the only way to save a friend is to betray his trust – no matter how much it might hurt.

In other words, it's time for the next chapter:

TFriendship Is Magic! ... Unless You Are a Human
After a catastrophic introduction, a former soldier is struggling to adjust to his new life – facing ponies prejudice. Observing his ordeal - Celestia is starting to question how kind and forgiving her subjects really are...
Huk · 126k words  ·  282  46 · 6.2k views

Time to start earning that that 'CMCs' tag :scootangel:


The Rolling Sale - Round 2 has Begun! · 8:52pm Jul 24th, 2017

As it refers to images and colors that are not found here, this is obviously a REPOST!

Those of you who are regulars to the site may have noticed the sudden color change that’s swept over everything. That dull red … it can only mean one thing …

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Viewing 221 - 240 of 442 results