
Viewing 1 - 20 of 73 results

One Year Old! Recap of all the shit I submit my favourite pony to! (spoilers) · 8:40am Jun 11th, 2015

Well, that's that. It's been a year since I bumbled onto the site and decided 'Oh, you know what? A story about Rainbow Dash being terrified of Applejack? Thassagoodidea, amirite?' and so I wrote it.

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Report HapHazred · 427 views · #Recap #One Year #HapHazred

Holiday Story Released · 9:57am Dec 24th, 2017

Hey guys.

So, if you're anything like me, then after a bunch of hours hanging out with family at Christmas, you'll want to find a quiet room to have some time to yourself. You'll also probably be getting a headache from the blinky lights and damn, if you hear one more Christmas song you'll flip a table or something.

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Report HapHazred · 369 views · #story #holiday #HapHazred

Writing Stream? · 4:27pm Sep 20th, 2019

Howdy folks.

Recently I've been tempted to try streaming a writing session for some original story stuff, mainly first-drafting, particularly after a recent-ish thread on TWG where the general consensus was that it was an iffy idea (if there's one thing that makes me excited about trying something it's when a lot of people think it's a bad idea).

Thing is I'm pretty much a complete beginner to streaming, and was wondering if folks had any general pointers or suggestions.

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Reviewing By HapHazred (as seen on the Goodfic Bin) · 8:05am Jun 7th, 2015

It just so happens that I'm nearing 141 stories reviewed, which I think is rather impressive. Over the course of that time, I've developed a system. Whilst not completely methodical, it is a check-list of sorts that helps me come to conclusions regarding the story and whether it is objectively good or not.

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Contest Announcement: A Change of Pace (closed) · 4:42pm Sep 11th, 2020

Contest: A Change of Pace

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Two Down, Two to Go · 11:14pm Apr 25th, 2021

Hey hey!

Quick update. The AppleDash contest seems to be delayed, so who knows when that'll start again. With luck they'll bring in some other judges as well so we don't get left in the dark for too long if things go a bit screwy, but who knows. The Cadance contest story is up and available to be read! It only got very meta, which is nice, so give it a read if you haven't already. Link below.

TI Ran Out Of Time So I Wrote This
Princess Cadance writes about her job and what it means to be a princess and a mother in a letter to Flurry's school.
HapHazred · 1.2k words  ·  82  6 · 1.1k views

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The Hat Man Reviews! ["Of Angels" and "The One Week Year"] · 5:48pm Jul 10th, 2016

Yep, so soon after my last review blog, here are a few more stories and my thoughts on them!

And this time, compared with yesterday's post, we've got a pair of stories I actually really enjoyed. Take a look after the break, won't you? :twilightsmile:

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New Chapter of True Victor (with art) and 25K Word Milestone for NaPoWriMo · 2:05am Nov 17th, 2016

Hello everyone. I'm a few hours late, it being close to two in the morning here, but the new chapter for True Victor, Winning for Farmponies is out, so if you haven't checked it out yet, give it a look! That's not why I'm posting this, though. I'm posting because, as I mentioned in earlier blog posts, I've been playing around with my graphics tablet and wanted to show off my progress.

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A Fic Recommendation Blog #3 · 6:06pm May 17th

Been a bit since I've done one of these (previous blog here) and since the drama has been resolved and I've said my piece on Anon, it's time to finally bring this back to put some positivity back on the site.

Today's little binge is going to be a mix-mash of several genres.

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The 'Write an Episode' Challenge Story Written · 10:51pm Jun 20th, 2019

Hey guys.

I wrote a new story recently. It was for the informal challenge I posted about not too long ago. I managed to write one up in about three weeks that meets the criteria, and it was actually quite informative.

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New story, new update, and some art I guess · 10:41pm Sep 16th, 2021

TNot My Rescuer (but not bad either)
Rarity discovers a connection she never knew she had with another pony.
HapHazred · 36k words  ·  178  12 · 2.4k views
TRecursive Affection Disorder
Starlight tries to decide whether she should ask Trixie out the only way she knows how.
HapHazred · 8.3k words  ·  215  19 · 2.6k views

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True Victor is Out, NaPoWriMo Progress · 12:31am Nov 13th, 2016

True Victor took a lot longer to come out due to complications, but it's out now! Isn't that great! We can all forget that I released it two weeks after I said I would, right?


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Reading of Snake Party · 10:10pm Jan 11th, 2018

Evening, gents.

So, I wrote a story for a contest not too long ago. Not Titanium Jack. It was called Snake Party, and it sort of won, so I got a reading of the story by Robipony.

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Cozy Glow Contest Entry Published · 10:59pm Sep 1st, 2020

Hey hey folks.

As of this morning, I published the Cozy Glow contest entry; the prompt I picked was somewhere between the 'Cozy has a secret' and 'Cozy makes a friend in a mirror' prompts, but, uh, I'd be surprised if the judges didn't find my interpretation to be somewhat liberal. Still, I think it counts.

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"Marble's Horizon" Reviewed by Titanium Dragon! · 9:33pm Mar 24th, 2016

Just a quick post that my Scribblefest story Marble's Horizon was recently reviewed by Titanium Dragon, a well known writer and reviewer here on the site. He previously reviewed The Reality I Choose as well. He apparently found Marble's Horizon a bit more to his liking, though, so that was nice. :twilightsmile:

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Hey Guys · 7:24am Jun 11th, 2017


Sorry I've been a bit inactive these past months. It's been my final year at Uni and me and the other Design Engineers have been scurrying around like mice trying to sort everything out, so I've been both busy and more tired than usual. I've just about been able to keep up with TWG adminnery stuff.

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Reading of 'An Article on Unconventional Romance' · 9:42am Apr 11th, 2020

Howdy folks. I recently got PM'd that I'd had a reading generously done by Obabscribbler; the story they decided to go for was 'An Article on Unconventional Romance', a story I had written way back in 2016, if memory doesn't fail me!

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NaPoWriMo Story: 42K Words To Go · 10:08pm Nov 7th, 2016

Hello everyone.

Sorry about the lack of an AppleDash story going up recently: I've been caught up editing it. It's well on the way, but I overestimated how quickly I'd be able to polish it up.

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Hap Draws some Appledashy stuff · 4:05pm Jul 10th, 2017

Hey guys. Whilst I've been waiting for graduation (which is a thing I need to do soon), I've been practising with the old graphics tablet.

What a wacky shenanigan!

Anyway, I'm posting some of the cooler stuff here, because nobody can stop me. Hopefully I keep improving, because improvement is fun.

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How To: Rainbow Dash · 12:37am Jan 7th, 2018

Hello gents. With the new year upon us, I thought it'd be nice to share my thoughts on a favourite topic of mine.

Rainbow Dash.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 73 results