Tablet · 4:37am Dec 25th, 2017
Doing this on a tablet is hard because it auto Corrects everything... And does my spaces for me...
Doing this on a tablet is hard because it auto Corrects everything... And does my spaces for me...
Once upon a time, you were hunted by your past, by your own fate. You walked by the graveyard full of courses, hoping to find your own. However, your fate did not lie there. It was something you could not escape from. You felt the cold air grasping towards your fate. You followed what the souls told you and continued to walk in the barren graveyard with no end in sight. That was, until you found something unspeakable. It was a soul. A unique one that were not like the others. You ran
As you see above for me it's NEW YEAR!
So I give you a Poem I hope you enjoy it (Thought about a song but I don't think I could Make one right now...)
Red, white, and blue
We love you
Black, Red And yellow
We Respect you
Tonight is a night of remembrance
To remember our long days of fun
And short of done
I salute to the Red, White, And Blue
Land of the mostly Free
And Home of the brave
Who fight for the right thing
And give there lives
I salute to the people
We welcome Everyone no matter the difference!
Doing this on a tablet is hard because it auto Corrects everything... And does my spaces for me...
Well, writing isn't going well. Everything that comes out feels dry, not funny or interesting. Bleh. So I messed around with pixels again, and double-sized the new hive pic.
Eight turned out reeeeeeally weird, and One and Boss are too small, but hey… something...
Hi everyone. I'm Spunkycat2. Nice too meet you. How are you all doing? I do watch my little pony sometimes and I do like Spike The Dragon
Okay, let's see:
1) I've been a member since Feb 2013
2) Wrote three shitty stories when I was 13 years old.
3) Lost my passion for MLP after that and moved on to other fandoms.
4) Returned back with a somewhat rekindled passion for the show... maybe.
5) Been more of a reader than a writer in this site; not that there's anything wrong with that.
Alrighto, it's about time I made things clear.
Well then good morning everyone. To sum up, a twentieth story in the works.
Thank you all for getting me this far as well. Also it seem someone I know made me this
Good evening Freinds/Followers. I'm aware that I've been... less than active lately(lately as in like, several months...). Not for a lack of trying mind you. Quite the opposite. I've got several stories done and is currently in the process of being edited(that and I'm working on something special for my 200th follower count). The only issue I currently have is a lack of an editor(minus one as he/she is in the process of fixing one of my upcoming stories).
Hello everyone it's me Polaris Solarmoon and I want to say that I have a very special story idea planned but first let me tell you right now who'll be in it... The numbers next to the names are there if you get lost.
1. Twilight Sparkle
2. Fluttershy
3. Pinkie Pie
4. Rarity
5. Applejack
6. Rainbow Dash
( Different View universe normal and Anti)
7. Glitter Brightstar
8. Prism Shine
9. Prof. Pinkamena Dianne Pie
10. Flutterbold
I finally got to 150 Followers and I want to thank everyone who followed me either for my stories, my comment/s, whatever. I'm not sure what I have planned but I'll try to do something for this moment. Again, I hope I don't disappoint and thank you for the support. You guys/girls are the reason why I can continue writing.
First off, I just want to say thanks for the love/support(even though there are people far better then I). I wouldn't have gotten this far without the support. I hope that I'll continue to improve and make it worth your time. I have a story that is in progress for the 100th followers. Anyway, thank you and I hope to see more support
Hello everyone, happy new year to you all and may you all have an amazing 2017!
Here's to a brand new year!
So... today's my B-Day. Unfortunately, nothing great happened today. Not surprising but still. Maybe tomorrow will be better. If any of you want, you could comment(or place) a cute picture of Fluttershy(Sunset or Sci-Twi will do) as a gift just for fun. I hope everyone else's day went well.