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A Sword in Equestria: Updated · 4:33pm Dec 12th, 2023

The new chapter is out as promised.

TA Sword In Equestria
In his service to his world and duty, Keldeo, one of the Swords of Justice, performed the ultimate sacrifice to save all he loved dearly. Luckily, it was not to be the end of his tale.
Joe Toon · 44k words  ·  187  7 · 4.5k views

The second step · 7:19pm January 4th

For the first time in my history on the site I have released a second chapter of the story I'm working on within a week of the first.
Considering my prior track record of having a two-year lapse between chapters, I'm really rather proud of that.
I will say, I'm having some doubts as to the quality of what I'm writing, but I'm putting my heart into it and I'll try my very best to not let my own high expectations stop me from writing at all.

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“Behind Him” Chapter 5 almost complete! · 5:16pm Apr 1st, 2021

Chapter 5 of “Behind Him” is very close to completion, I’m mostly just debating over whether to delete a certain scene, change it, or keep it. I also have a bit of editing to do, but that shouldn’t take long at all. My goal is to get this chapter out by tomorrow.


When Gems Break Chapter 3 · 1:12am Aug 28th, 2021

Just to let everyone know, chapter 3 of When Gems Break is going to be delayed. For multiple reasons chapter 3 will not be coming out this week. It will probably drop sometime next weekend. I hope everyone understands and looks forward to it's release. Thanks everyone for the support, I'll keep the status of chapter three's completion updated. ~ Child of Stars


I've noticed... · 12:52pm Feb 18th, 2016 abundance of Sunset Shimmer fics making the rounds on the featured board and toping the popular stories list. Makes me almost want each month to correspond to a different pony. Then again, I suppose Cadence gets February by default.

Eh, I'm tired and rambling.


Improvements! · 6:04pm Mar 20th, 2016

So, for those of you who may have worried, no, I'm not dead, I have just been extremely busy with being a full time grad student and working 20 hours a week. Writing and self-editing new chapters and stories takes a lot of time. Time that I do not usually have. However, this is spring break for me, and while I have plenty of other work to catch up on I do have enough time, this week at least, to make some progress on my stories here. I am currently making some major edits to An End to

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The Mad Seeress of the North chapter 7 preview, "Illusion’s Reality” and other crap, er stuff · 3:53pm Apr 13th, 2016


New Chapter of Imperial Equestria is Live! · 1:53am Aug 6th, 2016

Chapter 7 has been released just this evening, and I am pleased to report that Rain Fire and myself already have a whole three quarters of chapter 8 already penned out!


Amendments to a Certain Story · 11:18pm Aug 14th, 2016

I've decided that, as I continue to modify and flesh out the world in which Fangheart lives, and the society of which he is a product, the summarization of its components should be changed as well.
Stand by for the first amendment to Changelings: A Summary, featuring the written language of changelings, and the songs of history. I'll probably follow it up with the arts, and education, and then the use of a duodecimal counting system, and... forgive me, and also humor my enthusiasm.


Updates and snails · 10:58am Aug 15th, 2016

So, having a good day so far, everyone?:twilightsmile:
This is a little message, stating that story updates will be slowing down, as I have exams in a few weeks time, and in about a month, I may stop updating entirely for a 2-3 week period.:raritydespair:
Stupid exams.:fluttershbad: Why can't I live without you???
(Don't despair, keep reading:fluttershyouch:)

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"The Phantom Pony of Everfree" has just hit 50,000 words · 12:11am Aug 16th, 2016

Fast as lightning, sharp as a sword

With the latest chapter up, "The Phantom Pony of Everfree" has now broken 50,000 words. I'm so proud to have made it this far. And I have you readers to thank for it. I mean, after I posted the Lamia chapters, you think I expected four or five people in the comments to actually cheer for Nocturne. That was just wild!


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Sneak Peek! · 1:12am Jul 16th, 2016

I'm working on the next chapter for The Immortality Diaries.

Be prepared.


Enchanted Library Chapter 18 - The Dragon Sacrifice · 12:55am Jul 26th, 2016


Or it already went down, since I just posted one of the most important chapters I've posted thus far. The reason I took so long to update was because I needed to really write this out as well as I could since this was a very complex chapter in a LOT of ways.

So here we go, though hey, whatever happens, at least we'll all agree that the CHAPTER ARTWORK IS SUPER COOL OHHHMYGOSH

I'll never be over it.

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August 28th, 2016 Update!: "Dear Friends" News! · 4:14pm Aug 27th, 2016

Wow, already updating after a day? Geez, RP, you sure have a busy life.

So I want to apologize for some of the issues with my newest fiction, Dear Friends. It was never my intention to "feel" as though it was incomplete; my goal was to make a somber story reflecting the mistakes of a well-known Princess. Thus, to express my condolences, I will be marking my fiction as "incomplete" until finished.

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A Minor tease · 3:19am Sep 16th, 2016

But what got the whole empire in rage was the abuse of power from the KP on the prisoners and the empire as a whole. The KP was supposed to be a law enforcer and protector of the citizens inside the empire, instead of that they were used to shut, silence or disappear anyone who dared to talk against them or the government (and they didn't cared who it was: pony, griffon, minotaur, changeling, etc. They were all took down). The reports of abuse were as big as the reports on

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New Story Part for "I Thought She Knew" · 7:43pm Sep 17th, 2016

What, you thought I was done with that story? Think again.

Now we know why she's an orphan...

Yeah, I wrote ANOTHER Rated E story once upon a time!

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News Update on The Ones From Beyond. · 2:51am Sep 21st, 2016

Hey guys, I just wanted everyone to know that Chapter 20 is nearing completion, however due to a few more rewrites and a lot of school-related work being piled up on me at once, I may not be published till the beginning of October. I thank you all for your patience,



Happiness and Tears Chapter 27 Delay · 1:21am Oct 10th, 2016

Welp... as you can clearly see, there was no chapter today. Sorry about that. >.<

Actually, I COMPLETELY BLAME NORTHERNLIGHTS8 FOR THIS.. she got me into Fairy Tail and I've spent the entire week binge watching and reading fanfics XD

Anyway, I'm delaying the chapter till tomorrow. So expect it anytime then.

(Schedule will resume back to normal. Chapter 28 will come next week like always).

Until then~!


I wrote a blog post. · 11:52pm Mar 12th, 2015

I've gone too long without making any blog posts. I've intended to, but I have a tendency to hold myself to high standards with stuff I make. Usually, that works well. My desire to make my work better gives me the patience to actually do so. In some cases, however, I don't think it's appropriate. In a blog, for instance. If I try to make each post into an A+ essay, well, I'll be able to, but it will be really slow. I won't be able to share much information about what the deal is

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Lyra x Lyra - chapter 2 · 9:03pm Jan 27th, 2015

Thanks muchly for all the positive feedback and all the favouriting of Lyra x Lyra.

Chapter 2 is in progress — probably around half way done. It's going to be a lot longer than chapter 1, perhaps as long as 6000 words, and will contain two interleaved story lines, following Lyra's arrival in the human world, and Bon Bon and Twilight Sparkle's activities back in Equestria.

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