Flash Sentry has offered to take on the role of personal guard to one of the Princesses. However, despite his preparations and research, the position comes with a requirement that he wasn't aware of...
After falling foul of Twilight's machinations in their last encounter, Spoiled Rich concocts what some may regard as a drastic plan to set things right. Dare you read on? I think you do.
A troubled fourteen year old boy who's never heard of 'My Little Pony' or 'Twilight Sparkle' finds himself being abducted by the latter and taken to Equestria, in a form that's not even his own. What does his future hold? Why don't you find out?
Now at that 'tricky' age of nine, a moody Flurry Heart is left with her aunt Twilight for the afternoon while Shining Armour goes off to take care of... something. Their time together is more eventful than either one expects...
Spike gets two special guests one sunny afternoon at The Castle Of Friendship, and soon Twilight's attention is taken by some very strange noises coming from his room. What could be going on in there?