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This story is a sequel to Fluttershy vs. Vacuum Cleaner

Fluttershy just wanted to send an apology letter to a friend. Instead, she got a human tablet.

Special thanks to FloydienSlip and Blueshift for editing.

Chapters (1)

Something about this pony world just ticks you off today. Things are poorly designed, poorly written, poorly paced, and you can't help but be annoyed by everything you see. Obviously, the best thing to do about all this is to complain!
You know that someone's got to be at fault for the state of things, and hopefully someone, or somepony, will fix it for you.
...Even if you hate the word somepony, oh my god, be more original for once in your life!

Contains a lot of sarcasm and some wall breaking. But mostly just whining.

P.S. Now with working cover art!

Chapters (1)

Making money is kind of difficult in Ponyville, what with it being a small town. Luckily, Anon has found she's pretty darn good with kids, and there are plenty of parents who need a foalsitter. So far, nothing at all has gone wrong.
Until, that is, she's left taking care of a Pegasus foal. Nothing works like it should, nothing makes any sense! And it just. Won't. Eat! Hopefully, Rainbow Dash can lend her a hoof before the little darling starves to death.

Warning: Contains vomit. And Anon. Are you really surprised?
Image by MistyDash


Chapters (1)

When a man needs a shave in Ponyville, there isn't really anywhere to go. After all, horses don't shave! So, you have no choice but to go to the most stylish pony in town for assistance: Rarity. Lucky for you, she's the helpful type, and is willing to make you look good as new. But at what cost?

Oh, and by the way, thanks for the idea Enigmatic Otaku. I hope you choke on a pineapple. :heart:

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia sends an oddly simple message to Twilight and Spike. The contents: "What are you wearing?" Complications and chaos ensue.
Inspired by this artwork.

Audio Reading by Lead Bread

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle and friends spend a peaceful evening together playing cards.

That is until their future selves decide to show up to stop them all from ruining their lives.

Chapters (1)

Sunset hesitantly lets a very enthusiastic Princess Twilight take her new cellphone through the mirror, so that Twilight can study it in Equestria.
It does not work. At all.

*Featured 1/5-1/8*
Thanks, everypony!

Chapters (1)

When Sunset Shimmer decides to visit Equestria with her girlfriend – the human world’s Twilight Sparkle – she expects there to be some confusion. She doesn't expect to come home with a royal title.

Meanwhile, Equestria's Twilight Sparkle worries she's not evil enough.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to You Came to the Wrong Neighborhood

Continuation of my other story You Came to the Wrong Neighborhood. You don't have to read it but it's probably funnier than this one.

Luna is notified of her sister's death in the previous attack in the human world. Stricken with grief, Nightmare Moon's spirit takes hold and is out to enslave humanity. Using the teleporter, she beams herself to the sands of Arizona, not knowing of the opposition she will face...

Chapters (4)

Princess Celestia doesn't like how humans deal with their problems, so she decides to do something about it. That something is an invasion attempt. She starts in what appears to be an old, abandoned town but soon learns this is the home of 2 deadly and ruthless human groups.

Chapters (2)