• Member Since 12th May, 2012


Author of "Filly Fooling," "Cuddling," and "Spread."

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Fame. Esteem. Royalty. All things Rarity dreamed about ever since she was a little filly. But when Twilight was granted the role of princess, Rarity has always wondered what Twilight's life was like.

Twilight had no dreams of becoming a princess, so when the role was thrust upon her, all she wanted was a break, a bit of time to live a normal life.

In the midst of an argument about these roles, Spike comes up with the idea for Twilight and Rarity to swap roles for a week. Twilight would take over the boutique, and Rarity would get the chance to live the life she's always dreamed about.

What could possibly go wrong?

Story adopted from cooopercrisp as of 15/09/2014. First two chapters are his originally.

Chapters (2)

Applejack's got herself in a pickle. She broke a few bones in her hind legs when she bucked a tree too hard, and now she needs somepony to take care of her until she heals. With Rainbow Dash living in a cloud, Fluttershy tending to her animals, and Pinkie being busy at Sugarcube Corner, she has to choose between Rarity and Twilight.

Who will be able to take care of her more? And what feelings might crop up along the way?

Teen for some mildly suggestive dialogue.

Chapters (5)

She wasn't sure if somepony had put something in her drink, but when Rarity was partying one night, she barely made it to Ponyville and did something she definitely wouldn't have done normally. Now she's left picking up the pieces in the morning.

Chapters (3)

It's Hearts and Hooves Day, and Button Mash has somepony very special in mind. Never mind the fact that Sweetie Belle's been ignoring him every time he's tried and talked to her. He's willing to do anything to win her over.

Sweetie Belle, however, will have to find a way to let him down easy, because she doesn't feel the same way.

Teen for mild language.

Also, Button needs his own character tag.

Chapters (1)

Each pony in Ponyville is different, but some are more different than others.

Everyone knows that Pinkie Pie is unique. But not how unique...

Chapters (1)

Celestia has told me that a dragon's average lifespan is two thousand years. That is a long time be alone. It gives you a long time to reflect on the friends you lost, something I'm not ready to do. However, the years have aged me mentally, and I have learned the difference of my friends mortality compared to my own.

While my friends withered away, one remained, one that is near and dear to my heart. I know I will lose her eventually too. The chances are, I'll lose her really soon. But until that faithful day, I'll enjoy every moment with her.

She's all I have left. I'd be lost without her.

Artwork provided by the fantastic Kill Joy

Thanks Flint Sparks for making this fic a little more legible.

Chapters (5)

While on a picnic, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle share a delicious honey pie. Soon, they find each other talking about something they never thought they would talk about. Foalhood is like honey pie.

Chapters (1)

Because perfection is a key part of Rarity's work, Sweetie Belle often finds herself alone with nothing to do around Carousel Boutique. With no big sister to play with, Sweetie Belle takes it upon herself to find something to do. Not only does she find entertainment, but she also finds a very beautiful kind of destruction.

Thank you, electreXcessive, for pre-reading this completely innocent story.

Written for the 31shotober challenge! Don't forget to rate, please!

This story got a very nice reading by, TheLostNarrator. Click here to check it out!

So apparently this was featured at some point... Haven't the damnedest clue as to when though...

Chapters (1)

Celestia knew, Celestia always knew the truth, so it had to be true.
Twilight trusted her, didn't she?
And fillies always grasp to truths, to their heroes, and drink in everything life throws at them.
So two and two make five.

Chapters (1)