• Member Since 5th May, 2012


The inevitable chaos. The eroding order. Better to join sooner than late. For that decides your fate.

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Big Mac was vaguely aware of Applebloom holding his head during his seizure, of her trying to talk to him, but his head was filled with another conversation.

After a magical accident, Big Mac ends up in an alternate dimension. A world where humans are the dominate species, and horses are put to work. This is the story of a common horse, told through the eyes of an uncommon pony.

Chapters (10)

Most cutie mark stories are happy, exciting tales of finding one's special talent. But not Mac's story. And after Apple Bloom gets into a fight at school, Big Macintosh decides it's time he told her his own cutie mark tale.

Caution: Feels inside.

Spanish Translation: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/La-manzana-en-su-flanco-1022796216

Chapters (1)

A diamond dog name Angus has taken up resident under a bridge near the outskirts of Ponyville. Angus has set up a toll for his bridge. If you want to cross it, you pay the price or get eaten. Unfortunately for him he is about to meet the three apple siblings.

Note: crossover is with the "Three Billy Goats Gruff"
Cover: LunaDarkridge11

Chapters (1)

Everypony knows the stories of Twilight Sparkle's adventures with the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Their heroism in cleansing Princess Luna of the Nightmare, their courage in facing Discord and his anarchy, their resolve to help Ponyville face its many disasters. What everypony doesn't know is that none of those stories ever happened.

This is Big Macintosh's story. And it is true.

Chapters (1)

Hard lives breed hard ponies, whether by choice or by need. A chance meeting, a kindness rebuffed, and a direction of travel shared all lead to a journey of self-discovery on two fronts.

Cover is a composite of images from the talented artists Murphylaw4me and Dufy.

Chapters (7)

Sometimes, we all need company. Big Mac found his in the form of a doll — a filly's mere toy. She provided companionship as an inanimate object, but now, it's not enough. Big Mac attempts to find a way to transform her into something more capable of understanding, but when he does, will he be able to make the ultimate sacrifice to see it through?

Chapters (8)

One day you're the princess of love, niece of the ruler of Equestria, living a fairy tale life, loved by all, married to a well respected captain of the guard. But not everything is at it appears to be...

Chapters (19)

Click the <♪♬♪> links for musical accompaniment!

Octavia Philharmonica was one of the most skilled classically-trained cellists of her generation. She could book entire concert halls chock full of mares and stallions from across the land to hear the somber anthems of her instrument of choice: the cello.

After the complete disaster that was the 1000th Annual Grand Galloping Gala, she found herself banned from doing that which was her life's only calling. Alone and with nopony to turn to, she finds unexpected companionship in the current patron of the Apple Family, a certain red stallion by the name of Big Macintosh.

Mad props to Scootareader for having the patience to pre-read this as I wrote it as well. In my previous fics, I had never used pre-readers. Yeah, I know. Nooooot smart.

Vectors used in the cover art were created by Scrimpeh and Esipode. Background by BronyB34r.

Chapters (2)

Tara Sparks is the new girl at Canton High School. And being a bookworm makes it hard for her to fit in with her fellow students. She eventually meets a small group of girls who, despite varying personalities and social backgrounds, bond together and face the various trials of high school together. She might even get some helpful advice from her favorite childhood toy. So join Tara and her new friends: Diane, Jacqueline, Rene, Rachel, and Felecia.

My first humanized fan fic.


This picture may not reflect how I describe the characters in the story. This was just my favorite image to use.

Chapters (1)

Since the moment Jon was first approached by Celestia to interview ponies, from the mystic land known as Equestria, he knew that one day he would have to interview that pony. A pony of such overwhelming importance and prominence that he would need to call upon all his years of training to properly execute an interview worthy of their presence.

It is on this day that Jon will interview such a pony. But the question is what new secrets will be revealed.

Please feel free to leave a suggestion for who Jon should interview next.

Thank you to Zeta040 for proofreading this.

Disclaimer: One does not need to read previous interviews to read this though there might be some references to previous guest appearances.
For more Equestrian interviews with Jon Stewart please visit the browse section of all my other stories.

Chapters (2)