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For the longest time, Celestia had spent Hearth's Warming Eve the same way.


Well, at least until a certain purple filly comes along.

Chapters (1)

The weather's grown cold, and the leaves are starting to fall. But this change in temperature's never quite so bad as long as you have somecreature with you, and at least for now Applejack and Ember have each other.

But all things change. The seasons, most of all. And as the seasons change, all things under the stratosphere must change with them, for better or for worse.

Maybe—just maybe—A weekend in a cabin in the middle of the woods might be enough to change all that. Especially a weekend with a special somecreature. Maybe it could even be enough to bring about a satisfying ending.

There's only one way to find out.

This isn't, literally speaking, my 50th story; it's a couple stories too late for that. But in terms of wanting a story to celebrate a big, round number, well—here it is. This is something I've wanted to write for a while, but struggling with writing in general's gotten in the way; were it not for EFNW being the shot-in-the-arm that it was for getting me excited about writing again, I may never have finished this at all.

But it's something. And, hopefully regardless of how much everyone else likes it, it's something I can feel glad about for having written. Here's to hoping it won't be the last time I can find satisfaction in a story.

All of my thanks to Flashgen and Wanderer D for helping me out with this; It needed quite a lot of help in the end. Thanks to Cyonix for drawing the cover art of this (I know, actually commissioning art, right? I think that might be a first for me.) Thanks to a musician that I've already thanked before, who I'll be annoyingly cryptic about.

And thanks to the many, many other people responsible for making MLP:FiM exist.

Chapters (8)

While a thunderstorm brews outside the Zephyr Heights palace walls, a teenage Zipp Storm reads her sister a bedtime story.

Featured on-site 10/6/2022 - 10/8/2022
Featured on EQD 10/24/2022
Live reading by StraightToThePointStudios

* Proofread by LevelDasher
* Cover art by ScribblePotato
* Inspired by scenes from TYT & MYM
* Takes place several years before the start of G5

Chapters (1)

Bonbon and Lyra are travelling to Bitaly for their honeymoon, and Lyra is eager to try the local cuisine. Which may cause the newlyweds to discover a little something about themselves...

Something I finished just in time for Valentine's Day. I was in a bit of a rush because I've just recovered from Covid, but I hope you like it.

Chapters (1)

Much like most griffons, Gallus is no stranger to exploiting every loophole he sees.

Even if it's to someone else's detriment.

After all, it's not his fault they didn't see it.

So when he gets an assignment aiming to practically sing the praises of Equestrian Generosity, he instead decides to prove that it only takes ten bits to destroy what most ponies hold dear.

Little does he know, Pinkie Pie's cupcakes are not meant to be trifled with.

Written for the Thousand Words Contest in the Experimental and Comedy categories.

Based, in part, on this article about cheesed sticks.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Morning Shared By Two

Sandbar visits Canterlot Castle to give a gift to someone close to him.

Completed for the Thousand Words Contest in the Angst category.

Chapters (1)

Ever since the defeat of Cozy Glow, it was no surprise that the group of students known as the 'Young Six' would remain close friends outside of classes. However, it seemed that Gallus and Smolder were eager to enjoy one another's company away from the others. After numerous instances of the gryphon and dragon slipping away without much explanation, the other four students of their group were determined to learn the truth of their secretive outings. Were Gallus and Smolder secretly a couple? Or was there more to their private meetings that their friends weren't aware of?

To get to the bottom of things, Ocellus was quick to hatch a foolproof plan with their friends. Unfortunately, even with the surveillance in check, none of the group were prepared for truth about the taboo indulgences the two shared with one another...

Chapters (1)

Most mornings, it's hard to drag yourself out of bed and face the day. Especially when you were in the middle of a lovely dream, or in the company of a lovely stallion.

Gallus isn't the type to drag himself out of bed on a good day, usually hitting the snooze button to return to blissful sleep, but sometimes things just need to get done early in the morning.

Sandbar isn't one to let his little griffon escape so easily.

Only one will win out, but money tends to be on the huge earth pony.

Written for the A Thousand Words Contest in the genre of, of course, Fluff! And there's nothing fluffier than a little bit of GallBar!

Sticking to a thousand words was very difficult. But hopefully I've made the gay palpable.

And art is by Kam who does lovely art.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is fat. Obese might be a better descriptor, considering the sheer size she's accumulated. And yet, the size she possesses is but a drop in the bucket for the rest of the Princesses. She wishes to be as big as they are, and yet, her mind is misted in doubt. She dosen't believe herself worthy to attain such an impressive size. However, the other three do think she's ready, and have hatched a cunning plan to enable to Princess of Friendship to reach sizes unimaginable...

This is a 3000 word commission for DOTB21

This story contains:
-Weight Gain - Obese to blob sized
-Slight emotive sections

Chapters (1)

Equestria is facing a bit of a problem. A weight problem that is affecting everypony, and indeed everycreature. Seemingly by no fault of their own, everyone seems to be gaining 20 pounds of fat every day. Regardless of any exercise or dieting, the weight piles on day after day. Will Twilight and the gang be able to stave off their ever-growing temptations, or will they give in to their ever-rising hunger brought on by this insidious curse?

This is a 6000 word commission for Fatblack

This story contains:
-Weight Gain - Chubby to Blob sized
-Slight romance

Chapters (3)