• Member Since 5th Aug, 2021
  • offline last seen June 16th




This story is a sequel to Forbidden Love

When the spell goes wrong, and Ineritus is sent to the past rather than the future, what will he do when he faces someone with whom he was once intimate?

Chapters (2)

Equestria and the Crystal Empire have been at war as of late. The Element Bearers? Nothing more than captives of King Sombra.

Candy plans to do nothing more than survive and help the wounded. Little does she know, things will go much differently than she planned...

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash helps Rarity out. Twilight receives a new spellbook. Now, what could possibly go wrong?

...I'm not sure you want to know.

This is a request from JBlaser.

Chapters (1)

On a cold, wintry night, someone knocks on Rarity's door. Who could it be? And who would go out now, especially with such a heavy snowfall?

Chapters (1)

Tired of how creepily Zephyr stares at Rainbow, Rarity takes action.

Chapters (1)

King Sombra goes to Canterlot.

Princess Luna fills her thoughts with him.

Celestia hates Sombra due to being embarrassed in front of him and because he
paid more attention to Luna.

But if Luna fell in love with Sombra... What would happen if Celestia found out?

Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to The King Of Pizza

Here is the much awaited sequel to The King Of Pizza!

A year ago, King Sombra was sent to earth instead of being killed by The Elements Of Harmony.

He landed in a human girl's house. The girl's name was Esmeralda.

They got along with each other most of the time.

And now, in The King Of Pizza 2, their adventures will continue.

Chapters (4)

King Sombra has been living with Rushing Wind for quite a while now. He's used to always finding her right behind him, but when one day Sombra wakes up to find Rushing not there... what will happen? Where is she?

This is a little like Sleepy Hollows... And the suicide/self harm tag is just to be on the safe side.

Chapters (1)