A guy who loves Mlp, video games, anime, and Kamen Riders
I write sometimes || Local Moron // Discord - Spazz_Kiddles
Just another local idiot who loves to write crossovers.
A saga of Sonic the Hedgehog characters living in G5 Equestria.
Hi. *tips fedora* love to make stories on the spot which is unprofessional and reckless but oh well. #YNWA.
I like guns, Resident evil, Story of the Blanks, Them's Fightin' Herds and Ruby is the best damn mare in all of Equestria. I mostly write HiE fanfiction, so come and take a peek!
I love to watch TOKU series shows and love to write fanfiction
the weakest thing there is and the smallest crawling thing, and the worm upon the earth and in the earth
Devianart Page: https://www.deviantart.com/danyram1308
All you need to know about me. I don't start another story until I finish one.
A fan of “Sonic The Hedgehog”, “Super Mario Bros.”, “Kirby”, “Crash Bandicoot”, and “Mlp Friendship is Magic”
If you find an instance of me being wrong, that's non-canon.
I like MLP, Undertale, anime, Kingdom Hearts, and other stuff! I hope to be friends with people here!
The Guy who wrote "Dibs on My Sister". Prereader for Firesight, writer of erotic fanfiction and lover of Eeveelutions.
"There is a superhero in all of us. We just need the courage to put on the cape." - Superman (Profile Icon art credit - https://www.instagram.com/aranchovy
I like ponies, books, writing books, books about ponies, and writing books about ponies.
Let there be ambiance, and may it be white, white as the snow; For even someone shrouded in darkness...can be the hero who saves the light.
"Just because you're offended doesn't mean you're right." — Dave Chappelle
"Why, as a child, I thought sharks were my friends. [In ominous voice] I know better now." -Professor Membrane