• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


A guy who loves Mlp, video games, anime, and Kamen Riders


Remaking my Displace Story · 10:05pm Feb 21st, 2022

Not sure on how to start this, but I figured this would be the best way to explain an issue I have been having trouble with my displaced story and decided to remake it with a different rider one that hasn't been featured on Fimfiction and because I didn't want this to be another Kamen rider Zio clone story since to my knowledge there are 3 already made. Plus I wanted to honor the legacy of the very first rider that started Kamen riders in the first place.

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Remaking Crimson Prince · 9:08pm Feb 1st, 2022

So i have decided to remake the Crimson Prince story due to having lost interest on the direction of the story and to fix various errors made while writing it.

first change is that the beings of Equestria will be anthros instead of being mostly human and looking like their Equestria girl counterparts for i plan on having that world be a separate world next to my ocs universe.

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Delay on stories · 8:18pm Oct 26th, 2021

Hey guys it's me just to give you a heads up I have recently started helping my dad on renovating the basement which means their will be delays on future chapters on my Frank story and other stories. But will make an attempt on posting one at least hope you all understand

And I will see you in the next post

Report DaymanHS · 172 views ·

About my oc Frank · 9:15pm Jul 1st, 2021

One thing I wanted to point out about my character Frank because someone mentioned him being op and I wanted to go out an say that's the point. You see Frank is a being who simply became this way not by choice and because of this he became a power house. After what he has been through he only wants to live a peaceful life but his power draws the attention of certain individuals who see him as a threat or wish to exploit his abilities. And how it's become a constant reminder that he is not human

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News for a crossover · 7:44pm Mar 18th, 2021

Hey guys if any of you have any stories to have a crossover with Dayman and Frank let me because I am interested in having these two in other stories.

I haven't reached when to do it yet I only wanted to know if anyone's interested. If you are then hit me and we will work something out. Hope to hear from you guys soon.

Report DaymanHS · 146 views · #crossover

Adding some new stuff to the last chapter plus new chapter · 1:35am Mar 11th, 2021

You all remember my Crimson Prince story right?

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Working on the chapters · 3:49am Feb 12th, 2021

At this moment I am working on the next chapter of this story and will be posted soon once I finish proof reading it. Also I wish to thank you all who have shown love to this story because I didn't expect this story to receive such attention due to creating a character who is like superman. I honestly thought it would drive people away but I am happy to see some of you liking it so far.

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Great news · 2:33am Jan 19th, 2021

Hey guys

I just want to apologize for the long wait I honestly should have gotten this out already but I was caught up with other stuff and losing inspiration from what to write next until today. So far I have the second part to this story and will post it soon and will work on the other as well. And again I apologize and will insure that I get them done soon

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Hey guys · 9:59pm Nov 5th, 2020

If any of you are collectors check this out


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Re-editing some chapters · 6:31pm Oct 28th, 2020

okay so after seeing that I messed up on some of the chapters for this story I decided to go back and fix them real quick and honestly I wonder why I didn't fix them in the first place. I apologize for my sloppy writing for this story and assure to you all that it won't happen again and honestly I find it more easier to write it on my laptop then on my phone. Anyway I hope you all enjoy the story and will see you in the next post.

Report DaymanHS · 85 views ·